WHEELS of INDUSTRY • "The wheels of wealth will be
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slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it rons."—John Beattie Crozier.
Traffic Control by Light Signals.
Memorandum Number 297 (Roads) issued by the Ministry of Transpoet deals • with traffic control by light sig'lulls. It has been prepared by the Ministry in conjunction with the Home Office and the Scottish Office as an indication Of the 'considered Views of these Departments as to the lines upon which any development of traffic control by light signals should proceed. Great importance is attached to. securing that installations of this nature should he uniform in character throughout the countrY, so far as local circumstances permit.
The further question as to whether grants from the Road Fund can be made towards the installation and maintenance of such Signals erected with the express approval of the Ministry is now under consideration.
The present memorandum is being issued before this decision in view of the fact that applications for guidance have been received from a number of authorities.
Copies can be. obtained from H.M. Stationery Office or through any bookseller, price 3d.
The Motor Show.
The following will be the charges for admission to the International Motor Show, Olympia, which will be held from October 17th to 26th inclusive :—Opening day, Thursday, 10s.; both Fridays and Saturdays, 2s. 6d.; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 5s. There will be no day set apart for a private view by traders.
The Roadways Time-table.
The third edition of the comprehensive time-table of motor-coach and motorbus services in England and Wales, issued by Roadway Time Tables, Ltd., Regency House, Warwick Street, London, W.1, is an even larger volume than the previous two. Apart from the matter contained in the former volumes, Mention of which has already been made in these columns, it incorporates a new feature comprising an index of operating companies, which is positioned just before the general index to towns, villages, etc. The time-table has also been brought up to date by additions and corrections.
The Layout of Cross-roads, etc.
'We have received from the Ministry of Transport a report on the layout of cross-roads, junctions and corners made by the Town Planning Institute, which has already been submitted to a number of important institutes and societies.
The report was drawn up in collaboration with the Ministry, which is in general agreement with the recommendations contained therein.
Copies of the report can be obtained from the Secretary, Town Planning Institute; 11, Arundel Street, London, W.C.2, at the price of 1s. It is too long to permit it being dealt with in detail, but we consider it a valuable contribution to safety on the road.
,In a Line or Two.
Southdown Motor Services, Ltd, has secured licences for a coach service between Margate and Weymouth.
The works committee of 'Lewisham Borough Council reports that objections to the use of certain roads for bus traffic would be met if single-deck vehicles were used.
The watch committee of the Barnsley Corporation has granted a licence to the South Yorkshire Motors Co. to ply for hire with buses between Barnsley and Pontefract.
The watch committee of the South Shields Corporation has granted four licences to Phillipsons Coaches, Ltd., in connection with the company's service between Newcastle and London..
A useful leaflet on Moss worm gearing, steering gears, propeller shafts, camshaft and complete gearboxes and axles has just been issued by the Moss Gear Co., Ltd., Crown Works, Birmingham.
The directors of Tilling and British Automobile Traction have decided to pay an interim dividend of 4 per cent. on the ordinary shares On account the year ending December 31st next.
More Maintenance Advice by Ferodo.
The Ferodo Book of Brakes, which we recently commented upon in these columns, has proved so popular that a supplement has been included to cover further vehicles. Those utilized for commercial purposes include the Jowett and the Model A Ford.
Copies can be obtained on application to Ferodo, Ltd., Sovereign Mills, Chapelen-le-Frith.
Another Important Indian Order.
-John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., has received from the Government of Judia a repeat order for more than 100 type A4 rigid six-wheeled, six-cylinder chassis, the total value of which will be approximately £100,000. Some of the machines are to be equipped as mobile workshops for use with the Indian Army..
Striking New Wily Whieles.
For next season the well-known L.C.2 and L.C.S.B. types of fourcylinder Laffiy chassis will be continued. New models include an L.C.S.B. with a 16-ft. 5-in, wheelbase, destined to
carry 36-seater bodies. A new sixeylindered engine will be fitted to no fewer than six chassis, five of which are passenger vehicles and var • 'between 24 and 36-seaters. Four goods chassis are available, with a capacityof 5 tons ; two have four-cylindered engines, one has a six-cylindered motor, whilst the fourth has a semi-Diesel power unit of Lilloise manufacture.
All models have servo brakes on all wheels, the passenger chassis being equipped with shock absorbers, dual ignition, and, in certain cases, emergency brakes for mountain service.
IBus Licences Refused.
