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The groaning ofthe implement yard (44 will be, of course, fonncl to be more oie leasis ifs:Ual.The •familiar -black-and-white , entrance buildings., dominate the front part of thee yard, *and passing throughthese we a:me:laced With a row of etande; as usuale occupied, by concerns 'hick are directry..interesteC1 , in varicius bsanahcs of the _ceinmei;eialevehiele. in first . display to whioh.:-'w.e. ociald di,favit the .attention: 'of' the _Lunn-fernierl stranger whOis-"ae.clioniOariyitig us is that occupied by Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., of Leiston. We learn that there we shall seethe usual display' of Garrett specialities, including examples of the company's three-ton and five-ton patent superheated-steam wagons. There will also he 'oneof the five-ton patent superheated tractors, and, of .course, additieually; the. -usual portable steamstatimiary. plant for which..this Suffolk firm has long been world-famed.: The Garrett 'steamer is unique, particularly in respect of its special installs, tion of superheating . equipment, and there are in 'addition many interesting constructional ...features " to which the company's staff will readily draw.our :attention. In •pa.rtienlat,' there are the speeial ',form of' hind-axle..construetien, the arrangement of special brakes and corrugatedfirela4i7L •
Aveling and Porter Steamers.
Next door,and at the head of the flanking .row of shedding, is the Stand oecupied by Aveling and Porter, Ltd., of Rochester. Here there will be found lisplayerl,•among the larger examples of this company's construction, one of the well-known. compound steamroad tractors, which has A Belpaire firebox and the Aveling laminated steel-spring
mounting on both. axles. This type of tractor can. with little difficulty be adapted for use as a lighter example of steam road roller. One of the company's three-ton compound steam motor wagons will also ba staged here, and our visitor will be 'particularly interested to remark quite a number of special constructional features 'which render this -model distinctive. Its 'first public appearance was at, the Shrewsbury. Show latt year and from -our previous insp:ection we recall the outstanding feature of the. positioning of the fore-carriage under the front. section of the boiler barrel rather than under the smoke-box, a modification which has been embodied in order to secure a shorter wheelbase, and to secure a better distribution of the gross load. Ackermann steering, a new
feed-water heater, and other features also attract our attention.
The. next stand to which we come is at the head of row D of shedding, and is in the occupation, as on so many previous occasions, of John Fo-wler and Co., Leeds, Ltd. This display will as usual convey in particular a very strong impression of the company's activities in respect of large pleughing and cultivating tackle. These machines are of so enormous a bulk, that the smaller examples of production are More. or less overshadowed, but we shall expect to find there an example of the Fowler motor plough in its latest form, and this will probably be a double-furrow machine on the lines of that manufactured by Wyles Bros. We learn that a similar machine can be seen at work during the Ready for "The Royal "— con.
Show, providing the weather permits, on
the farm of Mr. J. Woodhouse, 13ilborough, Nottingham. Examples of the company's big traction engines 1111d trailer wagons are all of relative interest.
A Star 50-cwt. Van is Staged.
Having thus crossed the ends of the three main shedding lanes immediately opposite the entrance, we then bear to the right and pass along the shedding which backs on to the boundary line of the Implement Yard at this part of the showyard, passing along until we arrive at Stand 225, which, at rather a late hour, was booked by our friends the Star Engineering Co., Ltd., whose works are, of course, at Wolverhampton. The company will, we believe, display one of its 50-cwt. machines, which is of the identical type that has been recently delivered in very considerable numbers to the British, French and Russian Governments. The model exhibited will be that illustrated on this page. It is staged at the Royal Show as a suitable, example for use as a tip wagon, milk lorry, or machine for other agricultural and estate work. This stand is on our right as we proceed, and leaving it behind we find a long row of shedding on the continuation of this boundary line.
The Burrell Twin-drive Design.
