News of the Week
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LEYLAND MOTORS NET PROFIT SLIGHTLY HIGHER RECENTLYissued accounts of Leyland Motors, Ltd., in respect of trading in the year ended September 30, 1943, show a net profit of £160,354, the small improvement on the previous year's total being mainly due to lower charges for depreciation and pensions.
Earnings at £381,756 were lower by £28,257, afterproviding for taxation, deferred main tertqnce and contingencies. Adding interest and other income, the total pro•fit for the year comes out at £391,505, compared with £417,112 in the previous year.
The total dividend payment on the ordinary shares is maintained at 15 per cent., less tax, and requires 467,500, whilst the 6 per cent, preference dividend takes £34,125. After deducting these amounts, the carry forward is £207,561, which is higher by £56,929 than the previous year's comparable figure.
CONS1DERAT1ON is being given by the Mersey Tunnel Joint Committee to the question of what further steps can be taken to make the tunnel a tollfree highway. In a memorandum which has been prepared by the town clerk wild the city treasurer of Liverpool, the view is expressed that tolls are funds,mentally wrong in principle and unfair to tunnel users who have to pay Road Fund licence charges and a tunnel rate as well if they belong to Liverpool or Birkenhead. No tolls are payable in respect of Government vehicles. In the past ten yehrs 30,000,000 vehicles have passed through the tunnel and they paid in tolls about £2,500,000,
SO accustomed have we become to panegyrics on the future of plastics and light alloys in the post-war age that we are occasionally apt to forget that older-established materials are also being prepared to serve the growing needs of a newer world. We refer particularly to zinc, and more especially to zinc-base die-castings, which, even before the war, had achieved a prominent place in the sphere of commercialmotor engineering.
The Zinc Alloy Die-casters Association has recently issued the first of a series of booklets dealing with these alloys. It is entitled "How Zinc Alloy Die-casting Serves Industry." The brochure describes the activities of the Zinc Alloy Die-casters Association and features a list of members specializing in this branch.
Further projected booklets in the series will deal with -such subjects as " Plastics and Die-castings Compared," " Plastics and Hot Stampings Compared," " The Design of Die-castings,"
The Plating of Die-castings," and of especial interest, " Organic Finishing of Die-castings."
Zinc containing small amounts of aluminium and magnesium, together, possibly, with traces of copper, consti a16 ' tees a group of alloys which, in the diecaSt form, is conspicuous for its ability to give, initially, remarkably fine surfaces to extremely close dimensional limits. The mechanical properties of the alloys are good and, now that certain earlier difficulties have been overcome, they are dimensionally very stable and may be put to a variety of uses, ornamental and structural in the true sense of the word.
Copies of these booklets may be obtained from the Zinc Alloy Diecasters Association, Lincoln House, 15, Teri Street, Oxford.
WITH the approval of the Treasury, tht Board of Trade has decided that, for the period beginning September 3, 1944, and ending December 2, 1944, the rate of premium payable for any policy under the Commodity Insurance Scheme will continue at the rate of 5s. per cent, for three months, or 1s. 8d. per cent, per month.
THE journal of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, " Safety News," for August, contains a tribute to the conduct of p.s.v. drivers and conductors in London and the Southern Counties for the courageous and unflinching way in which they have been going about their normal vocations. Driving i5 not exactly a picnic for these men at any time, and to have to keep a listening ear for the unpleasant drone of the flying bombs has not made things very pleasurable. However, they and the conductors, both men and women, have carried on imperturbably and more than once have, by their anticipation and skill, helped to save the
lives of their passengers. As always, their devotion to duty has not been unmixed with humour, as witness an intimation of a conductress to her passengers when a bus suffered blast damage: ",All change. This 'ere bus ain't going any further."
I T Will be remembered that Mr. G. Shaw Scott, secretary of the Institute of Metals, retired recently after hold ing his office for 36 years. As an appreciation of his services the Council of the Institute is conferring upon him the distinction of Secretary Emeritus, and, at the same time, is taking steps to supplement his income, so that he may enjoy his well-earned retirement.
