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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Paris Fair Exhibitors.
The following concerns will be exhibiting in, the industrial-vehicle section at the Foire de Paris, which opens on May 12th next and closes on May 28th :—Aries, Bernard, Berliet, Barre', Bernier, Brisonneau et Lutz, Blotto Tricars, Chenard and Wacker, Corre La Licorne, Coder, Citroen, Carnbsskies (Jean), Delahaye, De Dion Benton, Donnet, Ducom, Dewald, Duncan and Martin, Ford and Fordson Tractors, Geneve, Hardy, Jeannet, Laffly, Lagache and Glatzman, Lavigne, Mesnier Laforge, Panhard and Levassor, Peugeot, Piguet, Pilot, Ransquin; Regis (Georges), Renoux et Cie., Rochet Schneider, Rougier, Snorer, Sceinia, S.O.M.U.A., Ste Parisienne de Pneumatiques, Triverse (La Cie.), Tribenne Tip Wagons, Van Caeysselle, Willeme (French "Liberty" lorries), Ste Zaney, Ste Developpment des Vehicules Electriques, Aster, Mercier (Agricultural), Renault, Ateliers de Savoie, Actors de la Sarre, Soeiete.Electromecanique, Ste Trebor, Ste Anon Saintagne, Etablissements Marvel, -Etablissements Guerin, Dehautmont (anti-splashers), Richard, Glacier Antifriction Metal, Zenith.
Gas producers :—Barbier, Berliet, Renault, Panhard Levassor, Malbay, Valet, Sagam, Ste Frangaise de Materiel Agricole, G.E.P.E.A., Ste Frarigaise de Gazogenes, Ste Industrie Mecanique, Dewald, Duvant, Delhommean.
A Railway Company's New Motor Delivery Scheme.
It is announced that the Southern Railway Co. has recently decided to substitute additional motor vehicles for 100 horse-drawn vehicles which are now used for delivery purposes from certain of the London depots and in several country districts. It is said that 52
new vehicles are being purchased-8 2-tonners and 14 4-tonners.
A number of horsed teams is at present employed in London, in what is known as the outer circle, which involves long journeys and a high percentage of relief horses, and because of these factors it has been decided to make extended use of motor vehicles. Moreover, it is said that it will be possible in the provincial districts to extend the existing cartage boundaries.
More Six-wheeled Buses for Berlin. It is reported that the Berlin General Omnibus Co. has lately placed an order• for a further 100 Bussing six-wheeled pneumatic-tyred bus chassis.
Lowestoft Parking Charges.
Lowestoft Watch Committee has fixed the following parking charges : Lorries, Is. per day ; motor coaches and buses, 2s. per day, or is. if the vehicle does not remain at the park for over three hours.
At a meeting of the Birmingham Tramways Committee last week it was decided to purchase 40 additional buses...,
Morris Profits.
The report of Morris 14Iotors (1926), Ltd., which has just been issued for the past year, shows a profit on trading and interest amounting to £1,334,907, after making prevision for depreciation of assets and other contingencies. After meeting the dividends on the preference shares and income tax, there is balance of £918,922, this being increased to £949,781 by the balance brought forward from the previous year. It is recommended that no dividend be paid on the ordinary shares and that the whole of the available Profits be used to strengthen the position of the company. For this reason £725,000 is being transferred to the reserve fund, bringing it up to £1,100,000, and the balance of £=4,781. is being carried forward.
EaStern Counties Sugar-beet Transport Scheme.
'Farmers in the Eastern Counties are keenly interested in the formation of the Eastern General Transport Co., for the purpose of delivering sugar-beet direct from the field to the factory. The managing director is Mr. D. J. Coleman. one of the original members of the Central Sugar-beet Committee of the National Farmers' Union.
A. report states that Mr. Coleman, who has been a grower of beet for many years and supervisor over the growers' representatives at the Cautley Beet Sugar Factory, is quite familiar with the conditions to be met and has been investigating the possibilities of a comprehensive scheme to commence operations next autumn. Although the scheme will be definitely applied to the factories at Ely and King's Lynn in the autumn, it is expected that extensions will be made to other factories.