First of all we arrive at Burrell's stand, and we are promised that the three examples of Thetford construction which will be shown will include two which are of specific interest to us. Our visitor will examine the five-ton gold medal tractor, of which one distinctive constructional feature is the double-gear drive. The company claims that the utility of this arrangement of mechanism has been found to be more pronounced in the smaller moals even than in the larger ones its embe.diment, it will he recalled, facilitates the use of a special diff.-locking gear, that can be operated from the footplate. The other Burrell exhibit to which we pause to pay attention is an example of the company's five-ton steam wagon. This machine is always of particular interest, in view of the fact that it has a double chain. drive, with the result that the hind axle simply carries the weight of the wagon. As on the tractor near by, this separate and distinct drive to each hind wheel permits the use of a differential-locking gear that. can be operated from the footplate.
An Informative Display by Mann's.
Next door, Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd., of Leeds, has a display which, if Smaller than in previous years, is still representative of the Unique construction which this company has so long and so successfully adopted. A five-ton steam Wagon, which is a repeat order from Mr. John Thomas, Haulage .Contractor, of Penbank, Molygrove, Cardigan, a five-ton steam tippin.g cart; which is a fifth repeat order from the Leeds Forge Co. Ltd., and an agricultural. tractor for Mr. 11. Groom, of 'Sunderland,. Docking, Norfolk. comprise an interesting range. We think it will he found that there are no new constructional , features, and the models will be representative of practice which has ruled successfully in the Leeds works for some years past. They will, however, all repay visitors for inspection on account of their novel grouping of
machinery . and the incidental features of side-firing and so on. The tractor is suitable for direct ploughing, road haulage, the pulling of selfebinders, or driving machinery by a leelt.
A W.D.-type Hallford.
. Next door we mite across the exhibit of J. and E. Hall, Ltd. The machine cu show will be of the four-ton type, which is in all respects similar to very large numbers which" are being" delivered for Government use. It is a fine example of Ilallford construction, and is fairly representative of all that is best in British design, It will be recalled that the earliest Hallford med ele were based on the Saurer, and the chassis as it stands to-day, altered cut of all knowledge, requires a very good one to beat
Ready for "The Royal" —con.
it in respect of all the -usual require. ments of high-class motor haulage work.
Owing to the fact that thee Dartford works are so very fully occupied in turning out these machines to Government requirements, it has, of course, not been found possible to prepare anything special in the nature of a display for the Royal. 'rho makers, however, are confident that this example of standard practice will suffice to maintain Hallford reputation at Nottingham.
Two Yorkshires to be Examined.
Once more, on the next stand, we find
farther representatives of the commercial-vehicle industry, and, indeed, this whole row is a miniature commercial-vehicle exhibition, which will, it is likely, be quite the best thing of its sort while we ate at War. Next to the Hallford war-type lorry we are, in a position to draw the attention of Our companion to the Yorkshire steamer, of which two examples are promised for exhibition. They are both of types which have become thoroughly well known to users, and which have earned for themselves a very prominent position in steam-wagon circles, -after Many years of service. A three-tanner is to be seen,fitted with an ordinary flat-lorry body. This is -a rubber-tired model with a three-speed gear. The heavier machine has art interesting patent mechanicallyoperated tipping gear. It is steel tired and only has two speeds. The cross form of boiler, and the vertical arrangement of the .ertgine behind the footplate, together with more recent improvements in connection with suspension, steering and brakes, render the Yorkshire a model that must be examined by all who are either . considering extensions to their steam plant or the acquisition of their first. units.
Daimler Stand, as Usual, is Interesting.
As if by intent, examples of petrolvehicle construction in thisinteresting row of shedding are sandwiched between steam,wagon exhibits, and on the next stand, No. 236, we find Daimlers showing examples of their various forms of activity, in spite of the tremendous pressure at which the Government is keeping that company's works going at the present time. One of the 40 h.p. tractors is again staged, and this is a machine to which the attention of agriculturists, not only at home, but in many parts of the world, has already been very consistently drawn. It is a very powerful and efficient model, and is capable of ploughing 12 acres a day with anything between seven and 14 disc ploughs, or between four and eight breast ploughs, at depths varying from 4i ins.
