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IOMAS MEADOWS lnternaIna! Ltd has appointed Bill own to a new co-ordinating le in the expansion and delopment of its overseas seres. He was previously director charge of all the group's UK ight services activities. Mr own will be working closely th associated companies in Istralia, Belgium, Canada, )ng Kong, Ireland, New Zeaid and South Africa, and with a sales and liaison offices locaJ in France, Germany, Japan, ngapore and the United ates. He will be based at the oup headquarters in London. Bob Kelly has been made -ector in charge of all the Meams group's freight services tivities, and managing director Thomas Meadows and Co Ltd. ) will have overall responsibil for the operation and delopment of the group's UK re:ed land, sea and air-freight rwarding services and report rectly to the international oup chief executive. Mr Kelly ned the Group in 1977 and ]s the co-ordinator of the Meaivy's global airfreight activities. National Bus Company has ade Robin Westbrook man
ager of Midland Red Omnibus Co Ltd. He joined the bus industry as an apprentice machinist engineer with Hants and Dorset Motor Services in 1950, and in 1970 he became works superintendent. In.1973 he joined Midland Red as an area engineer, and in 1979 he was made chief engineer. Mr Westbrook is also a member of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers.
Bob McCreig has been promoted to commercial transport fleet engineer of Argos. In addition to his responsibility for all repair and maintenance of the company's commercial fleet, he will be in charge of the specifica
tion of all commercial vehicles and trailers. Mr McCaig was vehicle maintenance supervisor from 1977, and moved from there to his present position.
Prince Michael of Kent is to serve as president of the Insti tute of the Motor Industry for his fourth year. The immediate past president will be the Hon Gerald Lascelles. Among those being made vice-presidents are Peter Foden, of ERE, and Geoffrey Moore, president of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders.
Perkins Engines has made Terry Moore regional parts manager for the North of England. He was previously with BL Llnipart as field sales manager, Eastern England. In his new job he will be responsible for all Perkins parts business.
Chris Cook becomes new product development director for TI Transport Equipment Ltd. His responsibilities include new product development, sales promotion, market research, vehicle manufacturer liaison and all aspects of marketing.
Turner and Newell has appointed J. Velto and H. Ellis to the board of its subsidiary,
Payen International Ltd.
Maurice Harwood has be promoted technical director
• Croda Paints, Harefield hea quarters. Mr Harewood has be in the paint industry for 20 yea
Adcliffe Engineers has appo tecl Brian Browne as servi manager. He has 15 years' E perience in the demountat body systems.
Thomas Devine, an electrici from Merseyside Transport, I, received the BEM at a spec ceremony in Liverpool. He based at the Edge Lane Wor and received the award for I services to the trade uni movement. He first became terested in the union movernE at the age of 17.
The Kenning Motor Group h announced the retirement Miss E. Whittingham, fleet sal operations manager, vehic sales, based at the Grouf Chesterfield head office. Mi Whittingham is a native of ChE terfield and joined the Kennii Motor Group in 1950 at Gla stone Buildings, Clay Cro: where she worked on the pE sonal staff of the late Sir Geor, Kenning.