News and Comment.
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This journal commands advertisement support upon terms which do
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We desire to direct attention to the fact that this journal commands advertisement support upon terms which do not admit traders of inferior standing to its pages.
A forecast of the heavy-motor exhibits at the forthcoming Smithfield Show, the full report upon which will appear in our issue of a fortnight hence, will be found on pages 245-246.
" Opinions from Others " maintain their varied character, and we are at all times delighted to give space to correspondents who do communicate letters of general interest (pages 247 and 248).
The third all-commercial show, which will open at the end of March next, at Olympia, will demand our sustained attention, as soon as we have sent " The Dominion and Overseas Special" to press. We have more to say on this topic on page 231.
Mr. L. A. Legrosi, of Watford, whose interesting paper on "The development of road locomotion in recent years " is given, in slightly-abridged form, on pages 234 to 237 of this issue, acknowledged his indebtedness, in his list of " authorities consulted," both to Tex COMMERCIAL MOTOR and the Commercial Motor Users Association.
Illuminated Signs.
We have always been strong advoeates of illuminated signs upon motorvans, and we therefore congratulate Commercial Car Hirers, Ltd., of Cambridge Circus, W.C., upon its having erected a huge sign of the kind upon its premises. This eye-catching device illustrates two " Commer-Car " vehicles, one with a lift-van body and the other with a tilt-van body. We think that a replica—on a small scale --might with advantage be fixed upon certain units of this enterprising motor contractor's fleet. Manchester Show.
Everything appears to be proceeding smoothly in connection with next year's show at Manchester, and we have no reason to depart from our previously-expressed view that a representative joint display of private and business vehieles will be secured.
Lacre's Move.
The Lacre Motor Car Co., Ltd., now gives formal notice of the change of its London address; we gave advance intimation of this intended move in our issue of the 29th September. The new telephone number is 2708 North (three lines), and the address 78, York Road, King's Cross, N. The garage entrance is in Crinan Street, a parallel thoroughfare.
Specialized Transport.
Special transportation methods are likely to attract an increasing measure of notice during the next few years, in connection with heavy-traffic developments. One valuable method of saving terminal expenditure, that known as the " flat " system, is briefly described and illustrated on pages 244245. We forecast its embodiment in more than one county transport scheme, with all advantage. Business Note.
Our Business Department requests prominence for the announcement that instructions in connection with the forthcoming" Dominion and Overseas Special " should reach this office not later than the first postal delivery on the morning of Wednesday next, the 30th inst., if they are to receive that measure of attention which their senders probably desire. Pressure upon both the text and advertisement sections of this Tercentenary Extra Number is very heavy indeed.
Motor Ambulances.
The Hackney Board of Guardians (Mr. A. E. Stapleton, chairman) has recommended: " (1) that a motor conveyance be provided for ambulance purposes. and for the removal of lunatics to asylums, etc."
In connection with the provision of motor ambulances for the Eastern Ambulance Station, the Metropolitan Asylums Board has placed an order with Messrs. Chalmers for a reserve brougham body. The Board has accepted the tender of the Polack Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., for motorcar tires for this station.
More Storage for "Shell" Motor Spirit.
At the meeting of the L.C.C. on the 15th inst., there was brought up for decision the report of the Public Control Committee, which report was published by us three weeks ago. It recommended that a Iicenoe be granted to the British Petroleum Co.. Ltd., to keep 200,000 gallons of petroleum at premises at America Wharf. Townmead Road, Fulham, in underground steel tanks. Sir John McDougall moved a reference back, upon the ground that so large a quantity of petroleum should not be stored in any one. place in so central a position. In support of the recommendation, it was mentioned that every passible precaution had been taken to secure the safety of the public. The tanks would not only be underground, but Ivould be surrounded by concrete walls. The storage place was on the banks of the river, and some 30 or 40 yds. from the nearest buildings. No objection to the proposal had been raised by the Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade, and the fire-insurance COMpanies would make no increase in the premiums for insurance of the surrounding properties.
Upon a. division, Sir John McDougall's proposal to refer back was negatived by 59 votes to 48. The Committee's recommendation that the lieenee be granted was then passel. Our congratulations.
Government Contracts.
The following tenders were accepted during October by the Government Departments named : War Office, motor ambulances, Leyland Motors, Ltd., Leyland, Lanes.; General Post Office, conveyance of mails in London hr motorvans, The Thames Ironworks i!tal Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Canning Town, E.
Dennis Mail Vans.
One of the latest Dennis mail vans has just been delivered to Messrs. Puttock and Sons, the well-known Surrey jobmasters, of Guildford and elsewhere, which makes the eighth vehicle a the Dennis make supplied to this progressive firm for hiring purposes. We illustrate the vehicle-.
The Metropolitan Water Board's Steam Fleet, The snapshot shown above depicts -t he two smart-looking steam machines attached to the Nine Elms depot of the Metropolitan Water Board. The tractor is a Fowler, and the wagon an Iveling and Porter. Both are said to be rendering highly-satisfactory service, and both are smart in appearance. The vehicles are shown while taking goods and equipment to a new building, which was at the time in 4.imrse of erection at Surbiton.
Statistics of Traffic.
