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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
The Scottish Show.
The Scottish Afotor Exhibition, which will be opened at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, on Friday next, 27th instant, will certainly be one of the most comprehensive which has as yet taken place, in Scotland. The Show is of particular importance, as it is visited by a great many people who do not find it convenient to visit the Commercial Vehicle Show at Olympia, and Scotland presents considerable possibilities as regards the absorption of vehicles for both goods and passenger conveyance.
The Exhibition is organized by the Scottish Motor Traders Association and is under the patronage of H.M. the King. Its importance may be gauged from the fact that commercial vehicles will be shown by over 30 exhibitors, who, in some cases, will stage half a doxen or more vehicles of different makes.
Railways and the Road.
A conference has been convened by the Mansion House Association on Railway
and Canal Traffic in an earlier body formed n 1882) to be held in the Central Hall, Westminster, London, on Thursday next, at 2.30 p.m. The chair will be taken by the president of the Association, Sir Herbert Matthews, and the conference will consider the proposals of the railways (North-Western and Midland, and the West Scottish (-roups) to "provide, own work and use, in aoy district to which, their eistem affords access, road vehicles to be drawn or moved by animal power, or electrical or any other mechanical power, and may therein convey merchandise and passengers and their luggage, etc."
It is intended to determine at this meeting what course of action it may be advisable to adopt in the interests of traders and agriculturists.
With reference to the proposals of the railways, we understand that the following resolution is to be moved :—" This meeting views with apprehension the granting of road transport powers to railway companies for any purposes other than the collection or delivery of railborne traffic, believing that it will inevitably tend to build up a monopoly of inland transport in railway hands contrary to the public interest, and will therefore gradually deprive the whole of the tradingecommunity of the country and the public. generally of alternative and Imna-fiele competitive road haulage outside railway influence of control.
One of the strong cards that will be played by the railways in their application to Parliament will be the fact that dour of the existing railways, being parts of the new groups, have been granted the powers now demanded by the whole of the two groups named; but, with the exception of the Great Eastern Railway, little or no use of these powers has been made.
Every effort most be made to fight these applications because it is obvious that the railways cannot wish permanently to diVert traffic from the rail to the road, and it is contended that the is every appearance of an ulterior motive behind this sudden profession of a wish to duplicate their rail service by one on the road. Independent road hauliers cannot possibly live against railway pressure on the road.
A Licence Duty Point.
The Glasgow Education Authority persists in its contention that motor vehicles used for the conveyance of crippled children are exempt from licence duty, and the magistrates' committee of the Glasgow Corporation recommends proceedings in Court to have the point in question determined.
Thames Deep Wharves and Railway Bill.
A Bill entitled the " Thames Deep Wharves and Railway Bill," and seeking powers for the construction of deepwater wharves between Southend and Thames Raven, with a short railway to connect with the Tilbury and Midland, together with a new motor road from the wharves to connect with the main road to London, has been before Parliament without success on several occasions.
It again appeared in the list to be consielered in the forthcoming session but a few days ago, when it was called among the list of Bills before the Examiners for proof of compliance with Standing Orders, there was no response by the agents for the promoters. The Bill, therefore, automatically drops.
Solving Traffic Congestion in Paris.
The Prefect of Police is making strenuous endeavours to solve the traffic congestionproblem in Paris, and a further step has just been made with this object in view.
By a decree just published vehicles of the following categories may no longer pass through a number of the principal streets of the capital between 2 and 7 p.m. :—Lorries, pantechnicons, slowmoving horse-drawn carts, handcarts, motor vehicles weighing with their loads morethan 8 tons, motor tractors with tenders.
The forbidden streets include the Rue de Ja Paix, Rue de Castiglione, Rue de In Chaussee d'Antin, Place Vendeine, Rue Royale, Rue. du Havre, Grande Boulevards from the Boulevard Sebastopol to the Madeleine), Place de l'Opera and•surrounding streets. Vehicles in the above categories will not, moreover, he allowed to pass through the Avenue des Champs-Elysees, the Avenue 'gangly, and the Avenue Gabriel at any hour of the day.
A useful piece of advice is being issued by the secretary to the Automobile Association and Motor. Union, urging drivers of vehicles not to leave the vehicles standing at night on the off side of the road with the lights on. A vehicle should always be turned round so that it presents its red rear tight to oncoming traffic, because there is always the natural tendency to steer to the left of any headlights.
Road Passenger Transport.
A highly interesting and comprehensive paper was read by Mr. E. EL Edwardes, A.M.I.E.E., general manager a the Lancashire United. Tramways, Ltd., of Atherton, Lancashire, at Warrington ono day last week, entitled " Road Passenger Transport."
