WHEELS of INDUSTRY The London Coach Ban Dropped.
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General satisfaction is expressed by , coach operators and by their organization, the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association, at the Minister of Transport's announcement, published in full on our parliamentary page, that the London coach ban is to be dropped, its place being taken by general directions issued to the Traffic Commissioner for the Metropolitan Area. Individual cases will thus receive the separate consideration which is indispensable to equity. The matter is one, however, that has to be viewed in the light of its relation to the London Passenger Transport Bill.
The M. of T. and Drivers Hours.
The Minister of Transport has received two joint applications from organizations representative of . employers and•workpeople• in the section of the road-transport industry dealing with the conveyance of goods by road, for variations, in certain circumstances, of the periods of time laid down in Section 19 of the Road Traffic Act, for the employment of drivers of road 'vehicles of certain types. The Minister has referred the matter to the Industrial Court for advice and the court ,is meeting to-day (March 24th) for the purpose of hearing the parties to both applications.
The Minister on Bridge and Highway Programmes.
• Speaking at a luncheon at Derby, subsequent to the recent opening of the new Dement Bridge, Mr. Herbert Morrison said that his main anxiety was to see more road works of a useful character actually started and more men engaged in road and bridge-building operations. Under the five-years' programme, a total expenditure is contemplated of 127,500,000, and this sum has now been dealt with in the following manner :—(a) schemes which have been submitted in detail and approved for commencement amount to nearly £11,500,000; (b) schemes submitted in outline and approved in principle account for another £14,750,000; (c) schemes under negotiation.
Under the trunk-road programme, sections of Class 1 roads of high national importance from the paint of view of. through traffic have been selected for improvement and reconstruction, including the formation of by-passes, ete., where necessary. The total expenditure contemplated under this programme has been raised from £9,500,000 to £21,000,000.
Mr. Morrison mentioned that a special allocation is made from the Road Fund for the reconstruction of weak bridges over railways, canals, etc., grants in such cases amounting to as much as 75 per cent, of the approved net expenditure. During the current financial year the sum of £500,000 was set aside for this purpose and, up to February 28th,' grants had been made 1320 amounting to £554,000. In the past financial year 550 weak or inadequate highway bridges were improved.
In conclusion, the Minister said that a determined effort to accelerate the commencement and execution of schemes of highway improvement will not only be of assistance to this country in weathering the present crisis, but it will mean that, when the situation improves, we shall be in possession of a modern and highly developed highway system which will be second to none.
Thames Valley Bus Results: After placing £1,000 to the reserve, the net revenue of the Thames Valley Traction Co., Ltd., for the past year was £6,658. A dividend of 5 per cent. is to be paid on the ordinary shares, as against 8 per cent. in the previous year, whilst £8,714 is to be carried forward, as against £9,556 brought into the accounts. It is expected that in the near future negotiations.with the Great Western and Southern Railways will be completed.
Cost of Road Traffic Act Administration.
The new department of the Ministry of Transport formed to administer the Road Traffic Act will cost .£111,060 ner annum and employ a staff of 394). The salaries of 13 Traffic Commissioners will account for £14,700, 85 temporary clerks 113,776 and 120 public-servicevehicle examiners £29,640.
The London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., has ordered six Invader bus chassis of the 6TK type from Commer Cars, Ltd., Luton, Six Sections at This Year's Show. .
• The organizing arrangements for the 10th International Commercial Motor Exhibition, to be held at Olympia London, from November 5th to 14t1 next, are well in hand, and the Show will be divided into six different sections, these being as follow :—Vehicles and,. bodywork, accessories and components, tyres, works trucks, service and garage equipment and motor publications.
Progress with Ford's Dagenham Works.
Last Thursday a party of motor traders and others, numbering about a thousand, visited Dagenham to inspect the progress that has been made in the construction of the works of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., being conveyed to the site by 36 coaches supplied through the agency of the Road Travel Bureau, of Warwick Street, London, W.1. .
The time is already within measurable distance when this huge works, which will provide employment for over 15,000 people and have an output of 200,000 vehicles per annum, will be ready for occupation. Night and day for 18 months the work has been in progress. No fewer than 13,800 pileshave been driven home, each being cetaranteed to withstand a pressure of 100 tons, and the foundry, manufacturing and assembly shops cover an area of 20 acres, the floors of which have required the use of 92,000 tons of concrete. The blast furnace that has been installed is the only one in the south of England, and is one of the largest in the world. The factory, when completed, will have cost £5,500,000.
Morris-Commercial Dinner.
On the occasion of the fifth annual dinner of Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., recently held in Birmingham, nearly 20() guests were "present. Mr.
Wilson Hamill, managing director of the company,, presided. In proposing the toast of " Sir William Morris," the chairman mentioned that Sir William was at present in the Argentine in connection with the Buenos Aires Exhibition, where he was doing valuable spade work on behalf of British industry, He paid a tribute to the enterprise of Sir William in establishing extensive factories at Soho. and Adderley Park, Birmingham—the largest comniercial vehicle factories in Europe. : Certificates for Driving Courtesy.
• A competition of a rather unusual class is being organized by the North Manchester Motor Club, and it is to take place on Sunday, March 29th, starting at 10.45 a.m. from Belle Vue Gardens, Manchester. This event, which is for motorcycles, cars and pneumatic-tyred commercial vehicles up to 30 cwt., is intended as a test of the entrants' ability to drive courteously and safely. Details can be obtained from Mr. W. E. McClure, _at 276, Lower Broughton Road, Manchester.