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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all digicieties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
New President of Inst. of T.
The president-elect of the Institute of Transport, who will take office on October 1st, is Mr. Roger T. Smith, who is well known in connection with • hydraulic-power engineering, electric lighting and the application of electric power to railways and other great undertakings. He has been connected with the Great Western Railway, and three years ago he retired therefrom to become a partner in the firm of Highfield and Roger Smith as a consulting engineer. He is a member of, and has held high office in, a number of the technical institutions not only in this
country but abroad. The vice-presidents-elect are :—Air Vice-Marshal Sir W. Sefton Brancker, K.C.B., A.F.C.; Mr. Philip Burtt ; Mr. W. EL Gaunt, O.B.E. (of Joseph Lyons and Co., Ltd.) ; Sir Alfred Read ; Mr. It. S. Tilling (of Thomas Tilling, Ltd.) ; and Mr. II. A. Watson, C.B.E., M.V.O.
German Lorries for the Irish Free State.
O'Gorman Bros., Ltd., Clonmel, has furnished us with some additional particulars of the Mercedes-Benz vehicles which it is supplying to the Irish Free State army authorities, a reference to which appeared in our issue dated May 10th. The engines are of the fourcylindered type stated to develop 55 b.h.p. at 1.000 r.p.m. Ignition is by hightension magneto, whilst an electric lighting and starting outfit of Bosch make is included in the equipment. The chassis, which has a tare weight of 3 tons, has a wheelbase of 15 ft. 8 ins., the available body space on the frame being 16 ft. The road wheels are of cast-steel with tubular spokes, and are fitted with' single solid tyres of 960 mm. by 130 mm. dimensions at the front, whilst twins, 985 mm. by 154) mm., are used at the rear. O'Gorman Bros., Ltd., adds that the vehicles are capable of climbing, fully loaded, gradients of 18 per cent., or about 1 in 6, and of attaining speeds of from 18 m.p.h. to 22 m.p.h.
. Petrol Pump Conditions.
Hastings Watch Committee reports that it has had a communication from Shell Mex, Ltd., on the subject of the refusal of the council to grant permission for the ;nstallation of petrol pumps operating through a swing delivery arm over the public footways, etc., together with a summary of replies from 430 towns with reference to the practice which obtains regarding the granting of such permission.
The committee has considered the matter and recommends that consent be given to the erection of swing delivery arms to petrol pumps, except in congested areas and in eases where
the borough engineer advises to the contrary, on the following conditions:—
(1) That the swing delivery arm be fixed at least 8 ft. in height and shall extend over the full width 'of the footway. (2) That the licensee enters into on agreement to pay an acknowledg meet of per annum in respect of each swing arm sanctioned. (3) Such consent to be terminable at three months' notice on either side and the agreement to contain such other provisions as the town clerk may deem advisable for the protection of the council.
N.P.L. Inspection.
The president of the Royal Society, who is the chairman of the General Board of the National Physical Laboratory, is holding the usual annual reception at the Laboratory at Teddington on Friday, June 24th next.
Features Held Over.
This being a special issue of The Commercial Motor, space has, in the main, been devoted to the chief subject—municipal employment of road motors and mobile appliances. In consequence, certain of the regular features of 1he journal are displaced, but they will be resumed in our next issue.
A Bus Appeal Dismissed.
The Ministry of Transport has announced its decision in the case of the appeal made by' Messrs. W. Oriffiths and Son, Craig-cefn-Pare, Swansea Valley, against the refusal of the Swansea Council to issue licences for a bus service between Swansea Valley and Swansea. The Ministry upholds the council and dismisses the appeal.
Bus Travel in Western Canada.
Long-distance motorbus travel to a regular time-table has been inaugurated in Western Canada by the establishment of a service between Calgary and Edmonton, a distance of over 200 miles.
Blackpool Coach Owners Busy.
There are two seasons in every year when Blackpool motor coach owners provide special facilities for Blackpool people to see Britain by long-distance tours—immediately before and immediately after the main holiday season, which extends from Whitsuntide until the end of August. About 20 Blackpool motor coach owners arranged tours for periods of upwards of two days, during Tradesmen's Holiday Week, which commenced yesterday (May 23rd). Two, three, and fpur-day tours command a .big measure of popularity in the various owners' announcements, but several owners have more ambitious proerammes, including tours to the South 'Coast, covering a period up to 10 days.
Whilst Blackpool coach owners are concentrating on the extended tours, day trips to destinations within 50 miles of the town can be coanted by the score. The record cheap fare for the season is Blackpool to Manchester-92 miles return. for 2s. 6d. single, 3s. return and 5s. for long-date return. These are daily-service fares and are in operation on all-weather coaches warming on pneumatic tyres.
