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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Show Attendances Much Higher.
Complete statistics of the attendances at the Commercial Motor Show are now available, and a table is given below. It is revealed that the total paying attendance this year was 3,821 greater than in 1929. the actual figures being 68,623 and 64,802 respectively. In our summary the figures for 1929 are given in parentheses.
Thomas Tilling Acquires Daimler Hire.
It is stated that Thomas Tilling, Ltd., has acquired control of Daintier Hire, Ltd., which is a private company, formed in .June, 1919, and owned and .controlled by the Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd.; the capital is £10,000 in 11 shares. It was formed to acquire that part of the business of the Daimler Co., Ltd., relating to the hiring out of motorcars. The fleet of vehicles run includes a large number of Daimler landaulets and Daimler coaches and horseboxes.
Sale of Vans and Equipment.
Following the sale of the stock of the Haymarket Stores to Harrods, Ltd., Messrs. Knight, Frank and Rutley have been instructed to sell the plant and machinery at 70, Ambergate Street and 94, Alberta Street, Kennington, London, S.E., for the Civil Service Co-operative Society, Ltd. The sale will take place on the premises on November 30th, and will include a fleet of 30 motorvans, engineers tools and stores, and garage equipment and spares.
Presidential Address to the I.M.T.
Mr. A. F. Palmer Phillips, the newly elected president of the Institute of the Motor Trade, made his presidential address to members of the institute at a dinner held at the Holborn Restaurant, London, on Tuesday last, his subject being the scope for young men in the motor industry of the future. His long experience in the trade and his position as sales director of General Motors, Ltd., amply qualified him to speak on the subject chosen. He dealt with it in an exceedingly thorough manner, explaining how the widening of the market, at home and abroad, together with the sales stimulus resulting from the production of new models, foretold a continued increase in the number of motor vehicles sold annually.
He dealt with the many classes of opening for young men and, in connection with the important branch of salesmanship, emphasized that a quick wit to meet occasions was definitely not the present-day ,qualification for a salesman.
Mr. S. F. Edge was among the speakers when the discussion was B20 opened, and he spoke of experience and the buffeting of work in the industry as the best school in which to learn the art of salesmanship. Mr. Broad, of the Institute of Motor Salesmanship, Ltd., spoke of the value of proper training. A vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. Gordon England. The office of the secretary of the I.M.T., is at 157, Great Portland Street, London, W.1.
Marriage of Mr. N. A. Hardie.
On December 16th, at the Savoy Chapel, Mr. N. A. Hardie, general manager (sales) of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., is to marry Miss Gertrude Hay.
Activities of the L.D.R.H.A.
The Long Distance Road Haulage Association has been asked by the Ministry of Transport for its observations on the recommendations contained in the final report of the Royal Com mission on Transport. One of the important points is the question of the licensing of hauliers, and the chairman of the Association, Mr. Marston, has stated in this connection that, as from November 1st, the long-distance haulier of Germany is being licensed in such a way that, although he is not restricted to routes, he has to maintain rates equal to those for goods sent by rail.
The council has prepared a memorandum advising its members of their rights in respect of claims for loss of use when their vehicles have been damaged by those of other persons.
The Association is drawing up a standard set of regulations which could be adopted by clearing houses. An erroneous idea is being held in some quarters that the Association intends to crush the small man. This is totally wrong ; as a matter of fact, in its work, the Association always has in mind the assisting of the small haulier equally with the large.
A Big Fuel Fusion.
It has recently been announced that Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., has been registered as a private company to carry on the business of refiners, storers, transporters, sellers and distributors of petroleum and other oils and any product thereof. The nominal capital is £100 in £1 shares, and the members are classified as belonging to the Persian, Shell and Eagle Oil groups.
T.S. Motors Resignations.
We learn that Mr. H. E. Carter has resigned his seat on the board of T.S. Motors, Ltd., of which he was chairman, and that Mr. H. Ramsbotham has also resigned his position as director, following his appointment as a member of the Government.
Big Orders For Road-making Plant.
We understand that orders for British machinery, amounting in value to more than £10,000, were placed last week at the Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition, held at the Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington, London. They were mostly for steam rollers, giant excavators and haulage locomotives for housing and road-making works in South London and Chatham districts.
Tax Quarter Dates From Good Friday.
The Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association, Ltd., has requested the Minister of Transport to permit the revenue licences for the second quarter of 3932 to date from March 24th, as March 25th will be Good Friday.
It is stated that Armstrong-Saurer Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., has secured orders for 42 of its new heavy-oilengined lorries of various capacities.
Container Competition Awards.
It is reported that the International Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with the other bodies interested in the organization of the International Container Competition, has awarded the first prize of £200 for the beet open container for combined rail and road transport to the Officine Meehaniche Italiane, of Milan.
The Siegen Eisenbahnbedarf Gesellschaft (Germany) gains a second award of £180, the Gothaer Wagonfabrik Gesellschaft (Germany) prizes of £160 and £100 for two types, the Butterley Iron Works (England) £00, the Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd. (England), £50, and the Gesellschaft fur Oberaufbauforschung (Germany) £50 and £30.
In the closed container competition•the Officine Mechaniche ItaBane has
been awarded a prize of £140, and the ButterIey Iron Works 130, and in the open collapsable class the Gotha Co. has gained one of £140 and the Butterley Iron Works another of 130.
Facilitating Starting in Cold Weather.
A device which has as its object the facilitating of starting in cold weather has just been introduced by Amalgamated Accessories, Ltd., 7, Tavistock Place, London, W.C.1. It consists of a starter switch mounted on a substantial metal body, which can be 'fixed to the wing valance, dumbiron or other suitable point at the front of the vehicle.
With the assistance of this device, it is possible to operate the starter while using the crank handle. A neat lock prevents interference with the
starter switch. Stout cables are provided for connection with the battery. The price is 128. 6d.
British Africa, Trade Expedition.
The motor-equipped trade-development expedition to British Africa, which is under the leadership of Captain G.
Melina, F.R.G.S., has left Khartoum and has already covered over 7,000 miles ,of the route from London to Cape Town. We learn that the Ford light vans, which are carrying the general paraphernalia, have so far accomplished the journej, without involuntary stoppages. One of them has a trailer attached.
The expedition is now, we understand, making its way through the Sudan ; the route subsequently lies through Nairobi, Broken Hill and .Tohannesburg.
Equipment for Tractors and Garages.
Two new mirrors, which are especially suitable for use on tractors, have been introduced by J. and R. Oldfield, Ltd., Refulgent Works, Warwick Street, Birmingham. These mirrors are designed for for attachment to a mudguard, and model 572 is mounted on a sliding extension rod and is adjustable to a wide range of angles. It is priced at 10s. ed. Model 581 has a ball and socket joint and the price is 95.
A new item of garage equipment takes the form of a Dependence sump drainer, which is available in two types. It consists of a rectangular container with a handle, by means of which the device can easily be pushed into place under a vehicle. A hinged gauze frame in the top of the drainer collects foreign matter and prevents the splashing of oil.