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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs,"—jahn Beattie Crozier.
Petrol Down Again.
A fortnight ago the price of motor spirit was reduced by 30. per gallon (bringing, the retail price of first-quality spirit to Is. Md. per gallon), and on Monday of last week a further cut of id. per gallon was announced, but only to be operative in London and in the surrounding districts.
Trent Motor Co.'s Enterprise.
In Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire districts, as well as in parts of Leicestershire and Staffordshire contiguous to those counties, facilities for motorbus travelling have been increased within recent years through the enterprise of tho Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd. Operations were inaugurated originally at Derby, which still remains the headquarters of the company, but their activities have so expanded that Nottingham has become an equally important centre of traffic, with the result that it has been decided to establish in the city a new garage and repair shops to accommodate 45 buses.
The site selected for the buildings is in Marivers Street, a busy industrial district in the eastern area of Nottingham. Plans are being prepared by Mr. A. Ashton, F.R.I.B.A., of St. Anne'son-Sea. The structure will be of brick And stone upon a steel framework, and the arrangements are designed to enable the company to enter upon a large extension of their services.
Transporting Bottled Wines.
One of those classes of load which call for particular care in transport is that of bottled wines, and a vehicle which travels as comfortably as a wellAprung private car is necessary if the load is to reach its destination in good. condition.
A vehicle intended for this class of work has recently been delivered to Messrs. Thomas Rigby, 19, Dale Street, Liverpool, and it is illustrated On this page. It is an A.E.C. 2-tanner, which, as many of our readers know, is an exceedingly well-sprung chassis in itself, hut in order to lessen the risk of
vibration, and to avoid the possibility of shock being communicated to the load, special auxiliary rubber buffers have been fitted to both axles, and the vehicle
is shod with Michelin_ pneumatics. The chassis is fitted with a flat plat. form body, 13 ft. 6 ins, long and 6 ft. 6 ins, wide, the extra length being rendered possible by the long wheelbase of the chassis.
Nuneaton's New Regulations.
The Nuneaton police have now received instructions from the watch cornmittee of the town to take proceedings in the case of the overcrowding of buses, whilst the carrying of petrol tins in omnibuses and the replenishment of tanks whilst passengers are aboard the buses are forbidden.
How to Acquire Driving Skill.
A new edition of "How to Drive a Car" has just been issued by Temple Press Ltd. The hook, which is now in its eighth edition, has been entirely rewritten and re-illustrated, and in view of the fact that there is vastly more traffic on the roads to-day than a few years ago, it should form a handy reference book for those who are desirous of acquiring knowledge on driving. which is an art requiring skill, sound
judgment and rapid decisions. It is of equal value to the beginner and to the experienced 'hand at driving, and can be obtained from these offices, price 2s. 6c1., post free 2s. 9d.
A New Indestructible Map.
The Wolseley all-weather motor map is certainly fully entitled to the name given to it. In fact, we doubt if ever any map that is useful and practicable as the guide and friend of a motor driver has been produced which would "stand anything " and come out unscathed as the Wolseley map must do. The scale is 4 miles to the inch, and it has been produced by the Ordnance Survey Office, and, from an extensive acquaintance with maps, we should say that, for fulls ness of essential information combined with clearness and readableness, the map answers all requirements. We are no believer in a map which shows a road between one place and the next more or less as a straight line. We want the guide which is given by as true a representaticat of the twists and turns, the crossings and junctions being at their correct angles, as is,possible. Each map is 9 ins. by 6 ins, on a thin but firm card, vasnished on bath sides, so that each sheet feels as if it were of celluloid. There are 87 sheets to England and Wales, divided into five books, the leaves being eyeletted and each book being bound up between two stiff covers by means of two hinged rings. Each book has an index sheet, on the back of which is a pagesof scales, a•guide to the various characteristics employed and a colour scale to explain the contours.