The New Zealand Motor Trade.
A confidential report on the imports of motor vehicles into New Zealand in 1927 has been prepared by the Department of Overseas Trade, and United Kingdom concerns desirous of obtaining a copy of it should write to 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1. A British Sweeper Abroad.
Not only has the type of sweeper made by Karrier Motors, Ltd., achieved much recognition in municipal circles in this country, but it is also employed by many local authorities abroad, these municipalities having been attracted by the economic and hygienic service which the machine gives. The Johannesburg Municipality favours the company's BB 350-gallon-type appliance, which is illustrated on this page. This machine thoroughly damps and sweeps the refuse to the gutter-side, thus placing it in position f or subsequent collection. Notable features of the RB sweeper are the accessibly placed brush-balancing and .adjusting gear, the get-atable position of t h e sprinkling nozzles, the short wheelbase which ensures easy manmuvrability in narrow thoroughfares and a capacious tool locker at the rear.
For Use with Heavy Oil Drums.
Many users of commercial vehicles will certainly be interested in the new telescopic type of tap recently placed on the market by Messrs. Phillips and Son, 162, Pall Mall, London, &WA. The device is claimed to possess a number of advantageous features. It consists mainly of a self-lubricating sliding tube, perforated on its under side, which can he fitted in the bunghole of almost any kind of oil drum and which, it appears, has simply to be drawn out of the container to uncover the perforation and thus allow the oil to flow.
The rate of flow can be regulated, and it is claimed that besides saving much time in operation the telescopic tap, which sells at various prices between 2s. 6d. and 4s. for different models, does not leak or drip when shut.
Tenders for a Low-loader.
The works committee of the Camberwell Borough Council recommends acceptance of the tender of Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd., at £634, for the supply of a low-loading motor vehicle. The committee received the following tenders :—Carrimore (Six-Wheelers), Ltd., 2-ton Lowtruck, delivery in 36 days, £362 Ss. 5d. Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd., 2-2i-ton S.D. Freighter, delivery within 63 days, as previously supplied to Camberwell, but with improvements including new radial-type tipping gear and glass windscreen, £634 5s. Belgravia Trading Co., Ltd., Vulcan 3-ton low-loader, delivery within 14 days, 1705.
Peat as a Motor Fuel.
During the course of the second International Peat Congress, which is to be held at Leon, France, from July 8th12th next, some trials are to be made with peat as'a fuel for motor vehicles.
"Northern General" Report.
In our issue dated April 10th we referred to the dividends being paid by the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., on the past year's working of the company, and the report which has just been issued shows that the total revenue for 1927 amounted to 1162,830. After deducting administration, and general expenses and other items chargeable to revenue, including £53,082 for renewals, there is a balance _of £76,909, this being increased to £79,349 by the amount brought in. The dividends to which we have referred absorb £3,375, whilst the reserve fund benefits to the extent of £10,387, these amounts, in addition to £2,290 to the sinking fund for redemption of debenture stock, totalling £66,052 an d leaving £13,297 to be carried forward.
During the yeas the company expended £55,553 on capital , account, mainly in respect of additional rolling stock and the purchase of land at Durham and Sunderland. At the end of the year the company had 262 buses and coaches.
Verification and Stamping of ' Petrol Pumps.
Tinder the powers granted it by Section 2 of the Weights and Measures (Amendment) Act, 1926, the Board of Trade has prepared draft regulations dealing with the verification and stamping of measuring devices for liquid fuel and lubricating oils, and copies may be purchased from H.M. Stationery Office, Adastral House Kingsway, London, W.C.2, or through any bookseller (price 3d. net).
The Guy Issue.
In coune-ction with the recent issue to the exist. in g shareholders of two shares for five held, Guy Motors, Ltd., received applications for approxim ate ly 150,000 more shares than were provided for.
