The Purchase Department.
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4$4s.m.,11, ,-.-mvom,,,,,,w,mommakummtammukw Where to Buy your Supplies.
You Can Get It At
" R.B.S." (Southampton).—The type of travelling shop-crane you require may be obtained from Alldays and Onions Pneumatic Engineering Co., Ltd., Matchless Works, Birmingham.
" T.H." (Bristol).—You can obtain "Hallite " motor jointings from Hall and Hall, 47. Leadenhall Street, London, E.C.
" F.B.W." (Wolverhampton).—The name and address of the makers of " Zonax " plating chemicals are W. Canning and Co., 133-137, Great Hampton Street, Birmingham.
A Metal-plate Tire.
Users of light commercial vehicles fitted with pneumatic tires will welcome the advent of a tire which retains non-skidding properties during the whole of
its life; the M.P. tire, made by the Metal Plate Tyre Co., Ltd., of the Camp, St. Albans, amongst other interesting points, possesses this desirable feature.
The, M.P. tire consists of a strong rubber and canvas outer cover, into the tread of which are recessed a number of hard tool-steel plates. These plates are secured in the recesses by spindles, which are integral with them ; the spindles pass through the tread, and are locked by nuts on the inside of the tire. To prevent abrasion of the inner tube the nuts are covered by rubber pads.
Our illustration shows a diagrammatic sectionalview of the tire ; the size, depth and number of blocks utilized are, of course, consistent with the class of work for which the tire is required. M.P. metal plates, slightly modified and deeper, are also fitted to solid rubber tires suitable for heavy vehicles.
The plates are curved both in the line of the plane of the wheel and transversely to suit the shape of tire, and they lie practically flush with the rubber. The company claims that the tire is practically immune from puncture and has more than double the efficient non-skid life of other types.
The non-skid property should be very effective on either mud or asphalt, as the method of fitting the blocks ensures a combined rubber and metal tread.
Wrigley Productions.
The house of Wrigley has been associated with the manufacture of gears specially suited to the automobile industry for a number of years, and the company's productions are generally recognized as cm
u4 bodying a very high quality of finish. As the demands of many automobile engineering firms called for the manufacture of gear transmission sets and such-like component parts, required for installation in the building-up of vehicles, this concern, from time to time, found it necessary to lay down suitable plant, which has considerably increased its scope of output, and the company is now in a position to supply any type of gears, complete transmission sets, gearboxes, rear axles, steering, and, in fact, "all mechanism but the engine."
Our illustration shows the Wrigley four-speed gearbox, change-speed quadrant and transmission brake ; the component, as a unit, is ready for immediate installation in the machine. The principal characteristics of this gearbox are its stout construction ; it is compact in design without crowding, and the changespeed mechanism is of simple character with nothing to get out of order. Also the shafts are kept as short as possible, and are of ample diameter, affording perfect freedom from whip ; all shafts run on ball bearings.
The casing itself is a one-piece casting and is fitted with adjustable oil glands. There is also provision for air vent, which makes for very clean running. Particular attention has been given to the manufacture of the gears with a view to affording silence, yet long service, and the gears are generally made in two varieties of steel, the wheels being constructed of best-quality carbon steel carefully hardened, while the pinions are made of nickel steel and oil treated.
One of the latest developments of the concern is a rear axle complete, suitable for a two-ton vehicle. This incorporates the worm and worm wheel as final drive. It is strongly made and is well recommended for either home or colonial use.
Wrigleys have in preparation a big range of component parts suitable for many classes of commercial vehicles, and the general design of all productions is such as to give little trouble in cleaning and call for very little amount of attention.
The head office and works is :—E. Wrigley and Co., Ltd., Foundry Lane Works. Soho, Birmingham.