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First Illustrated and Complete Report.
Previous Belle Vue Shows.
The first display of motor vehicles to be held at Belle Vue took place on the 4th June, Igor, when the third series of trials was being conducted by the writer as honorary secretary of the Liverpool Self-propelled Traffic Association. Mr. Alfred J. King, of Bollington, Macclesfield, the present Member of Parliament for the Knutsford Division of Cheshire, had proved himself an energetic local organiser, and Messrs. Jennison had courteously given their consent for the use of certain buildings for storage purposes. As a result of the run from Liverpool, six steam lorries, two petrol lorries, and an accompanying fleet of private cars were comfortably housed at Belle Vue, and viewed by many' interested visitors. Incidentally, the list of the local committee, which also included the Lord Mayor of Manchester and the Mayor of Salford, may be recalled : Sir W. IL Bailey (Chairman), Sir Frank Forbes Adam (Wm. Graham and Co., Ltd.), Messrs. Herbert Bright, J. K. Bythell (Managing Director, Ship Canal Co.), Gustav Behrens (Director, Midland Railway), Clifford Clifton, J. H. Gartside (Director, Calico Printers' Association), Dr. Grossman, Messrs. George Jennison, Hans Renold, W. E. Rowcliffe, A. B. Smith (Tootal, Broadhurst and Lee, Ltd.), John Stanning, James W. Southern (Deputy _Chairman, Ship Canal Co.), John Thomson (President, Manchester Chamber of Commerce), and William Welsh (Smith and Forrest).
The second display was from the 8th to 16th February, 1907, when Messrs. Jennison, acting in concert with the Manchester and District Motor and Cycle Trades Association, Limited, entered seriously into the project of a public exhibition. On this occasion, support was obtained from such well-known makers as Alley and MacLellan, Foden, Levland, Mann, St. Pancras and Yorkshire, as well as sundry exhibitors of tires, accessories, stores, etc.
The third display, that of last year, witnessed the promoters' real struggle for existence, owing to the hostile attitude of another section of the trade. It was, in fact, confidently asserted that the show must die, or that, in the alternative, it could not be resuscitated. Support was obtained, in the vehicle and tractor classes, from the Allchin, Alley and MacLellan, Berne, Forrest, Foden, Leyland, Mann, Pagefield, Renard, Savage, Tasker and Yorkshire, and Sir William H. Bailey, who had been Chairman of the Igor Committee, performed the opening ceremony. Comparative success is being enjoyed by the present exhibition. We use the word comparative, in view of
what might be. 1‘ Lre it not that misunderstandings and lack or agreement have caused a temporary rift in local motoring circles, we do not hesitate to say that the show at Belle Vue would easily have out-distanced anything in the United Kingdom, Olympia only excepted.
The Opening Ceremony.
The opening ceremony, on Friday afternoon last, was admirably and briefly performed by Colonel R. E. Crompton, C.I3., Chairman of the Commercial Motor Users' Association, and our accompanying illustration shows him on the platform, and some of his principal supporters at the function. All were subjected to the ordeal of photography, by at least half a dozen "camera fiends," and our reproduction is only one of the consequences. Prior to the formal and public opening in the Main Hall, the directors had entertained a number of exhibitors, visitors, and Press representatives in the Belle Vue Hotel, and " The Extractor " (page 514) makes passing reference to the happenings there. Colonel Crompton tersely alluded to the benefits which Lancashire manufacturers were likely to derive from an extended use of commercial motors, whether for passengers or goods. He felt confident that the time had come when there was no longer occasion to hesitate in the matter of purchases, because successful use had been proved up to tlae. hilt. Whereas pleasure cars had enabled inhabitants of this country to sec it properly for the first time, he was satisfied that a more general use of utility vehicles would advance both agricultural and commercial prosperity, and would bring under remunerative cultivation much of the soil of whose productiveness it was impossible economically for the owners to avail themselves with only old
fashioned methods of transport to distant markets at their disposal.
Mr. Charles Foden Davies occupied the chair, and hearty votes of thanks were given both to him and to Colonel Crompton. The latter, after a flying visit in company with the writer to the works of Mr. Hans Renold, at Didsbury, left for the North by the 5.45 p.m. train from Exchange Station. It is testimony to his remarkable energy, that he was back in London again within 40 hours, and that he left Charing Cross, for Lille, by the 2.20 p.m. train on Sunday, his willingness to "work in " Manchester, amidst a multitude of public and professional engagements, exemplifies his preparedness to help commercialmotoring at the cost of his own personal convenience. This action was duly appreciated.