Phillipsou's Motor Coach Services, Hexham, have now started a new bus service from Newcastle to London. • U.A.S. Future Bus Plans.
The licensiug committee of the Lowestoft Corporation has had before it a statement submitted by the 'United Automobile Services, Ltd., dealing with the bus services which it proposes operating during the season, and amongst the contemplated alterations are reduced fares, improved types of vehicle and, in some cases, extensions of existing services.
During the busy season the company contemplates running a five-minute service in each direction between Lowestoft and Yarmouth, and, commencing in May, will run a daily service between Lowestoft and Loudon. The vehicles on this service will be fitted with movable armchair seats and will have buffet and lavatory accommodation.
Buying a Diesel-engined Roller.
The highways committee of the Northfleet Urban District Council has considered prices of seven steam rollers and three motor rollers and, after extensive inquiries as to reliability and working costs, has decided to accept the offer of l3arford and Perkins, Ltd., for a T.J.D. Diesel-driven, three-wheeled motor roller weighing, when fully ballasted, approximately 131 tons, for the sum of -£983. The committee was influenced in its decision by the low working costs of this appliance, which are said to be less than the cost of working a steam roller.
The maker guarantees this roller against mechanical defects for three years and has agreed to send the roller on a three weeks' trial on terms of 26s. per day, including driver, fuel, oil, etc.
Newport Bus-licensing Affairs.
At an April meeting of the Newport (Mon.) Town Council, protest was made against the decision of the watch committee to grant licences for bus services to Lewis and James, Ltd., Messrs. Ralph's Garages, and Eastern Valley Motor Services, Ltd.renly on condition that the companies did not issue season tickets to Malpas, the Gaer, etc.
The council buses rim on these routes and season-ticket facilities are not granted in connection with them. A further condition imposed is that fares on privately owned buses are not to be lower than those prevailing on the council services. Members protested that by
B22 declining to allow the proprietors to issue season tickets the committee penalized residents in the outer districts.
On a division being taken the committee's decision was affirmed.
Incidentally, it is reported that the Claerleon Council has decided to protest against the Newport authority's alleged refusal to issue season tickets on the Caerleon-Newport route and to point out that private enterprises readily ,grant this privilege in all the local districts.
A Good Use for Bus Profits.
The tramways committee of the r' Chesterfield Corporation has decided that the reserve fluids of the trolleybus and motorbus undertakings be amalgamated and that all the cur
plus profits of the trolley-vehicle and bus undertakings be utilized for the redemption of the outstanding debt on the trail:two:Vs undertaking until the debt is cancelled.
IA.E. Medal Award.
The council of the Institution of Automobile Engineers has decided to award the Institution Medal to Major G. S. Wilkinson, M.I.A.E., for the prominent part which he took in the design of the Napier Lion 875 h.p. engine fitted to the winning machine in the Schneider Trophy Race. A Notable Six-wheeler.
During our visit to the Leipzig Fair we examined with great interest a particularly novel and well-designed rigidframe six-wheeler built by Mannesmann-Mulag. We have already given certain details of this, but think that the accompanying illustration will add to the interest as it shows clearly the action of the independently pivoted casings for the rear-wheel stub axles and the arrangement of the centrally ful crumed single spring above each pair of casings.
It is also important to remember that in this design three differentials are employed—the ordinary central type and one at the common centre of each pair of stub-axle casings.
A prominent point is that the unsprung weight is reduced to a minimum, as the " axle " upon which the casings rock is secured rigidly to the chassis frame, and is, therefore, sprung. It may be considered that only about one-third of the weight of each casing is unsprung.
Leeds Refuses Licences.
Leeds Watch Committee has refused to reconsider an appeal on behalf of the Leeds-Newcastle Omnibus Co., Ltd., for licences for motorbuses to ply for hire within the city in connection with a service between Leeds and Newcastle-. upon-Tyne, via Harrogate and Darlington.
A Northallerton Bus Development.
