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News and Comment.

25th December 1913
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Page 8, 25th December 1913 — News and Comment.
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. ',.10.70:450rdarjearo=t9lf?"0400F Fowler-Wyles Plough.

The FowlerzWyles plough, to which our last detail illustrated references were made M. the issue of the 13th November, was demonstrated at Blakelaw, henton, near Neweastle-on-Tyne, last week, on land occupied by Mr. John Bunter.

Colonel Crompton's Papers.

We conclude our extracts from Colonel Crompton's Manchester paper in. this issue, and we have in hand his recent magnum opus for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, as well as a report of the discussion at Manchester. We hope to deal further with these contributions to the literature of commercial motoring next week.

Topical Subjects.

Our leading articles this week deal with the following topical subjects : (1) " The 1911 Manchester Show and ' Showing the Name' ; (2) " Colonel Crompton's Manchester Paper " ; (3) " The Conservation of Fuel " ; (4) " Christmas Shoppers and Motorvans" ; (5) "Unduly-Noisy Cabs" ; and (6) " Patents of the rear."

Bicycle and Sidecar Lamps.

The Local Government Board has decided that a motor-bicycle, provided no sidecar or other vehicle is attached to it, need not show a red light visible in a direction contrary to that in which it is proceeding. If a sidecar or other vehicle is attached, the lamp exhibiting a red light. may be attached to the sidecar or other vehicle, and if such sidecar or other vehicle projects beyond the off side of the motor-bicycle, the front lamp shall be placed on the extreme right or off side of the sidecar or other vehicle, failing which projection it may be attache.d to the motor-bicycle.

Concerning Costs.

The demand for our sheet of " Normal Working Costs," which we supply free of charge on receipt of a stamped and addressed envelope, .continues to be very large. One of the best-known carrying firms in . London, on receipt of a copy in response to its written application,• acknowledged the value of our data under date the 13th inst., thus :—" We thank you for your letter of the 12th inst. and have much pleasure in informing you that your summary of working costs for petrol-driven vehicles is just what we required, and we are much. obliged to you let your prompt. attention."

1116 The Editor lakes this opportunity to acknowledge Christmas greetings from many individual realers, and to reciprocate theist most heartily. He wishes the compliments of the season to alt supporters of TEE COMMERCIAL MOTOR.

A National Automobile Exhibition will be held in Berlin, beginning in October of next year.

Leyland Motors, Ltd., has sold a four-ton petrol-engined motor wagon to the Burnley Town Council for £906.

The London office of the Skelko Ball Bearing Co., Ltd., of Luton, will, in the future, be .at 23, Victoria St., Westminster, S.W.

C.M.U.A. Lectures.

Mr. W. G. Lohjoit, a vice-chairman of the Association, presided at the R.A.C., on the evening of the 17th inst., on the occasion of Mr. Watson's third lecture to steam-vehicle drivers. The fourth and last lecture to petrol-vehicle drivers will be given on Thursday, the Sth prox., at the R...A.C. The Committee will shortly consider an extension to the Provinces.

More Motor Mails.

The Surveyor for the South Wales District, G.P.O., Cardiff, is desirous to receive tendees for the conveyance of mails between Cheltenham and Northleach. The maximum load will be 5 cwt., and an average travelling speed of 1:3-!-1 m.p.h. is specified. The date for beginning the service is not yet fixed. but the contract will in due course be let for three years.

Highway Engineering.

The Columbia University in the City of New York was one of the first colleges to give attention to the claims of highway engineering. Mr. Arthur H. Blanchard is the professor.

Inst. A.E.

The Graduates Section of the Coventry branch of the Institution of Automobile Engineers recently had before it the subject of " Commercial-vehicle Running Costs." Mr. a S. Heather, B.Sc., was the lecturer.

Steamer Advocacy.

We learn that Messrs. F. W. Berkeley and Co., of 39, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W,, are giving much attention to the sale of steam wagons, and that Mr. Berkeley anticipates early opportunities to add to his business in this branch. He has had experience in the Surveyor-CleneraPs department for Cape Colony.

Conuner Sick and Benefit.

On Friday last, the 19th inst., the members of the Sick Benefit Society, which is attached to Commercial Cars, Ltd., sat down to their seventh annual supper at the Town Ball Assembly Room, Luton, Mr. Harry linden-town, Chairman and Managing Director, presided, and he was supported by Messrs. E. L. Coxhead. L. G. Jaeckel, E. Thomas, and other of the principal officials of the company.

Mr., in proposing the toast of " The Sick Club," stated that. the association had doubled its memberseip since he last had the pleasure of presiding at a gathering of this sort. Other speakers were Messrs. E. L. Coxhead, J. Worrall, L. G. Jaeckel, and H. Wharton. Stroud tradesmen are strongly in favour of a proposed motorbus service between Stroud, Amberley, and Minehinhampton. The route is regarded as a paying one. A special 1914 catalogue of Napier passenger vehicles is to hand, and this well-compiled booklet should be in the hands of all buyers who have not already placed their orders for the coming season. There are coloured illustrations. Croydon Corporation, owing to the lack of financial support front other sources, has now decided to abandon the idea of taking a test case, to recover alleged extraordinary expenses for road maintenance, due to motorbus traffic.