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" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising. as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads ooer which it runs."—John Beattie Crosier.
French Passenger Services.
The reorganization of the Parisian services, so far as trams and Imses are concerned, is likely to take place on a large scale so soon as the necessary measures can be adopted, the, time estimated being about 18 months. Among the innevaeions will be found a service of no fewer than-50 motorbuses with .six wheels, and a total increase of 200 buses made up of foiir and aix-wheelers.
The present overlapping of several train and. bus routes will be prevented epel the surplus vehicles switched on to strengthen the .services at present, in
need of augmentation. In addition, some 80 extra sheltere for waiting passengers will be built, and, besides proteciion from rain. wayfarers are apparently to be saved from mud-splashing, for the decree of the Prefecture of Police as to the provision of anti-splashere is to be enforced more rigidly, and may probably be made compulsory for lorries as well as for omnibuses.
New" Chemical Fuel Progress.
Important developments are taking place in Germany to obtain national and. -cheap supplies of motor fuel. Though benzole is produced on a, considerable Seale it is much too expensive for-transport use. Lately successful efforts have been made to produce light hydrocarbons fibm lignite, or what is known as brown coal, of which there are vast deposits available. The process is of rather a eomplex chemical nature, the basis of it being the distillation of the lignite in an atmosphere of hydrogen gas under very high pressure. Already a considerable output of fuel ie available.
• Overcrowding Motorbuses.
Worthing Licensing Committee has had under further consideration the qiieetien of overcrowding on the vehicles of the Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., and the town clerk has ascertained that in Brighton three persons are allowed to stand inside licensed motor omnibuses when the seating accommodation is taken up, whilst in London the Commissioner of Police states that the provisions of the Railway Passenger Duty Act, 1842, as to overcrowding were not enforced during 'the period of the war, and, owing to the continued shortaiee of means of passenger tramsport it is not proposed In enforce the provisions at the present time:" The committee suggests adjourning the metier for six months.
Trade in Switzerland.
The motor vehicle export trade of Switzerland is almost at a standstill, owing to the depreciated currencies in neighbouring countries, and the raising of Customs tariffs. How serious is the effect of these factors may be judged from the fact that before the war the expert trade of the country absorbed two-thirds of the total production of all manufacturers.
Heavy vehicle and touring car manufacturers are both suffering, although tneformer, notable amongst whom is the &firer Co., who specialize on lorry and A3'2
char-a-banes chassis, have a good home market, which is fairly brisk at the present time on account of the increased railway freight rates. There is a demand for vehicles from traders and, the Federal Post Office is also placing considerable orders in connection with the extension of its passenger service in Alpine and other outlying districts. This branch of the industry is well protected against foreign competition by the Customs tariff and import restrictions.
The export trade figures show that in 1913 Switzerland exported 842 cars, whilst in 1921 (nine months)' only 142 were sent abroad. It is eat possible, however, to tell exactly from the statistics which of them were passenger cars and which were lorries, although approximately accurate conclusions can be drawn from the following figures, which give the number of vehicles supplied to each country and their total weight:— No. Kiloms.
Spain ... 58 224,500 Dutch East Indies 20 41,000 France 19 44,400 United Kingdom ... 17 68,400 Belgium ... 13 . 38,700 As regards imports, the movement is in the contrary direction, for while only 986 vehicles were imported in 1913, 3,107' were imputed in 1921 (nine months). The majority of the imported cars are of the light type, for which a good demand exists. The importing countries were France (1,070), Italy (732), Germany (627), and the United States (433). Great Britain only sent 27 cars.
French Road Transport Growth.
If the figures given in l' Auto are correct, there is an astounding increase of commercial motor traffic in France since the date at which the war commenced. The total number of lorries at that period (including delivery vans) is estimated at. the modest figure of 8,000 add. It is impossible mere than to approximate, however, because there was then no tax which enabled a census to be taken.