Many members have, however, intimated that they would like to take a more personal part in this appreciation, and anyone who desires to be associated with such a tribUte should send a contribution to the President, Mr. W. T. Griffiths, 4, Grosvenor Gardens, London; S.W.1, marking the envelope " 5.5. Presentation." . Cheques, etc., should be made • payable to the " Honorary Treasurer, The Institute of Metals." • MORRIS MOTORS ENJOYS GOOD TRADING YEAR
LAST year's trading of Morris Motors, Ltd., showed an advance on that for 1942, the net profit for 1943, after making full provision for depreciation. being £1,980,852, compared with £1,799,173 for the previous year. After paying an interim dividend of 10 per cent., free of tax, on the ordinary stock, which took £265,000, and providing for the dividend on the preference stock (£225,000), for taxation (£997,899), for A.R.P. expenditure (£52.790), and for rehabilitation of factories for post-war production and deferred repairs (£100,000), there remains a balance of £340,163. A final dividend of 7f per cent., free of tax. on the ordinary stock absorbs £198,750, and £100,000 is transferred to the dividend equalization reserve account, so that £289,774 remains to he carried forward compared with £248.361 brought in.
CO-OPERATIVE TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION TO BE SET UP THE Scottish section of the Co-operative Union has issued a draft constitution for the setting up of a Scottish Co-operative Transport Association, and has invited societies to become members. Nominations for the election of members to the executive committee will be invited after August 26.
It is proposed that the membership should consist of registered co-operative societies in Scotland which are engaged in transport and are members of the Co-operative Union. A subscription of 21s. per year will be paid by each member of the Association.
MACHINING OF LIGHT ALLOYS ISSUED respectively by the Wrought 1Light Alloys Development Association and by the Birmingham Aluminium Casting (1903) Co„ Ltd., " Machining of Wrought Aluminium Alloys " (W.D.A.D.A. Information Bulletin No. 7) and "Recommendations for Machining Light-alloy Castings " represent valuable additions to the technicians' library and reference files.
It may, at first sight, appear somewhat strange that information in these regards is still required in spite of the extensive use to which aluminium in the wrought and cast for,ms has been put during the past five years of war. In point of fact, the very need for high-speed production to very fine limits of machine parts (mainly for the aircraft industry) has assisted in the evolution of better techniques, whilst certain alloys which before the war were reputed in many cases, difficult to shape by ordinary turning methods, can now be successfully Mated by reason of the development of special machine tools and improved tool materials and tool designs.
In particular, we would commend for special attention those paragraphs of these booklets dealing with diamond taming, and would refer for further information and for technical bibliographical references to an account entitled "Machining of Light Alloys With Diamond Tools," appearing in " Light Metals" for September. (page 430). BUSES WELL MAINTAINED DESPITE STAFF SHORTAGE " IN spite of the hard work done by 1 our-vehicles, we are, on an average, now experiencing fewer breakdowns in :elation to the miles run than we were a year ago." This statement, which was made by the chairman at the recent annual general meeting of the Aldershot and District Traction Co., Ltd., clearly indicates that the cornpany's rolling stock is being well cared lor, despite a rather acute shortage of skilled maintenance staff. Moreover, it must be considered in relation to the fact that in the year ended May Si last more than 2,000,000 additional passengers were carried, compared with the previous year. •
Notwithstanding increased earnings, the company's profit was 26,731 less than a year earlier, but this is more than fully accounted for by an increased provision for taxation of .223,168, the total nnw being-well over 2300,000 per annum—a truly extraordinary figure in relation to the size of the undertaking.
AS supplies of glycerine are now available for the production of anti. freeze mixtures, the Minister of Supply has made an Order releasing any material containing not less than 90 per cent, by weight of glycerol, from the restrictions on production, disposal and acquisition of anti-freeze materials, imposed by the Control of Engine, etc., Anti-Freeze (No, 1) Order, 1942.
Formerly, certain vehicle operators who held permits issued by the M.O.W.T. were allowed to purchase supplies of ethylene glycol anti-freeze. As the manufacture of anti-freeze from glycerine is no longer prohibited, this system will now cease.
' Copies of the Order can be obtained from H.M. Stationery Office, or through any bookseller, price Id.
SELF LUBRICATING powderedaluminium bearings—the first of their 1,ind ever successfully developed —are being manufactured by the Amplex Division of Chrysler Corporation, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.
