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Springs Self-adjusting to Load.
[2140] Sir.—We thank you for publishing our letter in your issue of April 10th, and Observe that you invite opinions as to the two forms of spring illustrated.
Unfortunately, you were obliged to reproduce our drawing on a small scale and, in doing so, the curved path and angle between the spring slipper and its path have disappeared.
In order that your readers may not be misled, will you be good enough to reproduce the enclosed sketch, which is made on a larger scale and slightly exaggerated at the contact point between the shoe and the slipper. You will observe that there is a considerable angle between these two surfaces, and as the springs compress they become shorter. From this you will agree that the design of our spring and that of the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co. is similar.
In considering the angle between the spring slipper and the curved path we would remind you that there is a difference of conditions as between a tractor and a lorry or omnibus. In the case of a tractor, the deadweight load is constant (except for variation in fuel and water), whereas-on a lorry the deadweight load (apart from the load of its empty " body ") varies from nil to, say, 5 tons.
This difference in conditions will, of course, cause a difference in design and in the angle between the spring slipper and its pad.—Yours faithfully,
for WILLIAM FOSTER AND CO., LTD., Lincoln. W. A. TRITTON, Managing Director.
Excessive Fines in Bedfordshire.
[2150] Sir,—I have taken the liberty of sending you a newspaper Cutting from the Nottingham Evening Post of April 11th.
I felt you would like to know of the different treatment here compared with Bedfordshire. I pass through Bedfordshire on my way to London every week.—Yours faithfully,
Nottingham. GEORGE BROOKS.
[The newspaper cutting enclosed by our correNiondent shows that a fine of ten shillings was imposed in the case of each of eleven motor lorry drivers charged with exceeding the 12 m.p.h speed limit at Beeston, Notts. The police superintendent, n28 giving evidence, said that in consequence of numerous complaints from the Urban District Council, other public bodies and private individuals, it was found necessary to set apart a day to test heavy motor traffic through Beeston. All the heavy vehicles • were not stopped or tested, but as many as possible were, and these were some of the drivers. The Chief Constable had not 'brought those 'cases forward in any vindicative spirit, but more as a warning to motorists generally throughout the country that they must not travel over the speed limit with heavy lorries.
No exception could be taken either to the action of the police or to the attitude of the magistrates. —ED. C.M.]
The Need for Improving Spr;nging.
[21511 Sir,—I read the interesting article on page 234 of the issue of The Coramercia1 Motor for April '30th, on the above subject, and, in my opinion, what is wanted is a well-sprung wheel by means of a wellsprung tyre, and I do not believe anything else will over fill the bill."
Our blue print, No. 552, sent you herewith, but not for publication yet, shows a method of springing every type of light wheel in every type of light car or chassis 'by means of a "variable according to load " type of tyre, the details of which blue print explain fully the whole principle of this new type of inflated tyre and its many advantages over any other type of inflated tyre for springing efficiently all types of light chassis. It is well known that the light type of pleasure car is more difficult to spring than the heavy type of pleasure ear, but blue print No. 552 shows how all existing difficulties are overcome, and this is brought about by means of a well-sprung tyre which springs efficiently every type of wheel to which it is attached.
The same principle of manufacturing what I call " variable according to load" tyres can be used in our heavy types of chassis (see patent No. 191,545, which was only printed this year) to enable existing types of wheels to be well sprung by means of wellsprung tyres, even under minimum load, and I am pleased to inform you that the difficulty of having to increase the width of the wheels has been more or less overcome b,14 slightly altering the method of vulcanizing the rubber part of the tyre to its base foundation.
In these heavy tyres the flat circumferentially on the road under minimum load is 91 ins. to 10?,ins., proving beyond any doubt that the wheel is a well sprung wheel by means of a well-sprung tyre. •
I have very carefully read your interesting article on a spring wheel, on page 244 of The Commercial Motor of April 10th, but I can never believe that any type of spring wheel, no matter how efficient, can ever take the place and do the effective work of any wheel well-sprung under minimum load by means of a well-sprung tyre.
Your illustrations; designated Fig. 1, to the article on the spring wheel referred to above, showing two cold chisels, one straight and the other bent, are very effective illustrations when showing that the bent chisel will greatly reduce the force of a blow ; but supposing you fit on the top of a bent chisel a cushion of well-sprung rubber, I think you will admit that the blow will be still further and better reduced, and, therefore, I contend that even supposing any spring wheel •ever becomes of real commercial value, said wheel should always be shod with . a "variable to the load " type of tyre, because otherwise the circumierence of the wheel will not be a well-sprung part, although the hub of the wheel may be a wellsprung part by means of an ideal spring wheel, and you "Initst admit that the best place to have an cifective cushion in any chassis is between the road and the wheel's circumference, instead of between the wheel's circumference and its Imb.
Kindly do not publish the details of the enclosed blue print No. 552, beca,:,se the subject-matter thereof is not properly protected over the world, but the blue print will show you that the " ideal suspension of light chassis" can be brought about by means of a wheel which is well sprung by means a well-sprung tyre.
