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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Tilling-Stevens Report.
The report of the directors of TillingStevens Motors, Ltd., for the year 1922 shows a trading profit of 234,779; which is in striking contrast to the loss of 2148,212 recorded in the year 1921.
Out of the profit earned, interest charges absorb 211,263, and the directors have written a further sum of 22,831 off note issue expenses and debenture costs, while 215,000 is to be allocated to depreciation. The deduction of these sums .leaves a balance of 27,860. The loss which is brought in is reduced to 2143,522.
There Ls, of course, no dividend on the ordinary shares, and one is not likely until the loss and the arrears 4.)f dividends on preference shares are cleared off. We note in the balance-sheet that stuck-in-trade and work in progress on December 31st, taken at or under cost, were valued, at 2208,540.
Road v. Rail "Down Under."
The New South Wales Minister for Railways has announced that a reduction in the rail freights on tractors for agricultural purposes has been decided upon. It has also been announced that the freights on the carria.ge of petrol have beenconsiderably reduced, while the rate for full truck loads of benzene has been reduced by approximately 50 per cent.
In some quarters this action by the Government is attributed 'to the growing road traffic in the transport of benzene from the seaboard to the country towns. The owners of a number of motor vehicles plying on recently established road transport service between Bowral and Sydney, a distance of 61 miles, have been charging 10 per cent. less than the current railway rates for the transport of similar classes of goods ever the same distance.
Parking at Wembley.
By arrangement with the British Empire Exhibition authorities, the P.A.C. will take over the control of the motor coach and motorcar parks at Wembley for the Football Cup Tie Final on April 28th. There will be parking space for 200 chars-a-bancs and 1,WO private tars, and also a separate park to accommodate about 200 motor omnibuses.
The charges for parking will be as follow :—Chars-a-bancs and private-hire buses, 10s. each ; motorcars, ts. each ; motorcycle combinations, is. 6d. each; solo motorcycles, is. each.
London's New Trunk Roads.
At a meeting of the London Society
recently Mr. Bressey, chief engineer of the Roads Department, Ministry of Transport, gave some interesting details ot London's new trunk roads. The work of road construction carried out in Greater London-since the autumn of 1920 had, he said, cost a very large stun of money. The Middlesex County Council alone estimated tlie outlay for six schemes in the county over which it. exercises conteol to be 21,381,753
. The Greater London projects had provided employment for some 30,000 men, and Mr. Bressey added that the expenditure of to-day redeemed the arrears accumulated during a long period of neglect. There had been no development of the highway system commensurate with the growth of motor traffic and of the population; in fact, it might be argued, he said, that road communis cation had definitely deteriorated. • In Connection with many of the roads to which reference was made, Mr. Bressey said that nearly every one of the 122 local authorities of Greater London had to be approached or consulted, and it said much for the enlightened public spirit of these bodies that few obstacles had been placed in the way of proceeding with these important road-snaking ventures.
Double-deckers for Country Routes.
It is understood that the Birmingham and Midland Omnibus Co., Ltd., intend -to use double-deck omnibuses OD their country routes where the roads are good and otherwise suitable, and it is said that the buses may possibly run on the Worcester-Kidderminster route. In connection with this matter the Bromsgrove Urban District Council recently considered a letter received from the company in which application was made for 10 of these omnibuses to be licensed by the council for running on the Birmingham-Bromsgrove and Worcester route. Some discussion on the question of fares and of the weight of the buses took place, but eventually it was decided to grant, the licences, and it is understood that the buses, which will accommodate 29 people inside and 22 outside, will be on the road at an early date. The company already havea number of similar buses running on the BirMingham-Walsail and Birmingham-Knowle routes. .
A Second-hand Show in Prance.
An exhibition, at which second-hand motor vehicles of all classes, motor boats, and aeroplanes will be shown, is to be held at Argenteuil, just outside Paris, from May 4th to May 13th. Entrance fees have been fixed at 200 francs for aeroplanes and 150 francs for motorcars and lorries, the lowest entrance fee being 20 francs for bicycles without motors. All vehicles must be in perfect working order, and must be passed by an admission committee composed of experts. A track within tha covered grounds will be available for trials.
Hope Deferred.