At a meeting of the watch committee of the South Shields Corporation the Underwood Bus Co., Ltd., of Sunderland, sought licences for 10 buses, intimating that it proposed in future to operate an hourly service from South Shields and Sunderland to Middlesbrough via Stockton. Promise was made that protective fares would be charged so as not to interfere with the
tramways. As, however, it was reported that the route was already well provided with buses the application was refused.
. Birkenhead's Traffic Returns.
Birkenhead Corporation has recorded its thanks to the Liverpool, MaEchester, Leigh and Wallasey Corporations for the loanof motorbuses to deal with the Jamboree traffic. Thanks have also been tendered to Leyland Motors, Ltd., and the Daimler Motor Co., Ltd., each cif which loaned, free of charge, a demonstration bus for the period of the
Jamboree. .
In his annual report for the year ended March 31st last, Mr. Cyril Clarke, general manager of the Birkenhead Tramways and Motorbus Department states that the total income from the tramways was £98,764 as against £113,634. The net profit was £5,674, compared with £7,360. The motorbus accounts for the year showed a net profit of £26,705, the total income being £150,446, as against £124,773 in the previous year. The present fleet numbers .90 vehicles. The total number of passengers carried by the buses was 18,298,839.
Lights on Parked Vehicles.
The Minister of Transport has made the Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations, J929, dated August 29th, under the Road Transport Lighting Act, 1927. The new Regulations will come into force on November 1st and will supersede the 1928 Lighting -Regulations.
They re-enact the provisions of the old Regulations with the exception of No. 6, in which wider discretionary powers are conferred. upon chief officers bf the police with regard to the exemption of motor vehicles in parking places from requirements of the Regulations.
• A Bus Station for Abergavenny.
We are informed that the Aberg.avenny Town Council has approved the proposal to erect a bus station for the joint use of local private services. It now only remains for the bus companies to agree as to their proportionate payments towards the cost, and it is hoped to eomplete the building before minter.
Traffic Facilities Across .the Humber.
. A committee with power to spend £5,000 in obtaining plans and advice on the question of building a bridge cr tunnel across the Humber has been appointed by a conference ofYorkshire and 1.,incolnshire public authorities. Such -a facility would be of inestimable help to road-transport interests.
Bradford's New Bus Garage.
Tenders for the construction of a new garage, at Bradford, for 90 buses were considered a few days ago. The estimated cost of 129,000 and operations should commence shortly. The preparation of the site has involved the demolition of two gasometers, the filling in of their pits and the diversion of the course of 'Bradford's beck.
There will be four underground tanks, each to hold 5,000 gallons of petrol, a repair shop, a canteen and a clothesdrying compartment for the employees.
The Terry-Horstmann Suspension System.
In our issue dated January 29th last we described in detail the ingenious coilspring suspension system which Horst mann, Ltd., of James Street West, Bath, was introducing for private motorcars and the lighter motor vehicles. It is now announced that a private company has been formed under the title, Slow Motion Suspension, Ltd., With the object of exploiting the system in respect of both private 'ears and commercial motors. Horstmann, Ltd., of Bath, and Herbert Terry and Sons, Ltd., .the noted spring specialist, of Redditch, are the subscribers to the new company.
The suspension entirely eliminates the leaf spring, the effect of the coil springs being to give a lower speed of periodicity, or spring oscillation, than is obtained with the ordinary leaf spring. It is claimed that with the Terry-rforstmann system a constant rate of 80-90 oscillations per minute is secured, as compared with the varying rate of 100-160 oscillations per minute with the laminated spring.
Transporting a Motor Boat.
A Morris-Commercial 30-cwt. lorry and a special Carrimore trailer have been added to the fleet of J. W. Brooke and Co., Ltd., to enable this concern to effect the rapid transport of .motor craft and marine motors . from its Lowestoft works.
Rushton Tractor Progress;
A company with a capital of 1200,000 has been formed, with Lord Southborough as chairman, to manufacture Rushton agricultural, industrial and chain-track tractors and to market them throughout the world. This .company will be known as the Rushton Tractor Co., Ltd., and it will.take over the old works of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., at Walthamstow.
Mr. George Rushton has resigned his position as general manager of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., to become managing director of the concern.
A Tramways Abandonment in Gloucester.
As the result of a referendum to ratepayers a large majority has declared its preference for the abolition of tramways in the Gloucester city area. Already a bus service has been inaugurated on the Cemetery Road route in place of the tramcar service, and the corporation is arranging for a similar replacement on the Tufiley route.