At the present 'time, however, the number has leapt up to over 93,060, an increase of more than ten times the prewar figures. This fact aseentnatee the corresponding fiasco of the French railway goods traffic; its decrepit service at exorbitant rates no doubt aecounts for the chance which road contractersshave seetched to secure freights for motors which otherwise woald have been consigned to "la petite vitesse." And where have all these extra lorries come from? Why, stranger, I guess from "lee stocks Ainericams."
The Goodyear Tyre and Rubber bo. (Great Britain), Ltd., have recently issued a new retail price list, which shows that giant pneumatic covers and tubes are much lower in price. With the commencement of the motor coaching season, these revised prices should be especially welcome to passenger vehicle users who pin their faith to the pneumatic.
A New Electric Truck.
A new design of 3-ton delivery truck has been placed on the market by the Steinmetz Electric Motor Car Corporation, of Baltimore. The well-k-nown electrical authority, Mr. C. P. Steinmetz, of the General Electric Co., U.S.A., is responsible fir the design, which embodies several distinctive features.The weight of the truck is 4,450 1-b., wheelbase 114 ins., and it is fitted with pneumatic tyres 5 ins. by 33 ins. It is stated that the vehicle has a Speed of 20 M.p.h., which is very considerable for a battery-propelled truck.
Clayton and Shuttleworth Report.
Although substantial results have been achieved during the past year, the directors of Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd., which is one of the largest of Lincoln's important engineering works, express their opinion, in the 21st annual report which has just been issued, that it is in the best interests of the shareholders not to recommend the payment of a dividend on the ordinary shares for the present occasion. They have, therefore, applied to the further writing down of stock values the profit which would have been available for this and other purposes.
The profit for the year, after providing for all outstanding liabilities and for . directors' and auditors' fees, amounted to £31,588. Deducting the sum allocated fer depreciation of buildings, £12,706, there is Ief t £18,881, to which is added the amount brought forward from the last account, .£53,532, making the total available £72,414. Halfyearly dividends on the 5 per cent. cumulative preference shares absorbed £71,500, the balance remaining being .£54,914.
The report states that, in spite of the continued depression and the absence of export orders, a considerable volume of special work has been profit
ablyexecuted during the year. The directors explain that they are' actuated in their decision not to recommend the payment of an ordinary dividend by the uncertainty of present trade and. the industrial position. The balance of £54,914 is therefore; carried forward to -the next financial period.
Road Transport in Peru.
What makes the lorry particularly useful in Peru is the fact that the republic's chief towns lie a. fin' miles inland from 'their ports. Lima. and Callao, Piura and Paita, Chielaya and Pimentel, Trujillo and Salaverry, Canete and Cerro Azul, Chincha Alta and Tame 'de Mora, Ica and Pisco, and Morquecma and Ilo are all cases in point. Railways also connect these points' but their comparative proximity rerhaers the older form of transport relaively expensive and slow. When the roads in these parts haire been improved, it is probable that the lorry
will monopolize this littoral trac. The light lorries in Peru are mainly American, but the majority of the heavy types 10.7f being imported are of European make.
A.E.C. Agents.
The Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., have recently appointed a number of agents for A.E.C. goods and passenger. carrying models, these being as follow (the wording in parentheses represents the territory covered by each agent:— The Barnstaple Motor Co., The Square. Barnstaple (North Devon and N.W. Somerset); J. H. Prince and Co., Lodge Road Garage, Southampton (Southampton and district, Portsmouth, Bognor, Midhurst, New Alresford, and Isle of Wight); Pickup and Knowles, Pendleton, Manchester (Manchester and district, Bury, Rochdale, Oldham, Leigh, .Altrincham, and Knutsford); James Walmsley and Co. (Preston), Ltd., Marathon Engineering Works, Frank Street, Preston (N. Lancashire, including Preston, Blackburn, Blackpool, and Lancaster); The Midland Counties Motor Garage Co., Ltd., Granby Street, Leicester (Leicester and Rutland).
Taxing Sweeping Machines.