At a meeting of the Swansea Corporation _Highways Committee the borough engineer reported that. the watch committee had sanctioned a bus service by the South Wales Transport Co. from -Uplands to Afineldes. Very considerable damage would be done to the roads, it was said, And the service would necessitate greatly increased road maintenance, for which no provision had been made. The committee decided to request the watch committee to suspend the licence until definite arrangements can be made for co-ordinating the work of both committees regarding new motorbus routes.
Illumination of Number Plates.
The attention of the Automobile Association has been drawn by the authorities to the insufficient illumination of number plates on motor vehicles. The regulations do not prescribe the distance from the vehicle at which the index mark and numbers should be readable after lighting-up time, but, in their own interests, all road users should sat:sfy themselves that their lighting arrangements are so contrived that—as required by the regulations—every letter or figure on the illuminated identification plate is rendered "easily distinguishable."
A Change of Title.
In pursuance af the general policy of the British Automobile Traction Go., Ltd., It has been decided to form the Macclesfield, Stockport and Buxton undertaking, hitherto worked as a branch of the British Automobile Traction Co., Ltd., into a new company, to be known as the North Western Itoad Car Co., Ltd., with registered offices at King Edward Street, Macclesfield. The change in ownership will not inv:olve any alteration of policy, control, or management of Alm undertaking. It has been decided to alter the colour of the vehicles. The main panels will be painted deep vermilion, instead of green, and the name North Western will appear on the sides. A number of the new-coloured buses are already operating in the district.
Wheels that Break.
Heavy vehicles operating on pat-holey roads frequently give trouble, owing to wheel breakage. There are two factors which accentuate this : solid tyres in poor condition and springs not functioning properly, owing to rust between the leaves or other causes. In addition there is, of course, the disabilities of overloading and overspeeding. In the case of girder wheels of cast-steel cracks usually start in -the spokes, near the rim, and near the hub. A weekly inspection of the wheels of a vehicle is well worth while, and welding is usually satisfactory when troubles of this kind are encountered. Neglected wheels are dangerous; we remember seeing, not so long ago, a 3-ton lorry running on rear .wheels in which four spokes out of six were cracked right through.
Passenger Transport in Mining Valleys.
A petition from ratepayers in the Ogreore and Garw Valley to the Urban District Council, asking that the South Wales Commercial Motor Co. be permitted to run bus services in the valley, has been favourably considered, and the council has -granted the necessary licence. This company provides the chief services in the eolliery valleys branching out of Bridgend, and the council, in granting the licence, decided to make representations to the same company to run occasional services from Tondu and Brymenin to Oginere Vale. The council ha& eansistealy shawl' an
appreciation of the services rendered to the public by motorbus companies in the district, and particularly by the South Wales Commercial Motor Co.
At the same meeting, the council decided that representations be made to the owners of hackney carriages that the wants of local inhabitants should be their first consideration, and that the service rendered by them an Saturdays and busy days was inadequate. It was stated that on days when fetes or races were held in adjacent towns. taxis were not available at Ognicire Vale.
• London's Licensed Buses.
In reply to a question in the House of Commons a few days ago, Mr. Bridgeman said that the numar of motor omnibuses licensed in the Metropolitan Police area for the year ended March 31st laSt was 3,8131, of which number 2,228 were of the, new and larger type and 1,653 of the old type.
Personal Pars.
Mr. J. Hedley Thrner, whose portrait We reproduce on this page, has just succeeded Mr. Louis A. Smith as managing director of the B. F. Goodrich Co., Ltd., in London. Mr. Turner was formerly managing director of the B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co. (South Africa), Ltd., and before going abroad had an extensive experience of British trade conditions as manager of the company's Baistol branch. His subsequent business record in South Africa has been one of 'sustaineeprogreSs and successful development.
Mr. Turner has recently returned from a visit to America, and will take up his new position in June next on his return from South Africa, where he is at present engaged in the necessary re organization resulting from his new appointment.
Mr. E. It, Branston has been elected a director ef the B. F. Goodrich Co., and assistant manager to Mr. J. Hedley Turner in London. He will aIao have charge of all matters connected with publicity and propaganda work, together with manulacquring equipment and the development of the Goodrich Co.'s interests on the medial:cal side.
Concurrently with the appointment of Mr. J. Hedley Turner, Mr. A. U. Westbury, formerly manager of the company's branch in Leeds, has been appointed to the position of sales manager, and will shortly take up his duties at the London headquarters.
