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RHA fights for the industry — but stays within the law

24th January 2008
Page 18
Page 18, 24th January 2008 — RHA fights for the industry — but stays within the law
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

PAIR1CK ALLAM, director of Springer Logistics,wrote that he would be honoured to be a member of an organisation such as the Road Haulage Association (RHA) if he thought it was doing this industryjustice, but that this was not the case (CM 13 December 2007). He goes on to criticise us for not performing.

I presume he would be keen on repeating the 2000 blockades. He would probably be on his own because the recent call to demonstrate was hardly well supported.

To some like Mr Allam it is all SO simple: erect various barriers to discourage foreign trucks entering the UK. Goodness me, what an original thought.Why has it never occurred to us?

Well, perhaps it's because we are part of the EU and such action is simply not permissible. We cannot, for instance, as a country "force" anyone to show tachograph records before leaving; that would be illegal.

We struggle long and hard in the interest of the UK haulier. member or non-member. We know what needs to be done and frankly nothing will happen without continuing pressure from the trade associations.

Mr Allam, by all means table ideas—but don't jump to the conclusion you are the only person with an Our "problem" is we have to talk to government on the basis of what is achievable, and that has to be legal.

Sorry that is difficult to accept but it is the dammed reality. Roger King

RHA chief executive via e-mail