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LPG firm offers R&D discount

25th August 2005, Page 18
25th August 2005
Page 18
Page 18, 25th August 2005 — LPG firm offers R&D discount
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VAN A AKEN. the Bracknellbased electronic tuning specialist, has developed an LPG diesel substitution system for truck engines and is looking for operators to help expand its applications base.

CM looked at van Aaken's dualfuel system for vans last year (CM 26 February 2004) and was impressed by the installation. At the heavier end, it has systems in production for Renault 11-litre and Volvo 12-litre engines.

The firm is now offering systems at half price to operators willing to co-operate with developing other applications.

The standard truck system costs £5,500 (ex-VAT), but van Aaken can train operators' own workshop staff, and this cuts costs by up to £1.(XX) a vehicle.

It claims to have achieved fuel savings of 15% with payback within one year, and is offering a free 30-day trial subject to terms and conditions.

• Contad: www.vanaakenxom