tippers are your isiness, then arrogate at the ld of May (23-25) lould be penned to your diary now.
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ere's what to expect
Tip-Ex08, the
K's only dedicated per show...
Anyone who's been in this business for 10 years or more will know Harrogate is the spiritual home of the UK tipper market.
For more years than we care to remember. the Yorkshire spa town annually played host to the RHA'sTipCon exhibition and conference. And despite efforts to revive tipper shows elsewhere, the mix of business and leisure offered by Harrogate was the perfect antidote to the hard working environment of the UK tipper sector, so the link was forever forged.
G&T Events, headed by industry stalwarts Steve Gray and Dave Tallent, has sought to revive the tipper exhibition and last year launchedTip-Ex, a show dedicated to tippers and the tipper industry. The three-day affair was held over the traditional May Bank Holiday weekend at the beginning of the month; many visitors were surprised by its scale and the number of exhibitors.
This year, the show moves to the spring bank holiday weekend at the end of May. It will run from Friday to Sunday, giving owner-drivers and small hauliers ample opportunity to sample the delights of the expo.
"The tipper sector has been crying out for a stand-alone tipper show for a number of years," explains G&T Events director Dave Tallent."Harrogate was the only place you could really stage such an exhibition. We've rolled up our sleeves and given it a go. Last year's response from exhibitors and visitors alike was promising. and this year's event will be even bigger.These are very exciting times."
Last year's event shared the Harrogate exhibition centre with an antiques fair;Tip-Ex 2008 is bigger.All the halls in the exhibition centre are occupied, along with space in the grounds of the Majestic Hotel next door.
Popular All the main stands at the show have now been booked,leavingjust a few shell stands to be occupied before the "sold out" signs go up.
Exhibitors signed up so far represent all sectors of the industry and include virtually every major player. Over 90% of the industry's bodywork and tipper semi-trailer manufacturers will be there, alongside suppliers of tipping gear and hydraulics, on-board weighers. tyres, axles, oils and fuels. computer systems and a host of other equipment and services directly related to the tipping industry.
Most chassis manufacturers have already booked space via their dealers or distributors, and a number of launches are expected. It's a little early for many to reveal their exhibits at this stage but, on the truck front, we expect B MC to showcase its new range of multiwheelers. In addition Hino will continue its product roll-out to the sector, and Renault is all set to show off the impressive lightweight Lander eight-wheeler which is aimed at the UK aggregate sector.
'Tip-Ex also provides the perfect opportunity for tippermen to meet up with old friends and enjoy the delights of the town.TheTip-f gala dinner, which proved popular in 2007.m be held on Friday 23 May, and well over 75°A of the available seats have been sold -if you interested in attending, contact the organise Headlining the event for this year's entertainment will be Sid Dennis, the 'Scrap Metal Raconteur', while the popular Back Beat band will play into the early hours.
"We've reduced the costs not only of entr to the show, but also for places at the gala dinner," says Tallent.
"Now visitors can book tickets for the six in advance for only 14 or for £5 on the door while tickets for the gala dinner are just £75 including VATa reduction of nearly 9% compared with last year." •