The Northallertan Omnibus Services, an undertaking formed in 1026, has recently been converted into a private limited company with its headquarters at I3edale. The company, which started with a short route between Northallerton and Bedale, now tuns throughout the entire length of Wensleydale, from Northallerton to Hawes, and works to Catterick, whilst it has interchange facilities with the Express Motors, Ltd., of Darlington, at Richmond. The company has a fleet of ten machines, and is shortly to open a new garage at Bedale.
New " General " Records.
The motorbuses in the service of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., set up a new record during March, when they ran a total service mileage of 16,029,247, the previous best monthly record being 15,440,683 miles. A new record for the month was also set up in the matter of passengers carried, this being 146,528,840, as compared with the previous high total of 140,461,065.
The Newcastle-Glasgow Service.
At a meeting of the Carlisle Watch Committee the chief constable submitted an application from the Clan Mptorways, Ltd., of 192, Buchanan Street, Glasgow, to have its two motorbuses licensed to ply for hire in Carlisle, so as to allow them to pick up ilassengers for its Newcastle and Glasgow service.
The licences were granted, subject to the conditions that there shall be no plying for hire between Gretna and Carlisle and Carlisle and Brampton.
A London Coach Station.
Jordan and Sons, Ltd., the wellknown registration agent, has just reported the registration of Central London (Road Transport) Station, Ltd., with a capital of £20,000. It is stated that the company has acquired a large garage capable of accommodating 200 motor coaches at Crescent Place, Russell Square, London, W.C.
A Belfast Bus Acquisition.
It is announced that the Belfast Omnibus Co., Ltd., has just taken over the business of Messrs. Bell and Paisleys Paragon Bus Service, which, from headquarters in Belfast, is running to Draperstown, Magherafelt, Maghera, Portglenone, Whitehead and Carrickfergus. Mr. Robert Bell, a partner in the company, has been appointed supervisor of the fleet, which, for the time being, will continue to work to the existing schedule.
Distinctive Thornycroft Vans.
On this page we illustrate two interesting deliveries which have recently been made by John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd. One of the vehicles is an example of the maker's type 3.1 5
twiner, and was recently supplied through its agent, Williams Bros., Ltd., of Blackpool, to a local user, Waller and Hartley, Ltd. It will be seen that the van body, which is finished in a strikingly attractive style, is provided with sling hooks. It rests on a, platform
from which it can lifted clear' for transferring to railway trucks.
The owner has two similar bodies for use with this vehicle, which is employed for executing deliveries in a large area around its works. The system of working is to empty one body, after 'which it is returned by rail in exchange for a fully loaded body, it then being sent to a point where the vehicle can pick it up. This is an interesting example of co-ordinated arrangements between road and railway interests, and has been conceived with one eye on the new de velopments being made by the railways for the quicker handling of unit loads. It might be Mentioned that since taking delivery ofthis vehicle the user has placed a further order for a 2-ton subsidy-1 ype van of the same make.
in the other picture a Thornycroft 30-cwt. subsidy-type box-van is illustrated, this having been delivered to
Mr. Charles A. Wells, a haulage contractor, of 14, Union Court, London, E.C., who, we are told, is running it under contract for the Ivanhoe Confec7 tion.m7 Co.
Fleet Operation Between Bournemouth and Plymouth.
The Plymouth police authorities have received applications for 24 licences from a Bournemouth company which proposes running a fleet of motorbuses between that town and Plymouth. The .police are satisfying themselves as to whether the vehicles to be employed comply with the local regulations.
Letter Collection by Motorvans.
The post office authorities at Sheffield have recently instituted an interesting method of collecting letters from street pillar-boxes and branch offices. In the past it has been .necessary for postmen to travel on tramcars and carry bags to Coiled letters from pillar-boxes in outlying districts, but a fleet of 18 motorvans, in conjunction with five motorcycles, the latter being used for collecting and delivering in country districts, will shortly be in service. Apart from facilitating the work of collection, the use of the vans will avoid undue physical strain on the postmen.
A New Idea in Railway Excursions.
