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wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever poiMs, arising. as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—.John Beattie Crosier.
A Canadian Mobile Exhibition in France.
. In .1922 a train carrying exhibits of French commerce and industry traversed Canada from one end to the ether. France, being. anxious to offer-reciprocal adVreitages, invited Canadian organizers to arrange a similar travelling eshibition for France, but, owing to. the amount of tialific on French railways, it was found impossible to carry it by train, as was done in Canada. The exhibition will consequently proceed from point to point by Motor vehicle, which, including two coaches and two cinema. cars, will occupy a total length of road of over three miles.
Halts will be •made at all the principal centres throughout France, and special arrangements are being made for the visit to Paris.
A Remedy for Slippery Roads.
Mr. J.. E. Wilkes, city engineer of Oxford, reports that. the corporation has just purchased a motor watercart with pressure pump and a capacity of 1,200 gallons. This is in order to give an extensive swilling to the smooth roads,. which is the only remedy to prevent slipeetiness. There are many bicycles ridden in the city and accidents have been frequent owing to skids.
Reviving a Dock Road Scheme.
In 1912 the Port of London Authority raised the question of providing a relief road to the centre Of the London Docks. This matter was again brought into prominence when Viscount Devonport, -the chairman, met a deputation concerning the matter from the London Cciunty Council. It was suggested that the new road should run from the centre of the docks to the Barking Road, and there seems to be general agreement that the road is a necessity.
A Bus Service Wanted.
A deputation of Clayton . ratepayers recently urged the Manchester Tramways Committee to inaugurate a motorbus service along Church Street end Briscoe Lane, Newton Heath, and along Clayton Lane through Openshaw and Belle Vue. Such a seheme, it was stated, would tap a . district of 21,000 inhabitants not served by the present car. routes.
An Important Parliamentary Decision. In promoting a Bill in Parliament (dealing inter alio with the regulation of commercial motor and ether traffic through streets which are inadequate in width to meet present-day exigent requirements, the Nottingham Corporation was instrumental in secirring•on _Monday, the 16th inst., an important decision by a committee of the House of Lords upon a point which may .have a far-reaching bearing !MOM .fitture private Bill legislation. The main testa was to negative theiclairus of the Ministry of Transport to be constituted the final arbiter. in cases of appeals regarding the interpretation of suggested regulations; the committee .declaring in favour of the curB18
poretion's contention as to decentralization of authority by entrusting matters entirely to the decision of those who may be reasonably regarded ae peSsessing the better knowledge of local. requirements.
The point., which was discussed originally when the Rill was before .a committee of the House of commons, arose over the difficulty which the Nottingham
Corporation, in common with the municipalities of many other of the old Midland and Northern manufacturing cities, finds in dealing with traffila in hopelessly congested central areas, it being asked that powers should be granted to the corporation to prescribe that, in certain narrow streets within a radius of half a mile of the Market Place, vehicular traffic shall pass in one direction only. The London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co.: which' had been in conflict with the Nottingham municipal authorities as to another matter dealt with in the Bill regarding bridge-widening over their line in the southern part of the city, had asked that the company's vans should be exempted from the proposed new street traffic rules, but the committee, which was composed of Earl Beauchamp (chairman), Lords • Raglan, Hood, Clanwilliam and Bna•leigh, emphatically rejected the company's claim in that respect, whilst also, as indicated, refusing to allow appeals to the Ministry of Transport..
Mr. TyldesIey Jones, K.C., who was leading counsel forthe corporation, painted out that. Nottingham was a very old city, and that in its central portion, particularly in the district known as the lace market,. the streets were narrow' and congested, the traffic often causing a block. There would, however, be no difficulty in prescribing, that the traffic should pass in one direction, as there were alternative ways and plenty of cross-communication.
Traffic Congestion in Glasgow.
At. Glasgow Corporation Tramways Committee the town clerk reported that the magistrates had appointed five of their number to confer with representee: tives of the committee regarding the report by the chief Constable as to the congestion of street traffic in the central area of the eitv, and the committee agreed to remit to the special sub-committee on traffic reorganiZation to appoint the iepresentiative.s. A Deficiency in Maintenance. Facilities,
A report of the highways committee of the Norfolk 'Comity Council states that the system of steam-rolling and mechanical transport is Unduly costly. There are five different makes of rollers and six makes of tractors, and without the services of a mechanical engineer in constant charge of a new and property equipped depot, upkeep is expensive and proper control impessible. Rollers and tractors could be hired much more cheaply, and the committee suggests that this should .be done and the plant of the county council sold.
