WHEELS of INDUSTRY "The wheels of wealth will be slowed
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by all difficulties of transport al whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over tthich it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
An Authoritative Work on the Road Traffic Act.
For many years the "Law Relating o Motor Cars" by Messrs. Mahaffy and Dodson has-been regarded as a standard work upon the somewhat involved question of the law as applied to road transport. The latest book written by Mr. Robert P. Mahaffy, B.A., and by Mr. Gerald Dodson, B.A., LL.M., is "The Road Traffic Act, 1930." It is priced at 5s. and is published by Butterworth and Co. (Publishers), Ltd., Bell Yard, Temple Bar, London, W.C.2. It deals with the new Act in a comprehensive manner and the index at the back of the book makes reference to any particular section quite easy, even to the layman.
Lectures on Transport Economics.
Mechanical transport, its organization and economics, is now a recognized subject of instruction at the London Polytechnics. The first series of lectures is to be presented at the coming session at the North Western Polytechnic, Kentish Town, London, N.W.
The syllabus is comprehensive and involves attendance during two evenings each week. It conforms closely with that laid down by the Institute of Transport in connection with its examination. The lecturer appointed by the Polytechnic is Mr. H. Scott Hall, An Important Move by Coach Owners.
As we close for press we are notified of an important development in connection with coach operation in the Metropolis. Several vehicle operators have for some time felt strongly upon the question of the liberal granting of licences to large organizations at the expense of existing operators working on a smaller scale. At a recent meeting convened by Mr. C. Dobbs, managing director of the Skylark Motor Coach Co., Ltd., Acton Town Garage, Gunnersbury Lane, London, W.3, it was decided to combat in an active manner troubles which beset them and, by a vote of those present, Mr. Dobbs was appointed to the sole control of the movement, all members being in agreement on this matter.
A weekly meeting is to be held of those concerned, and should others wish to join the present number, Mr. Dobbs will be glad to hear from them. Every effort will be made to oppose what is regarded as indiscriminate licensing, or other movements which may in any way affect motor-coach operators.
Petrol Stations as Telegraph Offices. The modern trend of travel by road is indicated by the announcement of the inauguration early next month in the United States of telegraph service facilities by the Postal Telegraph and Cable Corporation from the petrol stations of the various companies of the Standard Oil group.
Under this arrangement, drivers of motor coaches and 'lorries will be able to report their movements without c20 delay and receive headonarters' instructions, the holidaymaker will be in a position to communicate with borne, or reserve rooms in an hotel a day's drive away while he is purchasing petrol, and the salesman on arriving in a town will not have to waste time searching for a telegraph office. Moreover, business and shopping centres will he extremely well catered for, and one can appreciate the facility of the service wherein a driver stops at a service station, asks for a telegraph form and the garage attendant takes the telegram and despatches it immediately.
Lorry Bodies Wanted.
The India Store Depot, Belvedere Road, Lambeth, London, S.E.1, requires fenders for the supply Of 10 lorry bodies for breakdown vehicles. Further, particulars can be obtained from the address we have given and tenders have to be delivered by September 26th.
The Minister and Compulsory Insurance • To-morrow. (Wednesday) the Minister of Transport has arranged th meet representatives of insurance companies to discuss the question of the third-party insurance clauses of the Road Traffic Act. The date from which compulsory insurance will be insisted upon has not yet been officially fixed.
Lectures on the Road Traffic Act.
We learn that Mr. F. G. Bristow, F.C.I.S„ M.Inst.T., general secretary of the C.M.U.A., is giving a series of addresses on the provisions of the Road Traffic Act, before Various technical and commercial organizations -in many districts, includingBarnet, Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol, Cambridge, Lincoln, Manchester, Margate, Salisbury, Southampton and Tunbridge Wells.
It is hoped inthis way to bring home to owners and drivers of all classes of motor vehicle their responsibilities under this new measure.
Engineers Required by the Ministry of Transport.
The Ministry of Transport is inviting applications for appointments as engineers in the offices of the Divisional Road Engineers. The posts are nonpensionable and the commencing salary is £400 per annum inclusive, with prospects of increase up to a maximum of £500. Candidates should have had experience under a highway authority and' possess practical knowledge of modern road and bridge construction. Preference will be given to those who have served in ELM.Forces. Forms of application should be inquired for in writing to the Establishment Officer, Ministry of Transport; Whitehall Gardens, London, &W.1, and the latest date for the receipt of the completed forms is October 1st.
£.450,000 Road Scheme Completed.
