News of the Week Road Transport's Vital Part in Meat Delivery
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LitTLE has been heard lately of the Le work of the meat• road-transport fleet, perhaps, for the reason that its deliveries to ietailers have been carried out so smoothly as to call for no comment. Actually, the M.O.W.T. claims that not once in over four.years of war has a retailer failed to receive his weekly supplies. What is more surprising, considering the black-out and the absence of labels, is the extremely small number of wrong deliveries.
The quantities are huge—London, for example, consumes some 5,000 tons per week, and this varies little, but many other movements depend on conditions which result in extremely erratic demands. Recently, long-distance movements by road have been greater than ever in volume and mileage. Weekly loads in December were 60 to 80 per cent. higher than in August, mostly in the long-distance field. During four weeks recently, road transport moved from the ports nearly 100,000 tons of meat.
To a large extent, these figures fefiect the increased share of the country's essential traffic which is now being carried by road, but it also points to the extremely important part which the road is playing in the feeding of the Allied Forces in this country. For example, deliveries to U.S. troops in VAUXHALL MOTORS TRADING RESULTS FOR 1943
I N 1943 Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., made a trading profit, after deducting all charges, of £961,080, against £971.201 in 1942, transfer fees, interest, etc., increasing the amount to £974,669. Provision for depreciation on plant and equipment takes £466,789, employees' incentive fund £107,225, and after deducting two small items the net profit is £384,743, compared with £460,184 in 1942. A dividend at the rate of 20 per cent., less tax, is to be paid on the ordinary stack and will absorb £150,000, and after deducting this and the dividend on the preference stock there is a balance of £2,424,164 to be carried forward, as against £2,198,421 brought in.
AT a luncheon meeting of the Institute of the Motor -Trade, to be held at the Connaught Rooms, Great Queen Street, London, W.C.2, at 1 p.m., on April 18, Capt. J. S. Irving, M.I.M.E., I.A.E. F.R.Ae.S.. will give an address on " The Engineer and Humanity." As many of our readers will know, Capt. Irving is a Past President of the Institution of Automobile Engineers.
11 recent months have run into thousands of tons, often involving long and awkward cross-country journeys, with
• a proportion of empty return running. The strength of the Government's chartered fleet of specially constructed meat vehicles has remained fairly constant at about1,450, and although it has been reinforced by vehicles on casual hire, the total has varied little during the war. Now both vehicles• and men are working to the utmost capacity,
The Wholesale Meat Transport Association, which is continuing as part Of the Government Road Haulage Organization, is responsible for this transport, including the carriage of livestock, from either the port of entry or the grading centre, to the butcher. It maintains regular deliveries to some 760 slaughterhouses, nearly 1,000 depots, and 44,000 shops.
The central control room is linked by telephone with over 20 control points in the ports and at intermediate stages. and a panel shows at a glance the approximate position of every vehicle at any hour of the day or night.
In 12 months the turnround time has been reduced by 15 per cent, and the general rule of the long-distance drivers is " Delivery the day after loading."
MR. W. H. SPENDLOVE, F.S.A.A.. director of J. Spurling, Ltd.., of London, Shenstone Transport Co., Ltd., and J.P.L. Transport, Ltd., of Birmingham, has been appointed to the Board of the Halesowen Steel Co., Ltd., near Birmingham.
MR. E. W. SAMPSON, of the Fairfield Haulage Co., Ltd., has been appointed by the Retail Meat Carriers Section of the Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners Association to serve as a co-opted member on the management committee of the Association.
COUNCILLOR J. GEE, of Gee Bros., Ltd., Huddersfield, has been re-elected chairman of A.R.O.'s Huddersfield Subarea. MR. L. BADDELEY, of Baddeley Bros., Ltd., Flolmfirth, has been reelected vice-chairman, and MR. H. FIRTH, of Roadway Services, Huddersfield, continues to be hon. secretary, MR. C. W. BAROTH has been appointed general manager of the ,transport department of Newport Corporation. He is 44 years old and has been an associate member of the Institute of Transport since 1935. He has had considerable experience with a number of leading bus concerns.
A N important move towards the pro
tection of the small haulier has been made by Hauliers' Mutual Federation, which has affiliated with the Council of Retail Distributors and will receive due representation on regional and national committees of that body.
The Council welcomes the gecsture thus made by H.M.F. towards fraternal unity to the extent that the two bodies have common aims. The national organizer of the Council is now considering, with officers of H.M.F. and haulier membe,rs of the committee elected at the recent Caxton Hall mass meeting of hauliers, means by wnich this co-operation can become fully active.
As the new arrangement is implemented, it will bring into action a skilled headquarters' machinery and political power to defend the haulier. At the same time 1-I.M.F. will be able to enlarge and improve its oWn organization by the aid of the C.R.D SPEEDING UP SETTLEMENT OF HAULIERS' ACCOUNTS
STEPS are being taken to speed up the passing and checking of hauliers' accounts against the M.O.W.T.
The Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners' Association took up the question of delays in settlements with the R.H.O., as tbe result of which several members have received substantial payments on account.
