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In Public Service.

25th December 1913
Page 12
Page 12, 25th December 1913 — In Public Service.
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

The Tokio Fire Department is in the market for fire pumps.

The Borough Surveyor of Margate is asking for records from brother officers as to the use of motor water-vans, petrol or steam.

Southend-onSea has the intention to purchase six motorbuses, for use in those parts of its area which are not served by tramways.

The Brighton, Hove and Preston United Omnibus Co., Ltd., intends to give alengthy trial to a service between Brighton and Lewes. We anticipate that the service will become a permanent one.

Dennis Fire-engines.

The latest catalogue of Dennis turbine fire-engines, and other motor appliances, is to hand. It extends to no fewer than 32 pages, and is arranged in artistic arid attractive fashion with mounted prints of the different. types facing suitable technical particulars and performance data. It is undoubtedly a publication that should be in the hands of every progressive fire-naaster and chief officer.

Birmingham's Daimler Ambulance.

Birmingham people are pleased with their new Daimler motor ambulance. Except for a slightlylonger wheelbase, the chassis is the company's standard 20 h.p. type. Wilson and Rockall, Ltd., of Bury, Lancs., is responsible. for the excellent coachwork, etc There are several special features incorporated in the vehicle's construction, which, we understand, are the outcome of Birmingham's somewhat-lengthy experience in motor-ambulance work. The chief constable of that city has offered many good suggestions which have been duly executed.

Two stretchers are carried, a-nd there is ample room for a. nurse and two attendants in addition. Drop-down runners are provided for the entrance of the bottom stretcher, which is so constructed that a patient who is hurt aboni the head or body may be carried in head foremost, and not as hitherto, it being considered thafl such a position allowsmore comfortable riding for a person so injured, the deflection of the rear springs having some bearing on the matter. The machine is mounted on Rudge-Whitworth wire wheels ; these are shod with twin, non-skid Dunlops at the rear, whilst grooved singles are fitted at the front. The

accessories '• include a C.A.V. dynamo lighting set, and an A.T. speedometer. We were informed in Birmingham that the Daititter depot there is . specializing in municipal-requirements; this being the seventh order Which the Midland city has placed with the company.

c6 The receipts of the Tramways (M.E.T.) Omnibus Co., Ltd., for the week ended lath December, 1913, were £8755, and for the Gearless Omnibus Co., Ltd., i:492. These show an increase of 2573 and -V.31 respectively as against the previous week.

The Latest from Westminster.

The very full Municipal Section, which was included in our Olympia show Opening Number of the 17th July last, included exhaustive details of the experience of the Westminster City Council. The latest report of this council, on the subject of " Horse v. Motor," which was submitted to the Highways Committee of that authority at its last meeting, shows that one motor -wagon costs .;9 11.8. 6d. a week, and that horses to do the same work would cost 213 4s. 2d.

Tilling Output.

The sale of the Tilling geardriven vehicles has now been taken over by W. A. Stevens, Ltd., of 26, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. These vehicles, we may recall, are suitable for dealing with net loads up to two tons, and their performances in service have, been

highly satisfactory. The Tilling London works can no longer cope -with the orders, and the vehicles will in future be made at the Maid.stone factory of the Stevens Co. Heavier loads are entrusted to the

Tilling Stevens petrol electric chassis, which are made at the same Maidstone works.

In Public Service The L.C.C. and the Corporation of Edinburgh invite tenders, in our advertisement pages, the former authority for six five-ton steam. wagons fitted with jib cranes, and two two-ton petrol wagons, and the latter authority for six motorbuses. The L.C.C., possibly, is making provision to lift broken-down vehicles off its tramway tracks.

National Motorcab.

The accounts of the National Motor Cab Co., Ltd., for the year ended the 31st July last, show a loss of 214,477. We announced, very briefly, this company's reorganization scheme in our issue of the 18th inst. The company's difficulties are attributed by it to three principal causes : (1) lack of earnings during the strike of drivers, which lasted from the 1st January to the 19th March last ; (2) loss on the sale of petrol, which, since the termination of the strike, has had to be sold to drivers below cost ; (a) decrease in the average receipts of the cabs in consequence of competition of various kinds.

The report proceeds to announce, in confirmation of happening; which have been indicated in our pages from time to time, that more remunerative employment is to b( found for the company's vehicles by converting them into light delivery vans-, suit-able for use a-mongst drapers, druggists and others, and refers to trials in this 'direction wldch have already been made. Thu name of the company will now be changed to the National Motor Carriers, Ltd., and it will help to force the pace, along with the ' W. and G." vans, in a branch of public service that presents almost-unlimited scope