T ins., according to the soil. The Daimler sleeve-valve engine is used on this model, as on all other Daimler productions. When employed on ordinary roads, this tractor is capable of hauling 14 tons at four m.p.h. on the level, or eight tons up gradients of one in six. The winding drum etiabks haulage work to be done on rough and irregular surfaces. It is to be hoped that we shall also see on this stand examples of the two-ton and three-ton lorries which are being supplied in such very large quantities to the British Government.
Wallis Tractor for Ploughing.
The exhibit of Wallis and Steevens, Ltd., the well-known engineering company, of Basingstoke, is representative of its manufacturing work in connection with the production of light steam tractors for all kinds of general agricultural purposes. The particular tractor which is staged is a good example of thin. company's design and is of its latest compound type. It is, of course, one of the models which complies with the Heavy Motor Car Regulations in respect of road haulage. It is suitable for use in connection with ploughing, cultivating, threshing, reaping, binding and other machinery, and it will be interesting to find it staged with a three-furrow plough, to which is fitted the Wallis and Steevens patent steering arrangement. Still further along the same row we find the exhibit which is invariably in these days to be found at the Royal Shows, viz., that of Samiderson and Mills, Ltd., of Elstow Works, Bedford. This affords us an opportunity to examine in detail a fine range of these purely agricultural machines. The Universal tractors made by this company are produced in four principal types, having engines of 10 b.1Lp., 20 b.h.p., 30 h.h.p. and 50 b.h.p. respectively.All of them will claim their meed of attention, but the. smallest is at the present time likely to attract very .special notice in view of the facilitiei Which it Will give to the farmer to acquire mechanical assistance, at low first cost, for so many of his operations, at a time when shortage of labour and other war difficulties render it imperative for hrin to procure additional help in some way or another. The standard " J " model has a singlecylinder • balanced engine and a threespeed gearbox. The company calls it " the little knockabriut of the farm." It is designed to haul a two-furrow plough a 6 ft. binder, or two mowers, its capacity being, under ordinary conditions, ''24 acres a day of ploughing, or two acres an hour of mowing.
The lye's and the Ivel-Bauches.
Usefully placed, but two stands further on, is yet another old favourite in the agrimotor world. We refer to the Ivel, whieh is -always to be seen at, this and other agrionituralshows. It will be recalled that; the Ivel Agricultural Motors, Ltd., of Biggleswade, a year or two ago, introduced to the British market the Ivel-Bauche hoes--very clever little machines which are particularly suitable for all classes of hoeing either in fields or in the confined areas of orchards, vineyards or cetton and rubber plantations. Type " S " hoe has a 2,4 hp. engine and can operate in a minimum width. of 25 ins.; it is sold at £105. The larger model of • the same type of machine has-a 4 h.r. engine, and call travel in a minimum width of
ins. The list price of this machine is 2,180. Two Ivel tractors, one with a single speed in either direction, and the other with two speeds iarward and a reverse, are also staged.
rodens to Exhibit After All.
This brings us to the end of the exhibits in this row which are of particular interest to the commercial-vehicle owner or user, and we turn round to the row of stands facing us andfind No. 246 in the occupation of the famous Sandhach'works of Fodens, Ltd. It is gratify-ing to learn, as we go to press, that, contrary to earlier expectations, this" company will, after all, . make great efforts to stage at least one example of its famous steam wagon. It is, of course, no septet, that the company, like so many others, is very fully occupied in assisting_to. supply War Office requirements, but at would have been regret. able hed it not been found possible to stage an example of this pioaeer type. We have not-the particulars -before us as we write, but we learn in advance that quite a number of useful small improvements have been enibedied in the most recent designs of Foden wagons, and, whether this be true or not, we shall certainly do well at -this period in our circuit of the yard to pause and give a
'careful explanation of the standard Foden features to our visitor. It is safe to say that -nobody who is considering the enlargement of his steam-wagon service, or the establiahment of new ones, can satisfactorily avoid consideration of the claims of the " original overtype " Which has achieved sueli'-remarkabto su cess as an entirely British production. '
The McLaren Tractor.