Undoubtedly the best thing of its kind, this series of maps, published by the All. WeatherMotor Maps, Ltd. (associated with Wolseley Motors, Ltd.), of Wolseley House, •Piccadilly, London, W.1, has probably only one drawback, and that is that it cannot be produced at a law price. We have not yet been advised as to the selling price, but, considering the durabilityof the maps, the fact that they are virtually indestructible, they would no doubt be the cheapest in the long run, particularly where they were put to hard use, for a hundred journeys would leave them as good as new, whereas one wet journey will often ruin a set of linen-mounted maps.
Blackpool Bus Results.
Some interesting statistical information relating to the operations of the Blackpool motorbus services is con-. tamed in the annual report of the trarnways,manager, which .ha just been issued. The tramways department has in ilts service six single-deck motorbuses, One double-decker, two tower wagons, three motorvans and lorries, and a Fordson tracter.
The loss sustained by the motorbue department during the past 12 months amounted:to 21,414. Under the heading of expenditure, maintenance and repairs figure at 2747, whilst traffic expenses accounted for £2;984 andlthe fuel bill totalled 21,199. The total traffic revenue was £5,055 on the regular bus services, the total income being L5076, this figure comparing with £2,767 in 1923 and £1,771 in 1922. The number of passengers carried was 286,862, and the number of bus-miles run 106,715.
Police Test Coach Speeds.
After challenging, the police to test the speed capacity of his motor coach, a Wigan owner appeared as a defendant in a summons issued against him for exceeding the limit.
The chief constable said the case was adjourned three weeks ago in order that the police might test the machine. The evidence then tendered by four police officers was to the effect that between two given points the char-aebancs was driven at 29 miles per honk. On August 31st the .machine was tested by the police, and the driver, who had never driven a vehicle of that description before, carried 28 people, and the speed be obtained was 23 miles per hour.,
The test was carried out by a sergeant in the Wigan Fire Brigade. The Bench imposed a fine. The fact that the vehicle was driven at a speed exceeding the legal limit on a test occasion is net, necessarily proof that it is driven at high rates of speed on regular service.
Road Motors Accelerate Postal Deliveries.
A motor mail service is to be inaugurated for the whole of the Wensleydale district of Yorkshire, and the contract for the services has been secured by the Richmondshire Garages, Richmond. It is expected that by the utilization of motor vehicles the delivery of the morning mail will be expedited in the remotest parts of the Dale, and will result in a saving of La hrs.
Karriers for South Wales.
The picture which is reproduced on this page shows a convoy of Karrier vehicles passing through Church Stratton on their way from the manufacturers' works at Huddersfield to Mr. H. K Austin who, from offices at 61,
Bute Street, Austin, represents the com pany in South Wales districts.
Of the five vehicles which are shown, two are the company's Z:.type 25-cwt. model, ta-o are of the C-type 30-cwt. class, the last machine being a CY-type 18-seater demonstration bus.The four vans constitute an order received from Messrs. Hopkin Morgan, bakers and confectioners, of Trealaw, and they are for operation in very hilly districts. This company put their first mechanical road vehicle into service so long ago as 1912, when they purchased a 2-ton Karrier vehicle, and that it has given satisfaction and has proved durable is indicated by the fact that it is still in regular service.
Legislation Committee Move.
We are informed that the Motor Legislation Committee, the secretary of which is Mr. Albert E. Cave, has changed its address to 188, Palace Cham
bers, Street, London, S.W.1.
A.E.C. Manchester Business.
The Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., of Walthamstow, inform us that the direct factory representative for their business in the Manchester area is Mr. H. Noel, whose address is 191, Oxford Road, C.-on-M., Manchester.
Permanent Show of Electrics.
A permanent exhibition of electric commercial vehicles has been opened in New York by the New York Edison Co., and leading manufacturers of electrically propelled vehicles for all kinds of industrial uses, as well as accessories for them, are displayed.
B.A.T. Traffic Receipts.