The last link in the boulevard connecting Glasgow with Bowling, a distance of 7-1, miles, was completed with the opening up to traffic of the -new bridge across the Forth and Clyde Canal. The bridge is the first of its kind in Scotland. It has two cantilever footpaths, each 15 ft. wide, and a roadway 40 ft. wide. The bridge is of the roller type, and elaborate safety devices have been installed to warn traffic of its raising and lowering.
The total cost of the boulevard, including the bridge, is approximately £450,000, for which Glasgow Corporation has received grants from the Ministry of Transport representing about 50 per cent. of the cost. The roadway is 140 ft. wide between fences, with two carriageways, each 30 ft. wide, and a central plot.
176 Railway.Stations Closed, to
Passenger Traffic.
As from the beginning of this week another90 railway stations have been closed for Passenger traffic, thusbringing the total number of stations closed during this year.onthe -four-large railway systems-.0 176. The London and North-Eastern Railway has closed 88, the London Midland and Scottish Railway 60, the Great' Western Railway 24 and theSouthern Railway' 4. For the most part the stations are branch ones. The change in transport conditions has been largely brought about by the incursion of themotorbus into rural areas, a feature which has undoubtedly seriously affected the railway takings at these stations. In most cases the districts affected are served by buses run by the railway companies or subsidiary concerns.
Tyre Companies Co-operate.
The Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., of Melksham. Wilts., announces that an arrangement. has been made with -the Seiberling Rubber Co., of Akron, U.S.A., under which the former shall have the exclusive right of manufacturing Seiberling tyres,under the brand " Avon ' Seiberline." in the United Kingdom and the Irish Free State. Avon tyres will be made as hitherto.
Personal Pars.
Sir George Beharrell, managing director of the Dunlop 'Rubber Co., Ltd., recently left for a business trip to the United States.
Herr CI. Quarg, the director of the Berlin Traffic Co., which operates the motorbuses in the German capital, hopes to visit London during next month.
As mentioned elsewhere in this issue, Mr. H. Scott Hall, M.I.A.E., has been appointed lecturer on transport economics at the North Western Polytechnic, Kentish Town, London, N.W. Mr. Hall is better known to our readers under the pseudonym of " S.T.R.," and he has for many years dealt in this journal with the cost of haulage and the economics of transport in general. His new appointment will not interfere with hi activities on our behalf.
Mr. G. R. Greenbergh, who has been closely associated during the past two years with the development of the Diesel engine for road-transport work, is now connected with Walker Brothers (Wigan), Ltd., Pagefield Works, Wigan, his work consisting of general sales development.
A Book on Transport Management.
Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, Ltd., Parker Street, London., W.C.2, has recently published, at 10s. 6d., "Practical Transport Management," by Andrew Hastie, M.Inst.T. As its title indicates, this work deals with several phases of transport and with all media in common use in civilized lands.
There is a separate chapter dealing with industrial road transport. In it the author touches upon general principles regarding transport systems, outlines the types of vehicle best suited to various classes of duty and deals with the legal side of transport operation as at the date of publication—A-ugust/25th, 1920. In addition there are brief sec
tions relating to costing work and maintenance. The book will interest chiefly those who control distributive organizations not confined only to road work.
A Valuable Service for Repairers.
A copy of the 1930-31 edition of the uniVersal catalogue of Messrs. Automotive Parts and Accessories, 332, 334, Easton Road, London, N.W.1, has recently come to hand. This comprehensive publication, whi,Ch is indicative of a vast spare-parts organization, contains details of general parts for all makes as well as a host of special parts for popular makes of cominercial vehicle, ear and motorcycle. Beatings, valves, pistons, gaskets, chains, fabric couplings, crown wheels, Tenoid brake facings, springs, etc., are listed by vehicle makes, with details given as to sizes to facilitate ordering.
A 35-year-old Steamer.
In order to link up with the Railway Centenary Celebrations at Liverpool John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., sent from its works museum its No. I Steani Van, which was built in 1895. When first put on the road for a journey between Chiswick and Cardiff, this vehicle was preceded by a man with a red flag. History was repeated a few days ago, when this vehicle and a flag carrier made a tour of the principal Liverpool
streets. The steam van, of course, moved under its own power, and owing to the existing motor law its road speed was limited to 5 in.p.b, which is much below its capabilities.
Weighing 88 cwt.. the vehicle can, we understand, still draw a load of one ton at 25 m.p.h., on a coal conspraption of about 1 cwt. per 15 miles. The main features of this interesting' wagon consist of a vertical launch-type engine and a water-tube boiler, the final chain drive being carried to the front wheels. The rear wheels are used for steering.