At a meeting of the Burnley Corporation Finance Committee the town clerk read a letter from Karrier Motors, Ltd., in which it was stated that the firm had interviewed the Ministry of Transport to secure the reduction or abolition of the taxation on motor road sweepers, and that it had been suggested that local authorities should join in representations to the Ministry. The committee recommends the corporation to support the claim for the abolition of the tax on sweeping machines.
Canadian and American Statistics.
Registration statistics of motor vehicles in the United States and Canada during the year 1921 show that the use of road motors is still increasing at a rapid rate. In Ontario there were registered during the year 1921, 200,900 vehicles, as against 172,065 for the year 1920, an increase of 16 per cent. In Canada the registrations for these two years were 460,674 and 402,929 vehicles respectieely, representing an increase during the year of 14 per cent. The statistics for the United States in 1920 and 1921 were 9,211,295 and 10,325000, an increase of 1,113,705 vehicles, at, the rate of 12 per cent.
A remarkable increase in the use of motor transport is apparent upon examination of the statistics for the past six years-1915 .to 1921. These show that the Ontario registration for all motor vehicles increased 374 per cent., whilst for Canada the increase was 426 per cent. and for the United States 322 per cent. This astounding growth is largely due to the increasing use of motor lorries.
In Place of the Red Flag.
The Manchester City Watch Committee has approved the adoption of a new device in the form of a sign on the top of the vehicle, instead of the inconspicuous red flag now in use to indicate whether a taxicab is engaged or at liberty. At night the sign will be illuminated.
London's Easter Road Traffic.
In spite of the inclement weather during the Easter holidays, the London General Omnibus Co.'s motorbuses carried 500,000 more passengers than last year over the corresponding four -days. Throughout the holidays the traffic on the Underground system, as a whole, was fully up to expectations, and the fact that there were no holiday queues at the motorbus terminals is due to the im proved organization of the central traffic control and to the availability' of an increased number of larger buses. The London General Omnibus Co, will be running many more rural services this year, and during Easter over 70 of these services were in operation.
Accessory Distributors.
Timson Bros., of Birmingham, Liverpool and Newcastle, have added to their range of depots by incorporating Distributions (England), Ltd., whose premises are at 7, Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C. 2. This branch will specialize in and hold stocks of the accessories controlled by Messrs. Timson Bros., viz., Shaler vulcanizers, Euk air valves, and Forbes belt adjusters, etc. The company are also distributing agents for Champion sparking plugs and Hoffman steel halls.
By an unfortunate oversight the price of the 30 cwt. Fiat lorry was given as 330 guineas in the advertisement of J. R. 'Richardson, 76, Barrowgate Road, Chiswick, London, W.4, in our last issue. As a matter of fact, the price of these lorries has just been reduced from £330 to 300 guineas, at which price they represent remarkably good value.
Refusing Fares.
Several cases have been reported in Birmingham lately in which drivers of motorcycle taxicabs have refused to tithe fares, and a warning has been issued stating that future offenders will be severely dealt with. The granting of a licence to a hackney carriage driver renders it obligatory on his part to take fares when his vehicle is not otherwise engaged. He is a public servant mid must serve the public to the best advantage.
Wakefield Bus Development.
When the war broke out in 1914 the Wakefield Tramways Committee had prepared a comprehensive scheme for the development of outlying districts by the use of motor omnibuses. In fact, at that time omnibuses were on order from the Daimler Co., but, owing to the exigencies of war, these were never delivered. The question of bus operation was reconsidered after the Armistice, but, owing to the high prices then prevailing, it was thought inadvisable to purchase. Last year, however, steps were taken to obtain buses, and in. February the first bus was delivered and put into see vice between Morley, Wakefield and Crigglestone. This service has proved highly popular, and the public in and around Wakefield will undoubtedly welcome a number of other services which have just been started.
Bristol buses are being used for the services, of a typo similar to those operated by the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., in and around their centre in the West of England. In all, nine distinct routes are being served.
Char-a-bancs Preference.
A deputation of owners of Motors plying for hire has waited on the Aberystwyth Town Council to urge for special consideration and to protest against the issue of licences to people outside the town, and who, last, year, came with chars-ii-bancs for the season, and left immediately afterwards. The council decided that the matter should be looked into by the Watch Committee.