The author divided his paper into four sections, these dealing with electric tramways, trackless-trolley vehicles, motor omnibuses and motor coaches. He expressed the opinion that all foer are at present in vogue, and fulfil more or less satisfactorily their respective functions, and that each of the various forms of transport was here to stay, to be fur ther developed and become more efficient. From estimates, he said, after taking into account capital expenditure, the most economical form of road transport for heavy traffic, with regular services of not less than 10 minutes' frequency, is the electric tramcar; for services of 10-20 minutes' frequency, trackless-trolley traction; and for anything less frequent than a -20 minutes' service, the motorbus.
After dealing very briefly with the subject of tramways, he added that, in his opinion, the trackless-trolley system will be extensively used in such cases where tracks require reconstructing. In dealing with the motorbus, he also statedthat during the past two or three years this form of road transport has made eriorineus strides, and has proved itself to be a. most reliable form for operating in more or less thinly-populated districts, and also acting in the nature of a feeder to existing tramway systems. He deals very fully with the question of provincial bus operation, as he does with the advancement which has been made in the design and use of motor coaches.
We hope to be able to deal more fully with this paper in our next issue, particularly the motor-coach section.
Railways and Road Transport.
The Railways (North-Western and Midland Group) Bill was considered by a meeting of the Association.of Municipal Corporations. Sir Robert Fox presented a report of the Law Committee, whic.h.recallecl that scene time ago.atten-Lion was called to proposals to confer poieeri:on railways to establish transport services by road. At the time the assoeiation decided that it was Mexpedient to confer thesopowers upon railway. companies. The proposed did 'not then go forward. Now a private Bill has been introduced to empower the London and North-Western," the Midland, the Lancashire and Yorkshire, and the Furness Railway Co.'s to provide, own, work and use in any district to which the system of the company affords access road vehicles for the conveyance of merchandise and passengers and their luggage. The Bill appeared to be open to the same objection as the dame proposed in the Railways Bill last year, and the committee accordingly recommended that the second reading should be opposed. The recommendation was adopted:
Drivers' Grievances.
The Roads Committee of the Lowestoft Corporation reports that a complaint has been received from the district secretary of the United Vehicle Workers that the drivers of the steam wagon and steam roller are employed 48 hours a week and are required to put in one hour per day overtime in respect of which they receive no additional pay. He also asserts that 78 hours overtime pay is due to one man up to December 10th.
The committee finds that the drivers in question have time ,off during wet weather to compensate them for the additional time referred to, and that the men, although receiving full pay, are not required to work during wet weather. An intimation to this effect is to be given to the secretary of the United Vehicle Workers.
Lowestoft's Rival Services.
Lowestoft Watch Committee reports that letters have been received from the United Automobile Services, Ltd., protesting against licences being granted to proprietors of motor omnibuses .under conditions which give rise to unnecessary competition.
Complaint has been received from the United Automobile Services, Ltd., of a nuisance caused by touting an behalf of the proprietors of buses other than those belonging to the company. The matter has been investigated, but the polices have riot observed anything that would justify proceedings being taken in the matter.
Worcester C.M.U.A. Parade.
Gratifying results are reported of the C.M.U.A. parade held at Worcester last September. .R. is ietended to hold a parade this year much earlier than has hitherto been the custom, and the event will probably take place on WhitTuesday instead of during September. If it is held at holiday time it should enable a. larger number of members and others to take part. Usually the event takes place on.Manday, which is a very busy day in Worcester; Whit-Tuesday should provide an excellent opportunity for all.
• The Need for Co-operation.
About 100 Liverpool commercial motor drivers were entertained by the Liverpool area committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association to a. social function one day last week, which was the occasion for the distribution of the prizes won in the recent parade of motor vehicles in the city. Mr. L. H. Hall preticled, and Mr. C. le M. Gosselin, of B. Viney and Co., Ltd., of Preston, and chairman of the North-Western Division of the C.M.TJ.A.,presented the prizes.
The last parade was described as a very great success, and it was admitted by the chairman that, owing to the excellence of many of the machines and the difficult task ef.the judges, it was, perhaps, net possible to do entire justice to all the competitors. Although it would be agreed that it was a step in the right direction to classify the vehicles according to age, he thought it was generally felt that it. is not altogether fair to expect machines owned by haulage contractors and engaged on general haulage work to compete against machines owned by private users and employed more or less regularly on one class of work. It had, therefore, been suggested that there should be separate classes for haulage contractors and private users. Mr. Hall emphasized the necessity for all connected with road transport, either as owners or drivers, pulling together. It was the only means by which progress could be made. The motor industry was faced with a very grave danger, namely, the endeavour on the part of the railway companies to obtain powers to carry goods by road. Such a consummation could not but have the most damaging effects on the cornmnnity at large, and at the same time deprive very many of those present of their means of livelihood.