Aberdeen's Successful Services, During the past municipal year the road-motor services of Aberdeen Corporation were again successfully operated. On Mardi_ 31st last the corporation bad 54 motorbuses in use and 10 motor coaches. The total revenue from -the operation of these vehicles amounted to £76,399, an increase of 16.9 per cent, over the figure for the previous 'year, and the working etpenses to 161,151, an increase of 23.49 per cent.
From the gross profit of 115,248 the sum of 15,631 has to be deducted for interest, sinking fund and income tax, and the balance of 19,617 has been carried to the depreciation and renewal. account, which, at the end of the year, stood at £129,465. The motorbuses covered 1,802,407 miles in the year and carried 14,933,370 passengers.
A Good Advertising Van.
The bodybuilding concern, Manhire, Chandler and Co., of Barry Road, Stonebridge Park, London, N.W.10, is busy executing an order for six vans, which will be utilized by the service depots of Phillips, Ltd., and will afford valuable publicity for that company's wireless manufactures.
The well-knowd Ford light chassis is employed and on this is constructed a
body which represents two wireless receiving sets placed back to back. The familiar control dials and knobs are reproduced on each side of the body, this being covered with fabric and baying ends made to resemble ebonite. The platform of the body extends over the rear wheels, so that the sides are above the outer edges of the running boards.
Middlesbrough New Bus Station.
To provide a large central motorbus station and depot on Tees-side from which a large number of services may be worked, United Automobile Services, Ltd., has just bought the Middlesbrough Olympia, one of the largest halls in the country, at a price stated to be in the vicinity of 17,000. The hall is 250 ft. in length and 116 ft. wide, arid the conversion will be put in hand almost immediately.
Overcrowding in Buses.
Concerning the decision of the Manchester police to limit standing passengers in motorbuses to four per vehicle, Mr. H. Winstanley, the assistant chief constable, commenting upon the position in Liverpool, stated that in law it was an offence to allow people to stand, but the police used discretion in enforcing the rule. Proceedings were taken in Liverpool, for overcrowding, when the Police considered that it involved the travelling public in possible danger. The watch committee of Liverpool Corporation recently discussed the question of overcrowding and decided to leave matters to the discretion of the chief constable and the tramways manager.
Fire-extinguishers for ammercial Motors.
A useful range of British-made fireextinguishers is markefed by the Essex Fire Extinguisher Co., Ltd., of Mortlake, London, S.W.14. The smallest size, priced at 11 15s., is suitable for small vehicles, or as an auxiliary to a bigger extinguisher carried in a large bus, coach or goods vehicle. The next
B22 " size, sold at 12 5s., is well suited for use in commercial vehicles of all kinds, whilst size 3, at 13 10s., is excellent for garage purposes. The largest model weighs when filled 9 lb.
• The maker claims that this extinguisher owes ifs superiority to a newly discovered liquid chemical which has an instantaneous action, resembling a freezing effect, upon petrol fires and other conflagrations, but is not harmful
or dangerous in use, generates no poisonous fumes and does not conduct electricity. The Royal Air Force and several aeroplane manufacturers as well as numbers of commercial-motor makers and owners use the Essex fire-extinguisher.
Rawtenstall Corporation Fined.
When a Rawtenstall Corporation bus driver was summoned at Bury for driving a motorbus, the width of which exceeded the regulation dimension of 7 ft. 6 ins., it was stated the width of one
bus was 7 ft. 9 ins. The deputy town clerk of Rawtenstall Corporation said that the buses were originally fitted with solid tyres, which had been replaced by low-pressure tyres and the wings were stretched out to accommodate them. The summonses against the driver were dismissed bat the corporation was fined £2 in each of the two cases.
Motorbuses v. Trams in Germany.
Following the example of Wiesbaden, the authorities of the German town of Ulm recently decided to replace some of its tramways with motorbuses, a number of Magirus vehicles having lately been put in service. Widening Road Al.
The highways committee of Nottingham County Council has decided to adopt the scheme of strengthening and widening the Great North Road to a carriageway of 30 ft., baying received an intimation that such a scheme will be. approved by the Ministry of Transport. It isestimated that to widen the existing carriageway (which hits an average width at present of 21 ft.) to 30 ft., and to construct by-pass roads at Carlton-on-Trent and ,by-pass Moor, with the carrying out of other subsidiary works, would cost approximately £250,000, the length of the Great North Road in this county being about 30 miles. If this scheme be put forward the Ministry will, it is understood, agree to its being spread over three years, and will make a contribution of 75 per cent., which is equal to 1187,500, leaving £62,500 to be found by the county council.