Before taking up a position near the Racket railway engine in the local railway exhibition, which concluded last Saturday, Steam Van No. 1 (to give it its official designation) made a round of calls on Thornycroft users in Liverpool.
Results of a Fuel Competition.
A total of 444,644 entries was received in connection with the recent competition orgarlized by the British Petroleum Co., Ltd., in which competitors were invited to place the 10 leading properties of petrol in their order of merit, the majority vote determining the successful entrants. The first prize of /1,000 was won by Mr. M. White, of Pool Farm, Corsley, Wilts. The order in which the various features were placed was as follows :—(1) miles per gallon, (2) easy starting, (3) unvarying quality, (4) power, (5) acceleration, (6) cleanliness, (7) speed, (8) freedom from deposits, (9) non-pinking, (10) hill-climbiag.
Revised Willys Prices.
Willys Overland Crossley, Ltd., announces that the Willys Express van now sells at £178 instead of £185, whilst the 15.6 h.p. four-cylinder chassis is priced at /155 instead of 1160, the Willys Commerce saloon being listed at £188. whereas previously it was £198.
Halley's Trading Loss.
The report of Halley Motors, Ltd., for the year ended March 31st last shows a loss, after allowing for depreciation, of £12,748, and the debit balance now stands at £14,566. In the balance sheet sundry creditors stand at £3,956 and sundry debtors at £12,553.
Ministry's Decision in Gosport Appeal.
The Minister of Transport has decided not to make an Order against Gosport Borough Council in connection with the inquiry into the case of Mr. J. Dyer, who applied for the renewal of a licence to run a bus service between the Ferry and Ann's Hill. Under the Gosport and Fareham Omnibus CO.'s Act, licences which were not in existence on November 1st, 1928, could not receive the benefit of a special protecting clause, and the point -in question was whether the applicant was entitled to the protection specified in the Act.
Coach-service Licences Not Used.
The town clerk of Wakefield Corporation has submitted letters from the Ministry of Transport with reference to an inquiry in connection with appeals regarding the granting of bus-service
licences. The chief constable has reported that the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co. has failed to thke up the licence for a service from Leeds to London, via Wakefield, granted by the committee in March last. Instructions have been given to the town clerk to communicate with the Minister of Transport and the appellants on the lines now indicated.
Higher Newport Bus Receipts.
The manager of Newport Corporation's buses and tramways Mr. N. J. Young, has reported to the tramways committee that the public has shown its approval of the substitution of buses for trams on the Chepstow Road route. Receipts were slightly higher than those for the tramcars on the route. In the first four months of the current financial year the bus receipts were £1,806 more than in the corresponding period of last year. •
By-pass or Road Widening?
The Woolhampton parish authority has expressed the opinion that the construction of a by-pass road would be detrimental to the village and that the better course to take would be to recondition and widen the existing road. The Ministry of Transport has expressed the view that the road through the village C22 should be widened provided the property,. which it would be necessary to acquire, can be obtained at a reasonable cost. Berks County Council concurs with the view of the Ministry.
Drivers' Licences and Applicants' Fitness.
It is stated that a conference of representatives of •motoring organizations, county councils and police authorities will be held at the Ministry of Transport to-day (Tuesday) to consider the proposed form of declaration as to fitness, which applicants for drivers' licences will be required to fill in Under the terms of the new Road Traffic Act. The Minisster of Transport will be guided by the views expressed in arriving at a final decision in the matter of the list of disabilities to be included in the declaration form. , French Commercial-vehicle Exports.
According to figures just to hand only 3,896 commercial motors were exported from France during the six months ended with June 30th as compared with 4,667 in the corresponding half of the previous year.
A Useful Electrical Instrument.
Nivex Gauge, Ltd., of Tipping Street, Ardwick, Manchester, has recently brought out the Nivex Pocket Detectoscope at 8s. (14. It fits the pocket like a fountain pen and cannot give rise to shocks when in operation. Among its uses are the indication of polarity, location of earths, finding open circuits, indicating leakages, testing insulation, indicating neutral wire, testing continuity, ;bowing A.C., D.C. or rectified D.C., testing condensers, locating faults and disclosing which fuse has blown. It operates on all circuits from 100 volts to 600 volts.
Plying for Hire in One Direction.
The Trolley Vehicles Act of the Hastings Tramways Co. having received Royal Assent, the company wishes to carry out as promptly as possible the extension of the trolley-bus system in Cambridge Gardens and Havelock Road. The company, therefore, asked if Hastings Corporation intended to restrict the vehicles which are now licensed to ply for hire in Havelock Road to run in only one direction. The committee agrees with this restriction.
