The Wheels of Industry.
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" The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all 'difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carnage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Priority After the Peace.
We are pleased to be able to report, following our action in drawing attention to the matter a month ago, that both the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders and the Association of British Motor and Allied Manufacturers are deliberating as to the course to be followed, to the end that the British motor industry shall be reasonalsly placed for supplies of steel and other materials after the peace in any priority list which may then be adopted.
Manchester, Liverpool and Counties C.M.U.A.
The Manchester, Liverpool and Counties C.M.U.A. has revived an interesting practice in the north, by inaugurating a session of papers and debates. It interests us to recall that the Liverpool Selfpropelled Traffic Association held similar meetings for the first time during the winter session for the years 1896-1897, at the Royal Institution, Colquitt Street, Liverpool. Much has happened since then, but opinions and views appear to be equally divided in regard to new achievements and possibilities. Mr. R. C. Reynolds, of the Bleachers Association, read the first paper. We have pleasure in dealing. with part of it elsewhere in this issue, and it is our intention to complete the report, together with the discus,sioss, next week. We understand that other papers are to be read, probably at intervals of one month.
' Petrol Shortage.
We have reason for anticipating that there. may in the near future be a general application by the reestablished Petrol Control Committee, the resignation of which body, although tendered, appears to have been withdrawn, of the following rule :—"All applications for licences, or renewals of licences, addressed to the Secretary, Petrol Control Committee, 19, Berkeley Street, W., -1, must be accompanied by a written recommendation from the local area office (Ministry of Munitions), to the effect that gallons of petrol per month be supplied to the applicant in the national interests. Without such accompanying recommendation, no application will be entertained."
This possibility ha S been foreshadowed for some little time past. The G.O.C. the military district, or the Chief Constable for the area, should be equally entitled to certify, for commercial purposes, in our opinion, if the feared necessity for closer control becomes operative. An Appointment Vacant.
An important company in the London 'district wants a draughtsman with designing experience and capacity. Salary will be occording to ability a really good man is sought. Inquiries should las addressed to the Editor.
Mr. Edward Powell, Chairman of Humbers, Ltd., has been re-elected President of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders; . this is his fourth term of office Mr. A. Brown and Mr. E. Hopwood have been re-elected vice-presidents. Tina Society, in conjunction with the Institution of Automobile Engineers, has established a Technical C'aitimittee of the Motor Industries. Representation on the Committee 'includes the National Physical Laboratory (Dr. Stanton), the General Post Office (Captain Wheeler), the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Dr. Hele-Shaw), the Iron and Steel Institute (Mr.
J. II. Dickenson), and the Commercial Motor Users Association (Mr.
George W. Watson). The Society has also formed an agricultural section to watch the interests of manufacturers of tagrimot ors.
Edison Electrics.
In the House of Commons on the 17th inst. M. Annan Bryce asked the Minister 'of Munitions whether he was aware that an active demand exists for electrically-propelled industrial vehicles deriving motor force from existing power stations using home-produced fuel, whereby the need for the import of fuel and fodder is diminished ; whether the Edison Accumulator Co., having taken works for the manufacture of such vehicles in thia country, was licensed to produce? only a very small number ; whether it has been refused certificates to obtain the material necessary to complete even the licensed number; and whether he will now grant priority certificates for such material?
Mr. Kellaway : I am aware of the demand for vehicles of this character, and it was in view of that demand that the Edison Accumulators Co. were given a licence" to manufacture a limited number 9f chassis in this country. No promise was, or could be, given that all materials required for such manufacture would be forthcoming. but the necessary priority certificates will be issued in -respect of any vehicles .ordered from the company in connection with work of national importance.
Tractors in the North-east.
The Durham County War Agricultural Committee has been notified that Mr. P. 0. Laidler, of Stonecroft, Fourstones, has been appointed sub-commissioner for the county in connection with the organization for food production, whilst the agrirnotors which are to be provided by the Board of Agriculture are to be distributed as follows: Bishop Auckland, 1; Chester-le-Street, 1 ; Darlington, 2; Durham, 4; Gateshead, 2. The North Riding County Council has at its disposal 13 agrimotors, from the same source, and applications concerning them should be made to Mr. Richard Booth, County Hall, Northallerton. The distribution in this area is as follows :— 13edale, 1; Catterick, 1; Helmsley, 1; Kirbymoorside, 1 ; Mahon, 1; Middlesbrough, 2; Northallerton,
2; Scarborough, 1; Thirsk, 2; and York, 1.
