Conference of Clearing Houses to Admit Haulier Members
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This Latest and Somewhat Startling News Will Interest Both . Hauliers and Other Associations
AN extraordinary general meeting af the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses, 83, Pail Mall, London, S.W.I, of which Mr. Boyd Bowman, M.A., is secretary, was held recently for the purpose of establishing a Hauliers' Section.
The decision to carry out this project was made. As a result the Conference has published a circular which, in addition to explaining the purpose of the new move, carries a form of application for membership of the new Hauliers' Section.
It is pointed out in the circular that the Conference is the recognized Association representing the road-transport clearing houses industry, with a membership comprising practically all the most important clearing houses in the country.
The Conference is very concerned regarding the future of the independent hauliers, especially those who, in normal times, rely mainly upon clearing houses for their traffic. The elimination from our post-war road-transport organization,of those hauliers not controlled by the railways or attached to big combines would be a serious matter to clearing houses, and hauliers alike.
• It is the considered view cif the Conference that any restriction or curtailment of the freedom of hauliers would be a retrograde step and would have a serious effect upon the road-transportindustry; in .particular. the smaller haulier would be gravely affected. There are many reasons for the policy of restriction which has been advocated so strongly in certain circles; the main theory advanced being that independent hauliers, acting in their capacity as freelances, upset any solid scheme of co-ordination, that, in effect, they are pirates, and that, while they operate, it will be impossible to exercise proper control over rates, hours and conditions of work, etc. This view is, in the opinion of the Conference, entirely without foundation. Suggestions have also been made that it would be impossible to organize the smaller hauliers. and that their existence prejudices the formation of a rates structure.
Scope and Trading Facilities It is not easy to •refute in definite terms such an allegation, but the Conference is firmly of the opinion that it must take Very definite steps to see that any such wide mis-statements are countered. • ' With this purpose in view; it has widened the scope of the Association to enable hauliers to become members and so add their weight to the settlement r f those future problems which may so vitally affect an important part of the road-haulage industry. They would thus also help to establish that freedom to which We are .all :justly entitled. The two sections. k:e.,-;•clearmg houses and hauliers. right to egri; representatiori/on the' NatiOnal Council, of the Coriferktee.
It is intended that special trading facilities will be made available to members as soon as practicable. These are given as follow :—Preferential loading between Conference members, Area Rates Panels to consider any rates structure and to advisemember. in relation ft) any such rates structure enforced by the Government; agreed terms and conditions of sub-contracting; facilities for purchase of supplies. spares, etc.; garage and ;,eivicing facilities at all main terminal pcints; goods in transit insurance at preferential rates and standard terms, and other insurance facilities; general agency facilities embodying emetgency service and-money advances to drivers, etc.; warehousing and re-delivery arrangements in all important towns; Arbitration Committee to settle any differences arising between members of the two sections.
At the present time the main task facing the Conference is to see that the haulier remains-master of his own business, and that, once war-time control is relaxed, he is enabled to continue operating his own vehicles as an individual. To this end the Conference is convinced of the importance of linking
the two sets of interests. .
As regards the scale of subscriptions, this -is two guineas per annum. basic, plusl.s. per ton on the Aor B-litensed unladen' weight , of vehiele.i,epther'itzan41 -those on hire to Abe IX-.110:.' `7•4Phe. maximum is 20 guineas' •• '