THE GREAT MOTORVAN PARADE. (Patron : H.M. the Kung.) The
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parade is already supported to the extent of an entry list comprising 308 vehicles. Of these, 115 are driven by steam, whilst the remaining 193 are driven by petrol engines. Entries will finally close on the 27th inst. (next Saturday), and they should be addressed to the Secretary of the Association, care of the Royal Automobile Club, 89, Pall Mall, S.W.
The Entries Analysed.
The entry list is representative of the principal owners in and around the Metropolitan area, whilst the leading makers are represented as follow :— Stearn vehicles.—Foden (47); Coulthard (16) ; Aveling and Porter (15) ; Alley and MacLellan (11) ; Wallis and Steevens (5); Leyland (5) Thornycroft (5) ; Foster (4) ; Yorkshire (2) ; Burrell, Clarkson, Garrett, Ilindley, and Straker-Squire (one each) ; total steam vehicles, 115.
Petrol vehicles.Commer-car (37) ; Milnes-Daimler (23); Dennis (20) ; Albion (16) ; 'Lacre (14) ; Leyland (10); Thornycroft (10); Belsize (9); de Dion (6): Halley (6) ; Hallford (6) ; Argyll (4) ; Alldays and Onions (3) ; Auto-Carrier, Clayton, Panhard, Ryknield, and Tilling (two each) ; Adams, ArrolJohnston, Daimler, Decauville, Hurtu, Maudslay, Simms, Unic, and Vauxhall (one each) ; total petrol vehicles, 193.
We regret to learn that there will be one noteworthy absentee, The fleet of 10 Fodens entered by Joseph Rank, Ltd., has been transferred to special duties, in consequence of post-strike derangements, and the owners do not see their way to spare them for the run to London and back. This loss will bring down the Foden total, although it will not deprive that maker of a commanding lead in the steam category.
The Outline Programme.
The Parade Committee, at its last meeting, had before it, various matters concerning the arrangements for the day of the Parade. It was agreed to act, upon the recommendations of the General Committee, and to keep the vehicles en parade for a maximum period of three hours—from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Detailed directions are now being drawn up. In order to facilitate the storage of competing vehicles while drivers are not able to remain in attendance, it was resolved to accept, with thanks, the offer contained in the following letter :— To the Secretary, the C.hi.U.A.
Sin—While I was at the Commercial Motor Users Parade, at Earl's Court, last Whitsun, there seemed to me to be some little difficulty about the men leaving their wagons in the roadway after the Parade was over. In order to assist to get over this difficulty as far as possible, it now occurs to me that the following suggestion might meet with the approval of the Association. On behalf of Messrs. Jas. Bartle and Co. I should have pleasure in placing their extensive new garage and premises at the disposal of the Association, free of all charge, from Sunday mid-day until Monday midnight, so that any members who may be sending their wagons from a distance could bring them to the depot over night. They could then proceed to the parade ground after having washed and made any necessary adjustments to their vehicles. The garage, may add, is now absolutely complete, so far as the requirements of both steam and petrol wagons are concerned. After the parade is over, any men who would like to leave their wagons could bring them to the depot above named, and call for them in the evening when they were ready to return home. This would get over the difficulty with the police as regards leaving their wagons in the roadways, and would insure their being under proper supervision. I should like to hear your opinion of the foregoing. Of course, it could be elaborated to suit your own or the Association's particular ideas. We could with comfort put up 100 or more wagons if necessary, providing that we had sufficient warning, so that we could otherwise dispose of other machines already regularly using our premises.—Yours faithfully, For Jamss BARTLE AND Co..
Western Ironworks, ('.S.W. Lancaster Road, Notting Hill, W.