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SCOTLAND has been selected as the site for a new mechanical engineering research station, which is to be set up by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. The station will undertake basic work to form the foundation of mechanical engineering development and supplement the research undertaken in mechanical engineering by leading Government industrial and University establishments.
A road research sub-station is also to be set up in Scotland. The D.S.I.R. points out that Scottish road problems differ from those experienced farther south. In Scotland the highways have to withstand more prolonged periods of cold or wet weather The average density of traffic is also somewhat lower than in the south, so that bituminous surfaces do not receive as much of the beneficial kneading that is afforded by the passage of traffic on busier roads.
THE recent reference by Sir Stafford Cripps to the need for effective and attractive packaging for export throws topical light on a handbook prepared during the war by the British Standards Institution. This handbook; with a supplement entitled "Recommendations for Preservation and Packaging for Tropical Theatres of War," applies with equal emphasis to goods exported for civilian use.
Section 3 of the main Packaging Code deals specifically with the prevention of corrosion, and copies of it may be obtained from the Institution at 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W.I, at 6s. by post. The supplement costs 7s. 6d. In addition, a revision of the section on wood containers is available in proof form at 6s.
THE following reports on German industry can be consulted at public libraries or are available from H.M. Stationery Office:—B.I.O.S. 1423: The application of Aluminium and its Alloys in Germany, 5s. 6d., F.I.A.T. 1018: Rubber Vulcanization Accejerators produced by I.G.Farbenindustrie, gs.; F.I.A.T. 1034; English Translation of the Future of Gas Turbine Installations," 9s.
EdARGE stocks of pistons, liners, thinshell bearings, and other components are held at 22, Brompton Road, London, S.W.3, by Messrs. Phcenix Components. This depot is now open to the trade.
AREVISED edition of its policy brochure is being circulated by the Traders' Road Transport Association. One of the principal aims. of the Association is to preserve freedom in the operation of C-licensed vehicles and to maintain for traders an unfettered choice of any available means for transport.
A28 The Association does not seek relaxation of the prohibition on operation for hire or reward by ancillary users. It maintains, however, that statutory regulations should not exceed the bounds prescribed by public safety and proper conditions of employment.
Although supporting all efforts to improve the conditions of drivers, the T.R.T.A, considers that the present statutory requirements in the matter of pay amply safeguard the standards of employment of those engaged in work connected with C-licensed vehicles.
riA PORTABLE plant for the distillation of water for batteries has been introduced under the name of Deminrolit by the Permutit Co., Ltd., Perm utit House, Gunnersbury Avenue, London, W.4.
It weighs 56 lb. and can supply up to 75 gallons between each regeneration process. The water is freed from minerals by a chemical process known as ion exchange, for which neither heat nor power is needed. The equipment requires only to be regenerated periodically, as with the normal-type base exchange water softener.
Regeneration is effected by hydrochloric acid and sodium-carbonate solutions prepared in a collapsible plastic tank. An electric tester is attached to the plant to indicate when regeneration is required. The full regeneration cycle is accomplished by turning a knob on the indicator.
G.C.B., K.B.E., who has been appointed chairman of the British Transport Commission, Sir Gilmour Jenkins, K.B.E., M.C., has become Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Transrlort. Sir Gilmour vacated the post of Joint Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign Office to take up his duties at the Ministry last Monday. He was Deputy Secretary to the Ministry of Transport from 1941 to 1946. GEAR OILS FOR HIGH PRESSURE
THE practice of using concentrates in neat cutting oils and additives in lubricating oils has gained extensive favour in the U.S.A. A range of these
products is available in Britain. The materials are described in a booklet, entitled "The New Cutting Oil Concentrates and Additives for Lubricating Oils," just published by Petroleum Inventions, Ltd. (a member of the Manchester Oil Refinery group of tompanies), Trafford Park, Manchester.
The range of additives has been developed mainly for use in transmission and engine lubricants. It is stated that such additives afford extreme-pressure properties to gear lubricants, improve oxidation resistance and impart detergency to oils for compression-ignition and petrol engines, in addition to inhibiting bearing corrosion.
A BOOK FOR THE STUDENT QTUDENTS of motor engineering will find useful information in a new pocket-size book entitled "Questions and Answers on Automobile Engines," which is published by George Newnes, Ltd., at 5s. The author, D. J. Smith. 0.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., deals with the subject in simple terms, and the book is adequately illustrated by drawings and photographs. . ARE SERVICE DRIVERS MORE CAREFUL THAN CIVILIANS?
SERVICE drivers, who are often harshly criticized, 1.ave been vindicated as the result of an investigation by impartial research workers into accidents in which military vehicles were involved.
Records of accidents to Service vehicles over a period of two months have been analysed, and a report has been considered by the Road Research Board Of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. During this period, 7,000 lorries ran nearly 12,000,000 miles and had 838 accidents, only one-fifth of which produced injury.
Carelessness in varying degrees on the part of one or both the drivers concerned was noted in nearly two-thirds of all the accidents analysed. In vehicle-to-vehicle collisions, impartial investigators regarded 39 per cent, of the Service drivers as careless, against 49 per rent. in the case of civilian drivers.
,THE official figures for the registration 1 for the first time of new vehicles, other than cars and motorcycles, during August, show a drop of 3,899 at 13,984,
the total for July being 17,883. This reduces the Monthly average this year to 16,008.
The above table gives the figures for the respective classes, the total for the first eight months 'of 1947 being 128,068.