German Commercial-motor Trade.
Returns just to hand show that 221 motorvans and lorries were imported into Germany during the six months ended Jiine 30th last as compared with 190 in the corresponding half of 1929. During the same period 10 buses were imPorted, On the other hand, there has so far this year been a decline in the exports of German commercial vehicles, from 1,653 in the Arst•half of 1929 to only 1,149 in the. six months ended June 30th. Of the shipments 620 motor vehicles had carrying capacities under 2 tons, 491 between 2 tons and 5 tons and 38 over 5 tons. During the halfyear 31 German buses were exported. Bus Proprietor Wins Appeal.
The Minfstry of Transport has communicated to Math and Swansea Borough Councils and Neath Rural District Council its decision in the matter of an appeal by Mr. Davies, sole proprietor of Imperial Motors, Abercynon (Glam.), against the decision of the authorities named in refusing him licences to ply for hire with buses ih their areas in connection with a Swansea-Neath-Aberdare service.
A public inquiry into the appeal was made at Swansea. in June, on behalf of the Ministry, and was reported in The Commercial Motor. The Ministry' decision is that licences for six .buSei
should be granted to Mr. Dayies, subject' to the usual running conditions being observed.
Specializing in Wheel Studs.
TransiOrt operators and maintenance engineers who are experiencing any trouble with wheel studs coming loose would be well advised to get into touch with B. H. Pottier and ' Co., 25-29, • Brearley Street, Birmingham. This . concern specializes, in producing all kinds of wheel Ands for commercial vehichis; from heat-treated, three-percent.-nickelsteel .bats, and. it carries stocks of 'all. the usual Patterns and the various nuts for them.
Worcester's .New. By-law„ for. Queues. According to a new by-law in Worcester, persons waiting in the streets to enter public-service vehicles are instructed to form a queue net more than two abreast On the footway, and it shall be an offence for any person to take. up a position other than his or her rightful one in the, line. It is hoped that this regulation will facilitate the loading of
buses and avoid cOnfusien. • Delivering Electrical Apparatus by • Battery. Van.
The S toke-ori:Trentoelectricity, undertaking, • which has for some years employed electric vehicles for the traUSport of coal and other Material from the railway depot to the power station, has lately ,put. into service' an electric van. designed for use in delivering electrical apparatus and maths material in the district. The vehicle, whith was built by the General Vehicle Co., Ltd., Birmingham, is equipped with a single motor and a controller giving five for ward and two reverse speeds. The power is supplied by a battery of Tudor accumulators of a capacity sufficient to alloW the vehicle to travel a distance of 40 miles on one charge it a speed, on the level, of 18 m.p.h.
CARMARTHEN TOWII Council is to buy a fire-engine estimated to cost £1,258.
BARNET Urban District Council has received sanction to borrow £270 fOr the purchase Of a motor lorry.
The health committee of GLASGOW Corporation is to obtain tenders for the supply of two 30-cwt. vans.
SOUTHAMPTON Corporation has ordered two Electricar 3i-ton refuse-collection vehicles with dustless covers.
SWANSEA Corporation has ordered a Guy 6-ton cable-drum lorry and a Vulcan 30-cwt. vehicle, costing 1342.
The highways committee of RHONDDA Urban District Council has authorized the purchase of three lorries.
The health committee of CAPETOWN Corporation, recommends the purchase of an ambulance at a cost of 1950.
IIOVE Town Council is to buy three motor vehicles for house-refuse collection at an approximate cost of £2,371.
BLACKBURN Corporation Fire Brigade has ordered a Thornycroft .six-cylinder six-wheeled chassis for fire-fighting work.
Cous,snois and PURLEY Urban District Council requires tenders for the supply of a new, ' or good 'second-hand, 1,000gallon petrol-driven combined cesspool and gully emptier. Tenders have to be delivered not later than October 11th.
Bus Results at Dundee.
In his report for the year ended May 15th last the general manager of the transport department of Dundee Corporation indicates that the gross profit on the working of the municipal motorbuses was £10,594, the total income having been £45,298 and the total working expenses £34,704. Debt redemption, income tax and interest charges absorbed
STOCKTON Corporation is buying an A.E.C. Regal single-deck bus.
YEADON joint fire-brigade committee is to consider the purchase of an additional fire-engine.
WIGTON (Cumberland) Rural District Council is considering the provision of a motor ambulance.
larrr.vars.mprois Urban District Council proposes to invite tenders for a lorry for refuse collection.