Mr. Gosselin, in complimenting the drivers upon their successes, reminded them that at one time he was a driver himself, and he could, therefore, appreciate the hardships and difficulties they sometimes had to encounter. Road trans port had evolved into an important, industry, carrying with it a well-recognized states as a public service. After other felicitous speeches and a musical programme, the company dispersed.
G.M.C. 20 million Dollar Offices.
The new building of the General Motor Corporation, at Detroit, said to be the largest office building in the world, has recently been completed. It occupies an entire city block, covering an area 300 ft. by 500 ft. It is 15 atones high and reresents an investment • of more than ,000,000 dollars. A mortgage of 12,000,000 -dollars has been placed on the building, which is one of the largest real estate mortgages ever written.
On Tuesday, January 31st, the direc tors of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., are holding the official opening ceremony of the L.G.O.C. Chiswick Overhaul Works, when a number of men prominent in the transport world will be entertained to lunch and afterwards taken on a tour of inspection of the interesting works.
Cardiff and Newport Corporations have now'agreed as to the conditions regarding a motorbus serviee between Cardiff and Newport.
British Tyre Interests.
The Committee of the new section of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders devoted to the interests of British tyre manufacturersis now actively at work dealing with all subjects solely affecting British manufacturers of pneumatic and solid rubber tyres (with, of course, the exception of such political and other matters as the Society, by reason of its international status, cannot undertake). Sub-committees have already been appointed to consider and report with regard to tyre and rim standards.
Dealing with 2,000 tons of Grain per Week.
In a recent article we described the particularly efficient manner in which Messrs. Hindhaugh, millers, etc., of Newcastle, dealt with over 1,000 tens of grain, etc., per week, by ineans'of their excellently organized mixed fleet of commercial motor vehicles. Now, with better conditions and the addition of another lorry to their fleet, bringing the total fleet up to ten vehicles, this goahead firm are dealing weekly at present with twice that quantity of their corn modities. In view of the absoltite satisfaction obtained from the operation of their 4 ton Watson vehicle, they recently ordered, and received, a second similar vehicle, which has assisted in coping with the additional, quantity of goods.
In our article on the coach services run by Mr. Joseph Mears, of Richmond, we stated that the pneumatic tyres used on these vehicles have had to he renewed. We are informed that this is not quite correct, as the renewal of the tyres was only required on.one vehicle out of the four' end in this case only at the rear ; the front, tyres are in every case the original Goodyear tyres fitteci, although the four vehicles have between them completed 40,500 miles.
Chesterfield Corporation . Tramways Committee has .refused to entertain proposals made by W: T. Underwood, Ltd., with regard I o competition between 'motorbus services'.
Traffic Regulation.
Swansea Corporation Watch Committee has decided to support the following recommendation of the police corn mittee of the Association of Municipal Corporations :—
We have considered. the question of the regulation of traffic on trantway routes and we recommend that steps should, be taken to secore legislation in this respect so as to provide that when a tramcar is standing at a stopping place, indicated by a notice on the side of the street, every driver of a vehicle who intends to pass on the left or near side of such car shall draw up immediately before arriving at such stopping place until the roadway is clear of passengers entering or leaving such car."
The Efficiency of Motor Gully
Emptiers. A
Fulham Borough Council's Works Committee recommends the purchase of a gully-emptying machine from the Yorkshire Commercial Motor Co., a.t a cost of £11,345. The report of the committee states that it has had under oonsideration the expediency of purohasing motor gully-emptying machine for the purpose of dealing with the gullies in the borough in lieu of the present system of emptying and cleaning the gullies by means of manual labour arid horse and cart.
The borough surveyor has obtained and submitted particulars of various types of such vehicles, and demonstrations as to the capacity and efficiency of the machines have been given in the pre
senoe of the committee. As a result, the committee is of opinion that the mechanical:method of dealing with the gullies.is more. sanitary, efficient, and expeditious than the existing means employed. The machine which appears to be most suitable for the council's work is that quoted by the Yorkshire Commercial Mater Co., oi Leeds, which is a steam wagon type, with a capacity for carrying 900 gallons of deposit drawn from the gullies by means of suction, and also for carrying 900 gallons of water for the purpose of resealing the gullies after removal of the deposit, the price being .£1,345. The borough surveyor has obtained details from a considerable number of municipalities in London and the provinces of working costs of gully emptiers.