A new idea in railway excursions was inaugurated on April 18th when the Great Western Railway Co., ran a halfday "educational excursion" to Wolverhampton, the trip including, amongst other visits, a tour of inspection of the works of Guy Motors, Ltd.
Albions Popular in Australia.
The products of the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., are very popular with Government departments, municipalities and private concerns in Australia, and the excellent service which the vehicles have given, and continue to give, is emphasized by the number of repeat orders which the company receives from this part of the world. Amongst the latest of these is an order for six 2-ton chassis received through the maker's agent, T. D. Chapman, Ltd., from the Nestles and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., of Sydney, which has been using Albion vehicles for a number of years, its fleet comprising 19 of this make.
Industrial Motors in East Africa.
According to a recent return, 460 industrial motor vehicles valued at £82,171 and 476 tractors (£98,826) were imported into East Africa (Zanzibar, Kenya, Tanganyika and Uganda) during the first half of 1927. It is estimated that 65 per cent, of the imports came from the United States, 21 per cent. from Canada, 10 per cent. from the United Kingdom and 4 per cent. from the Continent of Europe.
Tractors for Golf Courses.
Attention is being directed in several districts of Nottinghamshire to the utilization of tractors for golf courses, a practical demonstration of the possibilities of which was afforded recently on the Bulwell Hall ground, which is under the control of the Nottingham Corporation and let to the Nottingham City Club. The tractor employed, with good results, was a Pattison, supplied by the Midland Motor Co., Nottingham, this being used in conjunction with one of Ransome's gang mowers. composed of 5 units with a total cutting width of 11 ft. 6 ins.
This type of machine is in use on many notable courses, including the Royal and Ancient, St. Andrews and the Royal St. Georges. It is confidently anticipated that its introduction at Bulwell will bring about a desirable improvement in the fairways, making the course one of the best in that part of the Midlands.
A Good Performance.
The A.E.C. lorry shown in an illustration on this page is to be seen haullag a transformer weighing 17 tons. The
type of trailer employed is rather novel and was designed by the Electricity Commission of Victoria, Australia. In order to assist the lhaulage of the weighty load up. a gradient of 1 in 10, another A.E.C. lorry (which is not shown in the picture) was coupled up to the first vehicle. In view of the fact that the YC-type lorry shown has been in service for five years, and that the total load being hauled is 21 tons (the trailer weighs 4 tons), it will be agreed that this is a noteworthy performance.
Through-service Arrangements on Tyneside.
The West Hartlepool Corporation having declined to grant licences to the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., for 15 buses to be used in connection with that company's through-service arrangement with the United Automobile Services, Ltd., the Tyneside undertaking has intimated its intention of appealing to the Ministry of Transport.
The proposal of these two large concerns is to work direct through routes between such large centres as Newcastle and Bishop Auckland, Middlesbrough and elsewhere, in place of exist jag interchange facilities. Already several smaller undertakings in this area have inaugurated such services, these being the Al, Service Cars, Newcastle to Bishop Auckland ; the Eastern Express Motors, Ltd., Newcastle to West Hartlepool; the County General Omnibus Co., Ltd, Newcastle to Stockton; and the Blue Band Services, Middlesbrough to Newcastle.
Bolton Approves.
Bolton Watch Committee has approved arrangements made by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., for the operation of through inter-running services between Bolton and Chorley, via Horwieh.
Malayan Imports.
During 1927 1;857 commercial vehicles and 6,196 private cars, with a total value of £1,508,626, were imported into Malaya. Corresponding figures for 1926 were 2,126, 9,139 and 12,112,917.
Manchester's Traffic Revenue.
The tramways committee of the Manchester Corporation has submitted figures which show an estimated income from traffic revenue of 11,880,000, and miscellaneous revenue. including bus and parcels traffic, of £24,000, a total increase of £64,700 over the figure for the previous year. The expenditure is given at £1,784,000, an increase of £85,400 over the previous year.
