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Answers to Queries.

24th August 1911, Page 18
24th August 1911
Page 18
Page 18, 24th August 1911 — Answers to Queries.
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The Mueller Electra-Mechanical Train.

[1,856] " ComaaitaTivE writes : —" I see that some of the American and other papers have just been dealing with a unique German-built road train. The maker is Mueller, and the power unit is of the petrolelectric four-wheel-drive type : there is electric transmission to the 'follower2 trucks. Have you missed this invention I" ANSWER.—We are not in the habit of missing things. A.s a matter of fact, this interesting train was described and illustrated by us in our issues of 9th February and 2nd March last—months before the U.S.A. and other papers dealt with it.

Tatsfield-Bromley Service.

[1,857] " DEALERS " write : " We notice in your issue of the 3rd inst. a paragraph with reference to a proposed service of small motor chars-h-bancs to run from Tatsfield to Bromley. We have one or two vehicles on hand that would probably be very suitable for this purpose, and we should be glad to gettouch with whoever is dealing with this matter.

ANSWER.—We are informed that Mr. L. Brown, of the We.sterham Hill Garage, Westerham, is interested in the promotion of the char-ii-banes service from Tatsfield to Bromley. The directors, all of Tatsfield, are : Messrs. S. G. Thomas, C. D. Sherrard, G. H. West, D. T. White, and G. Stone.

Worm Gears and Steels.

11,858] "DATA " writes :—" With reference to the very good article on worm-driven axles (published in your Issue of the 23rd February last), on page 520. column 1, you mention 'a reference to a table of standard gearwheels will show,' etc. Could you let me know where I can find such a table, as, on looking through Fowler's and the Mechanical Engineer pocket-books, I can find no such tables, i.e., that show pitch, outside diameter and number of teeth all in one. I shall he much obliged if you will let me have this information. Also, re your articles on motor steels, have you published any since that in 1st December, 191o, issue 1 I can trace no more since then."

Answ-ER.—We recommend you to apply to David Brown and Sons, Ltd., Gear Works, Huddersfield, for their booklet, which gives the information named. Our last long article on motor steels appeared in the issue dated 8th June.

Motor Fire-pump for Auckland, N.Z.

[1,859] " MERCHANT writes :—" In your issue of the 29th December, page 342, is a description of a low-priced motor fire-pump outfit by the de Dion Co. As we do not know this company's address, we would feel greatly obliged if you would kindly let them know that we would like full particulars of the outfit, together with price and discounts for machine packed and delivered f.o.b. steamer to this colony. We would also require shipping weights and measurements. If this company is exclusively French in manufacture, we would prefer to support a British concern,"

Axswea.--The de Dion products are exclusively of French manufacture, but of excellent quality. We are asking the undernoted British manufacturers to send particulars of outfits of the kind direct to you. Aster Engineering Co., Ltd., Wembley, London. Hayward-Tyler and Co., Ltd., 99, Queen Victoria Street, E.G.

E. H. I3entall and Co., Heybridge, Mahlon. John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., Caxton House, Westminster, S.W. • J. W. Brooke and Co., Ltd., Adrian fronworks, Lowestoft. "Hercules" Steam Wagons.

[1,860j " writes.--" One of our customers is

thinking of buying a ' Hercules ' motor lorry, and he has asked our advice. We have never heard of this make, and, as we are now told that they are no longer built, we should esteem it a favour if you could tell us anything about this particular make. We understand that this particular lorry, which, we believe, is a 40 h.p. and three-tonner, ie one of six which was put up for sale some time ago, and which was kept back. The name on the axle-caps is Hercules Motor Wagon and Engineering Co., Ltd., Manchester,

"We should be pleased, also, if you could tell us if this make has gone out, and if so could we get spare parts for same."

ANSWER.—We have no information about the holding of a stock of spare parts for Hercules steam wagons. These vehicles have not been constructed for some few years, and several of the machines were to our knowledge sold off at low pikes. You may be able to obtain some information from Mr. W. E. Roweliffe, Solicitor, 37, Cross Street, Manchester, to whom we recommend you to apply.

Eggs and Butter by Motor.

[1,861] " CORNWALL " writes :—" We shall be glad of your advice. We are in business as collectors of new-laid eggs, butter, poultry, etc., from the farmers in the district ; also, we keep a general store and supply groceries, etc. We are working a light (horse) -covered van, and average about 100 miles per week. We are in a very hilly district, and about five miles from town or railway station. We have to send all our eggs, etc., which range from 10 to 24 cwt. weekly, by rail, as our nearest market is 27 miles away. We think we can see new business up to another 100 miles weekly waiting for us, if we could cover the distance in the time. We think it would pay us, if we could get a motorvan to carry 15 cwt. gross. over rough roads and in a hilly district —average load about 6 cwt., occasionally up to a maximum of 12 cwt. We have the latest edition of The Motor Manual,' and take THE COATIWERCIAL Montt regularly.

"Could you advise us as to the make or class of chassis that would be best for us, the probable cost of a new van complete, and what power should it be ; also, your estimate as to the working cost of same to do, say, 200 miles per week, and not, to take any account of rent, cleaning, or driver 1 Any hints you can give us we shall be thankful for. The points to remember are : it is wanted for the conveyance of eggs in a hilly district, and with a load up to 12 cwt. Our capital is limited. Would a second-hand chassis of ordinary car converted to a van be suitable, and of what power should it be 1"

ANSWER.—We have carefully considered the circumstances which you explain, and we are convinced that the purchase of a motor would be of great financial and business advantage to you. You ought to be able to obtain a second-hand vehicle of a suitable character, but it is of great importance to you that it should be properly inspected before purchase, and we undertake that class of work : if in London, we would inspect and report for the sum of three guineas. We think you could not do better than to begin by communicating with Sturmey Motors, Ltd., of Wilddrington Road, Coventry, which company might have a suitable second-hand vehicle available for offer to you. You should have solid indiarubber tires—not

pneumatics. The running cost, per mile, without rent, driver, or cleaning, should not exceed 21d. There are, of course, other advertised makes which should suit you as well as the Lotis.