Electrics on Trial.
Bedford Town Council has agreed to accept offers from Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., and Newton Bros,, Ltd., to supply on hire for a month's trial an electric motor wagon adapted for purposes of refuse collection. The rate is ZI2 a week for the Garrett vehicle and 10 for the Newton vehicle, with, in each case, an additional charge of 30s. a week in respect ef the board and lodging of the drivers,
Aberdeen Bus Powers.
II is stated that the Aberdeenshire and Kincardineshire road authorities are to oppose the provisional order by which.
the Aberdeen Corporation seeks powers to run motorbuses on various routes outside .the city boundary. The bus services within the city have proved 'ex. ceedurgly popular amongst the residents arid little doubt exists that the proposed wider tours into the surrounding distriets would be equally remunerative.
One of the suggested new routes is along the Countesswelfs Road, and others are on the south side of the Dee, ex, Landing as far as Muchalls, Netherley, and the Mill Inn.
Twenty Motor Sweepers for West Riding,
West Riding County Council proposes to purchase 20 motor sweeping machines at a cost of R,5,000 and two horsed sweepers at a cost of E40.
On this third page of onr recent article referring to the use of petrol-electrics in film production, the caption tinder one of the illustrations stated that it showed the use of sunlight arcs in the production of a film entitled "The Right to Strike," by Stoll Picture Prodoetions, Ltd. This title was incorrect, and should have read, "The Peacemaker," for which the company hold the film rights.
Local Proceedings.
Falmouth Town Council has granted a motorbus licence to Mr. F. Howard.
Town Hill residents have petitioned the Swansea Corporation for " some form of passenger service."
Barnes Urban District Council has instructed the surveyor to ascertain the cost of a petrol or electric lawn-n-10*er.
Fulham Borough Council is making provision in next year's estimates for the purchase of a motor disinfecting van.
Lowestoft Watch Committee recom-. mends granting Mr. B: R. Shreeve licence for an additional motor omnibus.
Camberwell Borough Council reports delivery of the Sentinel -steam wagen recently ordered,adding that,the vehicle is now working on the roads.
The Works Committee of the Marylebone Borough Council reports that it thinks the time is now opportune, to adopt motor traction, and proposes for the present to hire motor lorries.
Stretford Urban District Council has adjourned for two months consideration of a mechanical transport department so that officials can prepare the necessary particulars upon which a sub-committee: can base recommendations.
Plymouth Corporation Works Committee has granted the application of the Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., on behalf of Mr. Kimber, for permission to fixa petrol pump on the inside of the footpath opposite his premises in Albert. Road.
A few days ago Montrose Bridge Joint Committee unanimonsly decided to adhere to the weight maximum n of six . tons, inclusive of vehicle and road, which is permitted to„ cross Montrose suspen-, sion bridge at ea speed not exceeding
.5 m.p.h. . • .
The petrol storage tank installed at the Marylebone"Borough Council's des's wharves, under contract with Messrs. Bywater and Co., has now been completed and tested, and been approved by the London County Council. Northallerton Urban District -Council is considering the desirability of purchasing a moter fire-engine.
In response to the applications of commercial and private motor owners, the Islacelesfield Watch Committee have set apart certain streets in the town where motors may be parked whilst their oWners or drivers are engaged on business.
Glasgow corporation has refused :to adopt the recommendation of its Fire Committee to purchase two Dennis motor, engines at £1,860 each, and decided to invite fresh tenders, believing that prices are lower since the tenders were origin ally invited.
. Bast Ham Corporation proposes to appoint a sub-Committee to consider -the establishment Of a permanentmotor repair_ shop, bulk, storage of -petroleann, together with all questions relating. to the rimming and -repairing of all the
counoil's motor vehicles and the employ-ment of the motor mechanics and motor drivers.
York City Council has given permis; Bien to the Northern Motor Utilities, Ltd., to erect a kerbside petrol pump . on the footpath opposite their premises in Foss Islands Road, subject to the payment of an annual acknowledgment and to the position being approved by the city engineer.
Plymouth Corporation Tramways. Committee has instructed the engineer and manager to converttwo omnibuses into lorries for use in connection with the abnormal amount of haulage work . Which is to be undertaken immediately. : The removal of the.present bodies and converting will cost approximately £100.
. The Institute of -Metals has just,issued a practical pamphlet of 32pages, giving in shmmary form the results of over ten years' research into the causes and prevolition of corrosion in condenser tubes.The pamphlet, which is one that will appeal particularly to all engineers' can be obtained, price 2s. fkl., post free, from the Institute of Metals, 14, Members' Mansions, Landon..S.W. 1.