Good Business Doing.
We learnt with satisfaction, during a parting tour of the stands about five o'clock on Saturday last, that business had opened very briskly. Several principals told us of orders definitely booked, and of their satisfaction, with the class of visitor who had been attracted. Calling in at the main entrance (Hyde Road) to say " Goodbye " to the Messrs. Jennison, three of whom we were fortunate enough tomeet, this estimate of the " gate " was confirmed, and it is gratifying to know that the prospects for the present week are really bright. Our own very considerable circulation in the Manchester area has, we are proud to realise, contributed to this result in no small degree, and the special article, together with its accompanying map, which will be found on pages 523 to 526 of this issue, cannot fail to impress upon those who are revolving the question in their minds the business wisdom of giving their support to next year's display at Belle Vue.
Ste am Wagons.
Eight standard wagons uphold the reputation of the Foden, Leyland, Mann, Robey, Wallis, and Yorkshire models, two examples being shown by the first and third of these makers. The second of the Mann machines, a tipping cart for Sir Peter C. NValker, Bart., reached the Show on Monday last, it having been allotted the space that was in the first instance sold to the Dunlop Rubber Company ;this area, owing to the operation of the S.M.M.T. bond, was not occupied in accordance with its original letting.
" No 2 " five-tonner for George Bell and Company (N/C), Ltd., haulage and Removal Contractors, of Newcastle-an-Tyne, is a good example of the well-known and successful Foden standard, of which so many have been sold in all parts of the country. The body has hinged removable sides and end-board, the hinge pins being of the improved type in which no split pins are used. Any observer will do well to notice the length of the back springs, which are specially suited' to the load they have to carry, whilst the wheels are by Stagg and Robson, of Selby. The free steaming of the Foden boiler and its economical engine enable the 170gallon tank to run up to zo miles on normal roads, and it is interesting to note this builder's. adherence to the Jones-Willcox wire-bound hose, in preference to rubber hose. Other points of interest are : the disposition of the hand wheel, to the off side of the driver, for application of the !railer brake; the feed water heater; I he flywheel brake; and a simple mechanical lubricator. This last-named fitting, supplied by the Empire EngineeringCompany, of Manchester, is actuated by a light coupling rod from one of the drag links; the oil is drawn upwards, by the partial vacuum due to the movement of a small ram, through a column of water contained in a sight glass, whence it is forced to the cylinders.
So satisfactory has this lubricator proved, that Fodens have adopted it exclusively after considerable experiment. As we have had occasion to note in a previous report, only one in
jector is now fitted in the Foden wagon, an automatic water pump being driven from an eccentric on the second motion shaft. The dimensions of the platform upon this lorry are 124 feet by 7 feet, and the vehicle is listed at L-550.
The other exhibit on the stand, a three-tonner with Polack tires on all wheels, and having a platform to feet long by 6 feet wide, is priced at Ls5o net as she stands. Anybody who purchases this will make a good bargain, and will secure a machine which is capable of high-speed work at low running cost.
One standard five-tonner, a third order from Canning-ton, Shaw and Co., Ltd., Glass Bottle Manufacturers, of St. Helens, Lancs., has been sent from the old-established Leyland works. It has a platform 141 feet long by 61 feet wide, and this bears upon it beards which expose to the gaze a long list of repeat orders. An interesting feature is the special character of the cab over the driver : this has been strengthened so as to allow the carriage of ro cwt. of coke, all the uprights, of which three f.xtra ones are employed, being of lancewood, whilst the top of the cab is provided with low side boards to keep the bags in place. This should remove a real difficulty which often causes inconvenience to owners whose vehicles have to go long distances at a time—the stowage of enough fuel. This machine, in common with the two petrol vehicles on the same stand to which we refer later in this report—is fitted with the company's special design of front axle, as illustrated on this page, the pivoted centre being vertically above the eentre of the line of contact of the wheel with the road.