Visiting a Coachbuilding Factory.
On Tuesday of last week a representative gathering of the members of the Lowestoft Town Council visited the coachbuilding works of United Auto-. mobile Services, Ltd., at Laundry Lane, Lowestoft. The party was conveyed to the works in one of the company's latest saloon vehicles, and thus had an_ early opportunity of testing the riding comfort of the buses, the bodywork of which they were to inspect later in course of construction,.
The visitors were divided into small groups and made a tour of the works under the supervision of Mr. C. P. Hardman, the coach-factory supointendent. Tea was served after the inspection, and Mr. Ernest Cock, the • publicity manager of the company, expressed regret for the, absence of Mr. E. B. Hutchinson, the managing director, and said he hoped that the members of the council had been impressed with what they had seen, both in regard to the equipment and processes, of production, as well as with the type of vehicle which the company was putting into use. The company employs over IWO men at Lowestoft.
Wild-Barfield Furnaces in Italy. Automatic and Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 173-175, Farringdon Road, London, E.C.1, advises us that an arrangement has been made whereby Carlo Brivio, of Via Principe Umberto 25, Milan, undertakes the manufacture and sale of Wild-Barfield electro-magnetie furnaces in Italy.
Taxation of Municipal Motors.
At a meeting of the Ilford porporation a letter was received from the clerk to the Minom Urban District Council upon the question of the increased taxation of municipal tractors and motor vehicles. The council asked for co-operation in its endeavour to obtain a reduction in the existing rate
of licence duty, being of opinion that, where vehicles are used solely for municipal work, the duty should not exceed the scale previously in operation. The town clerk was asked to bring the matter to the notice of the Association of Municipal Corporations for consideration on the general question of a preferential scale for nonrevenue-earning vehicles.
A New 6-volt Lighting Set.
A new 6-volt lighting set has just been marketed by the Villiers Engineering Co., Ltd., Marston Road, Wolverhampton. The set is particularly useful for commercial work, and a special effort has been made to protect the accumulator as much as possible by mountlug it on a facia-board with the switch and ammeter, so that these parts can be placed in the driver's cab and kept under observation. Wiring-up has also been simplified by means of a junction box in which are the terminals for connecting the cables leading from the dynamo and to the headlamps and tail lamp. Provision is made for plugging in an inspection lamp. The complete equipment is listed at £10 10s.
Bus Company's New Enterprise.
The Crosville Motor Co., Ltd., of Chester, the bus enterprise which has been frequently referred to in our columns, has acquired a magnificent estate of 40 acres at the spot known as the Loggerheads (North Wales). The company has already thrown open the new estate to the public, free or charge, and has laid out tea gardens and erected a café and bandstand, in keeping with the amenities of the district. From all parts of the Wirral Peninsula, the Crosville Motor Co. Ltd., runs regularservice buses to Mcrld and the Loggerheads, these being supplemented by a special local service from the Mold Railway Station. This summer at least 40 buses per day *ill encentrate
on this favoured spot. The company has engaged well-known brass bands to play in the tea gardens at week-ends, when there will also be dancing on the green.
A Berliet Appointment.
Automobiles M. Berliet, Richmond Bridge Works, Twickenham, announces that Mr. Fred Rasey, who for a number of years has acted as its factory representative in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, has recently been appointed to the position of manager for Great Britain and the British Depend encies.
Darlington to Buy More Trolley buses.
Darlington Corporation has just obtained powers under a Provisional Order which will enable it materially to expand its trolley-vehicle system. The Order empowers the corporation to
spend £12,800 upon the purchase of additional trolley-buses and i14,723 on electrical equipment, etc., and running powers are given for five new routes. These either provide for thickly populated districts at present without Passenger transit facilities or for new areas which are at present being developed by housing schemes.
The Leeds Bus Bill.
Reporting on the Leeds Corporation Bill, the West Riding County Council states that it was proposed by the Bill to run omnibuses on any route upon which trolley vehicles may be run by the corporation. So far as the county area is concerned, the routes in question are over main roads in the urban districts of Otley, Burley-in-Wharfedale and Baildon, and the rural district of Wharfedale. The local legislation committee, after hearing the promoters and opponents of the Bill, decided to grant the powers asked for only on condition that the corporation ceases to work its trolley-bus systems before running omnibuseg on these routes.
Ailany American Tractors for Russia.