Travelling back in the direction in which we have come, but .on. the other side of the avenue, we find, .cffieek...lay jowl with the Foden, the McLaren exehibit. We may once again recall that at the Balder,* Tractor Trials of the R.A.S.E, in 1910, MeLaren's secured a 'gold medal with one of their excellent • five-ton tractors, and one of these maChines is certain to be staged on Stand No. 247. This is a tractor which has distinctive features of its own, and, .;therefore, calls for the special'attention Of visitors who are interested in this economical class of haulage plant. The company also stages exaMpleS of its heavier agricultural machinery of various 'olasses.
It may be interesting to recall a few particulars of the competition in 1910, an which the tractor put up such a good 4•ecurci. it then ploughed five acres of land at the rate of one acre per hour with a consumption of 273 lb, of coal, or less than 55 lb. per acre. On the road 4.est it hauled a wagon weighing 1,1 ton .pontaining a net load of six tons 8 cwt. of coal over a 25-mile course in three
hours .and .seven minutes;or at an average speed of 8 m.p.h., with a total consumption of only 214 lb. of coal for the whole journey.
The Chain-drive Tacker.
Stand 248 is occupied by Tasker, the well-known steam wagon and .• tractor builder, of Waterloo Ironworks; Andover. Here, again, we shall find not only the standard productions of this company, with which the public has become familiai. through a number of years of excellent service, but also the chain. driven tractor, which first appeared at the last Royal how. This is, of ceurso, still a distinct novelty in modern tractor construction, and it warrants the very careful consideration of those who know the difficulties wydat have beset designers of this class of plant for se long in resEiect of the adequate springing of such a machine, together with the keeping of the gears in proper mesh in view of their partially flexible relative mounting. This machine in itself will automatically claim a visit of some duration to Stand 248. • Anotherfive-ton •:tractor, of • the "Little Giant" type, but gear driven and fitted with Fluare's patent springing, is shown. We ,are promised that Tasker's will stage either a three-tonor a five-ton wagon, but at the moment of writing it does not appear certain which will find a place on the stand. Either of them is a good example of the loco.boiler type stearet wagon, and merits careful consideration if plant of this kind is being sought for.
Wyles Plough Again Improved. A little further along in the same •
direction _ we come across an exhibit
which has always claimed the interested. attention of this journal. We refer to the Wyles motor plough. The company which is manufacturing this interesting little machine is Wyles Motor Ploughs, 'Ltd., which has its registered offices at 2, Coiling wood Street., Newcastle-onTyne, and it will be showing one Or mote of these neeful little aids to the farmer. The machine attracted a great deal of attention at the Royal Show at Shrewsbury last year, and since then it has been shown and sold in many parts of England. If our visitor happens to be a farmer on the look-out for mechanical assistance at a. comparatively low first cost, the Wyles plough will undoubtedly claim his very careful consideration. The machine in its present form is a twofurrow instrument, and it is claimed that it can tackle from 21 to three acres On normal ground in a day of nine hours. It has an 11 hp. engine, and the cpst-of ploughing, including fuel and lubricating oil, Is stated to be only from 3s. to Si. 6d. an acre without labour. Tho weight is about 21 cwt., and the initial cost is £150 plus a slight increase diie to war conditions. Certain small nigdifications have bees embodied since the last machine was shown publicly. The engine and gearbox are now constructed as one unit, and the unique and! interesting drive to the road wheels has now been finally re-designed and enclosed in an oil-bath case. There are other small details of improvement to which we may usefully give attention when visiting Stand 250.
The Alkhin Steamer.
Yet another steam-wagon maker of sound repute occupies the next stand (251). William Allchin, 'Ltd., of Globe Works, Northampton, is showing both a three-ton and a five-ton machine. The general type of design is, of course, as is well known, that of the loco, boiler and overtype engine. They are very good examples of this particular class ol British construction. The three-tonner which is exhibited is to. the order of a local firm of removal contractors. Amongst special constructional features to which our visitor's attention must be. drawn is the unique double-pin arrangement to the hind wheels, whereby the keying of one wheel to the axle is entirely obviated, and the removal of one or both wheels, which are interchangeable, can be quickly and simply accomplished. The method of supporting the boiler should be carefully examined. This is arranged so that all expansionis so taken care of as to enable the boiler to breathe freely withent causing strain to the frameWork. _Another good feature. is the use of a transverse steel strengthening plate between the main channels at the back of the driver. This also provides a frame for the bunker.