It is learned that the Ministry has. completed its inquiries into the causes of delays and finds that they are largely due to man-power difficulties and abnormal absence through sickness amongst the staff employed on accounts work.
The . Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners' Association has informed its members that the system is being overhauled and it may be decided to introduce other methods to speed up the work of passing accounts.
INFORMATION was released on Mont day last to the effect that the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., is responsible for the biggest and mOst powerful armoured car to see service on any battle front. Known as the A.E.C. Armoured Car Mark II, it is powered by an oil engine developing 153 b.h.p. at 2,000 It has a maximum road speed of 42 m.p.h. and can travel at 18 m.p.h. over rough terrain_ Armament consists of the famous six-pounder antiTank gun, mounted in the turret, a 7.92 mm. Besa machine-gun and a light A.A. machine-gun. • The armour is 1i ins, thick on the front of the machine and 1 in. at the sides. The total loaded weight of the
car is 12 tons 1.2 cwt. '
A puncture or burst will not. hold up this vehicle as the large-section tyres are capable of supporting the load when. in a deflated condition..
OUTCROP-COAL HAULAGE POOLS GET TOGETHER . • IN the transport of Yorkshire outcrop coal 'obtained under the Government scheme for the development of surface coal workings, the Hull road haulage pool, known as the Port of Hull, Road Transport Control, is working in association with the two new pools the formation of which we reported last week—Barnsley and District Transport,
and Don Valley Hauliers, -Ltd, The Barnsley Pool, with offices at 13-15, Regeht Street, Barnsley, is acting as a 'liaison centre linking the three pools with the Government authorities concerned.
The aggregate number .of vehicles which the three pools are providing for
outcrop-coal traffic is about 14Q. In February 65,000 tons were carried.
A public 'company for the carrying on of the Barnsley pool is in process of formation. No member will be allowed to have a holding of more than £100 in the company. and the minimum holding will be £5. Membership of the pool is open to any A or B licence holder willing to provide a vehicle or vehicles.
DURING 1943 the West Yorkshire 1-/Road Car Co., Ltd., made a net profit of £97,393, an increase of £2,083 on the previous year. A final dividend of 5 per cent. on the ordinary shares absorbs £39,375 and brings the dividend for the year to 10 per cent., free of tax. For taxation £272,074 is provided, whilst £31,112 goes to depreciation reserve, and £25,000 is Again allocated to contingency reserve. Fuel taxation and vehicle licences absorbed £51,216, and provision for deferred maintenance is 46,500. The balance sheet shows that depreciation reserve stands at £610,587 and contingency reserve at £125,000.
CONCERNING plans for the reconstruction and development of the Liverpool Dock Estate, the Road Transport Section of Liverpool Chamber of Commerce has been endeavouring to obtain information of the decisions reached by the Dock Access Committee. This isa composite committee on which various port interests, including transport, are represented. Although it has not been possible to arrange for an addreSs to be given by the road-transport representative on the committee, an assurance had been obtained that the interests of the road haulage industry, were not being neglected.
e, In a discussion, it was stated that whilst ft was clear that the facilities for the railway companies on thea dock estate would be developed, it would be unreasonable, at the present juncture, to say that there would not be improved conditions for other forms of transport. The position was being reviewed by the Dock Access Committee from the standpoint of how the dock estate could best be developed in the public interest and the interests of traders were secondary for the time being. However, later on, they would have the opportunity to endorse or criticize the committee's proposals.
It was agreed that the Road Transport Section should,\ at an early date, formulate its plans for the post-war period.
RECENTLY, a meeting was held in Leicester of the area members of Hauliers' Mutual Federation, of which there are riow over 60, and the following officers were elected :—Chairman, Mr. R, Murphy; treasurer, Mr. P. W. Clarke; honorary secretary, Mrs. Webb. Representatives to the National Corm-, cil: Messrs, 3. .A Kirby, Murphy, and Woodward. Area Committee: Messrs, Ball, Murphy, Clarke, Kirby, Oxbrough, Woodward, 'Howard, Bamford,Day, Kibble, Francks, Bircher, Pratt, and Mrs, Webb.
AT a meeting of Newcastle-on-Tyne City Council, it was announced that no financial assistance towards the rates would be contributed this year from the transport undertaking. Ald. W. Thompson of the finance commit: tee said that the transport department was a wealthy undertaking, but because of the Excess Profits Tax it was now
able to work only at a loss. This explained the estimated deficit of £80,000. Increasing the fares would only mean that more E.P.T. had to be paid.
AN important phase in almost every branch of engineering is the extended use and application of Components, of rubber-bonded-to-metal form. In connection with this new development, T. B. Andre Rubber Co., Ltd., .Kingston By-pass, Surbiton, Surrey,. has produced an interesting booklet entitled "Elastomeric Engineering." Its purpose is to present, in a convenient and easily read form, information relative to the application of a wide range of bonded rubber-Metal -,components, together with technical data.