Advertisements, on Vehicles. ri•
The attention of the Lowestoft Town Council has been drawn to the increasing number of vehicles used exclusively for advertising purposes. Under a Corporation Act owners are required to obtain the consent of the corporation to the use of such vehicles, and the council has decided to call attention to the provisions of the Act and has appointed a. sub committee to deal with applications thereunder.
No Relaxation at Lowestoft.
Suiperintendent Newson ba.s assured the Lowestoft Watch Committee that the police have not refrained, and will not refrain, from taking all possible steps to prevent danger being occasioned to the public by the excessive speed of matoc vehicles and assured the committee that the police will not relax their efforts because of difficulties, but will seek rather to overcome them.
Damage by Extraordinary Traffic.
The. fact that Pembrokeshire has altogether received over £25,000 in grants in respect to damage done to roads by extiaordieary traffic is notified by the county surveyor in. hie annual report to March 31st last.. Last year the timber supply department made a grant of 23,200 for repair of Nevern-Carcligan road. The whole of the grant. has been expended. Practically the whole damage is caused by timber haulage.
A Road Motor Station.
Barnstaple claims credit for having been first to establish a municipal motor road. station, the idea being to provide accommodation where road vehicles may garage with convenience to drivers and
public as well. . .-. •
The station is in the Strand, and, remarkably.enough, is on the site of what . was once a railway station. Old property was acquired and demolished to
• make room for the station, which Ilse cost about £6,000.
. A Ruling on Hackney Fares.
In the course of a letter to the New. marketTT.D.C.; the Ministry of Health states there is no power under which a local -authority could fix hackney carriage fares 'Which weitild apply Outside its area. Unauthorized Bus Services.
A bus company's -alleged clisregard.for the instructions of the Middlesbrough Corporation Hackney . Carriage Committee was referred to at a meeting of that body, when itwas reported that the United Automobile Services, Ltd. had inaugurated a new service from Ltd., bad to Stockton via Newport Road, Middlesbrough.
It was stated that the company had applied for licences for four vehicles, and the town clerk said he gave instructions that the applicants should be informed that the matter would be considered at the next meeting of the committee. In the meantime, the company were informed they were not to operate the vehicles, but he understood that the service has been tommenoed and his instructions had been totally disregarded. The company had no right to run in the town without hackney carriage licences. According to the chief constable Newport Road was absolutely dangerous as an omnibus route of that nature. The meeting left the matter in the hands of the town clerk to prosecute, the application by the company for licences being left in abeyance.
The Report of Straker-Squire, Ltd.
In their balance sheet to December 31st, 1922, Straker Squire, Ltd., announce a loss on their trading for the year of £31,704, and a total loss for the year of £161,017 12s. 2d. The directors report an improvement in business in the current year, and the value of the. eiders-, received during the , last six months 6hows an increase of 102 per cent, on the figures for the corresponding period of last year.
Motor Licence Statistics.
Figures concerning the number of motor vehicles licensed to May 31st last have just been issued by the Ministry of Transport. They show very considerable increases under practically every head.
• Excluding all first-quarter licences, the number of vehicles taxed on horse-power in the six months (from December 1st, 1922) totalled 364,423, as compared with 276,271 in the like period of 1921-22, and as compared with 293,740 far the period ending November 30th last. Of commercial goods vehicles, 166,361 were licensed as compared with 144,674
at the end of May, 1922, and 158,856 at the end of Noveinvber, 1922.
Of road locomotives there were licensed 2,328, as compared with 2,314 a year earlier, and 2,268 at the end of the year. Of motor tractors, 1,413 were licensed at the end of May last, as compared with 1,399 a year earlier, and 1,301 at the end of the year. .
Vehicles registered as hackney carriages totalled, at the end of May, 79,267, rather an unexpected increase on 74,839 a year earlier, and 72,263 at the end of the year.
Vehicles exempt from taxation, such,a.s fire-engines, etc., totalled 11,927, as compared with 10,747 e y ear earlier, and 11,639 at. the end of the year.
'Including licences for motorcycles, invalids' vehicles, and motor ploughs and general trade licences, 1,021.721 motor vehicles were licensed at the end of the first six months of the currentyear, the total receipts in 'respect thereof being £10,588,122.
