H AMPTON'S TITLE In manouvrability test 1, drivers had to eitimate
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the narrowest space into which they could drive forward and in reverse. A number of competitors v.hose vehicles had protruding mirrors on each side failed to allow for them. Some who gauged their width with exi reme accuracy were unable to reverse between the posts because they approached from the wrong angle.
Great skill was shown by A. Jarman (Ford, Southern Electricity Board, Portsmouth), F. Bowring (Bedford, R.N. Barracks, Lee-on-Solent), J. Smith (Bedford, R.N. Barracks, Portsmouth), A McMurrie (Morris, Portsmouth Cleansing and Haulage Department), T. Etherington (Vulcan, Fred Dyke, Ltd., Fareham), B. Piper (Commer, Fraser and White, Ltd., Portsmouth), R. Douglas (Austin, A. H. Dewey, Ltd., Portsmouth), M. Timmons (Morris pan
technicon, Elliotts of Aldershot, Ltd., Aldershot), Peter Privett (A.E.C., W. (3. Privett and Sons, Portsmouth) and C. Gallop (Bedford-Scammell tanker, Shell Mex and B.P., Ltd., Hamble). All gained full marks.
Test 2 required drivers to park at the kerb in a space q times the length of their vehicles, between two obstacles. Three movements—forward, back and forward---were allowed. The general standard was poor. Many competitors had no idea how to place their lorries.
The best were McMurrie, E. Geall (Bedford, H. Geall, Bognor Regis), E. Davis (Seddon, B.R.S. Portsmouth Group)---who gave a fine exhibition of how to start and finish correctlyTimmons—who thoroughly deserved his group win—J. Anderson (Foden tanker, South Western Tar Distilleries, Portsmouth), J. Martin (Leyland eight
wheeler, G. A. Day, Ltd., Portsmouth) —a first-rate all-rounder—and I. Collins (Bedford, B.R.S., Portsmouth).
Davis' Seddon was loaded and splendidly turned out. Timmons' performance was brilliant and Martin was warmly applauded. C. Kent (Geo. Cohen Sons and Co., Ltd.) gave an excellent demonstration of how to handle an E.R.F.-Crane articulated machinery carrier.
The only timed test was the third, in which it was necessary to drive up a "road," back into a turning on the right and return to the starting point. It was more difficult than it looked, for little space was allowed for manceuvring. Again many competitors placed their vehicles wrongly before beginning to reverse and wasted precious time and physical effort in fruitless " to-ing and fro-ing."
Lamboll (E. J. Brockway, Ltd., Portsmouth) in a Morris, G. Pollington (H. Geall, Bognor Regis) in a Bedford (one of a team of six), F. Dorey (National Benzole Co., Ltd., Tonbridge) in a Dennis tanker, E. Shepherd (Portsmouth Cleansing and Haulage Department) in an S.D., Peter Privett in his A.E.C. and Gallop in his BedfordScammell tanker were outstanding.
Anderson and J. Sleep, both driving Foden tankers for South Western Tar Distilleries, were distinguished. Bdr. Watson (245 Armament Battery, R.A.. Gosport) drove his Ford out of the turning in one sweep. Martin's dash, confidence and skill with his Leyland eight-wheeler which has covered over 400,000 miles, drew a round of applause.
Privett was equally spectacular. A. Lock (B.R.S., Southampton Group) showed just how the manceuvre should be carried out with an articulated Atkinson eight-wheeler.
Sleep's Foden was judged to be the best-maintained vehicle in the rally and won the T.R.T.A. cup. The bestI 1 maintained vehicle over five years old Was a Bedford entered by Warings (Contractors); Ltd., Portsmouth, and driven by A. Baverstock. '
RESULTS Group A: 1, A. Jarman (Thames, Southern Electricity Board, Portsmouth), 423 marks; 2. A. McMurrie (Morris, Portsmouth Cleansing and Haulage Department), 420 marks; 3, J. Lambo11 (Morris, E. J. Brockway, Ltd., Portsmouth), 407 marks.
Group B.: 1, D. Bicknell (Austin, D.N.S.O., A.S.R.E., Portsmouth), 443 marks; 2, E. Gea11 (Redford, -H. Grail, Bognor Regis), 434 marks; 3, G. Pollingron (Bedford, H. Grail, Bognor Regis), 416 marks.
Group C: 1, G. Grant (A.E.C.„ W. G. Privett and Sons, Portsmouth), 462 marks; 2. A. Fasscau (Bedford, B.R.S. Group F.27, Portsmouth), 461 marks; 3, B. Piper (Commer, Fraser and White, Ltd., Portsmouth), 402 marks.
Group D: 1, M. Timmons (Morris, Elliotts of Aldershot, Ltd., Aldershot). 472 marks; 2, 1. Anderson (Foden, South Western Tar Distilleries. Portsmouth). 456 marks; 3, E. Sturgess (S.D., Portsmouth Cleansing and Haulage Department). 449 marks.
Group E.: 1, J. Haskett (Foden, Southern Gas Board. Portsmouth), 464 marks; 2, P. Privett (A.E.C.. W. G. Privett and Sons, Portsmouth). 463 marks); 3. J. Martin (Leyland, G. A. Day, Ltd., Portsmouth), 448 marks.
Group F: 1, J. Dotty (Bedford-Scammell, Shell-Meg and B.P., Ltd., Flamble), 475 marks; 2, F. Male (Scamme_11, B.R..S. Group F27, Portsmouth). 455 marks; 3, A. Lock (Atkinson, B.R.S. Southampton Group). 452 marks.
Manceuvrability and other tests were conducted on a difficult course on Woodhouse Moor, the surface of which was calculated to try any driver who was working within fine limits.
Burgess put up a fine performance with his " attic.", particularly in reversing and parking, but, generally, there was not a great deal to choose between the competitors in the various sections.
W. H. Hicks (Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., Hull), earned admiration for his handling of his A.E.C. Mammoth, but did not gain a prize. N. Sydney (J. Fielder, Bradford) drew applause for his performance with a 1936 E.R.F. carrying 13 tons.....
The eight-wheelers put up some excellent performances and C. Kershaw, driving a 1955 A.E.C. owned by Peter Slater, Ltd., West Ardsley, was only If points behind the winner.
C. Gosling (B.R.S., Sheffield) put up a grand performance with his Foden and earned a cheer when he parked