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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever Joints arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
The Next C.M.U.A, Parade.
The next parade (numbered 19 in the annual series) of commercial motor vehicles to be held in London takes place in Lincoln's inn Fields on Saturday, April 4th, under the patronage of His Majesty the King. These parades are promoted with the express purpose of encouraging drivers to take a personal interest in the driving and condition of their vehicles, and to run them without accident, and unquestionably they have attained their object.
The chief award for the owner whose team of three vehicles is adjudged to be in the best condition (having regard to the class of work upon which the units are engaged, the age of the vehicles and the total distance they have run) is The Commerrica Motor Challenge Cup, a new trophy presented by the proprietors of this journal at the coming-of-age dinner to replace the first cup, of the same name, won outright last year by Thos. Wethered and Sons, Ltd. The drivers of the winning team will be presented with the Shrapnell-Smith Challenge Cup, and each driver will receive a cash award and a Souvenir medal. The drivers of teams up to the fortieth also receive awards or commendations.
The new feature for this year is the Section for electric vehicles, the award to the owner of the best one on parade being a cup presented by the Electrical Development Association with a cash prize for the driver.
The Motor's Aid to Agriculture.
The most up-to-date farmers throughbut the country have come to realize the combined value of the motor lorry and the agrimotor. Mr. J. E. B. Cowper, of Gogar Mains, Scotland, for instance, in explaining his system of farming to 50 students who recently visited his farm in the charge of Prof. Watson and Mr. Thomas Young, M.B.E., said that, along with horses, he uses a tractor and two motor lorries. The tractor is most useful in preparing the heavier land of the farm for potatoes in the spring of the year. The potato is the principal crop of this farm, and the lorries are used for conveying produce to market and for bringing back a large quantity of manure from the Edinburgh slaughterhouse.
Opposing Newport's Bus Application.
The basis of opposition of various Monmouthshire urban district councils to the extension of the powers of bus running applied for by the Newport Borough Council was made known at a recent conference between representatives of the Newport Council and the authorities opposing the application. The proceedings were held in private, but it is gleaned that the urban district councils object particularly to the Newport application for powers to run in their areas, with or without their consent. They do not object to services being run up to a distance of three miles beyond the borough boundary, or to a point that would be subject to the consent of the individual authority concerned.
For the Newport Council it was B20 stated that it only applied for sanctions similar to those already held by seVeral Monmouthshire authorities, which, however, have not applied the powers conferred upon them.
It is to protect the future exploitation of powers held by them that certain of the urban district conneils = seek the power to withhold assent to the proposed Newport services.
Another French Gas-producer Competition.
The French Automobile Club, in conjunction with a number of other associations, is organizing a further trial of commercial motor vehicles equipped with, and operated by, gas-producer plants. The trial will commence on September 15th next, and will consist of runs over a distance of about 1,250 miles in the Nord Department of France. The rules provide that wood, charcoal, coke or briquettes may be used as the gas-producing fuel.
Devon Road Improvements.
Those users whose vehicles have occasion to travel over the main road linking up Exeter and Plymouth should note that this thoroughfare will shortly be reconstructed between Holdron racecourse and Pitt House, near Chudleigh. When travelling from Exeter to Plymouth, the best route to follow is that via Okehampton or Moretonhampstead, the surfaces of both of which roads are in fair condition.
Pagefield Plant for St. Pancras.
The highways committee of the St. Pancras Borough Council reports that it has inspected one of the Pagefield motor lorries and container at Wandsworth, where the Pagefield system of refuse collection is in operation, and has given Walker Bros. (Wigan), Ltd., an order for a motor lorry and four 'containers at a cost of £1,880.
Road Plant May be Wanted.
The Llandilofawr Rural District Council has decided that an examination shall be made into the question of the adoption of an economical system of road repairing and maintenance. Part of the suggested scheme is that the council shall purchase its own motor lorries and steam road rollers, with other road plant, instead of hiring them.
Russia Buys 2,000 Fordsons.
The large order for 900 Fordson tractors, placed last August by the Soviet Government, has been followed by an order for 2,000 similar machines. Onethird of these were consigned to Odessa and the remainder to Novorossisk. The shipment also included a large stock of spare parts.