Safety First.
We have recently received from the London "Safety First" Council their latest po.stee embodying hints to motor coach drivers and passengers, and we suggest that it would be advisable if every coach proprietor could arrange to have one of these displayed in his garage.
. Personal Pars.
We very much regret to have to announce the death of Mr. Thomas T. Heaton who founded the Steel Barrel Co., Ltd., of Uxbridge; which exploited his patented method of producing welded barrels and tanks. Mr. Heaton lost his sons in the war, and in recent years suffered indifferent health, retiring from business about two years ago. He was an exceptionally popular man and was very greatly respected in the town and throughout the motor industry.
Last. week the Tairectors of WillysOverland-Crossley, Ltd., invited their agents from all parts of the United Kingdom to a luncheon to meet Mr. Charles Y. Knight, the inventor of the Knight sleeve-valve engineand closely associated with the Willys-Knight interests, who is on a visit from the United States.
Although in indifferent health, Sir William Letts, K.B.E., occupied the chair, supported by Major Crossley, and made a very interesting, if brief, speech, introdu&Eng Mr. Knight to the company and relating episodes of their long and interesting connection together. Mr. Knight was enthusiastically received, and, talking of the WillysKnight organization, said that they were now able to produce 1,000 vehicles a day, of which 250 were Willys-Knight. His speech was extremely interesting, but, naturally,. had more to do with the private vehicle, side of the motor movement than with the commercial vehicle side.
Among the speakers were Major Crossley, Mr. George Heath; of Birmingham, and Mr. J. Graham Reece, of J,ohn Blake and Co., Liverpool.
Good Traffic Receipts.
The British Automobile Traction Co., Ltd.: announce very satisfactory traffic receipts for. June, 1923. The amounts are :—June 3rd, £24.520; June 10th, £27,883; June 17th, £29,489; June 24th, £33,194. The aggregate or the 25 weeks up to this date is £544,898, an increase of £7,686 over the preceding period of six months.
A Suggested Referendum on a Bus Service.
A suggestion to start a motorbus service for districts not directly served by tramcars was referred to at ameeting of the Darwen Town Council. At first it was urged that a census should be taken of the residents in the districts, but this was dropped as being too involved and expensive, and now the tramways manager has been asked to try to arrive at an estimate of likely lasers.
Oil Storage Bins.
The works -committee of the Marylebone Borough Council has considered tenders obtained for the supply of two sets cf three 100-gallon oil storage bins. The storage bins are required for the purpose of checking the use of oils (includink heavy oils) in the highways department, and will he equipped with selfmeasuring pumps which can be set to deliver one gallon, half-gallon, one pint, or half-pint at one stroke. The committee recommends acceptance of the lowest tender, which is-that of the*Safety Storage Systems, Ltd., of Westminster, in the sum of £115
Saving Six Miles.
-The construction of a new road by joint action between. the Glathergan and Carmarthen County Councils, the Ammanford 1.7.D.C., and the Llandilo Fawr, Swansea andVontardawe R.D.C.s has been decided upon at a conference of the authorities named, when plans were submitted and rotate approved. • The new road Will constitute an import ant development of traffic communication between Swansea, East Carmarthenshire, and Central Wales, and will open nut the Gower Peninsula to the lastnamed. The journey Ammanford-Swansea, now 20/ miles, will be reduced to 14ii, miles, a reduction in mileage equal to the length of the proposed new route. It will obviate the necessity for Cannilythensbire-Swansea transport passing round awann-cae-Grirwen and Piontar davve. . .
. The road will be 60 ft. wide over its six miles' length, which lies from Pottier dulais to Pantyffyrnou. The carriage Way will be 40 ft. wide and the total cost is assessed at 280,000.
The Ministry of Transport has been appealed to for a grant towards the cost,
Time-hiring of Taxis.
Blackpool taxicab -owners and drivers are objecting to the ", hiring by time " clause in the proposed new local by-laws, which they have suggested should be considerably modified.. The watch committee has declined this request.
The committee contends that it has given in to the taxi drivers on almost every occasion in the past, with the result that the latter were now better placed than were drivers in most other towns. The committee felt that if it gave way a driver would never
agree to being hired by time unless that _ arrangement suited him better than any. other. The public must have the choice —not the 'taxi driver—and the town conned upheld this view.