Any readers of this journal who may desire to take statistics of passing traffic either for their own information 3Ir with a view to subsequent use in support of applications for grants at the hamls of the Road Board, may G.P.O. Halley's Record. The 18-20 h.p. two-cylinder 30-ort_ Dailey van which we illustrated is, ccording to report, giving the Stores Department of the G.P.O. great satis fActicn. This vehicle has been runn;ng since last March, and down to the end of October had covered close on 10.000 miles without its having .solfered any mechanical derangement or its having been off the road for Touching on the class of work (lone by the G.P.O. Halley, readers may justly conclude that this is of pretty-severe nature, as the vehicle is employed in the delivering and carryMg-away of stores from the different deoas, so that the load is always fairly constant. Another factor in the service rendered by this van is that its routes lie almost all over the kingdom—to and from places as far distant from London as Norwich and Birmingham, whilst Brighton is frequently visited. In addition, the van on one occasion climbed the hill at Westerham, lient, with 25 cwt. on board. Driver E. lilleywhite has been in several C.M.I.T.A. parades with the G.P.O. Wallis tractor; he is in charge of the above-mentioned Halley van, which has run throughout on Shrewsbury and Challiner tires. A first and final dividend of 2s. 9d. in the £ has been declared in the bankrupt estate of the Motor Car Emilorium, Ltd. The latest addition to the staff of the Polack Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., consists of the appointment of Capt. B. EL Bennett. We had occasion to say something with regard to Capt. Bennett's qualifications in our issue of the 10th March. The Road Board intends to make grants for road-strengthening, in preference to any for road widening. It will grant 3d. per superficial yard for approved tar treatment, but thereafter it will regard the renewals of such treatment, etc., as the duty of maintenance. Amongst. the inquiries received from the Colonies and abroad by last week's mails was one from an estate manager in Natal, who wishes us to collect information with regard to rail locomotives ef about 70 h.p. We illustrate, herewith, one of the types which we recommended. We shall be happy to receive particulars of the latest developments in this branch of construction from other makers. Motorcycles. Another motor show is now in progress at Olympia: it will close on Saturday next, the 26th inst. The stand (No. 31) of Goodchild and Co., Ltd., has upon it a magnificent display of " Auto-carriers," and these vehicles are splendidly adapted for either parcel-carrying or small runabout-ear purposes. " The Extractor," on page 243, has something to say about a recent order for " Auto-Carriers" which has some to hand from Australia, and we may quote, from a letter dated the 16th inst., the opinion of Boot's Pure Drug Co., Ltd. This reads :—" It will probably interest you to know that during the year ending 30th September, 1910, the cost per week of each Auto-Carrier ' worked out at an average of £1 18s. ad, per car, including petrol, renewals, spare parts, repairs, tires, tire repairs, garage expenses and sundry incidentals, but excluding insurance, depreciation and driver's wages. One of our cars, which we had in June, 1905, was running 48 weeks out of 32." The Xmas Holidays. The South-Eastern and Chatham Railway announces that it has been arranged for a special service to run from Charing Cross, at 1 p.m. on Friday, the 23rd December, to the Riviera, by the short-sea route. The train from Calais, which will run intact to the South of France, will be composed of the new firstand secondclass lavatory corridor carriages of the French railways, and will include a restaurant car. The return fare will be £6 POs., to any of the Riviera resorts, and the tickets will be available For return at any time until the 30th January. Passengers by this special service will reach Cannes, Nice, Monte Carlo, Mentone, etc., in time for dinner on Christmas Eve. "Sentinel" Vehicles. Calder and Co., Ltd., Brewers, of Alloa, N.B., has just given the following testimonial to Alley and MacLellan, Ltd., of Sentinel Works, Glasgow :—" We have to say that we have now had altogether three of your steam wagons. We have had experience of several others, and have looked into the records of others owned by friends, and we are of the opinion that for heavy work, especially in a hilly district like Newcastle, yours is the best wagon in the market." One of the most-recent deliveries of a rubber-tired three-tonner, from the same works, has been to Messrs. Cauklwell, of Congleton, for use in the delivery of flour. g97.-• Recent Registrations. ' Wasdell Illuminated Mudguard Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of C7100 in El shares, and with its office at Ormond Street, Birmingham, to carry on the business as manufacturers of and dealers in mudguards for motorcycles; also motorcycle components and accessories, etc. First directors : E. C. Wasdell and F. Prime. ust Motors. Ltd., with an authorized capital of £100 in £1 shares, and with its office. at 101, Fulham Road, S.W., to take over the business of motorcab proprietors carried on by Zust Motors, Ltd. (in liquidatiou), at 101, Fulham Road, S. W. First directors : A. Pereno, P. A. Idle and J. B. Roberts. Pike, Berwick and King, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £12,000 in £1 shares, and with its office at 18, Berkeley Street, W., to carry on the business of automobile engineers, dealers in motor vehicles, etc. First directors: H. C. W. Pike, F. \VBerwick, Lt. U. A. C. O'Malley and T. Parker. Pope and Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £2,000 in £1 shares, by the Solicitors' Law Stationery Society, Ltd., 28-9, Chancery Lane, to take over the business of motor and general engineers carried en by Pope and Co., at Christchurch and Redbridge, Hants. First directors : R. L. Chateris, S. T. Pope (managing director), and R. A. Chrystal. Victoria Garage (Bournemouth). management of the solid-motor-tire £2,000 in El shares, with its office at Beaumont Terrace, Poole Bournemouth, to carry on the business of manufacturers, repairers, cleaners and storers of and dealers in automobiles, etc. First directors : J. C. S. Daslock and C. B. Liddell.