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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford ").
OF course, anybody can drive a Ford ; it is child's play ; but I certainly would not say that every Ford driver drives really well. The truth is that the Ford is so easy to drive that there are a lot of bunglers driving it. Here are a few practical wrinkles that I have picked up over the course of years, concerned with the fine points of driving.
455.—Fine Points in Driving : Hill-climbing.
It is a mistake to make anything like sudden swerves on a steep hill ; they take the way off and slow you; then it is difficult to pick up again. I know of hills which I can just climb "on top " if I keep straight, but which call for slow speed if I wobble at all. .
By this I do not mean that your wheel marks should show parallel straight lines for evermore; few hills will allow them to do so. What I do mean is that all curves should be smooth and gradual. In hill-climbing it pays to drive on top of the camber whenever possible. By that means you save the drag of the differential; and whenever the differential comes into play there is always some checking of speed. Always avoid climbing on to the top of the camber from the side of the road on a hill ; it makes the hill that much the steeper.
Use the Camber. _
When the hill curves, however, it pays to get slightly off the camber, so that the curve may help to pull you round. Here, again, it is a question of discouraging differential action. If you get slightly down the camber of the road on a curve, your differential will not be called upon. If the curve is to the left, get a bit down the left side of the camber; if to the right, get over a bit to. the right. Similarly,. in cornering.; always use the slope of the camber to swing you round. The general principle underlying all this is clear : never work against the camber ; always work with it.
Of course, on a hill you have not always got things your own way you may have to give way to other traffic. In that case, work against the camber as little and as slowly as possible. It slows you less to move gradually across the road than to move sud
denly. If you see oncoming traffic some distance ahead, get over to your own side of the road giE,dually, if possible, not with a sudden sweep.
Rounding Right-hand Corners.
In rounding a right-hand corner uphill, do not be tempted to hug that corner unless you have a clear view across it. Travelling uphill, you are bound to have only slight way on. IF, when you are partly round the corner, you suddenly see something approaching you, you will not find it easy to get quickly over to your own side of the road; and more than likely the other fellow," as be will be coming downhill, will have a good deal of way on, so that
he will not be able to slow down quickI;y. He, being on his proper, side of the road, has a right to have good way on you kin-4. More than likely there will be an almighty smash, and it willbe yoiir fault! The practice of hugging a right-hand corner at 4ny time is bad, but it is doubly had when you cannot quickly recover your own side of the road.
Passing on .Right-hand Corners.
It is equally had practice to pass on a right-hard corner, especially when travelling uphill—unless you can see clearly round or over it ; for, in such.eircumstances, you will have to hug the corner, a.nd there will be no room on your left for you to give way to
oncoming traffic. Moreover, oncoming traffic has a perfect right to be moving at a good bat—being on its proper side of the road—and will not be able to pull up smartly. Then you will have the old clash_ of the irresiStible force with the immovable body— you being the immovable body; and "gin a body meet a Body" in such circumstances—awed! (And it may even be worse than a wheel!)
Entering from Side Roads.
When entering a main road from a side road, do not forget that you are the intruder. If you hit anything proceeding along the main road, the blame will be mostly yours. Of eourse; the man driving along the main road has to be wary when approaching corners indicating entry of side roads ; but the greater responsibility lies with the man -who crosses his path. This caution is particularly necessary when the lie of the land is such that entry from the side road means cutting right across the Main road to get to the on side.
Passing Downhill.
When you are running downhill, with a vehicle ahead of you which you mean to pass, and you see an oncoming vehicle climbing the hill and due to pass the vehicle in question from the opposite' direction, give way to it. Slacken speed until it is uphill above you, and then make your pass. It is not courtesyl,to make the hill-climber pull up to make way for you—even if you could force him to do so. You are (in nautical language) running before the wind; he. is, so to speak, close-hauled. At sea they would make you give way to him ; on the road there is no law to compel you to do so, btit it is fair that you should. For him to pick up speed again on a slope—particularly if the slope is steep and his load is heavy—is a big job. Do as you would be done by.
Loose Roads.
If there are loose stones on a road—particularly when half the track has been remetalled and is left unrolled—leave as much room as possible on the fairway for other road users.