Out and Home. — By "The Extractor."
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It is a very kindly thought \aid' prompts the management of the .Aentylene illuminating Co., Ltd., annually to entertain their heads of departments, together with their wives, at this season of the year. This is in addition to the annual dinner to the employees, which event materialized on Saturday last at the Pillar Hall, Victoria Station, S.W., when upwards of
10 sat down, and a most successful e von ing was the result.
The night preceding this was given up to the aforementioned " family " gathering at the Trocadero, and I was privileged to form one of this friendly circle. Fine musical and elocutionary talent was forthcoming from the members of the staff and postprandial orations were reduced to a minimum by an ingenious method, it being announced that there would be no speeches, upon which people settled down cornlot tably ; then, in a flash, you found yourself called to your hind legs and a few words demanded of yon. The only thing to do was to blurt out some withering remark at the smiling chairman, tell a story and sit down. This was the plan mostly adopted and it worked very
11 ell. There seems to be a thorough good feeling and mutual good-will existing between management and staff here, and Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Fox came in naturally for hearty musical honours " and the little foxes" someone interpolated, of course, upon which the lady concerned explained in reply to my inquiry that there were " three
• little vixens."
hear of a gentleman who has had several years experience in the works of steam-wagon inanufaeturers. I gather that lie has been responsible practically all the time for designs, correspondence, salss and general management ; further, he has had experience on the Continent-, having a-n excellent knowledge of French. He is now disengaged and is open to take up a similar position, or to act as outside representative for -a steamwagon firm. I believe that he has quite satisfactory reasons for leaving the other concern, and he. should be an acquisition for a firm manufacturing similar vehicles. Letters addressed to "Wagon,' care of this office, will be forwarded to the proper quarter.
An ex-Lord Mayor of Leeds, Mr. Penrose Green, head of Thomas Green and Sons, Ltd., motor roller and sweeper manufacturer, put in an eight-hour shift at gas-making in connection with the recent municipal strike. This strenuous example was followed by other aldermen of the same city doing turns at street sweeping. Sturdy folk these north-cotmtryinen.
Mr. Claude Browne; of the Lame, is off for an Alpine sports holiday to Switzerland in company with Sir Ernest Shackleton.
Mr. A. W. Roslingten, who represents Belsize for " everywhere hut Britain," is still at home with a spell of illness.
3.1r, Ernest Heald, the secretary of Simplex Rubber Co., Ltd., turns out to be a Yorkshireman, and is an old International at football.
The broken leg of Messrs. Jas. Bartle's senior partner is now well mended, and a short holiday should do the patient a lot of good.
The Bosch new building in Tottenham Court Road is a gigantic place, and I understand front Mr. " Bosch " Bennett that there is " another half'' to go up yet. That mercurial spirit, Mr. Jones, of E.arrier Cars, was up in town from Huddersfield last week. He is engaged on the selling side exclusively now.
"It happens very well that Christmas should fall out in the middle of winter," says an old writer. It certainly makes a welcome break for most of Us. He is a dismal person who is in health and yet cannot find some joy at Yuletide. There are some Scrooges still left in the world but more Bob Cratehitts anti Tiny Tims.
The Spirit of Christmas is already enveloping us. I venture to extend a •hearty good wish to our readers and friends at this festive season. I hope the brief spell away from work will thoroughly invigorate and cheer.
A note reaches me from one whom I have known for many years in connection with the mechanical side of motoring. He is, I suppose, about 35 years or age, and has gone through the several requisite branches in connection with the internal-combustion engine. Now for some reason best known to himself he desires to take a position abroad. I know a difficulty occurs in getting steady, reliable and capable men to take -service away from England. Here, however, is one who can be trusted if this meets the eye of the right people. Address "Abroad,' care of the office of this journal.