L.G.O.C. Employees ; the Strike Settlement.
Our anticipations of a week ago, concerning the course of the London motorbus strike, that all public demands, within the limits of the petrol supply, would be met by Saturday last, have proved accurate, despite our going to press several days before all the facts were available. The official memorandum upon the settlement was as under :— (1) That the London and Provincial Union of Licensed Vehicle Workers withdraw the letters dated 3rd and 4th May, thus bringing the relations of the compa.ny and the union into the position which existed prior to the decision taken at the annual delegate meeting of the union.
(2) That the agreement entered into on 22nd September, 1913, be subject to review at a conferepce, to be presided over by Sir George Askwith, between representatives. of the company and the union; at an early date, to be mutually agreed upon.
(3) That there be an immediate resumption of work on the part of members of the union.
(4) That the reference of the application of a war bonus be proceeded with by the Committee on Production, and that any award made by that committee take effect as from the date on which work is resumed.
(a) That, at the request of Mr. Henderson, the London General Omnibus Co. updertake to re-engage the ten employees concerned in the Palmer's Green incident. Proceedings of Local Authorities.
The East Suffolk C.C. is to purchase a motor ambulance.
The Stables Committee of the Jarrow T.C. is to consider the advisability of purchasing a motor sweeping machine.
We are pleased to see that £50 is to be, spent in experimenting with the use of coal-gas for running the Walsall municipal motor omnibuses.
Further to the announcement in our issue of the 26th April, the Accrington T.C. has now purchased an Edison electric wagon for refuse iemoval.
Mr. balm Venables, chairman of the gas department of Walsall Town Council, has been authorized, with two other members, to make arrangements for procuring another motor lorry.
The Walsall T.C. has decided to inform the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co. Ltd., that permission to run its motorbuses in and out of the town will be stopped an the 30th June.
The Kingston-on-Thames Corporation is open to receive tenders for the supply of a 5-ton steam or electric wagon for the corporation, and Mr. R. Hampton Clucas, Borough Surveyor, Municipal Office's, Kingston-upon-Thames, should be addressed, The Motor Omnibus Bills which are being promoted by the Caerphilly and Bedwas and Machen Urban District Councils, for a combined service, have been allowed to proceed by a Select Committee of the House of Lords, hut only as regards routes in respect of 'which there has been no opposition. Questions as to additional routes have been held over. •
New All-British Fuel for Motors.
We desire to state, with reference to the new all-British motor fuel mentioned on page 250 of last week's issue of THE COMMERCIAL Moion, that this fuel cannot at present be utilized, and, further, that it is for the time being withheld from public sale for any purpose. Many of our readers have already sent inquiries addressed to the Editor of this journal, as suggested by us. These letters were in due course forwarded to the makers of the fuel, and if cheques have been sent subsequently to the makers, they will doubtless ' be promptly returned. We have had further testimony that the fuel in question is of excellent quality, and we shall keep our readers acquainted with developments,but for the moment the authorities have precluded its use and our hands are tied. Readers must draw their own .conclusions as from whence .canes the intervention.
c46 Recent Registrations.
Windham Garage Co., Ltd. (X1000), with its registered office at the Windham Hotel, St. Edmunds Road, Bootle,
Bradford Vulcanizing Co., Ltd. (24000), by B. C. Gardiner, Bradford, to take over RD existing business of rubber-tire factoring and repairing.
Featherstons (London Agents); Ltd. (X1,000), with its registered office at 17, Green Street, London, W.C., to manufacture and deal in motorcars, motorcycles, lubricants, cements, solutions, enamels, etc.
• Enclosed Motor td. (X200), with its registered Co.,aka at-Fins
bury Court, to acquire and turn to account inventions. The first directors are P. A. H. Mossay, A. Berkeley and A. S. Mays-Smith.