Leylands Make a Profit.
The report of the directors of Leyland Motors, Ltd., shows that the tide has turned at last, for a net profit for the year ending September 30th last of £90,499 1s. 4d. is recorded, as against a net loss of £4,802 15s. 4d. in the pre vious year. The adverse balance on profit and loss account at the end of September, 1923, was £998,710 9s. 5d. It has now been reduced to £908,211 8s. 1d.—a substantial sum, which, if the present flow of profitable business be maintained, should soon be reduced to sufficient proportions to justify a simple rectification by a capital reconstruction.
The gross profit for the year was £234,403 (in 1923 £132,252), from which has to be deducted interest on loans, bank overdraft and Ham purchase, £76,481. Directors' fees total £1,290, depreciation £63,012 and reserve for bad debts £5,000. Allowing for revenue from investments and transfer fees, the amount deducted from the gross profit is 1143,904 (in 1923 £137,055). The dividends on the 6 per cent. and 7i per cent, cumulative preference shares are in arrear since January 1st, 1921.
A London Lorries Appointment.
Mr. George Harrold, who has for some years past been works manager of the coachbuilding department of James Bartle and Co., Ltd., has resigned his appointment and taken up a position in a similar capacity with London Lorries, Ltd., of Spring Place, London. N.W., who, as our readers will know, specialize on commercial vehicle bodywork, and are the designers of it _ well known quadruple purpose allweather coach body.
Before Mr. Harrold severed his connection with Messrs. Bartle, he was entertained to dinner by the employees of the coachbuilding department, who also made him a presentation.
Ducasble Tyre Representatives.
Messrs. Koski and Noble, of 10, High Street, Stratford, London, E., advise us that they have been appointed direct factory sales representatives for the well-known I/mashie air-cushion tyre. They inform us that all Ducasble tyres are covered by an insurance policy guaranteeing a minimum mileage of 10,000—or a period of 12 months' service.
Messrs. Koski and Noble are prepared to appoint a few reliable agents for these tyres in certain districts in this country.
Headlight Demonstration.
A demonstration of anti-dazzle deilees is to take place this (Tuesday) evening in Richmond Park, Surrey, being organized by the Royal Automobile Club. The invited guests will be received by the chairman and members of the technical committee at 8.35 p.m., after which there will be a demonstration of methods of testing, an inspection of the lamps and devices and demonstrations on the road. Admission to the demonstration area can only be obtained by those holding tickets.
Steamer Costs in Warwick.
The fourth annual report of the ounty surveyor of Warwick recently issued shows that the cost of working the council's 10 steam wagons averaged £2 13s. 6d. per working day, a figure which includes cost of driver's and loaders' wages, fuel, oil and repairs, no allowance, however, being made for depreciation or interest on capital.
During the 12 months the wagons transported 46,998 tons of material, as compared with 37,920 tons in the previous year, the greater tonnage dealt with enabling the cost per ton to be reduced from 3s. 9id. to 2s. Elid. Since the year 1921-1922, the cost per ton of material hauled by these wagons has been reduced by 3s. 2d.
Birkenhead R.T.A. Meeting.
The Birkenhead Road Transport Association has just held its annual meeting, at which Col. B. M. Ormerod was again elected president. In the course of the 28th annual report it is stated that the prospects for the present year, so far as the road transport industry is concerned, are brighter. Steam wagon owners are advised that the association has obtained supplies of discs for operating water standards, and these are now available at the offices of the association, Hamilton Square, Birkenhead. • Traction-engine Traffic and Road Damage.
In reply to representations by the Warwick County Council regarding damage to main roads by heavy traction-, engine traffic, the Ministry of Transport refers to paragraphs 75 and 76 of the Second Interim Report of the Departmental Committee on the Taxation and Regulation of Road Vehicles, and says that if the precautions recommended in paragraph 76 are taken (which areshortly—that when a new crossbar on a road locomotive is fitted in the place of one worn out, it should be of the same depth as the crossbars on each side of it) undue damage to the road surf aceshould not ensue. It adds that the ques
tion as to whether, and to what extent, legislative proposals should be introduced to give effect to the recommendations of the Departmental Committee is under consideration.
Guy's Emergency Bus Door.
