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24th June 1999, Page 26
24th June 1999
Page 26
Page 26, 24th June 1999 — NOT MUCH ADO?
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With reference your feature 'Much Ado About Nothing?" (CM10-16 June). land my sons are active members of TransAction. We have fully supported ALL the various demos etc.

At one stage we had the Government "on the rack" and I feel that a settlement would have been reached via the "transport forum" if a lot of those moaning hauliers who have done sod-all had joined us.

In the county of Northants there must be more hauliers per head of population than anywhere else in the country, but 99.99% of them will have no sympathy from us if they go down the pan. In fact, I would laugh my socks off as they would have brought their plight on themselves.

If, God forbid, we go down that same path we would not go down quietly. We would park our lorries across the M1 and tell Blair or Brown they can have them. After all, they would have caused the demise!

I call upon all hauliers to step up the campaign. Let's block the docks and the oil terminals. I know Joe Public will be inconvenienced, but it's a small price to pay for the salvation of our industry. Don't let the Government grind you into the ground. Join me and my sons in an active campaign of disruption to let this Government know that we will not be put down like dogs.

All my life I have supported the Labour Party. Not any more. They can get stuffed. Any haulier with the guts to take the Government on, please get in touch with me. You can get me 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 0421417600, or by fax on 01933 681517.

Gary Donaldson Welfingborough, Northants.