The AlIchin patent automatic coupling must also be examined here. •
The Seini-Diesel Walsh and Clark will Attract Much Attention.
We now pass along across the next avenue until we come to Stand No. 254, which is occupied by the Guiseley cornpatty, Walsh and Clark, Ltd. Here will be shown, for the first time at a " Royal," one of the new semi-Diesel oil ploughing engines. This class of plant is not directly within the purview of the commercial-vehicle world, but, in view • of the relative novelty of the application of the semi-Diesel engine to this class of work, it is wise for all of us to familiarize • ourselves with the excellent pioneer work that has been carried out by this company. There have, of course, been other semi-Diesel, tractors, but the Walsh and Clark engine is unique in many ways. The machiee exhibited is one which we recently described in our columns and uses crude or refined oil. It is, as a matter of fact, a cable plov.ghing engine and therefore, of course, not a commercial vehicle in any sense of the term, but the principle embodied is one which may: very well, in the not distant future, be adopted on similar classes of plant. The company has been experimenting for a number. of years with the ' semi-Diesel equipment. The avowed object has been to secure a machine which, while running on the very cheapest fuel, shall combine the flexibility of the control obtainable with the use of steam together with the undoubted and specific advantages of the internal-combustion engine. The whole machine, it will be noticed, has been designed on steam-locomotive lines as being, curiously enough, the most rigid and convenient form of construction that could be found. There is apparently a boiler barrel, smoke stack and other characteristics which are peculiar to equivalent steam plant.
. We shall certainly have to reserve a considerable amount of time in order adequately to examine this very interesting machine. The engine, which is situated over the would-be boiler barrel, is of the two-cycle type having twit cylinders. The fuel is injected direct into the combustion heads and, as there are no valves in the proper sense of the term, none of the occasional difficulties accruing from their use is to be met with in this instance. 'Scavenging, that important function of Diesel construction, is obtained by the use of special pumps which work in conjunction with the main. pistons. Reversing is earried out by means of compressed air.in the -motor itself, and we can, from ep.rsonal experience, testify to the entirely satisfactory nature of this provision. The company . claims that this is the only traction engine which can he stopped under load and restarted without disconnecting the friction clutch or its equivalent.
We have not the space to enter into snything like an adequate description of this interesting departure. Those who are specifically concerned in this development may well be referred to our recent descriptive article in the issue of THE COMMERCIAL Moron dated 8th April.
Lubricants of all Kinds—
Next door, on Stand 255, we find the exhibit of a very old friend of the industry, namely that of Price's Co., Ltd., of Battersea. Here we shall see ample to interest us in connection with the varied supplies for lubrication of, all. clasees. of _agricultural and commercial vehicle machinery. The contents of this stand are, as is usual, at the Royal and similar exhibitions, displayed with skill. It is not easy to interest the ordinary visitor in grease and oil of all kinds, but the company is an old hand at this cisme of work, and by means of suitablyarranged packages and samples, together with the installation of some anti-friction demonstration machinery, will be able to secure the interest of passers-by.
--And Oils and Spirits.
A little further along in the same row, the Anglo-American Oil Co. is showing, with equal skill, examples of its various grades of oil and spirit. This stand forms a useful meeting place for the very many friends of the company, and, incidentally, the opportunity is taken to display, with considerable decorative effect, the, standard packages in which the various supplies are distributed.
Rollers from Peterborough. .
