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• The Hawk knows that times are tough for tipper

24th January 1991
Page 18
Page 18, 24th January 1991 — • The Hawk knows that times are tough for tipper
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operators, but doubling vehicles as car transporters is just not on.

However, such unlikely combinations occur when the weather on the MI near Derbyshire alternates between bright sunshine and a peasouper, as it did on Monday 14 January, resulting in a 74vehicle pile-up, involving at least 15 wagons.

Fortunately in this incident,

in which a car shot from a transporter to hitch a lift on a tipper, transporter driver Martin Holloway escaped unhurt — he was released from hospital after treatment for shock. (Shock? lie must have been astonished — Ed). The transporter belonged to GJ Walker & Son of Northampton. According to boss, Lee Walker: "It's a total write-off and we have only had it two weeks." Seven cars came off the transporter in the accident.