TMLs SCRAPPED Laze 'LANS to bring in transport nanagers' licensing have been helved by the Department of
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Instead, a two-tier operaors' licensing scheme is being rut forward: a standard icence which would allow rolders to operate for hire and .eward and on own-account ind a restricted licence for )wn-account operators only.
The move has been "warmly velcomed" by the ETA.
A spokesman told CM: "We lave advocated this kind of ;cheme from the start. It .xcludes own-account opera:ors and meets the needs of all. "Companies will be able to preserve their full '0' licences and the small traders can opt Dut of a scheme which does not apply to them."
The new plan follows consultations held with the industry by the DTp earlier this year on the implementation of an EEC directive on admission to the road haulage profession.
The earlier consultation paper suggested that transport managers' licensing be introduced. But this has been scrapped "for the time being" because of the extra burden it would impose on the Department's Traffic Area Offices.
A simplified dual standard scheme is therefore being sugested which would be an integral part of the 0 licensing system.
It will mean that from January 1, 1978, two types of licence will be available.
Standard licences will be issued to operators who satisfy the three conditions in the directive — good repute, financial standing and professional competence.
Restricted licences will be issued to operators who satisfy the existing '0' licence requirements.
The DTp has warned that operators who are granted restricted licences and who operate for hire and reward will have their licences revoked.
There will be special "grandfather" rights for hauliers and managers already in the business. They will be regarded as professionally competent so long as they have worked in road transport