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!"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier,
Renewal of Licences.
Motor vehicle users should, apply for renewal of their existing licences as early as possible before December 31st, in order to assists county councils and county borough councils in dealing with the large numbers of renewal applica• tions which wilt be received.
To avoid delay the application for renewal should be accompanied by (a) Renewal form R.F.I.A. (where there. has been no change of ownership); or Declaration form (where ownership of vehicle has changed since last licence was taken out):
(b). The.registration book for the vehicle;
(c) The old licence (for post office re. neivals only); and (d) The amount of duty.
Renewal forms and declaration forms may be obtained at any money order post office. The conditions under' which renewals may be effected at principal post offices will be found set out On the back of Renewal Form R.F.1.A.
Leeds to Liverpool by Road.
The Todmorden Corporation has recently made application to the Ministry of Transport for sanction to a scheme under which powers are sought to run motorbuses to link up the tramway systems between Lancashire and Yorkshire It is proposed to run buses to the ter; minus of the Halifax tramway system at Hebclen Bridge, and if' the-idea matures travellers will be able to journey from Leeds to Liverpool—a cross-country journey of 90 miles—by road.
The corporation. is also seeking powers to link up with the tramway services at 'Ramp and Burnley. The local authorities affected by the proposals have given evidence of their support for the schemes.
The British Market for Rubber Tyres.
An interesting paper was read before the Institution of the Rubber Industry a. few days ago by Col. J. Sealy Clarke' chairman of the British Rubber Tyre Manufacturers' Association and vice-president of the Motor Traders Association, whetarreference was made to the dependence of modern transport upon rubber types.
Col. Sealy Clarke said that, the tyre industry before the war was experiencing prosperity in the Home markets with large exports to the Dominions and Colonies and a good export trade to foreign countries.
During the war the British tyre mannfactueers supplied not only the requirements of the British armies, but assisted in supplying those of the Allies. Owing to all tyres 'being required for military purposes, there were very fe_w tyres to meet the needs of the public. American manufacturers, it was stated, were not slow to take advantage of this, as can be seen from the fact that the value of American tyres of all descriptions imported in this country for the year ended June 30th, 1914, amounted to £231,096, whereas for the year ended
B22 June 30th, 1916, the value of Americais imports increased to £2,097,215.
Col. Sealy Clarke gives the following figures as the total declared values of the imports of all classes of tyres and tubes for the last five years.—
Owing to tariffs against the import of tyres being steadily raised all over the world it not only makes it impossible for British manufacturers to send their tyres into Oversees markets, but restricts the area of export of American, French, Italian and other large tyre manufacturing 'countries, with the result that: they are more eager to share in the British house market.
Mr. Lewin Goes to Fowlers (Leeds), We were greatly interested a few weeks. •ago to learn that Mr. W. J. Lewin, who for many years had occupied the important post of managing director of the Yorkshire Patent,Steam Wagon Ce., had severed his connection with that concern and joined Messrs. John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., where he has taken the position of chief designer, devoting his attention, of course, mainly to steam-wagon production.
Mr. Lewin is a maat of' unbounded energy and is full of enterprising ideas. We wish him the best of success in his new appointment.
A Booklet on Vulca,ns.
The Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1906), Ltd., have just issued, for circulation among municipal and other public authorities, a booklet which is full ,of interesting information relating to types of Vulcan vehicles designed to meet the requirements of departments dealing with passenger transport, ambulance work, and municipal collection, haulage and transport. Full information concerning. omnibuses, ambulances, tipping wagons, timber lorries and tower wagons, with complete chassis specifications and claims for each production,, are provided in a 24-page booklet, which is nicely produced and includes the names of a number of users of Vulcan productions.
The L.G.O.C. Staff Dinner.