Guy Motors, Ltd., of Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, are now fitting a patent type of emergency rear door to their standard buses.. This is illustrated in one of the pictures on this page, which shows a rear view with the door open. This type of emergency door can be operated by the driver from his usual position, so that the door instantly flies open, but should it not be possible to operate the lever from the forward end of the bus, the door may be opened from the rear end, or from the outside, by a lever which is disposed at such a height that it cannot be interfered with by children. The device is simple and capable of ready manipulation.
Ford's 1924 Production.
According to figures recently issued, the total number of vehicles distributed in the United States in 1924 by the Ford Motor Co., was 1,951,183. The figure for trucks is 200,000 and that for tractors 70,101.
The sales of the Ford Motor Co. of Canada in this period totalled 75,735'. Exclusive of the territory which this company control, 187,010 foreign sales were recorded, thus bringing the total sales of the company for the past year up to 2,213,928 vehicles and tractors.
One of the features of foreign sales was the considerably increased demand from South America, whilst -increasing sales were also made in European markets.
Buses on Railway's Private Road.
At a meeting of the Oldham Corporation Tramways Committee a letter was read from the L.M.S. Railway drawing attention to the fact that corporation motorbuses are using the company's private road—Railway Road, Hollingwood—and also stopping and picking up and setting down passengers opposite Hollingwood Station entrance. The company pointed out that they were not aware that the corporation had any powers authorizing it to use the railway company's private road, and asked that the practice should cease.
The general manager stated that he had had an interview with a representative of the railway company with regard to the complaint, and that for the moment the matter was in abeyance.
Annual Meeting of Liverpool C.M.U.A.
At the annual meeting of the Liverpool Area Committee of the NorthWestern Division of the Commercial Motor Users Association thefollowing were elected .to the committee :—Col. B. Pairelough, J.P. (Fairclough and Sons, Warrington) ; J. P. Kitchen (Liverpool Co-operative Society, Ltd.) ; R. W. G. Barnett (Liverpool Cartage Co.) ; F. G. Birch (Tate and Lyle, Ltd.) ; M. Braithwaite (J. Bibby and Sons, Ltd.) ; A. C. Bloomer (J. Crosfield and Sons, Ltd.) ; T. Lawrenson ; P. McGetrick (McGetrick Brothers) ; J. T. Mount (T. Wilson, Bootle) • D. E. Watson (Greenall, Whitley) ; W. J. Harper (W. Harper and Sons, Ltd.) ; W. Edwards (Garlick, Burrell and Edwards) ; T. Jones (Wallasey Haulage, Ltd.) ; Capt. J. R. Williams (W. and R. Jacob and Co.) ; A. Gonldin,e; (Alfred Goulding, Ltd., Wigan) ; C. C. Taylor (Crosville Motor Co., Chester); C. N. Barker (It. N. Barker Transport, Ltd.) ; R. C. Lorimer (Binney and Co., Iiiverpool) ; A. Slea (Liverpool Warehousing Co.) ; W. Sutton (Warrington).
Canadian Exports in 1924.
Statistics which have just been published show that during the month of December last 923 commercial vehicles of a carrying capacity of 1 ton or less were exported from the Dominion of Canada. The greater number of these vehicles (392) was shipped to Australia. In the same period only two vehicles of a capacity of more than 1 ton were exported.
The total exports of commercial vehicles during the whole of 1924 amounted to 12,772, of a value of 4,429,161 dollars, these figures comparing with 12,439 and 4,503,659 dollars in the preceding year.
Albion-Viking Motor Coach Improvements.
The Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., Scotstoun, Glasgow, inform us that they have been able to effect further improvements in the Viking motor cozrch which, it will be remembered, created such a good impression last season. They tell us that various demonstration vehicles are at present touring the country in order to provide potential buyers with an opportunity of testing for themselves the outstanding features of the 192-5 edition of this motor coach.
Leylands for Ireland.
An illustration which we publish on this page shows a group of Leyland vehicles which form part of a fleet juktsupplied through the agency of Messrs. Ashenhurst Williams to the order of the well-known brewers, A. Guinness, Sonand Co., Ltd., of Dublin.