In our issue for April 11th we published an illustration of a motor lorry fitted with a crane attachment in the service of W. B. Horn, Ltd., of Birkenhead. We stated that the chassis was a Straker-Squire, !At, as many of our readers are probably aware, it was a 35 h.p. B type Halley.
Selling Liverpool's Buses.
The Liverpool Corporation's fleet of motor omnibuses is gradually being kdis.
pesed cf. These vehicles post £1,495 each. They have lately been standing in the books at £800. in 1920 one was sold at that figure. This year the corporation has sold one at '£450, five at £225, and four at, £440. If the city council had taken the advice of th;) Tramways Committee last year they would have realized a very much .better price.
Exporters' Difficulties in Australia.
By the time lorries reach Australia freightS and tariff charges add considerably to the export price of the vehicles. Petrol is also expensive, as it has to be imported, whilst most of Australia's roads' are not capable of supporting heavy motor traffic. Add to these facts that the general opinion in up-country districts is that the horse-drawn vehicle is more economical than the lorry, and it will be understood why the Australian demand for the motor vehicle is not so great as it might be.
Despite this, 90 per cent. of Australia's motors are used for utility purposes. If the country could be prevailed upon to build better roads, if the average individual could be educated up to the value of road transport, and if greater technical knowledge could be disseminated, Australia would prove a remunerative market. The fact that there is but one motor vehicle to every 67 inhabitants shows that this market it still far from saturation point.
Refusing Coach Licences.
At a meeting of the Hove Watch Committee an application was received from Keith and Boyle, Ltd., of 37, Harleyford Road, London, for licences for two motor coaches de luxe to ply for hire in the borough. The chief constable reported that he had ascertained that the intention of the company is to run week-end trips from London to Brighton and Hove, and if the licences are granted, and during the time the vehicles are at Hove, to use them for country trips from the Hove front. This would be on Saturdays, -Sundae's, and holidays only. They would then return to London and ply for hire in the Metropolitan district, where they are licensed, for the remainder of the thee. If these licences are granted extra stands will he required. in view of the information contained in the chief constable's report, the committee recommends that' these licences be not granted.
Rail-less Vehicles in America.
As a result of experimental work ma dertaken by the General Electric Co., trolley-buses have been installed at Norfolk,. Va., Richmond, Va,, and Staten Island, N.Y., and have now been operating for some time. Based on a movement of over 100,000 bus-miles, it is said that the operating cost is approximately 18 cents per bus-mile. If this be a reliable figure on which to base comparisons it is evident that both the electric car and the motorbus will have to meet keen competition from this new vehicle. Certain investigations made by the Commissioners of the Department of Public Utilities of the State of Massachusetts indicate that, allowing for taxes and in terest on investment at 8 per cent., the cost per bus-mile averages about 24 cents, per electric car-mile about 48 cents, per oar-mile for one man safety car about 25 cents, and per trolley-bus-mile about 21 cents.
The basis of economy in trolley-bus installations is, of course, the fact that no expenditure for track or roadway construction is necessary and that the power cost is less than for the motorbus. Overhead construction is but little more expensive than that required for ordinary electric cars, and the type of vehicle is much cheaper than the electric car.
Recently four trolley-buses have been purchased by tile City of Toronto, and are to be tried out in an experimental way on Mount Pleasant Road. The results obtained will have an important bearing on the future of this form of transport in Canada.
With reference to our recent mention of the hydraulic solid band tyre fitting presses made by Iddon Bros., Ltd., we have been asked to point out that the makers are not newcomers in the field of press mannfacture. The light type press is, of course, a new production, but -they have been actually constructing other types of presses will' great success for some 12 years.
South Coast Buses.
Hove Watch Committee has considered an application from the South. down Motor Services, Ltd., for licences for eight additional double-decked omnibuses to ply for hire between Hove and Brighton, Bognor, Chichester and Portsmouth. The omnibuses will accommodate 51. passengers inside and out, and six vehicles are already constructed. The committee recommends granting the licences, subject to the same conditions under which the existing motor coaches are licensed, and subject to the vehicles being first inspected and passed by the chief constable.