Mr. Westbury has been connected with the 8. F. Goodrich Co. for nearly 20 years, and has had a unique experience in practically every -department ef the business. Under his direction, during the past three years the company's Yorkshire branch has made rapid and substantial progress, anti the qualities of organization and salesmanship he has demonstrated in the North will . undoubtedly find suitable opportunities for development in Ilia new past.
In dealing with the appointment of • Mr. H. G. Burford to the presidency of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, we mentioned, in .a recent paragraph, the fact that he was, for a notable period, general manager of Humbers, Ltd. In referring to his work there, we should have put it that he was responsible for a share of the developments of design which have always kept Humber productions well in the forefront. It Woo not our intention to convey the impression that Mr. Burford was responsible for the entire design embodied today in Humber vehicles.
The Rule of the Pavement.
It has been .suggested that another effort he made to impress upon the citizens of Birmingham the importance of the 'Keep to the Left" movement. This scheme has been attempted previously, but with little success, amid it is to be Loped that this further effort will be better supported. The Chief Constable of Birmingham says that the erection of tefuges in the central. streets of the city has been the means of considerably reducingthe number of accidents, and it has been proposed that the Public Works Committee be approached on the subject of increasing the number of these refuges.
Bus Stands in Wales.
The Bridgend Urban District Council has recently considered the matter of roads and road passenger vehicle transport, with the result . that Mr. W. Westacott has been granted a permit to run services from Bridgend to Wick, subject to his providing a special stand for taking up and setting down passengers off the main streets.
It was decided that the future policy of the council will be to make it a condition of licence that a passenger stand for each service is provided. The council itself will not be inactive in this matter, for a committee has been appointed to select sites suitable for purchase for the establishment of vehicle stands, and 'fur the use of which a charge may or may not be made by the council.
In the matter of roads, the Roach Committee reported to the council that one-seventh of the-total estimates for the coming year had_ been made up by The prospective cost of road upkeep. It was stated that there was littleedoubt that the trade in Bridgend, had hem vastly improvedly.the _buses bringing in mimhers of people to the town, and the question of securing good *mad surfaces, therefore, deserved consideration. The Committee -recommended, and the council approved, certain experiments in cennectien with road surfacing.
Refuse Collection in Calcutta.
Calcutta Municipal Council has decided to investigate the possibilities' of an offer made by Watford Transport, Ltd., to undertake the .vrhole ot the removal of the city refuse by mechanical, road transport. The chief engineer is to obtain full details of the firm's scheme and report upon it.
The company state that their fleet comprises 98 lorries and 35 trailers. The
proposal to undertake the work was first made a year ago, but the matter fell through because the corporation was then proposing. a comprehensive scheme of its own. The matter is again brought forward by the company because the corporation, owing to lack of funds, has postponed its proposal to purchase a complete fleet Strachan and Brown Move.
A familiar landmark will be missed now that Messrs. Strachan and Brown have sold their freehold property at Ken sington. They are still retaining the sawmills at Earl's Court Road, but in future the head office will be at Wales Farm Road, North Acton. The new headquarters are opposite the new North Acton Station (Central London Railway), which will be opened in about two months' time, the nearest stations
at present being Willesden Junction and Acton (G.W.R.). . The Acton and Cricldewood tramway service passes the door. The-new premises are commodious, and Permit of extensions being made when necessary. The reason for the company's removal is that they desire to centralize administration and factors, work under one roof, thereby making "for reduced production costs.
• Co-operative Fire-brigade Scheme.
As a result of the disbandment of the 'Gretna Fire Brigade, the Longeown neighbourhood is now entirely without proteetion against fires, and efforts to make arrangements for the services of the Carlisle City Police Fire Brigade baying been unsuccessful the Longtown Rural District Council is inviting the various parish councils in the area to give consideration to a co-operative scheme. By this means it is proposed to purchase a second-hand motor fireengine.
Midland Drivers' Interests.
Drivers of—commercial motor vehicles took a prominent part at a meeting which was held at Nottingham a few days ago, when Mr. Ernest Bevin, secretary of the Transport and General Workers' Union, . was the principal speaker at an assembly held in the city. Much that was of interest from the trade union point of view was related by Mr. Bevin. with regard to the early phases of the movement, culminating in the anialgamatien of 18 different unions with their separate executives and spheres of influence. He claimed that whilst the identity of particular sections of -workers had not been destroyed, the fusion of forces had been for the common good. He instanced particularly that which had been effected in the interest of commercial motor drivers and tramway workers
Danger to Historic Buildings.
