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That was the year...

25th August 2005, Page 13
25th August 2005
Page 13
Page 13, 25th August 2005 — That was the year...
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CM was launched in 1905; for our centenary year we're bringing you stories from years gone by. This week we're back in 1937 and 1987.


Flying legend

Production began on the Supermarine Spitfire.The Mk I had a Rolls-Royce Merlin V12, liquid-cooled engine, and was armed with eight .303 Browning machine guns.The first Spitfires had a top speed of 355mph: later models reached 450mph .

Underwear development

American manufacturer DuPont patented the first light, strong, subtle nylon, which could he machine-knitted into various deniers. It was soon used for all types of underwear.

CM on bakery vans

"The baker man must be reasonably well educated, because once he is on the road he is. as it were, conducting a little business of his own. He has his stock, he sells, gets paid here. gives credit there, and is continually taking money and giving change... Most important of all, he must he a salesman — more than that, a good psychologist.

Early congestion signs

Between 1904 and 1937 the UK CV pare rocketed from 4,000 to 590,000. "The roads of Great Britain are now the most congested in the world and urgently require wide extension, not only in capacity, but in character of construction," said CM.

Red tape

C:ol DC MeLagan, SMMT secretary, said:"It is quite impossible for the motor industry of Great Britain to take its proper place in the world market until it receives more equitable treatment under legislation."


Stormy times

Thirteen people died when storms battered southern England.Winds hit 94mph in London,and over lOmph in the Channel Islands. Weather forecaster Michael Fish reassured TV viewers the weather front would track along the English Channel. Instead, it cut through the south of the country.

Hirsute pictures

Beards were prominent. We reported Scammell Motor's manager of product planning and cab engineering, Richard Stone, had joined Hendrickson Norde, as chief engineer for special projects Stone sported a trim beard. but our new display advertisement manager BernardTomkins, wore a larger set of facial hair, as well as a hefty fringe.True gentlemen.

The Summit

Tension between the superpowers eased when Reagan and Gorbachev met in Washington to sign the Intermediate-rangc Nuclear Forces treaty: the first to eliminate a complete class of weapons.The Soviets quickened the pace of "gl asnost" ( openness and reform) which ultimately brought about the end of the Cold War.

Trade balance

"During the first quarter of this year 44% of accompanied vehicles on cross-Channel RO-RO ferries to Europe were registered in the UK, compared with 39% in the last quarter of 1986." wrote CM. -The number of UK-registered vehicles crossing the Channel increased by 8% on the previous quarter while the number of foreign-registered vehicles fell by 12%."