The traffic receipts on the passenger vehicles run by the British Automobile Traction Co.'s group for the 33 weeks ended August 15th showed an increase of £248,666 over the corresponding period of last year, the aggregate receipts for the period being £1,144,570. The receipts for the week ended August 1st were £62,926, for the week ended August 8th £69,515, and for the following week £59,243, these being the latest figures which are available.
Newport's Bus Plans.
The Newport (Mon..) Town Council is to extend the sphere of operation of its motorbuses BO as to embrace all districts within the borough and certain areas beyond the boundaries, and the scheme will be put into effect so soon as Parliamentary sanction can be obtained to the running of buses considerably beyond the confines of the borough. It has been suggested that the buses should be run to places so far afield as Usk and Abergavenny, as there are at, present no established services linking up these places with Newport, although both of them figure on the regular itineraries of Newport coach proprietors. The parliamentary committee has been instructed to take immediate steps to procure the necessary sanction for the plying for hire of buses on the new routes which have . been tentatively drawn up.
For Maintaining Worcester's Roads.
The county surveyor of Worcester has recently sent us a copy of the report of the main roads and bridges cOmmittes of his county. council, which shows that the expenditure for the year ended March 31st was £251,052.
In connection with the work of this department, 21 motor vehicles are employed, the fleet consisting of six 5-ton Clayton steam wagons, nine Garrett steam wagons of a similar capacity, four 3-4-ton Dennis petrol lorries and two 3-ton Leylands of a similar type. The total number of days worked -by these vehiclea during the year was 5,073, and the mileage which they covered was 202,240, the total weight of the loads
transported being 111,852 tons. The average cost per ton of material transported was 40.85d., and the average cost per mile 10.5ad. In arriving at these costs, wages of drivers, steersmen and loaders, fuel, stores, depreciation (15 per cent. for steam wagons and 20 per cent, for petrol vehicles), repairs, renewals, registration and insurance are included.
London's Efficient Ambulances.
Following certain complaints which have been made concerning the London County Council ambulance service, the traffic sub-committee of the metropolitan boroughs standing joint committee has recently issued a report which is intended to serve as an answer to the critics of the service.
In the first place, it is pointed out that in a number of the cases that has come to notice where delay has occurred in the arrival of an ambulance at the scene of an accident it hat been due to a lack of knowledge of the facilities .. which exist for summoning a vehicle. It ie stated that the percentage of cases in which ambulances were not immediately available on receipt of calls during the years 1922-1923 and 1923-1924 was 3.5 (approximately 990 calls during the latter period); but, as this indicates many cases where the delay was only trifling and the average time for all stations for reaching a case is 8.15 mine., the council does not think that these figures can be regarded as unduly high. It is expected that the provision of a new station at Woolwich will enable the average time for reaching a case to be reduced, especially if the public will aid the service by allowing free use of their telephones.
There are ten ambulance stations in the council's area, these being located at Fulham, Bloomsbury, Shoreditch, Highbury, Lee, Brixton, Battersea, " Elephant," Poplar and Hampstead, and in the year 1923-1924 they dealt with 28,Z70 calls as compared with 24,626 in the previous 1.2 months.
Peterborough Bus Suggestions. At a meeting of the Peterborough Watch Committee consideration was given to letters whieh had been forwarded to the town clerk and chief constable by the local manager of the Peterborough Electric Traction Co., B22
Ltd., suggesting (1) that there should be an alternative route for buses entering the town from the north and (2) that the buses, of the Peterborough Electric Traction Co., Ltd., should be allowed to stand in 'Long Causeway and also should be allowed to pass through Narrow Street from Long Causeway on market days. After careful consideration. however, the committee found itself unable to fall in with the suggestions.
Inst. P.E. Annual Meeting and Dinner.