The models which the company have ordered include four G.H.2 four-tonners and two S.Q.2 six-tonners, and the former are depicted in the illustration • en route for shipment from Fleetwood to Ireland. These vehicles are very attrac tively finished, the bodies being painted blue and the wheels red. The platforms which they carry are of robust construction, and have steel stanchions at the rear in order to ensure that the barrels carried are kept in position.
It will be noted that each of the vehicles is equipped with special splashguards, which are fitted in order to comply with the regulations in force in the city of Dublin.
B.P.'s Br:sebl. Branch. .
Within a few nu:intim the Bristol branch of the British Petroleum Co., Ltd., will celebrate its majority, _for the branch was opened almost 21 years ago, when the company's products were only in relatively small demand due' to the few Motor vehicles then in use
At the present time B.P. motor spirit arid, kindred produeta, are obtainable everywhere. . DePots haVe,_ been Opened in almost every town, and supplies ate available in every village. The company haft Wilt tip a remarkably efficient distributive organization, and give eniploYment to about 20,000 British workers. In the Bristol area they have spent over £4,000,000, and at Avonmouth two large installations have been erected through which millions of gallons of D.P. motor spirit pass each year. The parent corn
pany, the Anglo-Persian Oil Co., Ltd., have also erected a large refinery at Swansea in order to meet the increasing demand for B.P. spirit which is being experienced. •
The Lyons Pah% As has already been announced in our columns, the next Lyons Fair opens on March 2nd, and Mr. J. A. Victor, the official representative for the Fair in the United Kingdom, informs us that the exhibition will consist of 2.750 stands. Certain trade sections will be represented to a greater extent than at any previous Fair, and the section devoted to metallurgy and machinery will comprise 487 stands. The official edition of the complete catalogue is now available, and can be obtained from the organizers at Lyons for 6 francs.
Coun-ty Councils and Bus Control.
At a meeting of the Isle of Ely County Council, the clerk submitted a letter from the Ministry of Transport in reference to the 'suggestion that county councils should be empowered to make by-laws relative to the construction and control of omnibuses plying for hire in the areas outside urban districts. The letter states that this question is within the terms of reference to the Departmental Committee on the licensing and registration of hackney vehicles, to which the letter is to be submitted.
American Tractor Exports Increase.
During the first 11 months of last year 22,747 wheel tractors, valued at 12,386,675 dollars, were exported from the United States. The value of the garden and farm tractors exported during the same period amounted to nearly three million dollars. The total value of tractors exported showed an increase of two million dollars over the figure for the correspondin period of the previous year.
Gravesend Inspects a Street Sweeper.
The surveyor, to the Gravesend Corporation has recently visited Woolwich to inspect the Laffiy street-sweepers in use in this district, and, following a demonstration of the maehines at work, expresses' the view that a sweeper of this description would enable the work of scavenging in Gravesend to be carried out more efficiently. A further report is to be prepared -for consideration by the corporation. Covered Top-deck Buses in London.
The Minister of Transport, Colonel Wilfrid Ashley, stated in the House of Commons a few days ago that no alteration had been made by the Commissioner of Police in the conditions prescribed which preclude the attachment of a canopy to the top deck of omnibuses. At his request, however, the Commissioner was prepared to grant experimental licences for a few buses of the low-platform type fitted with rigid top-deck covers. The Commissioner, it was stated, is not in favour of collapsable hoods on buses, at any rate at the present time.
It may be recalled that we intimated some weeks ago that the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., hoped to put into service within the next few months a small number of experimental covered-top buses.
Hartlepools' Passenger Transport.
A deadlock has arisen in the negotiations between the Hartlepool and West Hartlepool Corporations on the question of the class of passenger transport which is to replace tramcars over the direct route between the two towns. The former authority has declined to consider the substitution of tramcars by railless vehicles, even along the lines of a joint partnership, a scheme which was suggested as a means of avoiding an open conflict.
As was recorded in a recent issue of The Commercial Motor, the joint partnership proposal was made after all other attempts-to solve the vexed question had failed. Hartlepool is, however, adamant in favouring motorbuses, and in a recent communication to the West Hartlepool body cites the extreme suitability of that type of vehicle for the route in question, and the unsuitability of trolley-buses. The Hartlepool authority adds that it is ready to consider with West Hartlepool' the question of commencing a joint motorbus service, but, in view of the West Hartlepool body's advocacy of trolley-buses, based upon over a year's successful operation of that mode of transport on the Foggy Furze route, .little hope is held out of this proposal being entertained.
