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Items of News Intended to Stimulate the Interest of British Makers in Overseas Markets.
Leyland Parts in a Petrol Railcar.
THE illustrations which we publish on this page are particularly interesting in that they show a new petrol railcar, which incorporates in its design certain components manufactured by Leyland Motors, Ltd. The specification includes a Buda sixcylindered engine, and a six-speed gearbox, the final drive to all four wheels being through a worm gear reduction in the axle housing with integral torque tube members, the whole of the drive being enclosed.
The axles are of the Leyland fullfloating type and the worm gear reduction and differentials, etc, are also of this make. It is certainly a high tribute to Leyland design that axles of the company's manufacture should be chosen for this heavy-duty machine, which has been designed for hauling logs and shunting cars, as well as a general-utility . railcar for track-laying work, on .which it is 'called upon to carry workmen, ' rails, .materials and supplies. ' The railcar, . which was designed and built inthe shops of the Westminster Iron Works, New Westminster, British Columbia, weighs over 14 tons and is capable of carrying a platform load of 8 tons.
Transport Co-ordination in Prussia. THERE has been a considerable de
velopment in the number of road transport services in Prussia during the past few. years. Indeed, it is considered that a point has been reached when number of unnecessary vehicles are on the road. For this reason the Prussian Ministry of Trade and Industry is' en-clamouring, to bring about an understanding between the postal authorities,
B36 the transport coneerns forming part of the body known as the Kraftverkehr fiir Deutschland, and the private undertakings running motorbuses, with regard to sharing the available traffic, thus putting an end to the present unnecessary anti unprofitable competition.
Buses Wanted in New Zealand. THE officer in charge of His Majesty's Trade Commissioner's Office at Wellington, New Zealand, reports that the railway department is calling for tenders for the supply of motorbuses built to carry ,23 persons. The Department of Overseas Trade, 25, Old Queen Street, London; S.W.1, is in a position to provide further particulars, and when communicating with it in connection with the matter reference AX7233 should be quoted. Tenders have to be delivered in New Zealand by January 16th,
Bus Services on the Riviera. THE Societe (leaAutabus do Littoral
is in negotiation with the authorities of the Principality of Monaco with regard tn the establishment of a motorbus service along the coast from Juanles-Pins ,right into Monte Carla, with
• regular stops at Nice and the other towns en route. At fares lower than the existing tramway charges, a quick service—the buses will take threequarters of an hour to run from Nice. to Monte Carlo—will be welcome.
More Diesel-engined Buses. THE Hamblirg Elevated Railway Co.
are reported to be making experiments with a motorbus fitted with a new high-speed Diesel engine conStructed by the. •Linke-Hoffman Busch Works Gesellschaft, of Breslau. The "neW engine is stated to he both quiet in operation and free from smell owing to the use of a new injector system.
India's Imports Higher.
A. SURVEY of the import trade of India during the first six months of the -fiscal year of 1928-1929 (April 1st-September 20th), which has been compiled by His Majesty's Senior Trade Commissioner in India, shows that 6,026 motorbuses, motorvans and lorries, valued at Rs. 102 lakhs, were imported into India during this period ; the figure for the corresponding period of the previous year was 4,434 vehicles. The British share of this year's imports was only 200 vehicles and, although the number was up by 35, the value actually fell from Rs. 10 lakhs to Rs. 6+ lakhs, pointing to the fact that a cheaper type of vehicle was imported.
• Imports from Canada advanced from 2,137 to 3,477 vehicles, and from the United States from 1,994 to 2,221 vehicles. Of the total imports 4,958 vehicles were received in the form of chassis and 1,008 complete with bodies of different. types. , Leyland Increased Overseas • Representation.
IT. will be, recalled that some time ago Leyland Motoi.s, Ltd., appointed Cabinet WoodhOuse as its direct representative for the Far East and Singapore. This has been followed by the appointment of the" following four agents with the object of furthering the 'company's interests in the Far East:— The United Engineers, Ltd., Bangkok, Siam; Lane, Crawford, Ltd, Hong Kong, China; Dodwell and Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China; Harrison and Crosfield (Borneo), Ltd., Sandakan, British North Borneo.
Military Motor -Canteens in India. AN experiment is about to be made in and around Delhi with motor canteens for supplying troops when they are on the move. During operations over wide areas, when units are separated from a supply base, one of the motor canteens will carry supplies for 1,000 men for three days. A boiler and a supply of water will be carried for making tea, and when it halt is made a canvas awning palls out from the side of the vehicle to form a covering for the men.