Small Buses for New Districts: In connection with the applications which are under consideration for the licensing of motorbuses to run over the roads on the Lupset and Portobello estates, a committee of the Wakefield Corporation visited the localities. After a preliminary discussion and submission of the report of the housing architect and surveyor as to the effect of buses running on the roads, it was concluded that the roads on the housing estates were not suitable for heavy bus traffic. The corporation, however, has agreed to a service by 20-seater motorbuses.
Death of German Commercial-vehicle Pioneer.
From L'Im, Germany, comes the news at fhe death, at the age of 65 years, of Herr Hermann Magirus, one of the founders and directors of the C. D. Magirus Gesellschaft, of that town, the maker of Magirus commercial vehicles.
Guide to New Lighting Laws.
For the assistance of motor owners and drivers the Automobile Associatiou is issuing a booklet setting out in concise form the various changes in the law relating to lights on vehicles. In addition to the Road Transport Lighting Act, which came into operation on April 22nd, • there are certain changes which are to be the subject of regulations made under that Act, and immediately these regulations are issued the A.A. booklet will be available, free of charge, to every motor user who applies to the Secretary, Automobile Association, Fantun House, New Coventry Street, London, W1.
An Efficient Brake Facing.
A typh of brake facing which is largely used in the -commercial-vehicle industry is that sold by the name of Capasco this being the product of the Cape Asbestos Co., Ltd., Morley House, 26-30, Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C.1. There are several distinctive features associated with this friction fabric, which is constructed from white asbestos. Various methods of weaving are employed in the manufacture of
brake facings, but what appears to be a good method is practised 14 the company. Special looms are employed which allow for a patent interlocking stitch. The fabric is made up of a series of superimposed bands, secured by transverse yarns. By following this construction, each thickness can be worn away without the solid character of the whole being affected. No resin or bitumen is employed in the impregnation of Capasco, whilst the chemicals used are introduced into the dry fabric by a vacuum process which ensures complete penetration.
The Effect of Road Conditions on Bus Licensing.
The narrowness of the roads in the Forest of Dean district has resulted in the Lydney Council deciding to appeal to the Ministry of Transport for a ruling as to whether it may suspend licences for bus services if proprietors fail to comply with a request to use smaller buses.
The surveyor to the council is reported to have expressed the opinion that the roads in places are so narrow and ill-conditioned as to be unsuitable for any type of bus.
• Buses Relieve Rates.
The Birkenhead Corporation has been recommended by its finance committee to appropriate in relief of rates the undermentioned amounts from the estimated surplus of the tramways and motor omnibus undertakings for the current financial year :--Motorbuses account, £14,120.; tramways account, £4,412.
A Paper on Diesel Engines._
At a meeting of the Diesel Engine Users Association to be held on May 1st a paper entitled "Some Considerations Regarding the Peak-load Problem and High-powered Peak-load Diesel Engines," will be read by Mr. M. Gercke, technical adviser on power station practice to the M.A.N. Co., of Nuremberg. Tickets of admission can be obtained from the joint secretaries of the Association at 19, Cadogan Gardens, London, -S.W.3.
A Transport Department's Address.
The address of the transport department of the Nottingham Chamber of Commerce is now at Smithy. Row. Mr. W. Donaldson Wright, A.Inst.T., is the transport manager of this wellknownorganisation.
An Estonian Exhibition.
The Estonian Ministry of Trade has organized an exhibition of motor vehicles to be held at Revel from April 27th to 30th. Lorries and buses are to be exhibited.
Walsall's Populat Buses.
During the year ended March 31st last the buses of the Walsall Corporation carried over 2,000,000 more passengers than in the previous year, the actual total being 6,523,000. Moreover, the income from the buses increased by £24,080 from £57,902.
Inst.P.E. Meeting.
A general meeting of the Institution of Production Engineers will be held at the headquarters of the S.M.M. and T., 83, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1, at 7.20 p.m. on April 25th, when Mr. E. W. Hancock, planning-department manager, Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Lutou, will read a paper entitled "The Trend of Modern Production Methods."