Mr. Rapson has proved, under the observation of the Royal Automobile Club, that inflated tyres can be manufactured with cord foundations to run 20,000 miles when using abnormally low air pressures, and when Mr. Rapson's latest type of tyre is used on any type of chassis the wheels of the chassis (because of the low air pressures used in the tyres) are better sprung than when Shod with any other type of tyre using higher air pressures. In other words, MrRapson, by means of his well-sprung tyres, improves the suspension of every chassis to which his tyres are
ii ttaeheti.—Yours .faithfully, ENGINEER. London.
Rear Lights on Cycles and for Cattle.
[21521 Sir,—With reference to Mr. Stone's reply (No. 2130) to my letter re rear lights on .cycles nd green lights for cattle, .seeing that he is a motor driver, 1 should have given him more credit than to cry down anything that stands for safety on the road. He says that he was "interested," but I am of the opinion that he was very much annoyed.
He does not state his reason for being so prejudiced against this safety.' measure. There is just as much need for safety precautions at present as there was when D.O.R.A. was in existence. There is no donbt about it that the cyclist who is opposed to rear lights either objects to the outlay or is too idle to keep one in proper order, which latter is most essential for the safety of all those who use the road at night. Whilst thanking Mr. Stone for his compliment in describing us as Road Hogs," I do not think he knows many that have been On the road 20 years. He roust also bear in mind that he is not the only pebble on the beach, and due consideration has to be given to the safety of children who are to be found Cycling or wandering about the road at night. —Yours faith
fully, G.H.C. . 'Nottingham.
Awards at the C.M.U.A. Parade.
[2153] Sir,—Having been a regular visitor to the C.M.U.A. Parade for the nast 12 years-, may I be allowed to state as my opinion that I have never before felt that I disagreed so completely with the awards as at the last 'show. I sincerely trust there was no Mistake made. I carefully examined the vehicles and conversed with their drivers to ascertain the exact class of work they did, length of their journeys, and hours worked each day, and asked if they were single-handed or had a mate. I gave special attention to the winning team, and ,noted the following points
Corners of the engine which were awkward to get at were painted to save keeping the metal clean. The very awkward flanges on the induction pipe were painted instead of being nolished ; this alone spoiled them for appearance from a practical man's point of view. The pretty curtains and pictures in their cabs no doubt gained them many points, but possibly the judges were not aware that the London County Council regulations forbid firms dcing certain work to have anything inflammable in their cabs.
Another point is : Why were the carburetters covered with aluminium ? It only .points to a man's idea of saving a little work, as carburetters are very hard to keep in a presentable eondition. I noticea the 'nuts round the hub caps were painted instead of polished; no doubt this saved much hard work and scratches. Could any practical man believe it possible for any single-handed driver to keep the steel spring on his bonnet clips polished all the year round, such as. were to be seen on the winning ears?
Possibly points were awarded for them. .
As the awards, in. my, opinion and in that of others, caused so mueh comment amongst those who entered the parade, I think the secretary should immediately publish a statement containing (or furnish all those who intend to enter for next year's parade with) full details of the points on which..awa.rds are made, as at the present moment all are more or less in the dark. In The Commercial Jlotor of March 27th a statement was made that service and mileage did not count for so much this year as it had done in the past ; it stated that appearance came first, yet nobody was notified of this fact previous to the show. One can hardly expect to see an old warrior with 10 to 12 years' service to its credit, one that, possibly, has seen war service overseas, look as spick and span as a threeyear-old. Had the judges made the inquiries and looked at matters from a really practical point of view, I feel certain there would have been a different result. One thing alone should have gained 25 points—a driver being single-handed. This was entirely overlooked, yet was one of the first which should have been considered.
My own suggestion, and one I feel would be generally supported by all thosa who really are keen and anxious to obtain the fairest decision, is that the judges should ngake, say, three inspections yearly of the various vehicles entered in the competition under working conditions, and marks should be awarded accordingly. The annual parade would then be held for final markings, for show appearance and for awarding of prizes. This cuts out the special preparation of the lorries, which undoubtedly does take place, and gives each competing team an equal chance, which they cannot get under present conditions.
I sincerely trust the drivers, will not lose heart in the show. They must turn up next year brighter than ever, and in larger numbers. I know there are many drivers who worked many a day without any dinner-hour for weeks before the show, as their employers could not spare them to be off the road the day previous to the parade—Yours faithfully, London, W. 8 MARC. l'irESTON.
inconsiderate Driving.
[21541 Sir,—I think that your journal should utter a warning to certain drivers of commercial vehicles who have been reported as taking the dangerous course of pulling their vehicles .across the road in front or touring ears because they feel that they have a right to object to the glare from the headlights of the lighter vehicles. An instance came under my notice the other day, where the driver of a steam wagon did this, when someone might easily have been killed .should the oncoming motorist have been unable to pull 'up. Not content with this, the driver of the steam wagon challenged the owner of the car to come out and fight him. This is not the way in which motor drivers should behave, as they are incurring very grave risks and would find themselves in a difficulty if the legality of their action' were tested. Accidents in Which commercial motors are eoneerned are, in my opinion, largely due to the fact that more often than not two persons, and sometimes three, are sitting on the front seat with the driver on these heavy lorries.—Yours faithfully,
Birmingham. GEORGE HEATH.