This brings us to the end of the stands in this particular row. which We must, allow • to make a claim on the all too. short time at our disposal. We then walk to the next gangway, to Stand 280, which is occupied by Barford and Perkins, Ltd., a company which is so very well known to our readers. This concern, like so many others, suffers in respect of the scope of its exhibit on account of the requirements of the British and other Governments. These little rollers are being used on a very large scale by the belligerents to repair the roads, and on account of their exceptional convenience, ready portability, and their capacity for working independently of water supplies, are being found invaluable in respect of the maintenance of the highways over which the Army Service Carps, Mechanical Transport Columns, in such huge numbers, are keeping the troops supplied„ One would hardly have expected at the beginning of operations to have found the motor roller having any other application than a peaceful one, but here we now find it playing its role, with entire satisfaction to the authorities, itirthe war area. Stand 280 will therefore only contain two examples of the Peterborough works productions. Although no large range of machines will be staged, this, in our
opinion, will not he entirely -a disadvantage, as it will be possible to give moredetailed examination to the examples
shown. The larger model is a favourite size of roller. Its front cylinder is a very large one, in order that it may have no tendency to -push the road material in front of and away from the machine while it is at work. It weighs about 6,i tons empty, and 81 tons full, and a spraying attachment is fitted by which both front and rear wheels can la e kept moist if required, in order that tarred Material may not stick to them.
The other exhibit is one of the new " A " series, which is specially adapted for estate work, that is to say, for gravelroad construction and patching and for grass. If this particular machine 'be fitted with Cambridge-pattern rollers, a simple enough operation, it can be turned into an excellent instrument for general: agricultitral purposes. It has a width of 6 ft, and weighs about 35 cwt. empty and 40 cwt. full.
Up to .the tittle of going 'to press, we have iiot been enabled to ascertain particulars of the exhibit of Win: Foster and 'Ltd., of Lincoln '(8land 983).
Clayton and Shuttleworth Show their Tractor.
In the same row of shedding we find the exhibit of Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd., one of the famous Lincoln construotors. Much to our regret, we learn that, owing to War Office requirements absorbing so much of this concern's energies at the present time, it is not in a -position to exhibit either its three-ton or five-ton steam wagons, or even its new petrol wagon. Not even a compound steam tractor is promised, and we shall therefore have to be content with examining the company's well-known standard tractor as being the only example of the many exhibits on this stand of the company's productions which comes within the range of the commercial-vehicle intereet. We presume that this will be of the three-shaft type, and will exhibit the company's special method of mounting the live axle on plate springs.
No Marshall A grimotors.
We can conveniently reach the next stand which will interest our visitor by swinging round the end of the contiguous line of shedding, past Ruston Proctor's great exhait, which, however, will not, so far as we are aware at the time of writing, contain anything of special interest to the commercialvehicle user. No. 287 is the stand at the beginning of the next row of shedding in the same line, and is occupied by Marshall. Sons and Co., Ltd., of Britannia Ironworks, .Gajnsborough. Amongst a number of exhibits which are not of specific interest to us we find an example of the company's five-ton steam tractor. This is one of its standard compound-cylinder engines which has achieved such success in this particular class tsf hatnage all oser the country and abroad.
Fastnut, the Indispensable and • Unavoidable.
On our way along this avenue, we pass the stand Of Ransomes, Sims and Jef;cries, Ltd., of Orwell Works, Ipswich, which company informs us that it will not be exhibiting anything of special interest to us at. the " Royal ". this year. If this eventually is the case, we may as well, therefore, walk straight to the end of this avenue, until we come to one of those little isolated stands which are so familiar at shows and exhibitions of all kinds of •machinery, and which is occupied by Eastruit,-,Ltd. We c.ould always spend more time than we have at our disposal in examining and handling the many useful little appliances in which this concern has for'so long specialized. The Eastnut ,itself •is, of course, an almost indispensable supply to all those who use machinery in which vibration of any sort is conspicuous. Spanners and tools of particular ingenuity are also included in the range of Fastnut specialities. At the "Royal 'S we may expect as usual not only to have an excellent range of these, but a staff of very willing assistants who are only too pleased (0 demonstrate the advantages of a.l) the contents of the stand to anybody who Will spare the time for that purpose.