About 100 members of the Institution of Production Engineers and their guests assembled recently at the Engineers' Club for the fourth general meeting of the Institution, when the president for the forthcoming session, Mr. W. L. Fisher, presented his address. The dinner which followed proved a thoroughly enjoyable function, and from several of the speeches it was evident that the Institution is now estab lit bed on a firm basis, both as regards membership and financially. The president put forward a plea for 'further backing by concerns in the engineering
industry. Amongst the guests were Sir Herbert Austin, and Messrs. Rupert. S. Allen, P. V. Vernon, E. W. Petter, Francis. Wade, Arthur Drummond and Herbert G. Williams.
A Transport Manager Available.
We know of a man With a lengthy experience in the industry who is desirous of taking up a post as engineertransport manager. He was a very capable and qualified engineer, and has for many years been in sole charge of a large fleet of commercial vehicles. He is desirou,s of accepting a similar pest, preferably in a. South Coast or West of England district, or he would be prepared to act as an assessor to an insurance company. Letters addressed " TN." will be forwarded.
Insisting on Emergency Exits.
Local authorities in the north country have, since the Nuneaton bus catastrophe, made vigorous efforts to ensure the safety of road travellers, and various schemes have been devised towards attaining this end. The Willington (Durham) Urban District Council has given serious attention to the matter, and, as a preliminary step, has addressed a communication to local bus proprietors plying in the area insisting on the prevision of emergency exits on all vehicles.
Examination of Buses.
At a meeting of the Market. Harborough Urban District Council inquiry was made as to whether buses were inspected, but Mr. W. E. Newman, the clerk, replied that they were not, the licences being issued under an old Act passed in 1874. The clerk added that it was not advisable, for the council to take action, as. further regulationswould probably be made by the Ministry of Transport in the course of a short space of time.
Advice on Fitting Low-pressure Tyres.
In view of the recent interest which has been aroused in the use of balloon tyres, and particularly of the possibility of using equipment of this class on certain types of commeibial vehicle, the leaflet which the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., have recently issued on the fitting arid removal of such tyres is worthy of special attention.
A copy of it can be obtained on application to the company, and in so far as is gives loads and inflation pressures, it should be closely perused by all those using or contemplating the use of lowpressure tyres, Welsh Council's Co-operative Action. A meeting representative of the urban district councils of the County of Mon. mouth and Newport „Borough Council was recently held to consider taking preliminary steps for the co-ordination of but services of the county.
Mr. Rhys Morgan, of the Mynyddislwyn Urban District Council, who presided, outlined the basis of the conference, and stated that under the present system of licensing there was a risk of one authority sanctioning a service and an adjacent body refusing the application, and in such cases the Ministry of Transport virtually acts as the licensing authority in so far as its aid was often sought by bus proprietors. This procedure was considered undesirable from the standpoint of the local governing bodies.
It was also stated that there was need for concerted action owing to the prevalence of acute rivalry between private services, and that it was necessary to reduce the number of competing„buses to a point somewhere near the limit of the public demand. Co-ordinated action, it was said, would enable the ppblic to secure maximum safety and to obtain the best facilities for road travel.
The decision of the conference means that the existing transport advisory committee to the Monmouth Urban District Councils, Which was mainly representative of the authorities in mining districts, will cease to exist, and that a representative committee of the whole county will come into being.
Birkenhead's Paying Buses.
During the five years they have been in operation the Birkenhead Corporation motorbuses have made a total profit of £36,567, of which £19,147 has helped in relief of rates. Last year 3,401,777 passengers were carried on the motorbuses, and the mileage run was 527,643. The accounts for the past year show a gross profit of £18.238, which, after deduct ing £6,441 for interest and sinking fund charges, income tax, etc., leaves a net profit of £11,797. The motorbus reserve fund now stands at £12,337. Six new buses were added to the fleet during the year, the number in operation on March 31st last being 23, but a further six buses have been delivered since April 1st, making the present total 29.
Middlesbrough's Successful Buses.