We observe that the boiler mountings have been slightly modified. The old three-way fitting,, which allowed steam to be passed at will to the blast, to the water lifter or to the
auxiliary pump, has disappeared ; in its place, there is a neat fitting on the main steam pipe, behind the regulator valve, with two branches on the right, and one on the left : drier steam is thus obtained, as it is taken after passage through the superheater, instead of, as in the earlier arrangement, close to the water Level. Further, any one valve can now be more cheaply replaced, whilst, owing to the placing of the steam gauge where the earlier type of threeway fitting was, better symmetry in the appearance of the front of the boiler is obtained, the steam gauge on the right being balanced by the water gauge on the left. We may remark, in passing, that all this company's boilers are fitted with coppersheathed, drawn, steel tubes ; the first of these was sold 2i years ago, and none of them has yet failed in use. One other point caught our eye : the chain sprockets on the countershaft have 16 teeth instead of 14, and this should certainly be fully admissible, in view of the power provided by the 3511.p. compound engine, which has cylinders 4,1 and 64 inches in diameter, and a 6-inch stroke. Finally, anybody who critically examines this vehicle will be struck by the neat manner in which the pinch bar is slung on the off side, and a WoodHaley four-ton jack on the near side.
The Mann exhibit is divided between two adjoining stands, only one of which was occupied at the opening of the show. The first exhibit, priced at L:475 net, is the sixth Mann wagon to be ow-chased by j.W. Cameron and Co., Ltd., of West Hartlepool, for use in the transport of beer and other brewers' deliveries; "No. " was purchased in 1901, and that ordered prior to the one on exhibition was sold in July of last year, being a three-ton vehicle. The present exhibit is a standard five-tonner, the engine being arranged with threepoint suspension. Interesting details
about this machine are the single eccentric and the plunger grease caps, whilst it should be noted that the body, which is provided with an ample canopy over the driver, has front and tail boards of the gate pattern.
The second wagon, for Sir Peter C. Walker, Bart., is the company's five-ton tipping cart, fitted with roller attachment, and having the engine on the top of the boiler. It has been specially constructed for estate work, and is the second to be bought by this purchaser.
The Robey five-ton wagon, with boiler of the vertical type, and compound engine having its cylinders disposed on opposite sides of the vehicle, is the only exhibit from Lincoln. The transmission is of the all-gear type, and the road wheels are of a special design.
Wallis and Steevens.:
From the Basingstoke works comes an attractive example of the tractiontype lorry, with enclosed compound engine, a number of which are owned and run by Pickford's, Limited, of London and Manchester. One of the interesting details about this model is the arrangement of a baffle plate in the smoke box, whereby the majority of the tubes can be covered, when the vehicle is standing, and only sufficient of the fire gases allowed to pass to the funnel to maintain combustion.
Resplendent in a coat of vermilion paint, an excellent six-ton York-ihire, apparently with an ordinary lorry body, is shown. This has been sold to Messrs. Thomas and Evans, of Porth (Glam.) and elsewhere, and is intended for the conveyance of loads of " Welsh Hills Hop Bitters." On investigation, it is found that the permanent body is arranged to carry one or two supplementary and interchangeable bodies, which will be drawn into position by a winding drum and cable, the cable passing round suitable pulleys. The object of the purchasers is to load up mineral waters or other packages in such a manner as to avoid delay, a full supplementary body being rapidly substituted for the empty one. There is no question that avoidable delays are too often suffered.
Practically the only point of difference which we could detect, as compared with prior examples of this model, is the fitting of, two drum brakes side by side on the hind axle, in place of shoe brakes on the back wheels. The vehicle, as heretofore, is priced at £475 net, and we noted that a duplicate has been sold to Messrs. T. J. Sparkes and Son, haulage contractors, of Cardiff.
Internal Combustion.
Eight complete vehicles and lilachassis are staged inside the show buildings by manufacturers of internal-combustion systems, and an attractive fleet of some nine additional demonstration vehicles is to be found in the grounds, or otherwise engaged, in the neighbourhood of Belle Niue, upon the duties which usually fall to the lot of such extra aids to business in this department.
Berna Commercial Motors, Limited, is somewhat tucked away in the corner, as regards the single five-ton chassis in the commercial section, but it is well represented by two demonstration vehicles. Their quiet running, on an improvised circuit, was evidently attracting much favourable comment, both at the hands of casual spectators and would-be purchasers. This make has now been before the public for some Years, and it has been thoroughly tested in numerous public oompetitions, with the result that it can be regarded as a proved type.
This five-ton chassis has a 3sh.p, engine, with four cylinders I201/1M. in diameter and a 14omm. piston stroke. The final drive is transmitted through spur pinions and internally-toothed rings, which are bolted to the rear wheels, the differential countershaft being mounted on perch bars, or radius rods, which extend forwards and are hinged to brackets on the main members of the frame.