George Mann and Co., of Swansea, is to supply SWANSEA Corporation with a Daimler ambulance.
J. Morris and Sons, Ltd., is to supply a fire-engine to FORMBY Urban District Council ; the cost is £650.
The ppblic-assistanee committee of OLDHAM Corporation is considering the purchase of a motor coach.
• The streets committee of CAPETOWN Corporation has decided to obtain tenders for the supply of a lorry.
The carrying committee of OLDHAbi Corporation is to purchase a Vulcan 30cwt. chassis equipped with an ambulance body.
ROCHDALE Corporation has placed a second repeat order with Crossley Motors, Ltd., for single-deck and double deck buses. This follows the recent order for 14 Crossley machines.
Six-wheelers in America.
An interesting feature of the motorlorry industry in the United States is the increasing number of makers taking up the construction of rigid six-wheeled vehicles for the transport of heavy loads. We learn that such vehicles are now being produced by no fewer than 19 different manufacturers. One of the most interesting of the newcomers is a Mack six-wheeled lorry foe loads up to
20 tons. It is equipped with a sixcylindered engine having a bore and etroke of 5 ins. and 6 ins, respectively, and although nominally rated at 60 hp., it is stated to develop 150 b.h.p. at 2,000 r.p.m.
Tractor Business of the Irish Free State.
The official returns just'to hand show that the value of the tractor parts, excluding engines and axles, imported into the Irish Free State during the first half of 1930 amounted to £694,654, compared with a sum of 1247,981 in the corresponding period of 1929. The exports of tractors from the Free State during the six months increased from only 519 (£55,748) in 1929 to no less than 13,605 (£1,418,731) this year, whilst, during the same periods, the exports of tractor parts advanced from £419,028 to £719,062.
London Dennis Agent's Success.
Less than a year ago F. G. Smith (Motors), Ltd., of Goodmayes, opened showrooms at Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C. These have proved to be a great success and, in conjunction with the service depot at Gaodmayes, have played no small part in popularizing Dennis vehicles in the Metropolis. A recent order is for nine vehicles of this make for Burgoyne Burbidges and Co., Ltd., a concern of chemists. The bodies were produced by F. G. Smith (Motors), Ltd., and the vehicles range from two-tonners to five-tonners.
Important £567,000 Road Scheme.
Five Welsh county councils are to co-operate in the construction, at a cost of £567,000, of a new trunk road from South Wales to Shrewsbury. The Ministry of Transport is anxious that the work shall be commenced immediately, and to this and has offered Breconshire Council an 85 per tent. grant, £139,000, towards its share of the work, conditional upon an immediate start being made.
The road will run from Swansea, via Lianwyrted Wells, Builth Wells, through Radnorshire and Eastern Montgomeryshire to Shrewsbury. The councils of Glamorganshire, Carmarthenshire, Breconshire, Radnorshire and Montgomeryshire, with a number of borough councils, will be the Welsh authorities concerned in the scheme. When the road is in use some of the best Welsh scenery will become available to South Wales and Midland coach and tourist traffic.
Traffic Organization at Theale.
In connection with the reconstruction work at the entrance to Theele village, by the Berkshire County Council, the Ministry of Transport has suggested that surveys should be carried out and comparative estimates prepared of (a) the construction of a by-pass road, and (b) the widening of the existing road through the village so as to provide for a highway with an ultimate overall
width of not less than 45 ft., and for such treatment of the intersecting roads as will, if possible, eliminate direct cross roads and will in any case afford ample lines of sight at the intersections. Instructions have been given for the necessary surveys to be carried out and estimates of cost to be prepared. In the meantime the widening of the section of the road in question will not be proceeded with.
Suiting the Vehicle to the Road.
Norfolk County Council has had under consideration the question of the enormous increase in the weight of motor vehicles and loads and has decided to make representation to the Ministry of Transport with a view to the limitation of weights to be allowed on Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 roads respectivelY. Sternal, Ltd., which, apart from its good name for oils, has become well known as the manufacturer of Ambroleum, the gear lubricant, has recently • introduced Commercial Ambroleum, a new compound, combining the qualities of the old product with new features to ensure its suitability for commercialMotor gearboxes, rear axles and chassis points.
The new Commercial Ambroleum is not a grease and it is claimed to follow the teeth of gearwheels at all speeds. If it be as good as the original Ambros bum, which attained such popularity in the early days of road transport, it should be certain of success amongst operators. Particulars may be obtained from Sternal, Ltd., Royal London .House, Finsbury Square, London, E.C.2.