Lawn-mowers !and Fire-engines. Although Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies informs us that, in respect of motor
vehicles, it will not be staging any that will be of special interest to us, we may anticipate that examples of its motordriven lawn-mowers will be found on its Stand 295. These machines are rapidly growing in favour, and the Ra-nsomes form of construction is one to which we are always pleased to draw attention,
Providing, therefore, that they are available for inspection, we shall pause at this stand before passing on past 296 and 298, round the Royal Cafe, turning these in the direction of the entrance, after 'perhaps striking out to take a look at the contents of the Merryweather firestation, and to examine the examples of that company's self-propelled fire-fighting apparatus, which we learn will -include one of the well-known Hatfield250-gallon machines. Proceeding then, as Nye:111sec said, until we reach a' row of sheds commenting 145, we turn sharply to the right until we come to Stand 144, which is in the occupation of the Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Products Co.,-Ltd: Here the Bowring Petroleum Co., Ltd., of Finsbury Court, E.C.,' has an Attractive exhibit of petroleum 'products, Mex products are largely staged, as may be imagined. The company's pride in the British origin of this proprietary article is particularly justifiable at the present juncture. The various brands of kerosene marketed by the Bowring concern are also sampled. Special attention has, of course, been given to the lubrication requirements of all users of agriciihnea/ machines.
• More Shill Petrol.
A couple of stands further on, the British Petroleum Co., Ltd., has its usual display of packages and samples of its well-known spirits and petroleum products. These are, of course, worldfamed. The many friends of the company will find this a convenient point at which to meet, and where at the same time they may take advantage of the very complete display of samples of the company's agency and other supplies.
Green's Cannot Spare a Sweeper.
Passing along to the end of this little row of shedding, we turn diagonally towards the bar, which is located in this vicinity, and if the claims of the inner man for refreshment do not at this point
of our tour interest us, we make no: further delay in arriving at the stand of Thomas Green and Son, Ltd. of Smithfield Iron Works, Leeds (No. 66). It was originally the intention of this old-established house, which has for many years exhibited at the " Royal," to show in additionto its other specialities, an example of the motor road sweeper, in which it has been 'doing very considerably increased business during the past year or two. There has, however, probably on account of the shortage of municipal labour, been great pressure put upon them by municipalities and other authori-. ties who have these machines on order, and as delivery has been promptly insisted upon, it has not been found possible to send one of them to Nottingham, much to the company's regret, in which we share. This machine, however, is ona about which full particulars will be obtainable at the stand, and we ourselves can refer any interested inquirers to full descriptions of the most recent models that have appeared in our columns from time to time. The company intends to stage a 4-ton motor roller, and we shall do well to examine this if we take any interest in this particular class of plant. There are also to be examples of the company's motor lawn-mowers.
North British.
Two rows nearer the entrance than that in which Green's is situated will be found Stand No. 72, where the North British Rubber Co., Ltd., which claims to own in Edinburgh the largest factories to be found anywhere in the British Empire, will he showing a' comprehensivecollection of its special productions,. which include indiarubber and balata belting, petrol hose, suction and delivery rubber tubing, and other mechanical goods. Needless to, say,. of course, there will be a large display of the company's famous. tires, .including the Clincher solid rubber• band tires for commercial motor vehicles..
Willcox for General Stores.
The last call we have to pay on our official round, is perhaps one of the most interesting to any of us who have machinesupplies to purchase or upon which to advise. We refer to Stand No. 202, which we may reach by travelling right along the row of shedding in which the last stand was situated. It is impossible, of course, in any way to list the specialities staged by W. H. Willcox and Co., Ltd., the well-known engineers' sup-. pliers of Southwark Street, S.E. It is safe to say, however, that almost anything in the way of supplies required by steam or petrol commercial-vehicle users,. may be obtained from this company. As may be expected in a show of this kind, the actual exhibits there consist.soi equipment: which is particularly necessary for users of steam and agricultural machinery. Penberthy injectors the unrivalled 'Willcox-Jones patented wirebound hose, Willcox steam rotary pumps, which, it is interesting to }mow, have been used in large quantities for trench pumping, water joint packings lubricating oils, engine fittings and boiler mountings in endless variety; all find a place on this stand. It is perhaps well that Willcox's comes last on our list, as by the end of our itinerary we shall probably have saved considerable time and therefore have some to spare in wandering, round the extensive benches.
'It is but a few steps hence to the main. entrance, should it be desired to restrict the visit solely to the purposes we sug
gested in the first part of this guide.