WHERE an insurance company IN back-dates a policy, is the holder legally covered, for that period? The question was raised at Fleetwood, when a man was fined £2 for using a vehicle Without a policy of insurance for third-party risk.
Defendant' /produced a policy taken out on the, day of the offence. He had asked the company, 1.CI back-date it six days. The• clerk ruled, as a point of law, the defendant was covered.
The chairman' said that he had never known a similar case. Apparently, on the policy, defendant was covered, but he admitted that it was back-dated and there would be a conviction without disqualification.
n.-Aug 4,906 4,873 427 88 76,309 81,697 11,553 672 29,240
11 the air in India. In Madras the first victim was to have been the Madras City Bus Service, which was to have been taken over on October 1, but the completion will not now be until early next year.
The Government target is to have 300 buses in the city, of which 40 will act as a reserve. Later there is to be a comprehensive scheme covering the entire Province. There are already some 30 State buses in Madras itself, and the remaining 270 were to have been taken over from private operators, but these would not agree to sell at the Government valuation.
The Provincial Motor Transport Controller has ordered, in Bombay, 150 petrol buses. also 50 oilers, from an Italian concern. By agreement, some Government buses will be introduced in the middle of each month, and will run on services from which private operators have withdrawn by common consent.
Of the new buses, General Motors are expected to supply 75 Chevrolets, and Messrs. Simpson and . Co., of Madras, 75 Fords.
Bombay Province is to begin nationalization in April of next year. The process is expected to take three years. Services run by private operators will be taken over in gradual stages and in -selected zanes. The owners will be given reasonable compensation for serviceable assets, with additional sums in respect of permits terminated by the Government before their expiry. The scheme has aroused considerable opposition from many operators.
According to th Government arrangements, national services will run throughout the Provinces except in the bigger cities, where the municipal authorities would take over the work of transporting passengers. .
The Nizam's Government in Hyderabad is to purchase 420 buses. The State already has 1 double-deckers and 75 single-deckers, and about 200 more are expected by the end of next year. They will be assembled locally from components.
TWO NEW STANDARDS SET UP 'TWO new British standards are i announced. B.S. No. 1382 deals with portable fire extinguishers of the gas water-pressure type of riveted construction. Copies, price 2s. each, can be obtained from the British Standards Institution, 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. B.S. No. 466 refers to electric travelling overhead cranes, and copies cost 4s.
DIRTY WORK: CLEAN HANDS Ay/F. have recently tested a new hand VI' cleanser called " Swarfega," which is being produced by Deb Chemical Proprietaries, Ltd., of Forfar Works, Spencer Road, Belper. An antiseptic preparation of non-abrasive jelly, it removes grease and carbon from the hands with ease. It is claimed to prevent dermatitis or kindred skin complaints.
A dispenser can be supplied for fixing over factory washbasins, giving a sufficient quantity at one stroke thoroughly to cleanse the hands, thus avoiding waste.
ra.A SIMPLE warning device that operates the horn when an attempt is made to tamper with the vehicle is being marketed by Hamilton Motors (London), Ltd., 466, Edgware Road, London, W.I. "the mechanism is wired to the horn, which, when an unauthorized person touches the vehicle, emits intermittent blasts.
It can convenienti be fitted under the bonnet, or in the battery box, under a seat, or in some other position. The switch can be concealed and the device functions only when it is in the " on " position. The cost is LI 10s. TRIBUNAL SUPPORTS DRIVER'S DISMISSAL
THE National Arbitration Tribunal has rejected the , claim of a 62-year-old bus driver, Mr. George Ratlidge, for reinstatement, Messrs. F. and J. Mitchell, of Laurencekirk, near MontrOse, dismissed him because they did not regard him as a satisfactory driver.
Mr. Ratlidge's claim for reinstatement was supported by fellow-drivers and conductors, members of the Transport and General Workers' Union, who suggested that his dismissal resulted from his being a union official and shop steward, LEYLAND OPENS NEW DEPOT AT GATESHEAD
A NORTH-EASTERN ser vice depot near Gatesheadon-Tyne has been opened by Leyland Motors, Ltd., Leyland, Lancs. This is the tenth of the company's own depots in Great Britain. Local council officials and well-known Leyland operators in the district were welcomed at the depot by Mr. C. B. Nixon, governing director of Leyland Motors, Ltd.
Covering a floor space of 14,000 sq. ft., the depot has been built on the .Team Valley Estate. It is adjacent to the Great North Road and to the road from Newcastle to the west. Its modern layout comprises a repair bay 90 ft. by 60 ft.
CAPT. G. T. &Arm CLARKE, M.I.Mech.E., F.R.Ae.S., chief engineer and general manager of Alvis, Ltd., has been elected chairman of the Automobile Division af the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. His first experience in motor engineering was gained in the road motor department of the Great Western Railway, which he joined in 1905. During the war, Capt. SmithClarke was responsible for some 20 factories controlled by Alvis, Ltd. In 1933 he was elected a member of the Council of the former Institution of Automobile Engineers and was a vice-president when that body was incorporated in the present organization.
MR. B. S. WILLIAMS, managing director, Hants and Sussex Motor Services, Ltd., has become chairman and managing director of the Portsdown Motor Co. (Portsmouth), Ltd., Cosham, Hants.
MR. J. W R. WHITE has become Dunlop's deputy district manager at Glasgow He forme. ly occupied a similar position in Edinburgh after leaving the R.A.F.