Owing to the illness of Lord Ashfield (from which we are glad to say lie has almost recovered) Major-General Sir Frederick H. Sykes occupied the chair at the annual staff dinner of the London General Omnibus Co.OLtd., held at the Hotel Cecil, on Friday, December 14th. There was a goodly company, which filled the Grand Hall and overflowed into the adjacent Oak Room. The chairman was supported by Gen. Sir William Horwood, the Rt. Hon. Sir R. S. Horne, Sir W. R. Laerrence, Sir Henry Maybury, Sir William Joynson-Hicas, his William Gentle, J.P., Sir James Devonshire, Sir Arthur Durrant, Col. C. H. Bressey, Sir Joseph G. Broodbank, Mr. Frank Elliott, C.B. Mr. S. W. Garcke, Lt.-Col. P. R. Lawrie the Hon. Sir Arthur Stanley, Mr. Walter Wolseyo Mr. R. S. Tilling, J.P., sir. W. M. Aceworth, Mr. E. G. Burford, Sir Alfred Butt, .M.P., and Chief Constable Basslam, whilst amongst the staff of the company and its allied concerns we observed Mr. H. E. Blain, C.B.E., Mr. Z. E. Knapp, Mr. G. J: Shave, Mr. H. Kerr Thomas, Col. Is-or Fraser, Mr. C. Leese, Mr. 0. W. J. Watson, Mr. C. K. Edwards, Mr. S. Gage, Mr. S. J. Webb, Mr. A. Rushbrooke, and many others prominent in the condu,ch of the vast business centring around the transport of passengers in London and the Home counties. .
The speeches were confined to a toast proposed by Sir Arthur Stanley and supported by Mr. A. j. Littlewood, an assistant divisional inspector, the subject being "The Company and its Chairman, to which Sir Frederick Sykes responded. A section of the company present enjoyed a couple of hours dancing, whilst4for the stalwarts svhe eschewed such strenuous exertion a fine musical programme was provided.
Anglo-Persian Oil.
The following, resolution has been passed by the Motor Legislation Committee whose constituent bodies it is generally well known include the LA and M.O. and the S.M.M. and T. :— " That this committee, representing the great majority of the users of motor vehicles and every section of the motor industry, protest against the contemplated elle by the Government of the nation's shares in the Anglo-Persian Oil Company on the following grounds: " (1) That the retention of these shares is essential for the purpose of safeguarding liquid fuel supplies to the Navy, the Air Force, and motor transport, and maintaining adequate reserves of fuels in this country;
"(2) That any transaction by which Government control of the AngloPersian undertaking might be surrendered would be detrimental to British users of motor spirit, who regard the present arrangements as a. safeguard against monopoly;
(3) That oil refining in this country by British firms is an industry of sect: great. national importance that every effort should be made to foster its development."
Tilling-Stevens Orders.
The Salisbury Fire Brigade, which has been operating a Tilling-Stevens bantam trailer fire pump for the past twelve months, has obtained many benefits from the use of this appliance, and has decided to place an order for two additional appliances with Tilling-Stevens Motors, Ltd., of Maidstone, these being for a light fire tender and an ambulance for street accident work.
It is also worth noting that the members of the Datchet and Bucks. Fire Brigade recently inspected a TillingStevens light fire-engine owned by the Beaconsfield Council, and that as a result an order has been placed with the company for a similar machine.
Hauling a 70-ton Load.
In our issue for December 11th we referred to the transport of a stator from Preston to the Liverpool Docks, involy-. big special arrangements because of the heavy weights.
The gross load was 70 tens, the stator itself weighing 54 tons 15 cwt.
It is interesting to learn that the load was actually only 10 working hours travelling from Preston to Liverpool (the road locos. used being equipped with rubber tyres, whilst the wagons were provided with special bearings). Despite the fact that the load was moved during the damp season of the year, there was not a single mark left on the road, nor oduld the tracks of the tractors and vehicle be tracked.
The work was undertaken by Norman E. Box, Ltd., of. Manchester.
A Road Bridge Across the Forth.
At a recent meeting of the Edinburgh Rotary Club, Mr. J. Inglis -Ker, F,R.S.E., explained the scheme for a road bridge over the River Forth at Queensferry. He said that a ferry could never be more than a compromise, and that a road bridge was necessary if Edinburgh was to he restored to the position which it once held on the main • road to the North, and that it would form the remaining link of the main high road from Dover to John o' Groats. He pointed out. that. municipalities, county. authorities or transport organizations had not ,yet-been consulted in connection with the proposal, but if there was astrong body of opinion in favour of it. the necessary steps -for its promotion would he taken; It was stated that Lord Provost Sleigh intended to call a meeting of representatives of public -bodies in Edinburgh, Perth, Dunfermline and Kirkcaldy early next year, when representatives of certain motoring organizations would be present. it was 'stated that Sir Henry Maybury was interested in the scheme.
Hutton's Lock-nut.
With reference to the article which appeared in last week's issue dealing with the new lock-nut devised and patented by Mr. H. T. Hutton, of Erin Lodge, Doetighadee, Co. Down, Ireland, we are asked to make one or two modifications in the statements therein.