Bradford's Trolley-bus Scheme.
Bradford Corporation reports the withdrawal of its application to the Ministry of Transport for an order to enable trolley-bus services to be established outside the city, but adds that powers for new routes within the city are shortly expected.
In his annual report, the Brighton Cerporation tramways manager mentions that the motor lorry bought in the autumn, and brought into use on January 1st, handled over 1,000 'tons of permanent-way stores in three months at a cost equllling time° tip carts, but doing the work of five,
South Wales: Bus Licences.
The Wynyddislwyn Urban District Council has discussed the question of tite• bus service in the district, . and has granted a number of licences for services.
_Complaints were made that on the Blackwood-Oakdale route the buses ran at irregular intervals, and .sometimes a number of buses ran within fiveminutes of each other, with a consequent shortage of vehicles for some time after. Members pleaded that this Was -oecasioned-by.a.desire to meetcertain trains, and eventually the Central and Peemaen In-embers were authorised to form a timetable, -taking into acchunt all factors; in -conjunction with the proprietors of-the buses running on this route. . _ Ari application for a liOerkC for a service from Oakdale via Ynysdclu" to-Newport was refused on the ground that: the present-service. Was-'adequate; and that. such a licence, if grantad,. would. be o_pposed by' the Newport • Licensing
CoMmittee, •
The Council granted licences to the following . firms :—MeSsrs; Phillips andMeager, for a-service between -Blackwood and . Oakdale; Messrs -W: Evans; -for -a vehicle to link up Blackwood to -Newbridge.; the Sirhowy -Valley Motor Co,, for aservice from Blackwood to New Tredegar ; and the Blackwood Motor Co., for a vehicle rmaning between Blackwood
and Ystrad.
• • Our Newly Numbered Roads.
Gecirge. Philip and Son, Ltd., 32, Fleet StreetcLondon, E.C. 4, send us a. copy of their -main-road map of England andWales showing the road-numbering scheme of the Ministry of Transport.
The scheme of numbering has been devised in order topreventIt being cum-bersome, and, therefore? of no practical use, and the map, as assuecl by. Philip and Son; will help to make the system quite useful to the averag,;-i traveller by road. The map is particularly and gives a considerable amount of usef ci information, indicating, in particular, the character of many of the reads with contour lines, etc., one very useful feature being. the:intermediate 'mileages •• given for. every road therein shown. The price of the map is Is. 6d. net., .or, mounted on cloth and folded. in a case, 3s. net, which, considering the quality of the production, is certainly quite reasonable.
Tractor • Mowing:
An interesting mechanical demonstration took place at the Midland Agricultural and Dairy College 'recently, when Mr. 3. D. Ball, of West Bridgford, made a most satisfactory display of grass-mitting by tractor. The point of the event lay-in the use of the tractor with a direct attachment, no separate mowing machine being used, but the cutting bar being attached direct to the tractor. An average of 331 minutes per acre was taken to deal with nearly eight acres of a heavy crop o! seeds, although a high wind was blowing. No record of the petrol consumption was taken, but the munerons farmers and other witnesses appeared very satisfied with the performance of the tractor and
attachment. Some . of them expressed doubt as to the subsequent dealing with -the broad swath, whilst others thought. there was danger in cutting grass with the tractor running at such a pace, as they-feared a breakdown in case an obstruction was met. The demonstrator pointed out that there were two safety devices which came into instantaneous operation and stopped the tractor; indeed, an obstruction was encountered, and the automatic safety devices immediately came into operation and stopped the tractor.
American Lorry Exports, 1922.
The recently published official statistics of the exportsof motor lorries from the li.Tnited States during last year show remarktlible fluctuations, as compared with 1921 whilst another noticeable feature is the decline in the prices of the machines exported. In 1921 a total of 7,480, lorries. . valued at 10,335,893 dollars, were exported from, American ports.This represents a unit value of 1,382 dollars, against a unit value last year Of 739 dollars, when 11,455 lorries; valued at 8,270,908 dollars, were ex
ported. :
Belgium. heads t1ie. list of importing countries for 1922 with , 2,824 lorries, while in 1921 it only imported 169 commercial vehicles from America. Canada, second is .1921 with 1,146 lorries held the same position last year with 1,259. Australia. took .1,059i in 1922, against 720 in., 1921; 'Japan 1,001, against 756; Mexico 983, against 1,482; Spain 786, against 27; Sweden 387, against 64; Great Britain 383, against 277; Cuba 303, against 283; Norwaw 229, against 20; India 117, against 199; Holland 89, against 300; Brazil 65, against 103; China 62, against 71; and Argentina 58, against 24. The Philippine Islands and Dutch East Indies show big falls. Whereas in 1921 234 and 368 lorries; respelively, were received from the Unite States, in 1922 the relative figures were only 29 and 9.