Chevrolet Manufacturing Arrangements.
It is reported that Chevrolet chassis are going to be built at the Vauxhall works at Luton, and that the importation of the parts will he gradually ceased, so that eventually the chassis will be made entirely with British parts.
For Heavy Loads of Biscuits.
An illustration appears on this page of a Karrier DD 6/1-model six-wheeled van, which is the latest addition to the large fleet of Meredith and Drew, Ltd., the old-established biscuit-manufacturing concern, of Shadwell, Loudon, E.1. The vehicle has a capacity for 3,300 tins of biscuits, the weight of which is nine tons. The tyres are of 38-in. by 9-in. section, and Knorr brake equipment is incorporated.
In deciding the specification for the vehicle, the transport manager of the
company had to consider the fact that the ,vehicle must pass through, certain gateways, in the works, which are of limited height. In spite of the great load carried, the new Karrier will pass through an 11-ft. 3-in. doorway. The body length behind the driver's comportment is 24 ft. 9 ins., and the height is 8 ft. 6 ins. A full-width cab is fitted 'accommodating the driver and his mate, and it will be noted that excellent weather protection is afforded by doors with windows. The new machine is of interest in connection with the article on the subject of this company's transport araugements, which appeared in our issue dated June 18th. Jowett Vehicles for 1930.
Jowett Cars, Ltd., Bradford Road, Idle, Bradford, is continuing for 1930 the manufacture of its well-known light vehicles fitted with -907 c.c. two-cylindered engines. Important modifications, however, have been made, in that the cylinder heads are now detachable, the timing gears are driven by chain from the front end of the crankshaft, and a single-plate clutch is used between the engine and gearbox; the last-named component is bolted to the rear end of the engine to form a unit. The use of detachable cylinder heads will obviate the ,necessity of moving the engine in, the frame in order to remove carbon from the cylinders, as has been necessary heretofore—a maintenance point of importance to commercial users.
The water-piping has been considerably simplified and the side valves are inclined, the camshaft being somewhat above the level of the valve pockets in the cylinder castings. The oil pump is now submerged in the engine sump and there is no external piping. Modifications have been made to the mountings of the rear springs. Internal-expanding four-wheel brakes are used. The 6-cwt. Van sells for £156 and the traveller's car for £155.
Prices of New Republic Chassis.
We are informed by Republic Service and Spare Parts Co., Ltd., 20, Peterborough Road, London, S.W.-6, thata new range of vehicles is being shipped to this country and will shortly be available. Six chassis types are listed • and are as follow :—Type Cl, 1i ton, £395; D1, 2 tons, £465; FL 2i• tons, £595;
El, 3-i tons, .£795 ; Ll, 4 tons, £935; Ml, 5 tons, £1,050. These prices are for the machines in chassis form. The types are intended for passenger or goods service. ,
A Sensible Route-terminus Proposal.
It is proposed to establish at West Hartlepool two large bus-service termini, one at the north and one at the south end of the town, so leaving • the main thoroughfares free for other traffic. Both the proposed sites are within a few minutes walk of the shopping streets of the town.
Improving Newport's Services.
The watch committee of Newport Corporation is reconsidering its decision not to grant licences to Mr. T. R. Jenkins, J.P., for his proposed service linking Newport with Pontypool, Ebbwvale. and Oakdale. It has been pointed out that the public is afforded services betweeu the outer points and Cardiff but has no such inducement to come into Newport.
Another Move Towards Licensing Co-ordination.
For the purpose of considering the .advisability of a joint regional committee to deal with matters affecting the licensing of motorbuses working in the Tyneside and East Northumbrian districts a conference of interested local authorities will shortly be held at North Shields. It is expected that Newcastle, Tynemouth and Wallsend Corporations, and the Blyth and Whitley Bay Urban Councils will be represented.
A Corporation's Decision Reversed.
A decision is announced following the Ministry of Transport inquiry at Cardiff into the refusal of the Cardiff City Council to grant licences to the Great Western Express Co., Ltd., of Loitdon, and to South Monmouthshire Motors, Ltd.; for coaches for the South Wales-London route, details. of.Which were reported in The Commercial Motor. The Ministry instructs that the corporation should issue licences to the two companies.
The Leyland Lion as a Lorry.