At a meeting of. the Cambridge Watch Committee Lady Darwin, of Newnham Grange, and Mrs. Laws, of Newnham Terrace, called attention to the proposal of the Ortona Bus Co. to use larger buses, end protested against their use on account of the danger to adjacent buildings.
The town clerk reported with regard to regulations as to speeds in certain streets, but the committee concluded that further legislation is required to enable authorities to regulate tho speed of heavy lorries in narrow streets on the grounds of danger to ancient or historic buildings adjoining the routes concerned.
A proposal to ask the county council to make regulations was adjourned for further consideration.
A Bus Extension Consideration.
At a meeting of the Sheffield Corporation., when it was suggested that the Tramways Committee should, consider the advisability of extending the motor
, bus service, which at present runs to Woodhouse, to Woodhouse Mill, Alderman Sir Wm. Clegg, the chairman of the committee, replied that, in May, 1922, following on representations made by the residents in the Handsworth ward. the Tramways Committee eancelled the week-end 'service between Intake and llandsworth, which served the Woodhouse Mill district, and instituted an improved service between retake and Woodhouse.only. To extend the present service to Woodleuse Mill would mean a less frequent service for Woodhouse, or, alternatively, a considerable increase of mileage run' for which there would not appear to be sufficient traffic to warrant the suggested extension.
Steam-wagon Boiler Pressures.
In connection with the safety of the boilers of steam wagons, a matter which is receiving considerable attention at the present time, it is interesting to note that, so far back as 1840, boiler pressures of 150 lb. per sq. in. were used in steam buses. Going still farther back, we find that Trevithick employed pressures nearing 100 lb. per sq. in., in striking contrast to contemporary workers. When it is remenThered that Trevithick used brazed joints in these boilers, riveting being unknown, it is not surprising to find that troubles were prolific.
Bus Progress "Down Under"
It is quite possible that motorbuses will make their debut in Hobart, Tasmania, in the near future. The tramways committee of the City Council has under consideration the question of utilizing up-to-elate motor vehicles for supplementing The tramway service. There is a movement afoot in Sydney for the amalgamation, on a thoroughly organized basis, of the existing motorbus services in the metropolis, and with this object in view the Australian General Omnibus Co., Ltd., has been floated. The company will invite and encourage existing omnibus companies and private owners to join them, and they intend to operate a fleet of de luxe buses. The authorized capital is £1,000,000. There are approximately 203 buses plying in and around Sydney at the present time.
Harrogate and Sunday Services.
The subject of motorbus and motor coach traffic was discussed at a recent meeting of the Harrogate Town Council, when sanction to an application so 'rum a bus service between Leeds and Harrogate was recommended. As the result of an amendment, which was suggested by a councillor, that the licence be for six days per Week only, excluding Sunday, the question of Sunday traffic came under consideration, and it was said that if Harrogate wished to maintain Ars decorum and respectability, encourage. ment should not be given to motorbuses to bring excarsienists and trippers into the town on Sundays.
Certain members of the council agreed with the amendment, but the vast majority favoured the issue of the licence for the whole week without restriction, and it was accordingly granted for the complete week.
A Park for Chars-a-bancs.
Cleveden Urban District Council proposes the construction of a park for motor chars-i-hanes, which it is expected will prove a paying proposition.
Buses for Maidstone
The Local Legislation Committee of the House of Commons has reported in favour of the Maidstone Corporation. Bill Which proposes the establishment of municipal bus and trolley-bus services.
A New Northern Service.
The National Omnibus Co., Ltd., have just inaugurated a new service connecting up Pelton, which is situated in the centre of a busy North Durham coal mining area with Gateshead, from where an adequate tramcar service is operated to Newcastle, thus forming another link in the ever-growing chain of road passenger facilities which abound in that neighbourhood.
Trustworthy Thornycsofts.
In a recent letter to J. I. Thornycroft and Cci, Ltd., Cadbury Bros., Ltd., of Birmingham, make the interesting-statement that they still have in their regular service the fleet of six Thornycroft motorvans which were supplied them 11 years ago, each of which has now 'covered an average of 128,000 miles. ,Truly remarkable evidence of the reliability and durability of Thornycroft :commercial vehicles.
Purchase by Ballot.
Cambridge Town Council received the following tenders for the supply of a 42-in, motor lawn .mower :—Headley and Edwards. Ltd., £323; Macintosh and Sons, Ltd., £323; Laurie and MeConnal, Ltd., £297 10s.