A Sentinel in South Africa.
The original of the illustration which we reproduce on this page was taken during the recent. fighting around Johannesburg.
On Tuesday, March 14th, during the preparations for the battle of Fordsburg, a Tank, weighing 16 tons, which had been sent out to deal with the rebels in street fighting, broke down in what is known as the Fordsburg Dip. Considerable apprehension was felt regarding the fate of the Tank and the men inside it, one of whom was actually shot through the lungs. Finally, a 3i-ton Sentinel wagon went out and successfully towed it in, an operation which certainly reflects great credit on the pulling powers of this make of vehicle.
'Carmarthen Roads.
At a. meeting of the Llandilo Council it was stated that the roads of Carmarthenshire were, in most cases, only surfaced to stand traffic up to 2 tons in weight. An official stated that if the county roads were prepared on a good foundation to meet the requirements of modern road traffic the cost of upkeep would be no more than was the case under the present unsatisfactory conditions. Special consideration is to be given to the question, and the county council will probably be approached.
Buses to Harrogate.
Harrogate Corporation has sanctioned a bus service, to be established by Messrs. Crasley and Floasworth, between Dillon and Low Harrogate, subject to the vehicles, fares, e., being satisfactory.
Cardiff Bus Services.
The Ministry of Transport has notified the Cardiff Council that it requires fuller particulars of the reasons of the council for declining to allow local omnibus companies to rim into, Cardiff on the establishment of a Cardiff-Barry service.
The council, in discussing the Matter, divulged that there had been an intention of running a corporation service on this route, but that the proposition had not developed. A lady member pretested against the bus passengers having to leave the vehicles on the city outskirts on evening return journeys, and moved that a Cardiff Barry service licence be granted to the companies.
The council, however, decided not to grant applications and to insist, if the Ministry made an order in favour of bus proprietors, on a winter and summer daily service being run according to time
table, and on the Clive Street tramway terminus being the starting point of the bus journeys. Clive Street is in the Grangetown outskirts of the city.
Tractors as Key to South African Development. • Tractor exporters are advised to get merchants to co-operate as a preliminary to developing farmers' interests when seeking a market in South Africa. It is stated that the successful development of the South African motor market depends upon the sale of tractors. At present America has a firm grip of the traotor market in South Africa and enterprising selling methods must: be adopted if British manufacturers arc to enter into successful competition.
Norfolk Roads.
Norfolk County Council has recently considered a proposal zubmitted. by Colonel Mornement with regard to the county roads and the heavy motor traffic which they carry. The proposal pointed out that the diversion of traffic from the railways to the highways has put a strain on the roads, which means that the cost of maintenance greatly increases—so much, in fact, that a county situated like Norfolk is placed in a difficult position when confronted with a problem which is national rather than local.
It is stated that the population of Norfolk does not require for its own use expensive roads maintained to carry heavy mechanical traffic, and for this reason, it is maintained, there is a strong case for a, revision of the grants made in respect of main roads. Norfolk roads do, however, carry a great deal of traffic from London and other industrial towns in the interior to the coast.
Motor Haulage in the Timber Trade.
In the timber trade three forms of transport are employed. Tractors are used to draw the felled trunks or " rounds," as they are called, from the woods to the railway, which then takes charge of the load and delivers it at or near the sawmills. Here the " rounds " are converted into planks and sizes convenient for building purposes, and are then delivered by motor lorries working anywhere within a 12.mile cireuit of the sawmill. For short journeys and smaller loads horse-drawn drays are used as being the more economical,
The system we describe herewith is that used by Tailby and Co., Ltd., the well-known Birmingham timber suer
chants. This concern have various branches in the Midlands and draw most of their British timber from the far side of Worcester. Here tractors pull the. "rounds to the station, where they are entrained direct to the sawmill, which possesses its own siding.