During last March the United States exported 7,430 wheeled tractots (value $3,739,552) and 160 track-laying tractors (value $346,730), against 4,868 (value $2,759,652) and 159 (value $242,334) respectively in the corresponding month of 1926. The wheeled tractors exported in March of this year were grouped according to the number of ploughs they were capable of hauling-. Those capable of drawing two ploughs totalled 5,31)8; three ploughs, 732; and four ploughs and more, 1,300.
A large percentage of the tractors exported from the United States in March last went to Russia. These machines comprised 2.079 two-plough wheeled tractors (value $975,233), 4 threeplough wheeled tractors (value $4,600) and 1,228 four-plough (and over) wheeled tractors (value $506,039).
L.G.O.C. Bookings for the Derby.
The London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., has secured two reserved enclosures on Epsom Downs for Derby Day, instead of the usual single enclosure, and already over 100 buses and coaches have been booked. . Parking arrangements are to be made to ensure that each party obtains a good view of the racing, and for this reason the company has placed a limit on the number of vehicles which can be reserved. The arrangements made last year to facilitate the ready departure of baana from the enclosure after the races will again be made.
An Accessories Exhibition.
The Automotive Equipment Association of Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., has just issued preliminary details of its 12th annual convention to be held in Chicago from November 7th to 12th next. At this exhibition the latest classes of accessory and equipment for use on motor vehicles will be displayed and demonstrated.
The association now numbers amongst its members 700 leading manufacturers of and dealers in motor-vehicle accessories and shop equipment. It is promoting interest. in the exhibition throughout the world, and isissuing invitations to, many representatives from overseas to attend. .. , New Bus Services for I.O.M.
Three Isle of Man companies, Manx Motors, Ltd., Fargher's Omnibus, Ltd., and Richmond, Ltd., have entered into a working arrangement for the operation of a new service of motorbuses to be inaugurated before the Whitsun holiday. It is intended to operate 20seater one-man-controlled Thornycroft buses of the single-entrance type with a door alongside the driver and an emergency door at the rear. Ten motorbuses have been ordered and they will be put in service between Douglas and Peel, Port Erin and Ramsey. Meanwhile, the subsidiary company of Cumberland Motor Services, Ltd., has inaugurated its Isle Of Man service, the Douglas • Corporation having granted the requisite licences and stands. Altogether 30 licences have been granted.
A C.M.U.A. Divisional Meeting.
The annual report of the West Midlands Division of the Commercial Motor Users Association has just been issued, and it shows that this division of the national organization has undertaken useful work. The technical " talks " with drivers and mechanics have been continued (luring the year with much
c24 success, and, such subjects as the lubrication of the commercial motor vehicle, electrical equipment and carburation have been discussed.
Many matters of general interest and importance occupied the attention of the divisional council, including road conditions and improvements, motorbus and tramcar stops, white lines on highways and signalling devices.
New Insurance Wanted..
The Lancashire executive of the National Farmers' Union has received for consideration from the Liverpool branch the ft:Mowing motion; "That it is the opinion of this committee that a deputation from the Lancashire County branch of the N.F.U. should approach the Lancashire County Council with a view to suggesting that that authority should take out an insurance policy covering the users of the canal bridges, and indemnifying the canal companies against accidents to the third party and damage to the bridges until such time as the bridges are repaired, to enable them to cope with modern traffic."
A German Users Association.
A new association has lately been formed in Berlin (38, Nene Winterfeldstrasse), with the title Der Reichsverband fiir Nutzfahrzeuge, to protect the interests of German users of industrial motor vehicles.
Power Brakes for Road Motors.
The Consolidated Brake and Engineering Co., Ltd., of Caxton H01.1190, London, S.W.1, has just issued a booklet which deals with its power brakes for use on all types of road vehicle. Details of the G.B.E. brake are set out and its application to and use on various types of goods and passenger-carrying models are indicated. Several illustrations of the Lraking equipment are given in the booklet.
Merthyr's Popular Buses.
Mr. D. F. Adey, the manager of. the Merthyr Corporation bus undertaking, reports that he has made an approximate estimate of the financial position for the year 1926-27, and the balance is well on the right side. This result Is a great credit to the committee, as it has been running omnibuses in a district which has been hit most severely by the troubles of the past year. With a substantial reserve capital and signs of increasing traffic revenue, Mr. Adey looks forward to a year of prosperity for the bus department. The figures given below give an idea of the progress being made :—
The value of buses to Merthyr is clearly shown in our analysis of municipal Services l.a thi5
New Gully Emptier for Woolwich.