. It would appear, therefore, that the prospect of an eleventh-hour solution to the disagreement has faded, and that litigation may not now be avoided.
Local Proceedings.
Blyth Corporation has purchased a Lacre road sweeper at a cost of £555.
Exmouth Urban District Council has decided to purchase a motor ambulance.
Swansea Corporation has purchased a Ford van for the water department at a cost of £120.
Dover Corporation is contemplating the use of motorbuses over a service now maintained by tramcars.
The borough engineer of Torquay reports that a new motor lorry will be required in the near future.
St. Pancras Borough Council has authorized the purchase of a Lacre road sweeper at a cost of 1575.
The highways committee of the Essex County Council recommends the purchase of an A.E.C. motor lorry at a cost of £942.
Harwich Corporation is calling a conference of local authorities to consider means of transport between Harwich and Felixstowe.
Kensington Borough Council is allocating a sum of £400 for the purchase of one or two light motorvans for the health department.
The health committee of the Barnes Urban District Council recommends the purchase of a 21r-ton refuse-collecting vehicle from Electricars, Ltd., at a cost of £650.
Nelson Corporation has favoured Oswald Tillotson, Ltd., of Burnley, with an order for the supply of two 26-seater one-man-controlled type Leyland buses.
13lyth Corporation has now decided to substitute motor for horse traction, but a recommendation for the purchase of four 1-ton vehicles has been adjourned for further consideration.
The visiting committee of the Hellingly Mental Hospital has suggested to the East Sussex County Council that a 1-ton lorry should be purchased for the use of the institution.
Berks. County Council has approved a scheme which has for its object the reconstruction of the Great Bath Road between Reading and Maidenhead, the cost of the work being estimated at £200,000.
Littlehampton Urban District Council invites tenders for the supply of a motor fire-engine, fitted with extending ladder and first-aid equipment. Tenders have to be delivered to the chairman of the council, Town Offices, Littlehampton, by March 11th.
Leeds Bus Developments.
The watch committee of the Leeds Corporation, which has for some time had under consideration various passenger transport problems with local motorbus proprietors, has now arrived at a settlement of the points in dispute. A special meeting was recently held, at which the applications and suggestions of the various proprietors who desire to run vehicles within the city received consideration. Altogether 23 proprietors made application for 35 different services ro be maintained to 28 destinations, and the regular number of buses which will be in service is 142, an additional 54 vehicles being hvailable
for use in emergency. Seven stands are to be set aside for the buses—five in the centre of the city and two in the suburbs.
Amongst the various places which will be linked up by this comprehensive
network of _bus services, for which Leeds will act as the centre, are: Huddersfield, York, Tadcaster, Castleford, Pontefract, Wetherby, and Watti-onDearne.
Thompson Bros. Open London Office.
Thompson Brothers (Bilston), Ltd., who manufacture a wide range of storage tanks for motor spirit, oils, and the like, have recently, opened a London office at Aldwych House, Aldwych, W.C. 2.
In an article entitled, "How the Electric Vehicle is Faring," contained in our Special Municipal Number, we regret that an error was made in the caption referring to the illustration of an electric tower wagon. This should have been described as a Ransomes-Orwell electric, and not as stated.
Water for Steam Wagons.
In its Parliamentary Bill, the Rochdale Corporation is seeking power to fix and maintain in, or under, any street in the borough, and, with the consent. of the road authority outside the borough, and within the corporation water limits, tanks or suitable receptacles for water for the use and convenience of owners of certain types of motor vehicle. Reporting upon this proposal, the Lancashire County Council says it does not take exception to the provision of water tanks, but urges a clause against their installation on or by the .approaehes to county bridges.
Demonstrating a Lacre Sweeper.
The Darlington Corporation, which uses a number of motor vehicles for a variety of municipal duties, is contemplating the substitution of horses by motors for street-sweeping. A demonstration of the capabilities of the Lacre sweeping machine was recently given in the town, and it is understood that the officials were greatly impressed by the expeditious manner in which the machine performed the work, and also by its economical working.