The Brussels Fair.
The Brussels Commercial Fair will be held this year from April 3rd to April 19th. In the first year of its holding (1920) 14 nations were represented, and last year 20 nations. Of the non-Belgian firms showing last year, 86 per cent. immediately signified their desire to exhibit again, showing. that the Fair was 'regarded as a good Means of doing business,• •
Covered stands cost 350 francs per stand, and may .be shared by . several concerns: . The space-. will be allocated on February 15th, • and applications should reach the Directors, :Brussels Commercial Fair; 19, Grand Place,.Brus. Bois,. before that date. , Full particulars of the Fair may be. obtained from all Belgian consulates.
• „Japs _Visit Leyland Works.
A number of Japanese business men, members' Of a business delegation, when they were in Lancashire, in the course of their tour of the country, visited the works of Leyland Motors, Ltd. The visitors, including representatives of some of the leading commercial houses its Tokio, Nagoya, and other Japanese centres were given a demonstration of a new 500 gallon motor fire pump, which had been built by the Leyland Co. for shipment to Shanghai. .The delegation. witnessed the progressive stages of ma,nufacture of Leyland motors, and • were obviously impressed by what they had seen. ,
A Good Offer.
, The oiler of Messrs. Arthur Legge and Co:' 78a, Queen Street, Hammeisinith. BroadWay, London, W.; . who are specialists in Matidalay vehicles, to supply a thoroughly reconstructed chassis complete .in every detail, iteluding new tyres, and with a six Months' guarantee, must make particular appeal -toall .Maudsla-y. users whose ve.hieles have been in. ser.vice for a. number of years, and -which would be expensive thoroughly to overhaul, especially as the price at which the reconstructed chassis are offered is only .£250, the old Vehicle being taken in part payment.
The American Industry.
The National Automobile Chamber of Commerce of New York states that there are now approximately 10,000,000 automobiles registered in the United States, of which number about 1,000,000 are commercial vehicles. There are 20,000 motorbuses in operation in 600 different cities. Figures showing production for the past year, include cars and lorries to the extent of 1,680,000, which represents a decrease, as compared with the 1920 production, of 24 per cent; 145,000 commercial vehicles were included in this number.
The wholesale value of cars and lorries produced was $1.222,350000, which represents a decrease, as compared with the 1920 wholesale value, of 45 per cent. Of this sum the wholesale value of cons
menial vehicles produced was $134,250,000. The average wholesale price of each motor lorry during 1921 was $968, the comparative figure for the previous year being $1,273. There are at present 140 different factories in the United States manufacturing commercial vehicles, the total number of employees engaged in car and lorry manufacture being about 256,000.
Accident Reports.
At a meeting of the Yarmouth Watch Committee the Chief Constable reported that he was frequently requested to supply copies of police reports relative to motor accidents, and asked for instructions as to the fee to be charged. The committee decided that the minimum fee should be 5s. in each case.
Taxation Returns for 1921.
The Ministry of Transport has just issued figures of the number of motor vehicle licences issued from January Let., 1921, to November 30th, 1921, and of the tax collected in that period in Great Biitain, as returned by the local authorities. The figures represent a,ppmximately the licences taken out for the year 1921, as very few such licences would he taken out merely for the last month of the year. The total gross receipts shown in these returns amount to £10,212,458. This figure is subject to some adjustment in respect of refunds, etc. The total grow receipts into the motor tax account at the Bank of England up to December 31st, 1921, are :—England and Wales, £9,378,648; Scotland, £940,504. The receipts from Ireland were 2265,695. In the table which is published alongside we have excluded figures for motorcycles, invalid vehicles, tramcars, and general identification licences, but when these are included the total amount received in respect of licences for all classes of mechanical road vehicles is £9,735,832. To this sum the total amount received for horse-drawn vehicles (private and hackney), viz., £210,862 must be added together with that received for miscellaneous receipts (driving licences, arrears of duty, fee forlost licences, etc.), aggregating £265,764. Rebates of 25 per cent, allowed in the case of vehicles taxed on the horse-power basis, whose engines were constructed before January 1st, 1913, were paid during the year to an amount of £181,500 in respect of about 42,500 vehicles. In the case of G.I.M. licences, the estimate is the number of plates actually issued. As one vehicle only can be used under one plate at one time, this number would correspond to the number of vehicles on the rods at any one time on test, trial, etc. It will be observed that the number of motor vehicles in use during the year is not the total of the licences issued, as the same vehicles may receive more than one quarterly licence. It should be mentioned that the figures in the tabulatioa refer to Great Britain only.