An interesting statement relative to the operations of the Middlesbrough tram and omnibus services has just been presented to the Corporation Tramways Committee by the deputy borough accountant. The total working profit on the system/ after allowing for costs of various kinds, was £19,302.
So far as the reduction in the charges upon the rates for the two systems is concerned, that in respect of the buses during the first year of operation was £10,519, interest and redemption charges having been paid. That figure was subsequently reduced to £7,698, and for the past year was only £4,635, in view of trade condition, the position is regarded by the committee as quite satisfactory.
Improving the Great North Road.
Owners of commercial motor vehicles will learn with satisfaction that, the Ministry of Transport is formulating a comprehensive scheme for bringing the Great North Road up to a standardized condition. At the last meeting of the Rutland County Council, through whose territory an important section of the road runs, it was stated that the necessary funds will be provided for the works in that area, upon condition that the council expends upon other roads under their jurisdiction an amount equivalent to any saving accruing to it in regard to the larger undertaking.
The scope of the Ministry's policy in relation to the matter generally is indicated by the explanation afforded in a letter to the Rutland authorities, stating it is considered that, where it is necessary to acquire land for the en
largement of the road, an endeavour should he made to secure a width of 60 ft. between the fences, and that in the neighbourhood of populous centres a finished carriageway of 30 ft. should be aimed at, with at least one footway.
By reason of the great developments of motor traffic, the Rutland Council has had for many years to incur an expenditure on the road disproportion at to the county's financial resources and the Ministry's solution of an irksome problem has occasioned gratification.
Pig-carrying by Halley Lorry.
The Scottish Bacon Curing Factories CO., Ltd., have recently opened a new factory at Stirling, and to assist in the work carried out at this centre a new 2-ton Halley lorry has recently been acquired. The body of the vehicle is somewhat unusual in so far as it peaassess hinged sides with detachable sparred tops. It is intended mainly for the transport of live pigs, etc., and for the purpose of facilitating the loading and unloading of the animals a 'special form of ramp is carried on the venicle. The bodywork was carried out by Messrs. Westwood and Smith, Sinton Motor Works, Gorgie, Edinburgh.
Bridges in Worcestershire.
Important bridge improvements are about to be made in Worcestershire. A new structure is to be built over the River Avon at Pershore, and the Worcestershire County Council has applied to the Ministry of Health.for permission to barrow £5,200 for the purpose of proceeding with the work.
In regard to the proposed new bridge over the Avon at Evesham, the Evesham Town Council has unanimously agreed to give general support to the scheme, and to be responsible for onehalf share of the 35 per sent. balance of the cost so long as its share does not exceed £7,000. The Ministry of Transport has provisionally, agreed to make a contribution of 65 per cent, towards the cost, and it is expected that a start will be made at once.
A Narrow Victory.
The Houghton-le-Spring Rural District Council has now reversed its previous action in respect to applications made by the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., who sought permission to operate over a number of new routes; and, as a consequence, the road transport facilities of the Wearside district will be considerably augmented in the near future.
At a previous meeting, when the company specified their routes, it was agreed only to grant the licences for routes which they already used. In the meantime the clerk has obtained information as to the powers of the council with reference to the whole situation and lia,s been in touch with the Rural District Councils Association, which stated that if the council refused sanction the company had the right to appeal to the Minister of Transport for a definite ruling.
Some members thought that the interests of the Sunderland District Tramways Co. should be protected, especially as they are running buses over some parts of their system, but eventually an amendment was proposed that the licences should be granted, and this was carried by the narrow margin of one vote.
Bus Progress on Tyneside.