Mr. Hutton wishes it to be made clear that, so far as cost of manufacture is concerned, it could not be expected that the .nut could be made as cheaply as sit. castellated nut. What is claimed is that, taking into account the cost of split-pins, the. wastage thereof, the cost of locating and drilling the hole• for the eplit-pin, and the time occupied in fit
ting and removing split-pins, the new nut would mean to the user 'quite a substantial economy. The prices of the nuts would be moderate, but, until manufacture has been established it is not possible to say exactly how cheaply they can be produced. With regard to the " life" of the nut, whilst test nuts have been applied, screwed tightly, loosened and removed, the cycle of operation having been repeated many times, the claim is not at present. put forward for more than 20 of such cycles.
On one other little matter we appear to have misunderstood Mr. Hutton. We thought he had told Us that, having arrived at the final form of the locking device, it took him a year to discover how to make it. Mr. Hutton says that he was a year devising the nut and the process of manufacture, the latter being schemed out in a matter of three days.
Control of Cross-road Traffic.
In a recent. paper which was read before the Institute of Transport by Colonel Sinnott, C.11.G., MICE., the county surveyor of Gloucestershire, referenoe was made to a method of deciding upon the right of way at cross-roads.
We think it only right that it should here be stated that this proposal, or one like it, was put forward in The: Goinmercial Motor for June 5th last, the stlggestion emanating from CaptainF. W. Cable, A.M.I.C.E., the cleansing surveyor for the City of Westminster:
Enterprise at Darlington.
An especially valuable service to Dar lington has just been commenced by tie Vulcan Motor Service (Darlington), Ltd. This, besides joining up two por tions of the town not served by the Darlington Corporation tramways, or any other form of passenger locomotion, traverses the main thoroughfares, and ' is praying extremely useful both to business people and shoppers. The service operates between Bank Top Stetioa and Faverdale, the latter being ono of the growing residential quarters of Darlington. The distance covered is about 11. miles. The same company also operate services between Darlington and Croft, and Darlington and Northallerten, and their latest nide evinces their desire to cater for the townspeople.
Big Orders from Japan.
It has been freely stated in New Yorl that the city of Tokio has bought 1,0043 Fords to assist, in reconstruction work. A representative of the Japanese Governmenterailways is also eaid to have bought 150 2-ton vehicles to replace those that were lost ins the earthquake.
The British Rubber Tyre Manufacturers' Association, Ltd., informs us that Col. J. Sealy Clarke, of George Spencer Moulton and Co., Ltd,, has been reappointed chairman of the Association, and Mr. E. Healey, of W. and A. Bates, Ltd., vice-chairman for the ensuing year.
Swansea Municipal Transport.
The Swansea Finance Committee has urged the Parliamentary Committee to expedite the premised comprehensive report on the mechanical transport vehicles available in all departments of the council and the recommendations corollary thereto. It was pointed out that the time had new arrived when the establishment of a central motor vehicle depot for the council's transport Should be considered, as should a detailed statement of the number of motor vehicles used by each department, and the annual cost of upkeep. Some departments, it was said, had surplus transport and others were pressed for vehicles. It was stated that a two months' account for petrol for tim departmental motorcars and cycles amounted to R156.
Traffic Signals in Scotland.
The Royal Scottish Automobile Club has arranged with the registration officials of the various county councils and boroughs throughout Scotland to issue with registration papers and driving licences a booklet dealing with traffic signals for use by police and drivers of vehicles, which was recently issued under the authority of the Home Secretary and of the Secretary for Scotland.
The_distribution cif these booklets has already commented, and the Secretary for Scotland has invited the Automobile Club to use its influence towards the general adoption of these signals, and it is, therefeee, hoped that the owners and, drivers of vehicles into whose hands these booklets may come will peruse their contents. carefully..
Obstructing London's Flow of Traffic.
The inconvenience which is caused to traffic in the City of London through the action of the postal authorities in opening boxes in the main thoroughfares for the repair and inspection of underground wires is being officially brought to the notice of the Coeporathen, and the following resolution has been passed :—
That, having regard to the great in
convenience to traffic caused by the continued opening of boxes in the streets of the City by the Post Office authorities, the streets committee be instructed to submit a return of the number of manholes in the main streets, the number of time.s each one has been opened during the past year, and whether the works have been carried out by day or by night, and to report as to any steps that can be taken to minimise these serious obstructions to traffic."
Heavy Traffic on Scottish Roads.
At a meeting of the Eastern District Committee of Stirling County Council a few days ago a suggestion was made that representation at once be made to the proper quarter to secure powers for the restriction of the weight of loads carried by heavy motor vehicles. It was pointed out that the better the condition of the road the heavier the load which it would be called upon to carry, and that the problem of maintaining the roads in good condition could not he solved so long as the present state of affairs continued.