The tender of Messrs. Laurie and McConnal was accepted, but subsequently it was notified that Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd.; the makers of the machine, could not execute the order except under a guarantee that it was to be supplied to the council at a price not lower than £340, less 5 per cent. discount. The company could not, therefore, stand by their offer of 14 per cent. discount. As this brought the tenders of all three firms to the same, the council drew lots as to whom the order should be .given, and the choice fell on Headley and Edwards, Ltd.
A Road to Avoid.
'The authorit4es of Scotland Yard have recently issued a statement in whictli they point cut. that, as the repairs on the main road from 'Croydon between the Norbury tram terminus and Broad Green, Croydon, are likely to be in progress for some considerable time, drivers would be well advised to make use of other roads to reach their destinations, if they desire to avoid the congestion between these points.
Ilford Considering Trackless Cars.
Ilford Tramways' Committee has asked for a comprehensive report with regard to the question of inaugurating a service af trackless cars from Ilford station to Barkingside.
Wembley Roads Inadequate.
Owing to the possibility of the new roads leading to Wembley not being ready for the Football Cup Final on April 28th, the London General Omnibus Co. inform us that it may be necessary to abandon the proposed special services. A special service of buses will, however, 'run between Sudbury Town, District Railway, and the Stadium, as well as the 250 privately hired vehicles.
Sir Henry Maybury Opens a New Road.
Sir Henry Maybury recently opened Peach Road, Stanbridge. Speaking at the luncheon which was held previous to the opening ceremony, Sir Henry said that it was heartening to note the steps taken by local authorities to relieve the unfortunate state of affairs which existed at the end of the war. During the year succeeding the Armistice the Government, with the local authorities of the country, had put in hand work representing an expenditure in the aggregate of £25,000,000. That, he
said, had had the effect of finding work for a very large number of men who otherwise would have been a direct charge upon the rates of the country. He continued by referring to the question of taxation of motor vehicles, and particularly referred to the ease for the commercial vehicle.
. The new road, which leads from Down-end to Mangotsfield, was subsequently opened.
Pioneers in North Wales.
Under our "Passenger Travel News," in our issue for April 10th, we published an article entitled "Some Aspects of the North Wales Trade," which dealt with competitive bus services and also with the activities of one of the latest motor Coach owners in Colwyn Bay.
We stated therein that J. Fred Francis and Sons, Ltd., of Colwyn Road Garage, Colwyn Bay, maintain a co-operative service to time-table with Silver Motors, ot Llandudno. This is incorrect, the company with whom Messrs. Francis work in conjunction being the Llandudno Coaching and Carriage Co., Ltd.:6, Clonmel Street, who own-and control the fleet known as "The Royal Blues." It is worthy of note that this company claim to be the pioneers of road corn-: munication between Llandudno and Colwyn Bay, having run four-in-hand
horse coaches so far back as 1883, in contrast with which it is worth recording they now, run the latest type saloon buses fitted with super-cushion tyres.
Popularizing Britain.
In our contemporary, The Motor, in an article" Advertise Our Own Country," will be found an interesting suggestion that motor coach proprietors should combine to popularize Britain as a holiday-touring district. It is pointed out that almost every other country which wishes to attract tourists carries out an extensive advertising propaganda, whereas we, who have, perhaps, the most striking attractions—scenic, arclueologieat, and antiquarian—to offer the visitor from foreign climes, with our usual conservatism fail to draw his attention to the matter.
As motor coach proprietors would certainly benefit to a very considerable extent by an increase in the influx of visitors desirous of seeing the country in the best possible manner, it would be in their own interests if they gave the sug gestions embodied in the article their serious consideration; and we suggest that the Commercial Motor Users Association should consider taking the matter in hand.
Transport for Paris Stores.
In connection with our recent article dealing with the transport systems of several business houses in Paris, we have been asked to draw attention to the following points dealing with the wellknown Grands Magasms "Aux Galeries Lafayette." They point out that 10 vehicles maintain the service to -the large suburbs, such as Rouen, Amiens, Nogent, etc.
The main garage is situated at Levallois-Perret, rue Gide, and not at the rue Blanche, Paris, the latter being used chiefly as a store for goods. The main garage has a superficial area of 5,000 metres and holds 1201vehicles. The improvements and repairs to chassis are effected in the owner's workshop at
Levallois, and are not returned to the makers for overhaul.