Two examples, one a lorry and the other a chassis, are staged by this well-known Sheffield maker. We would recommend special .consideration of the cornpact gearbox, the wheels within which are always in mesh. Engines of 3oh.p. or 4oh.p. can be fitted to customers' requirements, and the Durham-Churchill machines, with the maker's "Champion" clutch and change-speed arrangement, can be safely relied upon for regular service, whether for passenger-carrying or goods-delivery requirements, and with any desired type of body.
The two chassis on this stand, of the company's 1909 patterns, cannot fail to attract notice : one is a standard 2o-34h.p., for three-ton loads, and the other a standard zoh.p. for 3ocwt. loads. Halley's local customers include Messrs. Faulder, the large jam makers, of Stockport, and the Co-operative Wholesale Society, Limited, and the manager of Halley's Mo
tors, Manchester, Limited, Mr. J. G. Pearson, who is looking after the stand in conjunction with Mr. George H. Halley himself, is armed with valuable testimony from users, some of which dates back as much as three years, which is in itself very convincing. The smaller chassis on view will be delivered, immediately after the show, to Messrs. Duerden and Sons, wholesale grocers, of Burnley.
Harrier Cars.
Clayton and Company (Huddersfield), Limited, of Union Works, Huddersfield, stages one lorry and one chassis, each of its standard, twocylinder, zoh.p. model : the former is priced at L425 coMplete, and the latter at £395. We observed on the stand a testimonial from Messrs. J. Blake and Company, of Liverpool, as to the behaviour of one of these vehicles in mail service, and we learnt that the company's sales, which were initiated less than a year ago, are giving promise of a big future ahead in several branches.
The three-ton, 35-4oh.p. petrol lorry, completed to the order of R. A. Barrett and Company, Limited, Mineral Water Manufacturers, of Ashtonunder-Lyne, is the first exhibit which catches the eye on the Leyland stand. The body is made with fixed tail board and longitudinal pole (supported on iron uprights) to carry a sheet, whilst the platform should carry close upon Is° one-dozen mineral-water boxes. Its flooring is of ti-inch maple, on ash framing. The 4o-inch driving wheels have sheet-metal shields, both inside and outside, the former being slotted to admit the boss of the brake lever. Double drum
brakes, as illustrated on page 482 of our last issue, are fitted, no other
brakes being required. The centrepivoted front wheels are 34 inches in capable of taking loads of from 253ocwt. Built on similar lines to the heavy Ryknield model, this new chassis is fitted with an 18h.p. engine having two cylinders of 41: inches in diameter, and with a piston-stroke of si inches. The crankshaft is mounted on Hoffmann ball bearings. The cooling is by the thermo-syphon system. The gearbox provides for three forward speeds of 6, 13, and 20 miles an hour, and a single-speed reverse. The engine on the heavier chassis has four cylinders of the same size as that on the smaller modelThe triangular perch bar, with spurgear final drive—external gear rings. on the back wheels of the i8h.p. chassis, and internally-toothed rings on the larger machine—are excellent features of the Ryknield vehicles,. which are keeping well to the front.
diameter. A recent sale of a similar wagon, except as regards the construction of the body, is to Mann, Crossman and Paulin, Limited, the Albion Brewery, Whitechapel.
Second on the stand comes the company's new two-ton chassis, with twocylinder, 2oh.p. engine, and fourspeed gearbox; a 24h.p. engine, with either two or four cylinders, can be fitted if desired. This model has not got the company's special front wheels, and has only single brake gear on the back wheels, but it has in addition a large-surface drum and band brake on the front half of the propeller shaft, between the gearbox and the double cardan joint. It has a worm drive to the live hack axle, and is priced at £425 without tires. It should be noted that both these petrol .vehicles are built on highgrade, nickel-steel, pressed frames of substantial dimensions; good finish. Pagefield.
Ex the Pagefield Iron Works of Walker Brothers (Wigan), Limited, are a chassis and a complete wagon with tilt cover, the latter for C. and E. Pickstone, Limited, of Radcliffe. We note that the body-work is by Messrs. Hardman, who are well-known Lancashire body-builders at Radcliffe, and we learnt, in conversation with Mr. A. J. Drake, who has charge of the Wigan company's motor department, that the demand in the North for this well-constructed machine shows evidences of healthy development.