Leicester's Ambitious Scheme.
A town's meeting is to he held in Leicester at an early date to consider the inner improvement scheme of the city. The scheme is a comprehensive one, and calls for a number of new streets so as to facilitate the control and organization of traffic: New roads are to be so coe strueted that it will be possible to make an island in, the centre of the city (from which tramcars, motorbuses and ocher heavy traffic can be excluded), where there will be wide causeways and woodpaved roads to facilitate local motor traffic. It is intended:that traffic shall be diverted so that it will not be necessary for drivers to pass through the centre of the city, which is frequently blocked with road vehicles.
The total cost of the scheme is estimated at £3,800,000, and, apart from the fact that it will enable new thoroughfares, which are badly wanted, to be construoted, it will confer certain benefits on the city by reducing much of the property 'in slum areas.
Bulk Storage of OH.'
A booklet dealing with storage tanks, and pumps for motor oils has recently been issued by Shell-Mex, Ltd., and from a copy which has been sent us we notice that a number of models are made. Model 1 is a. particularly henely set, which should he very useful in garages. It has a capacity of 50 gallons and is fitted with screw bung, dip rod and tray.
There is little question that the bulk storage of oil is most economical, and to all those users who own large fleets we feel that the booklet will he et interest. A copy can be obtained on application to Motor Oil Department, ShellMee, ,Ltd., Shell Corner, Kingsway. London, W.C.2.
Blackburn Watch Committee has authorized a sub-committee to deal with applications by (1) the Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., to run an omnibus service fe‘ern Blackburn to Bolton; (2) the Rishton sncl Antley Motor 'Co., Ltd., to run omninus Services from Blackburn to. Haslingden, and from Blackburn to Oswaldtwistle; and (3) the Blackburn Bus Co: : Ltd., to' run an omnibus service between Mill Hill and Oswaldtwistle.
Cardiff's Successful Buses.
The number of passengerscarried by the Cardiff Corporation buses in the nine months of the current financial year has been more than double the number carried in the corresponding period of last year, the figures being 2,252,709 as against 1,168,275, and the receipts on the vehicles were increased by £15,525. The extension of the services' run he the corporation has resulted in additional men being employed in the bus department, and wages for this branch of the municipal service show, in the period under review, an increase of approximately £5,000 over the conesponding nine months of last year. At'a meeting of the Oardiff Tramways Committee satisfaction Was expressed at the results obtaMed from the working of the bus services.
A Private Show at Goforth.
The Wholesale Motor Trading Co. (Messrs. Sanderson) staged a ,-:ompretensive array of motor vehicles of a variety of well-known makes and designs on the occasion of their. motor exhibition, held at Goeforth, from December 1.0th to 22nd. The various makes represented included light cars, cars, vans, motor omnibuses and-. commercial vehicles by the following makers:— Napier, Daimler, Chevrolet, Renault, Fiat, Buick, etc.
Quite one of the most interesting exhibits was a caravan trailer, the appointment and equipment of which render it suited to meet every requirement for the holiday maker who prefers the open. Sleeping accommodation, cooking facilities, and everything essen• tier to comfort are provided, and tho vehicle is fitted with a special type of automatic brake. It can be drawn by a 10 h.p. motorcar.
Helpful Republic Booklets. •
In view of the many questions which arise in connection with economy in the operation of -commercial vehicles, we think that numbers of users and potential users will be interested, in the two little pamphlets which have just been issued by Republic Truck Sales and Service, of
20, Peterborough Road, New King's Road, London, S.W.
One of these deals with the £ s. A. of running costa, and gives charges per mile for the operation of Republic vehicles of various types. Mention is made of the fact that no attempt has been made to present these figures in a favourable light, and it. is stated that they are shown in exactly the same form as that in which they are drawn up by most progressive transport users. In compiling the tables, liberal allowances have been made for expenditure under every head.
The other pamphlet deals with aftersales service, and it serves to indicate that the company make every effort to maintain constant touch with the owner of a Republic lorry after lie has made his purchase.
Parking at Cambridge.
Cambridge Corporation has provided parking accommodation on Market Hill at the following charges per day :—Cars, 6d.; lorries, is. ; chars4bancs and motorbuses, 2s.
Buses and Road Wear.
