Speed limiters cut crashes
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The Freight Transport Association's spokesman Geoff Dossetter says this is great news: "Any reduction in accidents involving trucks when they are travelling more miles has to be welcomed. It appears that speed limiters have played a major factor in this but that is not to say there aren't other contributing factors, such as safer vehicles."
Adam Casper,fleet safety officer at campaign group Brake, says travelling at lower speeds will always be safer. However, statistics also show that the number of trucks involved in accidents during overtaking manoeuvres has increased over the past 10 years from 276 in 1994 to 355 in 2003.
• Only vehides over 7.5 tonnes arc required to be fitted with speed limiters;the government plans to extend this to all vehides over 3.5 tonnes.
But there have already been warnings that this will do little to improve safety. Top peer Lord Attlee says limiters on tight vehides will cause unnecessary congestion and will cause other divers to attempt reckless passing manoeuvres (CM 19 February).