Upon this page appears an illustration of a large, forward-control lorry with pneumatic tyres, which has a particularly imposing appearance. It is an unusual machine, in that the chassis employed is one of the latest Leyland Lions, such as are generally employed for high-class passenger-carrying duty.
This chassis has been fitted with a full-width, fully enclosed driver's cab and a drop-sided body, affording a platform length of 20 ft. A special feature is, of course, its low load line. The body
has been constructed by the Lodestar Motor Co., the well-known Leyland agent in Sheffield, and the vehicle was supplied to the Rothervale Manufacturing Co., for the special purpose of express delivery work between Sheffield and London, the load carried consisting of manufactured joinery.
Tram Drivers to Train for Bus Work.
At a recent meeting of the tramways committee of Oldham Corporation, the general manager submitted a communication from the Transport and General Workers' "Union, making an application for facilities to be provided for the training of tramway employees to operate the motorbuses and, after a lengthy discussion, the general manager was authorised to arrange for the training of such a number of tramway employees as he may consider to be suitable.
Improving the Tipping Lorry A clever arrangement for preventing the leakage of sand and other loose material through the hinge gap of dropsided lorries, such as are used, either with or without tipping gear, by building and general haulage contractors, has been devised' by Mr. A. E. Jackson, the
well-known specialist in Dennis chassis, of Thames Street, Kingston-on-Thames.
Mr. Jackson screws an angle-iron runner longitudinally, along the main body-frame member so as to form a shelf 2 ins, wide, over which the body side is free to hinge. The top of the shelf is about in. below the floor level and this distance is filled by a rounded wood fillet The floors of lorries used for conveying gravel, sand, ballast, etc., are generally lined with 18-gauge steel sheet ; this is extended over the fillet.
By the incorporation of this device the spilling of quite a considerable quantity of loose material (which falls upon the rear wheels of the lorry and often gets into the brake drums and brake-operating gear) is completely avoided. All general-haulage lorries which are being turned out at the Jackson works are nowadays equipped with this hinge-gap fillet.
Bradford's New Door Regulation.
The watch committee of Bradford Corporation has repealed a regulation in respect of doors on mechanically propelled vehicles seating upwards of eight passengers and has substituted the following :—When the vehicle is fitted with a permanent top and the entrance is not at the rear end, an emergency door opening outward must be provided behind and clear of the rear wheels. This door must be !fitted with an automatic flush wedgeloek and must be capable of being readily opened from both inside and outside by one operation only, and of affording an unobstructed • exit. The method of operating the door catch must be elderly indicated on both inner and outer sides of the door.
Selling Beans in the London Area.
Beau Cars, Ltd., Tipton, near Birmingham, announces that Pass and J.pyce (1929), Ltd., 373-375, Euston 17Oad, London, N.W.1, has taken over thu distribution of Bean commercial . vehicles, in the Metropolitan area. The depot to be used is that at 4a, Cambridge Street, Edgware Road, London, W.2.
Road Information.
The Royal Aatornobile Club gives the following information with regard to roads partially or totally closed for repair. work. Pooley Bridge, near Ambleside, will be closed from October 7th until further notice; the Eltham-Bexley road is closed for reconhtruction ; the alternative route is via Shooters Hill and Bexley By-pass ; Rotherhithe Tunnel will be closed from October 7th to . November 16th More Road-rail Services..
The continued co-ordination of rail and road-transport interests is shown by negotiations for a working agreement which have been opened between the Southern Railway Co. and Southdown Motor Services, Ltd. This bus company has a fleet of some 400 vehicles and its routes cover Sussex and a part of Hampshire. There is no question of the railway company obtaining a controlling interest. The co-operation is expected to improve transport facilities and to enable local bus time-tables to be amended so that the bus services will link up with those of the trains.
The Transport Commission.
The appointment of M2ssrs. W. Leach, M.P., and F. W. Galton as members of the Royal Commission on Transport, to till the vacancies created by the resignation' of Messrs. F. Montague, M.P., and W. R. Smith, M.P., has been approved by ELM. the King.
Recent Orders for Guy's. Amongst the orders = recently received by Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, are the following, the whole of them constituting repeats :— 30-cwt., hand-operated, side tipper for the Bristol Co-operative Society ; 2-ton chassis with front-wheel brakes for the ,Ipswich Co-operative Society; a 20n24 seater OND coach for the Embankment Motor Co., Plymouth ; two 24-ton vehicles for Andersons of Carlisle; this being received through the County Garage Co., of Carlisle ; two forwardcontrol 3-tonners for the Retail Dairymen's Mutual, Ltd., of London, which company has standardized on vehicles of this make ; a 3-ton chassis on pneumatic tyres for the Glico Petroleum Co., Ltd. ; and a 2-ton van for Reckitts, of Hull.
