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Canadian-made Bodies Which Provide Much Comfort for the Driver.
SINCE THE FORD one-ton chassis kJ came on to the Britisfr market a few years ago it has -become very popular. It is acknowledged (without wishing to flatter unduly our American cousins) to be an undoubted success, and the reason for its popularity lies not only in its mechanical efficiency but also to a great extent in the fact that there is a wide demand for a vehicle of a carrying capacity of this standard. Until the Ford one-tonner arrived, very few attempts had been made to meet the ever-increasing demand among smaller tradesmen for a vehicle which was able to carry, without exceeding its rated capacity, more than the ordinary Ford chassis. True enough several British manufacturers with wide reputations and ample resources at their demands did endeavour to bridge the gap, but their efforts were not altogether characterized by perseverl ing energy, and the result was that the .business slipped through their fingers and -the American manufacturer, grasping his opportunity, clinched the market by the use of pushiul methods. The British manufacturer is largely to blame for this loss of trade, but he should not be discouraged by the astuteness of the Americans. The demand for a one-ton chassis is even more pressing now than it has been in the past. If the British manufacturer can only produce an efficient chassis on quantity production lines to compete as regards price and quality with the Ford, he is assured of a big selling market if he sets out on an extensive campaign.
The Ford one-toriner, as is probably known, is only supplied by the company
as a chassis. This means, of course, that every purchaser of one of these useful chassis requires a body built to suit the vehiele as well as his particular requirements. With the number of these chassis which are now being turned out, it is not surprising to learn that standardized bodies to suit the Ford one-ton chassis are now being produced. In this matter Canada has a substantial advantage on account of its unrivalled supplies of high-grade woods. It will, therefore' interest our readers to know that two types of body specially designed for use on the Ford one-ton chassis are now being standardized and,Windsor, Ontario, by the Ke sey Wheel Co., Ltd., for whom Brame°, Ltd., are undertaking the representation in this country. From the illustrations which we reproduce on this page it will be seen that the Kelsey design embodies a feature hither.
to practically unknown in commercial body construction that ,is to say the com pletely-enclosed dub. In many 'designs of
cab fitted on the lighter class of commercial vehicle, as well as the heavier types,
the driver's comfort is so often overlooked, with the result that he is exposed to the cold and the rain, which may mean just the difference between an efficient driver and a non-efficient one. In the Kelsey body design the cab is very cosy, and is sufficiently roomy to accommodate three people. It is well
ventilated and is not only fitted with adjustable windscreen and with glass
windows hoLli at the sides and back, but
is furnished with a door fitted with sliding windows. The doors can be readily re moved if thought necessary during the
summer months ofthe year. It really constitutes an all-season cab and should add considerably to the comfort of the driver, whose lot, especially in a country like ours where uncertain weather conditions are more often than not the rule, is by no means an enviable one.
In regard to load space, the bodies provide ample area for any class of cargo
which is likely to be carried by a one ton vehicle. The stake body shown in one of our illustrations is 60 ins. wide by
94 ins. long. The stakes are 24 ins, long and -fit into malleable iron, pockets on the sides of the body and do not project be yond the body sides. The main sills of this type of body are made of good grade hickory 24 ins. by 44 ins. by 96 ins., and the five cross sills are 2 ins. by 44 ins. The net weight of this body is 426 lb. The other design—an express body it is called—is 67i ins. Wide and 94 ins. long and 14 ins. deep The material used in its manufacture is similar to that used in the construction of the stake body. Its net weight is 400 lb. Braanco, Ltd., are importing these bodies either in the grey or finished in the standard green colour. In order to econo.mine freightage, they are coining through from Canada "knocked down," but they can be readily put together on this side. We are given to understand that the Coventry company will be able to offer them at attractive prices, which will compare favourably with prices asked for similar types of bodies for oneton chassis in this country. Although . primarily designed for attachment to Ford chassis, the Kelsey bodies can be readily adapted to suit any other chassis with a one-ton, capacity. The first consignments are already on the way over to the Brame° Co. We understand that substantial contracts have already been entered into for the supply of the bodies to leading Ford agents and others, amongst whom may
ni be entioned Tom Norton, Ltd., of Llandrindod Wells, who have,placed a large contract and secured the Welsh business.
We think that the two styles of Kelsey bodies will fulfil the demands of most classes of users of the lighter class of vehicle. In particular, the stake body should be very usefully employed amongfarmers and dairymen.