Whilst the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., of Chester-le-Street, have made admirable progress in the way of providing facilities in various localities on ,Tyneside and in the northern portion of the county of Durham, they have not, so far, been able to link up districts on the south side of the Tyne and in the country lying between Gateshead and Sunderland so well as they desire, owing to the difficulty of securing the approval of some of the local authorities in the intervening neighbourhood. They are now making strong efforts, however, to supply passenger transport facilities in these areas, and have received sanction from the Flebburn Urban District Council to inaugurate a new route between Flebburn and Gateshead, and, further, the council has agreed to support the companzs's application to the Gateshead Corporation to run the service to Wellington Street, Gateshead.
Comment was made upon the condition of some of the buses at present being operated between Jarrow and Hebburn, and the council has agreed that no further licences shall be issued unless vehicles are provided with emergency exits.
A Special Guy Tanker. Guy. Motors, Ltd., of Wolverhampton, have Just delivered an interesting type of vehicle to the Gas Light and Coke Co.,
Ltd. It is a 220-gallon tank wagon which has been specially constructed for carrying gas liquor. The tank is mounted on the company's 30-cwt. chassis, and with a wheelbase of 8 it. 9 ins, and a large angle of lock, the vehicle can be manoeuvred with ease in confined spaces.
For the purpose of filling the tank, the gearbox is fitted with an overhead form of drive, which is coupled up to a rotary exhauster. The control is effected by an independent lever close to the driver's seat. An air-tight filler is used wlien the tank is being filled by gravity, and there is a cock at the rear connected to a length of hose for use when filling from low levels.
The air-suction pipe between the tank and exhauster is fitted with a ball-seating valve in order to prevent overfilling
E24 of the tank and flowing of the liquid into the exhauster; this is fitted with a snifter valve, which operates when the sealing valve closes to prevent overload on the exhauster.
A sight-feed-gauge is disposed on the back of the driver's cab, so that the level of the liquid in the tank can be ascertained, and a vacuum gauge is also fitted to indicate the suction when the exhauster is working. The vehicle is shod with pneumatic tyres of 880 mm. by 120 ram. dimensions, twins being fitted at the rear.
Leyland Stockists in Manchester.
Messrs. W. Senior and Son, Bazaar Street, Ford Lane, Pendleton, Manchester ask Us to point out that they have been appointed repairers and stockists for Leyland Motors, Ltd., in Manchester and district.
Moseley's Liverpool Representative.
David Moseley and Sons, Ltd., inform na that they have appointed Mr. Archie G. Cocks, the well-known motorcycle rider and holder of many trophies, as manager of their Liverpool branch, and that the area in which he will represent the company includes districts in North Wales.
Local Proceedings.
Glasgow Corporation Tramways Committee has purchased a Leyland motor lorry.
Portland Urban District Council has decided to purchase a Ford motor ambulance at a cost of £200.
Wigan Corporation is inviting tenders for the supply of four single-deck trolley-buses.
Portland Urb,an District Council has purchased a mistervan from Messrs. Ca'abbe and Co. at a cost of £170.
The Wombwell Council has decided to purchase a Leyland fire-engine with first-aid equipment at a cost of £1,137.
Leeds Corporation has withdrawn from its proposed Parliamentary Bill the proposals regarding powers for running motor omnibuses on certain routes beyond the city boundaries.
Penzance Watch Committee has instructed the town clerk to take, the necessary steps to obtain a by-law limiting the speed of motor vehicles through the town or, alternatively, across the promenade.
Before buying more horses the Northfleet Urban °District Council has decided to await a report on mechanical traction by the sanitary inspector, who has inspected various types of municipal motor vehicle at work.
In order that the motor ambulance may always be available for emergencies the Blyth Town Council has arranged to pa 7 retaining fees of 5s. a week to drivers who can always he relied upon to respond to calls.
Aylesbury Corporation has adopted a. new by-law making it, an offence for any person upon a public vehicle to throw money to be scrambled for, or attach to the vehicle any streamer or balloon in such a manner as to cause injury.
Glasgow Corporation Tramway Committee is considering an offer from Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd., Yoker, offering their services in connection with the repair and maintenance of the omnibuses at present under construction for the corporation.