The lorries used by -the concern consist of a 3-ton Daimler, a 3-ton Austin, a 4-ten Maudslay, and a 2-ton Allday. All have given good service, the Daimler and Austin having been in use for the past three years, The Maudslay is fitted with a specially designed body, which was made on the premises, but the other vehicles have the ordinary ,lorry body with detachable back and sides.
In the first place the concern experimented, with steam wagons, but found that, either owing to the drivers employed or to the peculiarities of the power plant., starting up was a constant source of trouble, with the result that the vehicles were seldom ready to get-4,off promptly to time in the morning. With the petrol-driven lorries this trouble does not exist.
Although the concern do not run a special transport department, they possess their own workshops and garage' at West Bromwich, where the lorries are periodically overhauled. The lorries averAge 20C1 miles weekly, and are principally confined to the delivery of planks and sawn timber within a I2-mile radius of the mill.
Loads of finished packingleases are often carried, the number of cases varying from 5 large ones to 250 smaller ones. When the load is light and the journey short horse-drawn lorries are employed.
For hauling timber from the wends to the railway station Teske-is', Garrett, and Burrell tractors are eniployed, and so far have given good service.
Motorbus Advertising.
Mr. J. Abrahams, advertising contractor, has asked if the Halifax Tramways Committee is prepared to let the sole advertising rights on the corporation motorbuses for five or seven years, but the committee declines to entertain the proposal.
Huddersfield's New Bus..
Karrier Motors, Ltd., ihaye recently executed a further repeat order from the Huddersfield Corporation for a Karrier motorbus. This vehicle was put into service on April 15th on the HenleyHolmfirth-Holniebridge route, and, previous to its inauguration, members of the ,Huddersfield Corporation Tramways Committee and staff met members of the Holmfirth Urban District Council and travelled over the route in the new vehicle.
Councillor Woffenden deputy-chairman of the Huddersfield Corporation Tramways, said they must treat this service as a real business proposition. They had put on the road another of the finest motorbuses of to-day. He considered the corporation's new buses, which were manufactured in its own town, not only a credit to Huddersfield, but a pleasure to ride in. This new service would be
a blessing. to both communities, and he hoped the day was not far distant when the other districts which were on the waiting list would be duly served.
The fare to be charged on this new service is Id. per stage, the fare for the whole route of five miles being 7d.
Smart and Sonorous Horns.
Clayton-Wright (Desmo) and Sons, of Desmo House, 264-265, Broad Street, Birmingham, who are sole selling agents for Deamo accessories, have just placed upon the market several new models of bulb horns which are of particular interest, as interesting features are included in their construction. A new type of flange fitting makes possible the use of Desmo horns upon any dashboard. Fixing of the horn is carried out by means of a simple washer and lock nut. Another new feature of Desmo horns is the good quality rubber bulb, which is specially strengthened, under patent, to prevent sagging. The range of horns includes straight pattern horn types from 24s. each retail, and double and single-twist models from 32s, each, all of which are suitable for use on high-class delivery vans and lorries.
The Motor in the Market.
in all parts of the country there has been a revival of markets and fairs which were a feature of the life of medimval England, and in this connection the motor lorry has played an important part. Consideration of the economic circumstances which led to this revival is outside the scope of this journal, but there is no doubt that in allowing the quick transfer of goods from one district to another the motor vehicle has done much to stabilize prices.
The accompanying illustration shows one corner of a market in a West Riding town with a travelling hardware and china dealer's stall set out with goods of the class which are carried to and from Manchester each day. The variety of goods which can be carried when skilfully packed can be judged_ from the illustration, and the owner of the vehicle states that he has very few breakages. The lorry enables him to fill in every day of the week at a different centre, travelling within a radius of 40 iniles from hishome. In the. same mar
ket Vendors of hoots, oilcloths and linoleum, patent medicines and sweets were to be found, •and the sales went on until late in the evening.
The Establishment of the Motorbus in London.
Mr. George J. Shave, the operating manager anti chief engineer of the Louden General Omnibus Co., Ltd., recently addressed the City of London Tradesmen's Club.