Lally (England) , Co., Ltd.,, Lonsdale Road, London, N.W., has just delivered one of its latest-type gully emptiers to the 'Woolwich Borough Council, the design embodying the most modern practice for this class of work. The appliance is a repeat order following the satisfactory service which the council has obtained from a similar Lailly machine delivered in 1924.
Amongst recent deliveries which have been made by the company can be mentioned road-sweeping machines delivered to the City of London Corporation, the Hackney Borough Council and Islieg,ton Borough Council.
German Imports and Exports.
Official returns lately issued show that 1.744 commercial vehicles, valued at £195,000, were imported into Germany during last Year, as compared with 2,141 vehicles (£355,000) in 1925. Of the 1926 OW no fewer than 1,613 vehicles are credited to the United States, leaving only '131 for all other countries. There was also a decline in the exports of commercial vehicles from Germany, a total of 814 (£460,000) being recorded for last year. as contrasted with 1,057 (£475,000) in 1925. The principal markets for German commercial vehicles, in the order of their importance, were Russia, Holland, Brazil. Persia, Dantzig, Spain, Hungary, Argentine, Poland and Turkey.
Why Pneumatics Cannot be Used.
At a meeting of the Lowestoft Watch Committee a letter was received' from United Automobile Services, Ltd., 'giving particulars of improvements which it proposed to effect in its local Omnibus services during the spring and summer months. It appears that at present the company is unable to intro-. duce vehicles fitted with pneumatic tyres on the Oulton Broad route, as the iron edging on the narrow roadway oVer the bridge at Oulton Broad at °alter,. Lock causes considerable damage to the tyres. The town clerk has been directed to write to the London and North Eastern Railway Co., calling attention to the damage occasioned to tyres by this iron edging, and to suggest that the trouble would be minimized if it were replaced by iron having a rounded edge.
Heavies on Show in Paris.
The industrial vehicle section of the Paris Fair, which is now in progress, takes the place of the annual " Salon de Poids Lourd" this year. Several well-known manufacturers are represented, but there is little in the way of novelty to be seen. This is not surprising, as the show falls too soon after the last Paris Salon at the Grand Pahis and makers can hardly be ex, pected to have their 192S models ready so soon.
Industrial vehicle firms exhibiting include Aries, Barr, Bernet, Bernard, Chenard-Walcker, Citroen, Corre in Licorne, Delahaye, Dewald, Donne*, Laffiy, Lath, Panhard • and Levassor, Peugeot, Rochet Schneider, Link, Saurer, S.C.E.M:A. and the Exshaw Steam Wagon Co. American exhibits incinde Ford, Liberty and PierceArrow.
Gas-producers are much in evidence • --far more so than at the last Grand Palais show. All the known French makers of gazogiMes are represented and, in addition, one or two newcomers are exhibiting for the first time:
It is not only in the booths of the actual makers that gas-producers are to be found ; most of the important industrial vehicle firms show examples of gas-driven. lorries. In many caws" engines are kept running and the gas machines may be seen in operation.
The gas-producers show little change in general design, but many etail provements are to be found. Gas machines are much more compact than they were a year or two ago. Lorry makers in France, having taken the gas movement seriously, now turn out vehicles specially for use with wood or charcoal fuel. The generators and gas cleaning arrangements are built into the lorry, in such a way as to be quite unobtrusive.
Recent Thornycroft Orders.
D,uring the week ended May 7th, 'John I. Thornycroft and Co. Ltd., received a number of orders for various types of vehicle.. The Sudan GOvernment placed a repeat order for seven six-wheeled lor ries, and other vehicles that will be shipped overseas are two type-J 4-tonners ordered by Balfour Williamson and Co., the machines being intended for use in Peru. The biggest orders received by the company during this period were a repeat for 22 •type-2 2-ton chassis, and 8 type-KB 3-ton chassis for the British
Petroleum Co., Ltd. Other orders froni fuel companies include one for three type-Q 6-ton tank wagons for Shell Meg, Ltd., and another for a type-KB 8-ton chassis for the Redline Motor Spirit Co., Ltd.
A Fleet on Contract Work.
In outlast week's issue we published an illustration of a fleet of R.A.F.-type Leyland 4-tanners in which a standardized type of body is used. We are informed that these vehicles are owned by Messrs. W. Bradhrook and Sons, 294, Arches, Cambridge Heath, London, 11.2, and that they are run under contract for jurgens, Ltd.
Military Trials in Peru.
The Peruvian War Department proposes to inaugurate a series of trials of military motor vehicles on June ltb next, with a viriw to purchasing • a number for the Peruvian Army. The Customs authorities have issued a notice to the effee., that vehicles of all types intended for participation in the trials will he temporarily admitted into Peru free of import duty.