Mill Corporation Tramways Committee has refused an application by Mr. R. Copeman to run a. bus service between Hull and Withernsea, and by Mr. H. Howlett to run a new service to Garden Village.
Local Proceedings.
Nelson Town Council has decided to invite -tenders for the supply of a motor fire-engine.
Hull Corporation has arranged to run an experimental service with two buses to Garden Village.
Weymouth Town Council has decided to purchase three 1-ton motor lorries with tipping bodies.
Sydney (N.S.W.) Municipal Council proposes to purchase a Ford van for the electricity department.
Southend Watch Committee recommends the purchase of a Dennis trailer fire-pump at a cost of £468.
Johannesburg Town Council is asking for tenders for six motorbuses at a cost of about £1,400 each.
Carlisle Town Council has called for a report on the possibilities of the proposed municipal motorbus service..
The Chesham Urban District Council has decided to purchase a fire-engine at a cost not exceeding £1,300.
North Walshaie Urban District Council is considering the question of the provision of a motor fire-engine.
Lytham St, Anne's Corporation has now decided to provide motor omnibus services under the powers obtained two years ago.
Southend Town, Council has asked the borough surveyor to obtain tenders for the supply of a Ford ton lorry for the parks department.
Naneaton Town Council is applying to the Ministry of Health for sanction to borrow £750 for the purpose of a motor fire tender and pump.
Southend Corporation has prepared a scheme for a garage, to cost £2,428, to accommodate electric vehicles which are being acquired for refuse destruction.
Penrith Joint Fire Brigade Committee proposes to purchase a trailer pump, which is to be used in conjunction with a motor fire-engine, at a cost of £450.
Swansea Watch Committee has given permission to the South Wales Transport Co., Ltd., to run a motor omnibus service between Sketty and Mumbles.
In view of the poor .offers received for the purchase of three old motorcars, the Glasgow Corporation Motor Garage Committee suggests the disposal of the cars by auction.
Pretoria (South Africa) Town Council requires tenders for -the supply of a motor ambulance, at an estimated cost of £500. British makers should cornmunicatEP with their local representatives.
. Sydney (N.S.W.) Municipal Council has "referred back for tests to be made" a proposal to purchase two Sentinel steam wagons for the surveyor's department and two motor wagons for the electricity department.
Calcutta Municipal Council has decided to allocate sufficient money in the next estimates for the purchase of four lorries for transport, four Ford lorries for conservancy work in narrow lanes, and three gully cleaning machines.
Twickenham Urban District Council invites tenders for the supply of a 30-35 h.p, petrol motor fire tender and a 40-45 h.p. motor fire tender, each complete with first-aid equipment and 35-ft. telescopic ladder. Tenders must be delivered by April 25th.
Midland Fare Reductions.
Reductions in the fares have been made on most of the routes worked by the Birmingham and Midland Omnibus Co., Ltd. Some of these reductions are quite considerable, hut, generally speaking, they affect more favourably the short-distance than the long-distance passenger. The reductions are, however, very much welcomed by people who use the buses.
Hire or Purchase ?
The Health Committee of the East HE1111 Corporation reports that the borough engineer submitted quotations for the supply of a new public motor ambulance. The committee recommends that the further consideration of these quotations be referred to a sub-committee to view various types of ambulances and also to take into consideration the question of contracting for the use of ambulances with a firm,of garage proprietors.
Linking-up North and South Wales.
The Swansea Rural District Council has a scheme for constructing a new road from Dunvant to Gowerton. The scheme, decided upon in 1917, includes a new bridge, estimated to cost £8,000, over the Kilian Colliery siding, which will bring the road out near Dunvant
Station. Considerable grants are expected towards the cost of the new road which will substantiate the proposal, which has been approved by the Ministry of Health, for a new route for road traffic from North to South Wales.
Useful Suggestions.
During the month of March the Underground received from its staff 331 suggestions for improvements to its passenger-carrying vehicles, and amongst them we notice two which are to be adopted on motorbuses, these being a stainless metal for hand-rails anda method of extracting chokes from carburetters.
Halley Fire-engine for Wales.
The Gellygaer Urban District Council is to purchase a six-cylinder 75-110 h.p. Halley motor fire-engine at a cost of £1,575. In addition, £275 will be spent on a fire escape, and £40 on a ladder extension. The engine will have a pumping capacity of 500 gallons.