Another matter of interest is the disparity of unit values according to countries. The Dutch East Indies tops the
list by importing vehicles with an average cost of 1,545 dollars, Canada coming next with 1,486 dollars, followed by Australia, 1,437 dollars ; India, 1,321 dollars; Brazil, 1,288 -dollars; and Argentina, 1,175 dollars. At the other end of the scale we have Belgium, 260 dollars; Spain, 264 dollars; Sweden, 343 dollars; Norway, 374 dollars ; and Cuba, 573 dollars.
Matins at the Yorkshire Show.
We are informed that Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co. will exhibit two steam vehicles at the Yorkshire Show, which takes place at Sheffield from July 25th to 27th. These will. he a 6-too tipping wagon and a 4-tonner of
a similar type. The 6-ton wagon will also be exhibited at the Royal Lancashire Show, which takes place at LiVerptiol from August 2nd to 01. We lave previously described an interesting and successful test with -the 6-tonner.
Lancs, Traffic Census.
The Bury surveyor has taken a record of the traffic passing over Peel Bridge for seven successive days inclusive, the figures being taken over a period of 15 hours daily from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Averaged over the seven days, the traffic per day was as follows :—Motor vehicles and trailers, 179; horse-drawn vehicles, '156; cattle and horses, 198.
The average weight passing over the bridge per day was 1,243 tons. The percentage of purely Ramsbottom traffic as against through traffic was as follows --Ordinarycycles. Ramsbottom traffic, 58.15 per cent., through traffic, 4L85 per cent. ; motor vehicles and tra'd.ers, 4,3.48 and 56.52 respectively; horse-drawn vehicles, 91.60 and 8:49 respectively.
Streets as Repair Shops.
At Glastonbury Corporation the Highways Committee was asked to consider the question of the use of streets as repair shops, it being stated that some garages were so small that cars Were repaired outside in the streets.
Coach Parking Grounds.
As the question of parking ehars-a. banes, will have to be decided by the town sooner or later, a four-acre site on the western boundary was offered to the Worthing Corporation at £300 an acre, but was not accepted.
. Local Proceedings;
-Thornton Urban District Council is considering the desirability of providing the district with a motor ambulance.
Tunbridge Watch Committee persists in refusing to grant bus conductors' licences for lads under 18 years of age.
At, the Carlisle City Council Mr. Atkinson said he hoped the council would soon be ready to go in for municipal omnibus services.
Harrogate Corporation proposes to purchase a motor mowing machine, it. being reported that it is difficult nowadays to get a pony for the present machine.
North Berwick Town Council has had the report of adeputation which has visited Aberdeen to ascertain' the possibilities of 'motor vehicles for cleansing work.
The United Fire Brigade Association of New Zealand is establishing a depot for the supply of all fire-brigade appliances, and invites firms to submit price tists and particulars.
The annual accounts show a profit of £2,613 on the Cardiff Corporation bus services for the year ended March 31st.
Lowestoft Watch Committee has asked the Chief Constable to deal with the ohstructiou caused by motors beingi. left unattended on the Marine Parade.
At Blyth Town Council the town clerk reported that the Ministry of Health would hold an inquiry into the proposal of the Council to borrow £7,200 for fire brigade purposes.
Vv-eyirionth Town Council has granted licences to Mrs. Rugg to run a bus service to Chickerell via ,Westhann, and a licence to Messrs. Jeanes Bros. to run a service to. Chickerell and Langton Her ring via Pye Hill.
The London County Council has decided. to take no action under Section 7 (4) of the Roads Act, 1920, on a request that steps might be taken with a view to all heavy : through-traffic being diverted from Chelsea Embankment.
Barnes Urban District Council, which for Some months has been considering the question of the purchase of an electric vehicle, is now recommended by its Public Health Committee to accept the tender of Messrs. R Garrettand Sons; Ltd. for such a vehicle at the price of £648.