Two interesting repeat orders from overseas are 20-seater and 30-elvt. chassis for Northern Ireland, and a 24-tonner for Perth, Australia, whilst a 3-ton chassis with hydraulic end-tipping gear, has recently been shipped to Christchurch, New Zealand.
Engineer-Manager Required by Plymouth.
The City of Plymouth Tramways and Transport Committee has• resolved to invite applications for the post of engineer-manager at a commencing salary of £850, rising by annual increments of 150 to 11,000 per annum. One of the conditions laid dawn is that candidates must have had experience as engineer and manager of a tramway and motorbus undertaking.
It will be remembered that Mr. H. .P.
Stokes resigned this appointment to take U]) his position as general manager to United Automobile Services, Ltd. The committee has offered him its congratulations and has resolved to record its high appreciation of the valuable service rendered by him for over 10 years as engineer and manager.
Bus Company's Payment to Burton Corporation.
Under an agreement the. Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., which is a member of the British Electrical Federation, guarantees to pay the Corporation of .Burton 16,500 per annum up to December, 1938, and to pay a lump sum of 112,000 to cover the Corporation's expenditure On the reconstruction of the roadway, its maintenance and the loss of rates on the tramway undertaking up to the date mentioned. In addition, the corporation is to receive, under certain conditions, a share of the profits on the buses running through the town. All this is in connection with the cessation of the tramway service which was run by a company, also a member of the B.E.F.
Municipal Purchases and Proposals.
The highways committee of PORTLAND Urban District Council is considering the purchase of a motor lorry.
The parks committee of GLASGOW Corporation is to obtain offers for the • supply of two 30-cwt. motor lorries.
The BEDWELLTY Urban District Council is to consider the advisability of purchasing a new motor fire-engine.
A provision in the rates for the purchase of a new fire-engine has been made by HUCKNALL Urban District Council.
The health committee of BEBINOTON Urban District Council is to purchase a tractor with trailers, at a cost of £968.
The 'watth committee of HovE Town Council recommends the purchase of a motor ambulance at a cost not exceeding £700.
The highways committee of CARLISLE Corporation. has obtained sanction-, for a loan of £620 for the purchase of a motor . lorry.
ARNOLD "Urban District Council has decided to invite a deputation from the with a view to considering the purchase of a new ambulance.
The health committee of the Duntity Corporation has appointed a sub-committee to consider the question of transport for the cleansing department.
• The sanitary committee of the BARNSLEY Corporation has' obtained sanction for a seven-year loan of £1,836 for the purchase of three motor vehicles.
The sanitary committee of PORTLAND Urban District Council has decided to purchase from Messrs. Tilleys, at a cost of £614, an Austin 20 h.p. four-cylinder ambulance.
The electricity committee of OLDFIAM Corporation has accepted the tender of the Oldham Motor Co., Ltd., for the supply, of a Ford 30-cwt. motor lorry with special body.
The cleansing committee of IstatteroN Borough Council recommends acceptamp of the tender of Shelvolce and. Drewry, Ltd., of Letchworth, for the supply of two S.D. Freighter 3-ton dustless-loading refuse-collecting vehicles, at £790 each.
CHEADLE and GATLEY Urban District Council invites tenders for the supply of a Vulcan 30-35-cwt. low-loading-type lorry. Form S of tender may be had on application to Mr. J. Wrest, engineer and surveyor, Council Offices, Cheadle, Cheshire.
The tramways committee of the PORTS3r1OUTH Corporation has accepted the tenders of the Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., British Petroleum Co., Ltd., Glieo Co., Ltd., Shell-Mex, Ltd., and the Red Line Motor Spirit Co., Ltd., for Petrol for the motorbuses at 1s. lid. per gallon, or other price ruling at time of 'delivery.
MIDDLETON Town Council wishes to acquire two motor vehicles for refuse collection. They must have a capacity for 6-7 cubic yards and must be of the low-loading and tipping type. A small turning circle is als6 essential. Tenderers must state the allowance that they are prepared to make for the two vehicles that are at present in use.
Tenders to be sent to the town clerk, not later than OCtober 5th.