Aluminium bearings are approximately one-third lighter than the same types in powdered bronze, copper, steel and iron, yet they are said to be capable of ,withstanding ver7 high bearing loads. They are being made in cylindrical, flange and thrust types, and the manufacturer is equipped to make them in irregular and special shapes, and as machine parts.
The bearings and machine parts similarly produced are ,pressed from powdered metals purchased on the epen market. Both the bearings and machine parts are processed in the same manner, and after ,a special treatment in large furnaces they are re-pressed to ensure accuracy. The bearings, some so porous that light can penetrate them at thicknesses up to
. are • impregnated with special non-Tan:ming oil, which felt lubricates
a shaft or fitting. Besides eliminating the necessity of lubricating attachments, the sponge-like bearings are able to withstand quick-changing temperatu res.
A finished part weighs exactly what the powder weighed when it entered the briquetting die; there is no waste to trim. Five seconds after powdered metal is ,ed to the presses a part is shaped and ready for heat-treating arid re-pressing, operations which require shout the same amount of time as the preliminary processing.
THE Glasgow concern of Edward A Robertson and Co., Ltd., transport and general contractor which operates on a route between Glasgow and Dundee, has removed to more Commadious premises at 264, Pinkston Road.
. PERSONAL PARS MR. ERNEST MEPSTED is said to have resigned his directorship -in United Motors, Ltd.. whilst two other directors, MESSRS. A. F. J. WRIGHT and C. T. A. SHEARER, have been appointed to the board.
MR. E. F. MITCHELL, London manager for the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., for the past .seven years, has been appointed the company's regional manager for the Midlands, with headquarters in Birmingham, in succession to MR. CHARLES SINCLAIR, who is giving all his time to the tyre division side of the new Dunlop training scheme. Mr. Mitchell's association with the tyre and rubber trade began in 1906. He joined the Dunlop concern 10 years later and has held appointments with it at Fort Dunlop, Nottingham. Birmingham, Liverpool and London.
GLASGOW'S TRANSPORT ADMINISTRATION UNDER FIRE W/HEN the accounts for the past Vlf year were, submitted at a meeting of Glasgow Corporation last week, criticism was Voiced that the municipality was extravagant in its administration of the public services. Bailie J. D. Kelly referred to the deficit of the transport department, remarking that the fiance committee had a right to insist that that department should be so managed as to ensure that this uniquely valuable asset should be productive of a fair return. An undertaking, he added, which had once been the pride of Glasgow, was now in disrepute. The city treasurer, Councillor H. McNeill, in reply, said that the corporation was to-day in exactly the same position as all other large employers of :abour—and it was the largest ertip:oyer of labour in Scotland—in having to meet increased wages costs. I.A.E. PAPER ON SYNTHETIC RUBBER SEALS A T a general meeting of the Instituft tion of Automobile Engineers, at the Royal Society of Arts, at 6.15 p.m., on September 5, Mr. T. C. Scott, of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., will read a paper entitled " Some Notes on Synthetic Rubber Oil Seal Applications."
The author will refer to the increased use in recent years of the circumferential unit-type oil seal, replacing the felt washer or packed gland, and will go on to deal with basic types of seal, properties of sealing-element materials; possible causes of oil leakage; the effect of eccentric lands or housings; the design and development of seal applications; assembly notes, and, finally, the scope for further development.
Visitors' cards may be obtained on application to the Acting Secretary, 12, Hobart Place, London, S.W.I. A stamped, addressed envelope must be enclosed.
FOLLOWING the recent establishment of a depot in Edinburgh, another Scottish service depot is to be opened by Wellworthy Piston Rings, Ltd., this being at 211, Bothwell Street, Glasgow; it comes into operation on August 28. A comprehensive stock of pistons and piston rings will be held at this depot and the company intends to give a four-hdurly service for piston regrooving to take oversize or Wellworthy Simplex patent piston rings. A Koetherizing plant is also being installed, this comprising an exclusive Wellworthy process for permanently restoring collapsed pistons to their original dimensions.
rOMPLA1NTS that the use of on buses had become a " racket" were made at a meeting of Houghton le Spring (Durham) Urban District Council. Complaints were made that bona-fide workmen could not get on the buses owing to people travelling to the seaside. It was alleged ,that sonte people walked to the top of bus queues stating they were workmen without offering any proof. In other instances, it was stated. that people travelled regularly to the seaside every day and used 12-jouzney tickets because they were cheaper and gave them the privilege of priority travel. The council has asked bus companies to ensure that workmen are given priority.