B22 Harrogate Corporation has. called the attention of the Road Car Co. to complaints that have been made about vibration by vehicles passing through Dragon Parade and noises in Myrtle Road by the cleaning and ttioing of engines.
The London Comity Council has informed H.M. Office of Woods that the council does not see its way to take any action with a view to the use of Park Village East, Regent's Park, by heavy vehicular traffic being prohibited.
Ilford Urban District Council has directed the clerk to draw the attention of the local police to the nuisance and annoyance caused by passengers of pleasure-party motor chars-li-bancs stopping at -certain places in the High Road in the district.
The town clerk reported to the Southend Corporation the receipt from the Ministry of Health of sanction to the borrowing of £3,620 for the purchase of four electrical vehicles for refuse disposal purposes as approved by the council on May 15th last.
The Whitland R.D.C.. has received .sanction to borrow for the purchase of 'a steam-roller.
• Mr. Beavan Free. • • Mr. E. Percy Behvan, .M.Irist.T., .having seyerscl_his connection with the British and Argentine Meat co., Ltd (formerly known as Jas. Nelson and Sons, Ltd.), and with 20 years' experience of the maintenance and control ol! ,mechanical transport, is free to accept a position in which his experience_ will be of benefit. Letters may be addressed to him at 49, Frewin Road, Wandsworth Common, London, S.W. 18.
No Attendants for Trailers.
The Poplar Borough Council recently asked the London County Council to make a by-law providing that, in the case of mechanically drawn vehicles with trailers, an attendant should be stationed on the trailer. The Public Control Coin mittee has recommended the council to express the opinion that it cannot see its way to making such a by-law.
A large contract has just been received by Sterns, Ltd., for the supply of Fordingoyl to the .Ford Motor Co. This contract is the seventh obtained by Sterns within a short' Period-.
Appeals for Prohibition,
The London County Councilhas, at the request of the St. Pancras Borough Council, the Camberwell Borough Council; and a number of residents in Flezellvilla Road, Islington, •respectively, appliecl•to the Minister of Transport for orders prohibiting the use, by Motor omnibuses and other heavy motor vehicles and locomotives, subject. to certain exceptions, of the undermentioned thoroughfares:—
St. Alban's Read and parts of Highgate Road, Swain's Lane, and Brookfield Park, St.. Pancras. Woodwarde Road and parts of Bur. bags Road, Turney Road; and Calton Road, Camberwell.
Part of Hazellville Road., Islington.
The Pubic Works, Roads and T. ansport EXhibition.
Arrangements have been completed for the Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition, which will be held from November 22nd to 29th at the Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington, London, N.
There are indications on every hand that this exhibition will be attended by an even greater number of official representatives from all parts of the country
than heretofore. The number of exhibitors has already exceeded that of previous .exhibitfons. The congress organizing committee is under the chairmanship of Sir Henry P. Mayhury, K.C.M.G.' C.B., and each member is desirous of -rriaking the 1923 congress of
outstanding importance.
We understand from the organizing managers that all available space is rapidly being let, and any concern still desirous of participating should at once get into touch with them at 13, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1.
Tarring French Roads.
j-mproVements estimated at £20,000,000 aud covering a period of eight years are suggested in 'a Bill to be laid before the French Senate for the anti-dust treatment of 4,375 miles of statjonel roads and a great length 'of road of secondary importance.
Whilst it is gratifying to find that many business, houses realize the publicity value attaching to their . vans' wefrequently notice that what would otherwisebe a smart turn-oat is spoiled , by indifferent and often quite illegible :number plates. Apart from the question -of appearance; there is also the. legal 'aspect to be censidered,, as the police are becoming increasingly active. • As Mr. Corm, Of aluminium fame, so aptly sums up, the situation,' it iS ." the .finishing touch, that means so -muck". ,We can personally, testify to the excellence of Mr. Coari's productions, "also -the promptitude with -'-(vhich orders are dealt with. _It is, no. idle claim that
. . . _
orders are .3espatched within two days, " Of in .cases of ur-sency a pair of plates -can be supplied in two hours.• • : The Cohn number plate is a very handsome mains in solid elurninin'
relief silver-polished numeralS, letters and beaded" edges, with a dull black background,. A.special quality plate is :made for commercial users." • . • .• A clescriptiVe booklet will . be sent on application. to Mn-. • R. W. Coan, 219, Goswell Road, E