Rotherham borough engineer has reported that an expenditure of £2,500 is necessary to repair roads which have been used by the corporation motorbuses, and the highways committee has arranged to discuss with the tramways committee the question of the repair of roads used by such vehicles.
More Trams in Jeopardy.
Lowestoft, Corporation' has had a report from the general manager giving details of systems of railless cars in operation in various cities and towns in this country. It is suggested that members of the council should, whenever possible, take the opportunity of inspecting systems on which these cars are in operation so that they may be in a better position to deal with the question of their introduction into Lowestoft when it becomes necessary to decide as to renewing or discontinuing' the use of the existing tramway tracks.
Local Proceedings.
Northampton Corporation proposes to extend its motorbup service to Weston.
Kirkintilloch Town Council has decided to purchase a motor fire-engine at a cost of £495.
Johannesburg Municipal council has purchased two Roo motor ambulances at a cost of £585 each.
The Lampeter Council has decided to apply for a grant of £250 towardS the cost of fire brigade appliances.
Kingsbridge Urban District Council is considering the advisability of purchasing an up-to-date motor ambulance.
Brighton Corporation has asked its health 'committee to consider the advisability of purchasing .a motor ambulance.
Caerphilly Urban District Council has decided to establish bus services and is seeking permission to borrow £2,500 for the purchase of vehicles.
Barnes District Council reports that the Ow electric vehicle supplied by. Garrett and Son; Ltd., has been put in commission and is working very satis-. factorily.
During tramway reconstruction the Glasgow Corporation proposes to run motorbus services and has asked the tramway manager to get estimates for the purchase and for the hiring of motorbuses.
Hampstead Borough Council has had a petition from 200 residents of King Henry's Road asking that 'heavy traffio should be diverted because it is a nuisance, but replied that it is powerless to interfere.
Hammersmith Borough Council pro poses the purchase of a Ford motor lorry with patent tipping gear from Lomas, Ltd., at a cost of £189 10s. A Ford purchased by the council 18 months ago is reported to be giving highly satisfactory service_ The County Council has accepted the offer of the South Shields Corporation of a contribution of £700 per mile towards the adaptation and reconstruction of Boldon Lane to render it fit for a service of municipal buses to be run by the corporation.
Road Repairs in Wales.
The Me-rioneth County Council has accepted the tender of the Highway Constructiou Co., Ltd., of London, for the repair of the Holyhead road on the
Merionethshire boundary. The repair work is to be carried out on a stretch of road 3 miles in length, and the value of the contract is £36,000. The road carries a great deal of motor traffic, and, to meet the expense which will have to be incurred, the council is seeking permission of the Ministry of Health to a loan of .€15000. The contractors have agreed to use stone produced locally, so that unemployment in the district will be alleviated. •
M,A.B. Appointment.
The Ambulance Committee of the Metropolitan Asylums Board reporte that it has considered the appointment of an officerto -the vacant post of engineersuperintendent in the.-ambulance service, and jr-the light of experience recently gained has reviewed the whole que-stion of he technical supervision of the Mead Works an's/ the mechanical side of the ambulance service. As a result it is satisfied that the interests of the Board will be best served by the promotion of the present assistant engineer-superintendent (Mr. C. L. Slad&m), who has been second-in-command at. the works for over eight. years.
Munictpal versus Private Bus Services.
The Cardiff Tramways Committee has decided to abandon the bus service from the city centre to Bircugrove on the ground that the route has proved noremunerative. A discussion ensued at. a meeting of the committee on the proposal made to institute a bus service between Cardiff and Rhubina, in competition with the services now provided to serve that district by private owners. A member alleged that the present Rhubina services do not run to timetable and that, in consequence, the people of Rhubina would welcome a municipal service from Cardiff. The claims of the districts within the local government area were advanced against the proposal, which was finally turned down.
Service for Cubitt Users.
Thos amongst our readers who are owners of Cubitt vans are perhaps unaware that in developing their spare part and, service depot at 258, Gray's Inn. Road, London, W.C. the Cubitt Engineering Co., Ltd., closed down the department which tackled this class of work at Aylesbury, where the works are entirely devoted to -the erection of new vehicles. Users should, therefore, note that, in connection with service requirements, communications should be forwarded to Aylesbury, whilst everything relating to spare parts will receive attention at the company's London depot in Gray's Inn Road.
Bus Competition.
Rotherham Corporation Tramways Committee has considered the question of the competitive services on the Greasbro. bus route and the Maltby trolley vehicle route and appointed a sub-committee with power to arrange for additional services being run and to make any alteration in fares as deemed necessary to deal with competitive services.