He said it was only about 15 years ago that the motor omnibus established itself in the streets of London. In the days of the horsed omnibus Londoners travelled in cramped vehicles carrying 26 passengers each, which plied on short routes and seldom passed beyond a four-mile zone from Charing Cross. Today, with a fleet, of 3,000 motorbuses, of which the largest seat 54 passengers, the London General Omnibus Co. carry Londoners to Guildford, Windsor, Westerham, Hemel Hempstead, Farningliamin fact, to ahrest .every important market town or village within a 30-mile radius of Central London.
With their allies the company's services cover 1,500 miles of roads, their vehicles travelling more than 100,000,000 bus-miles in the year. The opening. of B4 the overhauling works at Chiswick was the making of a new chapter in the remarkable story of motor omnibus Organization. Enterprise and efficiency were the watchwords which had carried the company forward from the early days, when the broken-down omnibus at the kerbside was London's alternate grief and jest, to these times in which Locidoners went pleasure riding 20 and 30 miles into the Home Counties. Breakdowns are rare nowadays, and in 1921 the lost mileage was only 3 in 10,000—a percentage of .03.
Mr. Shave then went on to describe the overhauling system at Chiswick, a full description of which has already appeared in our pages.
Lorry Progress in Syria.
The American Consul at Beirut states that lorries of 2 and 3 tons capacity are proving effective competitors to animaldrawn vehicles and to railways for the carrying of both passengers and goods. About 250 lorries are operating in Damascus at present, but, with trade depression reigning, the market must be regarded as temporarily overetocked. Railway interests in Syria are seeking to combat lorry competition by establishing road transport services themselves. They are putting into operation services between Beirut and Damascus, 69 miles ; Beirut and Didon, 29 miles; and Beirut and Tripoli, 56 miles. French manufacturers have obtained the order for these vehicles.
Road Charges. •
The clerk to the Driffield Rural Council recently sent Captain Moreing, M.P., a resolution urging that the tax on heavy mechanically propelled vehicles be substantially increased. Acknowledging receipt of the resolution, Captain Moreing wrote :—" I have given the resolution of your committee the most careful consideration. Lam afraid that I cannot support the terms of the resolution, as the taxation on motor vehicles is already so high as to interfere seriously with the prosperity of the motor manufacturing industry. I am of-the opinion that, in view of the growing use of the main roads by through traffic, the time has come when the upkeep of the main roads should be made a national instead of. a local charge."
Local Proceedings.
A committee of the Rotherham Corporation advises the purchase of a motor Sweeper.
Gosport Urban District Council has decided to purchase a motor ambulance at a cost of about £450.
Bradford Corporation Tramways Committee propose to purchase a Ford van for the parcels department.
East Ham Corporation has a scheme in hand for a motor repair shop and a bulkpetrol store, at a cost of £12,500.
Sydney (N.S.W.) Municipal Council has ordered the purchase ef a Fond motor lorry at a cost not exceeding £250.,
Southend Corporation Health Committee recommends that financial provision he made to enable the purchase of three electric vehicles.
The Skipton Joint Hospital Committee has decided to defer for another six months the question of the provision of a motor ambulance.
Sheffield Corporation proposes to seek sanction to borrow £30,000 for the provision of a garage for electric vehicles. and equipment for the cleansing department.
The Ministry of Health has held an inquiry into an application by the Huyton-with-Roby Urban District, Council for sanction to borroia £1.622 for the purchase of two motor tipping wagons.
Harrogate Corporation has sent back for further consideration a proposal of its electricity committee to purchase an electric vehicle at a cost of £940„ Several councillors declared the price too high.
A special committee of the Derby Corporation suggests the discontinuance of the electric bue which runs on the Mansfield Road route, and which last ,year entailed a loss of £500. Thescommittee urge that private owners should be asked to provide a reasonable service.
Swansea Watch Committee has, on the recommendation of the chief constable, refused to grant the application of Isaac Jenkins, of Norway, Biehopston, for a hackney carriage licence to ply for hire within the borough in respect of a motorbus for the purpose of a service between Bishopston and Swansea.