WE understand from Mr. E. H. VV Arnott that the crankshaft-traiing tool which bears his name is now being manufactured in quantity. By its use crankshaft journals can be trued up without the need for removing the shaff from the engine. The price of the tool is 27 10s. All inquiries should be addressed to Mr. Arnott; at Forest Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire,
THE importance of hired vehicle operators lodging forms RH / At2 with their unit controllers at the earliest, possible moment is 'urged by the Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners' Association. It is pointed out that the late submission of these forms tends not only to hold up the checking of hired operators' claims, with a consequent delay in settlement, but also has a bad effect on operations, as unit controllers are left in doubt as to the number of vehicles they have available for service.
GLYCERINE has now been released for the manufacture of anti-freezing materials. Not only this, but no licence will be required for its use for this purpose, neither will the trade require a licence to sell mixtures containing 90 per cent, of glycerbl. , In this connection we are informed by the County Chemical Co., Ltd., Chemico Works, Shirley, Birmingham, that it has already commenced manufacture, and ,anticipates that it will have an anti-freeze in wide distribution by the end of October. The name of this product, which was formerly known as " Stop-it-Freezing," has been changed to " Chemico " Anti-Freeze.
This product will be of pre-war standard with a glycerine base, and will be coloured green for easy identifica tion. Charts to give details of the correct quantities for various vehicles will be available to the trade. It should be noted, however, that the minimum size of packing allowed at present by the Government is the 5-gallon drum.
As many of the vehicles on which it will he used are already at least five years old, any anti-freeze will reveal imperfections in the cooling system. Itis therefore most important that before using such a mixture the radiator should be thoroughly flushed out and,
following this, all water connections checked over.
No producer can guarantee the results obtained with an anti-freeze, for the reason that he cannot control the cooling system in which the mixture is to be used—that is solely the responsibility of the owner of the vehicle or of the garage at which it is serviced.
ABADGE has been adopted by the Tyre Manufacturers' Conference, representing all British tyre makers. It is a simple design showing the letters T.M.C. in bold relief against a tyre in the background.
A RTERIAL-ROAD roundabouts are 1-1to be built in Glasgow, by the corporation, after the war so as to make transport safer and quicker. A model of one of these roundabouts, which has been designed by Mr. Robert Bruce, city engineer, will be on show at the forthcoming Glasgow Municipal Exhibition, The roundabout allows vehicles to make crossings without a serious reduction in speed. On the arterial roads which cros& at the roundabout no horse-drawn vehicles, cycles or pedestrians will be allowed
LASTLAST week, Mr. Robert Letch. Regional Port Director, opened a " Transport Into -Action " exhibition at Liverpool. He said that port and transport operators and workers saw in the successes of the Allied Armies the fruits of their labours over the past four years The need to turn-round vessels, railway trucks, road vehicles and canal barges quickly wasiptill vital. Mr. J. A. Edwards said that transport organization had provided the key to victory on several fronts. Transport had been one of the war's biggest-surprises. Attending the opening of the exhibition were Col, W. V. Nugent, C.B.E., D.S.O. (Deputy Regional Transport Commissioner), Mr. R. J. Hodges (general manager of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board), and representatives of all branches of transport.
AN interesting brochure has been issued by Cuthbert Machine Tools, Ltd., Farncombe Hill, Godalming, Surrey, dealing with the engine-recon• ditioning equipment which it supplies.
Full details are given of the concern's power-driven, main-bearing lineborer, and its connecting-rod borer, also of hand-operated equipment cover
ing the same classes of work. There are also particulars of the Farwell remetalling outfit, which comprises a workstand with metal tray, melting pots, -thermostatically controlled gas burner, bellows, blowpipe, ladle, tongs and suitable tubing. whilst mounted on this stand is the jigeor mould machine. The equipment .includes a master plate and a comprehensive range of special formers covering popular sizes of hearing, also core and former trays. It is made in three sizes according to requirements. The brochure is well printed on good paper, whilst the illustrations are large and clear,