Horses Impossible to Obtain.
When it was recently reported to to Totnes Town Council that it was impossible to obtain horses to draw the fire-engine, either to fires or to drills, it was resolved to acquaint the Totnes Rural District Council of the position
and ask that authority whether it would be prepared to come to a -financial arrangement with a view to a . motor fire-engine being obtained for use in the borough and rural districts.
Laystali Sports .Meeting.
Laystall's Social Club held a most successful sports meeting at the Herne Elli . Athletic Ground on Saturday, May 14th. Aia attendance of about 800 people enjoyed tt long programme Of events, which terminated with a display of fireivorks. The prizes were presented by Mts. F. T. Bersey, the LaystallDepartmental Challenge Cup being won by the cylinder grinding and pistons department.
Engine or Carburetter?
An interesting little booklet under the above title has just .been published by Sol-ex, Ltd., 43-2.31, Marylebone Road, London, NAVA, and it draws attention to the causes of and. remedies for common engine troubles. The company feela that the carburetter is often held to be at fault when other engine auxiliaries are responsible.
New Electrics for Blackpool.
• In adclitiou to the 10 electric vehicles (five Electromobiles and five GA's) which it possesses, Blackpool Corporation is in process of adding to the fleet of motors employed in the collection and disposal of household and shop refuse. As a matter of fact, two Eleetricars are already in service, and a third is expected to be delivered before Whitsuntide. These vehicles have a lead capacity of 30 cwt., and the low load-line renders it unnecessary for a man to he stationed on the vehicle to assist in the operation of
• tipping the bins. During the month of April the average .cost for the collection of household refuse in Blackpool was Ks. 10d, per ton. •
Coaching Conditions at Weymouth.
Weymouth Corporation has decided that the applications for licences in respect of motor coaches be granted subject to each .proprietor signifying in writing that he is prepared to accept the following conditions :—(1) Driver's mirror to be affixed to each motor coach. (2) Eire extinguisher to be carried on au i such vehicles. in an easily accessible position. (3) That theStatute motor -coach stand be not need for the standing of motor .00flett-e'S except during the times already fixed for plying for hire, via., 9.30 a.m. to 11 a.m., L30 p.m. to 3 p.m., and 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., and that these times be strictly adhered to. -(4) 'routing to -be carried out only on the pavement in front of the booking offices, and within a distance of 6 ft. at the sides of the vehicles standing for hire and 3 ft. in front, or,at the rear of, each vehicle, and that all employees be given instructions ciecordiugly. (5) That in order to avoid congestion so far as possible at the Statue the intervals from vehicle to vehicle shall at no time be more than 6 ft.
Report on Helsingfors Show.
A report on the motor Show held in Helsingfors in March last has been prepared by 'the Department Of OVerSeas Trade from information furnished by His Majesty's Consul at Helsiogfors, and United Kingdom manufacturers desirous of receivinga copy of it can do so by communicating with the department nit 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1.
Inst. P.E. Meeting, .
A general meeting of the .Institution of Production Engineers to be held in the council room of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 83, Pall Mall, London. S.WI, on May 27th, when Mr. J. Ronald will read. a paper on "Rate-fixing." At • this meeting an announcement is to be made .regarding the 'inauguration of a Birmingham branch and a visit to the works of the Austin Motor CO., Ltd., in June.
Wanted—a Toll-free Bridge.
The Cartiarvon. County Council has under consideration representations by Bangor Town Council for the reduction of tolls over the Menai Suspension Bridge. Bangor Council urged the joint committee of the Anglesey and Carnarvon councils to use every effort to secure a free bridge and an unimpaired highway through Bangor to Anglesey. In the discussion it was pointed out that the _opposition came from the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who was influenced by the fact that the Government-made a profit of 19,000 on the
• bridge, The comity council appointed sub-committee to deal with the question of bridge tolls.
• _ Rubber Tail Lamps. The patent rubber tail lamps which
• are manufactured by flexible Lainps, Ltd.; 102, Wigmore Street, London. W.1, are in use by tramways add omnibus departments of a number of municfpalities, amongst which can he menflamed Huddersfield, Wolverhampton, Burnley and Edinburgh. Two models of the lamp are made, one fitting almost any standard pattern bracket and the other being for use where the lamp is ettaehed through. the number-plate. The first model sells at 10s. 6d., and the other at 7s. 6d.; each type can he supplied in several finishes. The Robbolite lamp has been pasted for use on
taxi tabs.