Russell Bros: (Walsall), Ltd. (X20,000), by C. Doubble, 14, Serjeants Inn, RC., to take over an existing tube-making lousiness at the Bradford Tube Works, Upper Brook Street, Walsall, and elsewhere.
Johnson and Smith, Ltd. (X1000), by C. Martin, 18, Hertford Street, Coventry, to manufacture armaments and war equipment, including motor vehicles, and to undertake repairing and general engineering.
United British Motors, Ltd. (R100), registered without Articles of Association by Messrs. Surtees, Philplatts and Co., of 6, St. Helens Place, E.C., to manufacture and deal in internal-combustion engines, motor vehicles, ate.
The Northern Counties Supplies Co. (Newcastle-on-Tyne), Ltd. (2500), with its registered office at 90, Northumberland Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne, to manufacture and deal in motor accessories, tires, vehicles, and supplies.
Goode and Cooper, Ltd. (X4000), with its registered offices at 17, Melbourne Square, Brixton, S.W., to take over an existing business of jobmasters, manufacturers, and dealers in vehicles, coach and motor-body builders, general smiths and engineers.
West Riding Motors, Ltd. (X5000), by G. S. Williamson, 11 Bishop Lane, Hull. to repair motor vehicles of members of Motor Volunteer Corps and affiliated or like bodies for the duration of the war, and to establishand carry on motorcar agencies in any part of the world, etc.
Thomas Warren and Co., Ltd. (E2000), by Sonnies and Vigo, Union Bank Buildings, Ely Place, B.C., to deal as manufacturers, exporters and importers of hydraulic and other fitting presses and machinery, rubber machinery, tire machinery, tire rims and foundation bands, tire machinery parts and accessories, and motor vehicles. Isaiah Preston, Ltd. (23000), with its registered office at Plants Green, Old Hall, to manufacture metal, chain, anchor, cable, goods, etc.
Carbury and Co:, Ltd. (21000) to carry on the business af haulage contractors, general carriers, rail-, way and forwarding agents, etc. A. 8: Chetwood and R. W. Fiddes are subscribers.
The New British Energised Tyre Syndicate, Ltd. (E.c'..1000), by 'Mayo, Elder and Co., of 10. Drapers Gardens, E.C., to tarry on business of tire and rim manufacturers, engineers, manufacturers of rubber goods, etc. First subscribers : Major J. Sealy Clark, 79, Cannon Street, E.C. 3; U. Stratton, Ascot Park, Ascot, London manager of the Daimler Co., Ltd.
Whitsun Holidays.
The issue of next week, dated the 31st inst., will not be published at our offices until 6 p.m. on that date. This is a. little later than usual. Advertisements should reach the business department by not later than the 25th inst., in order to ensure inclusion.
Agriznotor Repairs.
The , New Welding Co., of 26, Rosebery Avenue, London, RC. 1; has lately been carrying out a • variety of repairs•to agrimotor. parts, and is continuing to give priority to this description of Work where the urgency of. an order is clearly indicated.
Prohibition of Import of Manu factured Rubber Articles. • In the "London gazette" of 11th May, a proclamation appears prohibiting, amongst other . things, "manufactures of rubber." This presumably includes tires, which are now banned unless such goods are imported under licence given by, or on behalf of, the Board of Trade.
Hire of Motorcars: P.C.C. Notice. •
We have received the following notice from the Secretary of the Petrol Control•Committee :—In accordance with the provisions of section ,(c) of Defence of the Realm Regulation 8G0, the letting of a motorcar for hire is authorized for the following special purposes :—
(1) For the conveyance of any goods or burden in the course of trade or husbandry in a motorcar which was constructed or adapted solely for that use, prior to the 12th May, 1917.
(2) For visiting persons who are dangerously ill, and for conveying nurses to attend patients; provided that in each case a certificate is obtained from a duly qualified medical practitioner.
(3) For funerals.
(4) For conveyance of police officers engaged upon their flicial duties.
• (5) For conveyance of .3k.rwapapers for distribution.