Readers of "The Commercial Motor " who wish to secure a free copy of the booklet should write direct to T. B. Andre Rubber Co., Ltd., mentioning this journal.
ON April 3; at 2 pern„ the A.R.O. Western. Area will hold its annual general meeting at the -Marlborough Room -of the Grand Hotel, '.Broad Street. Bristol Mr. R. W., Sewill, directorof A,R.O., will address the meeting.
The following have been elected to serve on the committee of the Bristol and District Sub-area for the ensuing year :---Messrs. A. Faithfull, A. E. Halliday, H. W. Hawker, j. S. Hawker; C. Reed, C. F. Russett, F. E. Russett, H. C. Salisbury, T. Sheppard, C. W. Tucker, C. A. P. Upston,'N .F. Wills. THE MOTOR INDUSTRY'S CONTRIBUTION TO VICTORY
w/HEN Sir Miles Thomas, chairman W of the Public Relations Committee of Motor Industry, and vice-chairman of the Nuffield Organization, recently addressed the Swansea Chamber of Commerce, he said that if it had not • been for the virile, highly developed and efficiently organized motor industry, which had the technique. of quantity production at its finger-tips,and Which brought into being an interlaced web of subcontracting firms and component suppliers, it would not haw been possible for the great acceleration of arms pro, duction in 1039, and particularly after Dunkirk. The so-called shadow factories erected by the industry for the production of engines and aircraft have had a profound effect on the eitablish
ment . of British night-bombing supremacy.
The industry has also been charged with the responsibility of producing many transport media, guns. tractors, tanks, torpedoes, amphibian trait, etc.
Despite the temporary,. forgoing of all individual preferences, . he could never visualize the day when Britain would take kindly to any system of enforced purchase cif merchandise and suppression of the right to free choice of trade. Ideas and inventions come from individual brains; Government Departments cannot swiftly assess market requirements.
MAIN features of the Second Report of the Road Transport Organization Joint ,Conference were discussed last week at an extraordinary general meeting of the Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners' Association, A resolution was adopted approving the proposed arrangements for the futurs cf the organization in Liverpool andauthority Was given to the management committee to continue consultations
with the kindred associations. Mr.
I, F. Supplies presided. Mr, Allen Walter explained, in detail, the proposed local arrangements.
THEsubject.of 'a talk in the B.B.C. Home Service at 4.1 p.m. on March 27, will be " Safety in InCstry." The speaker is to be Mr. F. J. Beazley, safety engineer of Wolseky Motors, and chairman of the Safety Engineers' Conference for the whole of
the Nuffield Group.
The need for a 'thorough safety scheme in large works is shown by the fact that in four years of war there have been 1,000,000 industrial accidents in this country alone, andMr. Beazley will. describe how the Nuffield 'Organization appointed a safety engineer for each company, and how plans were, made to keep down accidents' by every possible means. The importance of keeping careful accident records, so that precautions can be concentrated where necessarti, will also be
OPERATORS employed on distance seork for the M.O.W.T. may now make use of new docks offices which have been opened by the R.H.O. at three Liverpool docks—at Gladstone Dock, N.1, Huskisson, 5.1, and King's Dock, N.I. They are respectively in charge of Mr. Davies, Mr. Summers and Mr. Rigby.
Operators requiring back loads can now report to the nearest docks office for instructions, instead of going to the Bixteth Street, Liverpool, office of the Ministry.
THE North-East Regional Transport Commissioner, Major F. S. Eastwood, has rejected proposals put forward by Halifax Corporation, whereby it was aimed to obtain relaxation of the town's 9 p.m. bus " curfew." These proposals were submitted in view of an intimation from the Commissioner, after he had interviewed a Halifax deputation, that he would consider a plan for relaxation of the " curfew " if it did not involve any addition to the aggregate mileage run. Based on this principle, they provided for operation up to 10 p.m., with compensating cuts in services at 'earlier hours and on Sundays.
It is understood that the proposals H.M.F. REPORTS "HEALTHY FINANCIAL POSITION"
AT the first annual general meeting of Hauliers' Mutual Federation, held last week in London, a report and statement for the past year and the current outlook were presented by Mr. J. Arnold Kirby, vice-chairman. Accounts showing a healthy financial position were explained by Mr. Arthur E. Meeks; for the time being he agreed to continue in the posts of hon. treasurer and hon. secretary, Mr. J. Arnold Kirby, of Leicester, was .elected national chairman of the Federation for 1944 and Mr. Ernest B. Howes, of Harpenden, vice-chairman.
Mr. G. J. L. H. Swift, of Cannock (chairman of the Wolverhampton branch) condemned the Government Scheme not only as the ruination of the small haulier, but as sabotage to the war effort. He id " Operators running under it, even large operators, will tell you that they are doing far less work and carrying far less traffic than ever they did when they had the vehicles under their own control."
Mr. J. A. Dunnage (Council member) called on for comments on the political and economic background, spoke briefly also on the outlook which caused him to warn hauliers of the risks before them of a " double-cross " more serious even than any previously known in British transport history.