The Burton-on-Trent works of the Ryknield Motor Company, Limited, has sent two exhibits : one of these is a standard four-cylinder chassis—the engine is illustrated on page 526, whilst the other is a van, with the company's latest I8h.p. chassis, Mr. Stanway had a special singledecker in evidence, and it proved most useful ; 24 pasengers are carried, six of them on a seat round the oonductor's platform.
The One Tractor.
There is only one tractor at the show, and Mr. Snowdin, of W. Tasker and Company, Limited, Andover, is at the stand to give information. This machine is fitted with wooden treads, the objects being to secure greater adhesion and to insure less vibration. These difficulties are not inconsiderable, in the Manchester dis-. trict, when attempts are made to use steel tires in conjunction with comparatively light axle-weights, but this design of tread, coupled with the weight of the water in the extra tanks, should overcome them. Attention may also be -directed to the front wheels, which have a resilient medium between the outer plate and the T-ring. These steps to combat the troubles named arc, of course, in addition to the fitting of I loare's suspension, which gives the hind axle a one-inch range without affecting the ,pitch of the teeth. The renewal of such a wooden tread costs 285. per wli<1.1, and the treads have been found to lost an average of six months unless the weather be very wet. We observe, too, that this maker has taken special pains to keep tight all parts and Fittings that usually have a ten-dency to work loose when .running • a tractor over setts. Our illustration the tractor on the stand is unavc-id-ably held over until next week.
Special Exhibits.
There are many novel and interesting features in the show, apart from complete vehicles, and to these we must devote some space, in order that visitors may not overlook them.
Smith's Flexible Hub.
Stand No. 47, in the Main Hall, has upon it a representative range of flexible hubs. A member of the staff of this journal has, during the past week, carried out a satisfactory test run on a car whose solid-tired wheels were provided with Smith's flexible hubs. The company's address is 20, Copthall Avenue, E.C., and it is now building wheels which embody its patented principle, for all classes of motor vehicles. We gave a fully-illustrated description of the constructional features of this flexible hub in our report of last year's Olympia Show. It will be remembered that suitably-disposed rubber buffers are employed to take both the weight and the drive. A set of these hubs is now undergoing a very severe test on a Ilarrod's delivery van. Sets for a North-Eastern Railway motor parcels van and a Lacre delivery van are also exhibited on the stand.
Lane Valley.
The T.une Valley Enqineecing Company, of Wheatfield Street, Lancaster, has, amongst other exhibits, a complete boiler, for single-deck omnibuses, or lorries to carry about two Eons. A four-row feed heater, and a single-coil Fuperheater, are included in
this unit, which is listed at complete with its mountings. It is capable of evaporating water at the rate of 400lb. an hour from and at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Such a boiler can be re-tubed for L.:7.
A good range of the company's well-known pncl successful burners is also included, a set of six covering fuel consumptions of from three to 30 gallons per hour of paraffin, and evaporation rates of from 275 to 2,500lb. of water per hour.
'Stagg and Robson.
People who want substantial lorry wheels cannot do better than apply to Stagg and Robson, Limited, of Selby, whose stand has upon it : a five..ton trailer (unloaded weight 3ocwt.); a set of wheels for a Yorkshire wagon; an example of the company's patented pocket nave; a pair of bus wheels ; and two weldless steel tires. Stagg and,Robson wheels are largely used for Foden, Wallis and Steevens, and Yorkshire vehicles, to quote only a few of the customers whose names were mentioned to us, whilst a large body-building business is also done, including special orders. For example, the company has a photograph on its stand of a wagon no less than 24 feet long, which was built for Captain Payne. Reverting to the trailer, anybody who looks at it should observe that the drawbar pull is taken through to the back of the main carriage, the springs being placed there. instead of on the front bar, which is more usual. New " Snow-shoe " Fitting.
The latest form of Spurrier " nonskid " for steam wagons is of great promise : it may be seen on the Leyland stand, where it is shown fitted to a spare 42-inch driving wheel. One of eight triangular-shaped brackets of steel, each of which is cast with a serrated face of 15 teeth, is secured, on the outside of the wheel, by three bolts to each metal spoke and the adjacent felloe, the bolt holes through the wooden felloes being bushed with metal tubes : these forri-hthe semi-permanent halves of the attachment. Each corresponding half carries a rubber block, and the serrated face of this second and easily-removable half is bolted up, by two r-inch bolts, against the face of the first-described half, so that firm engagement of the teeth results. Our sketch makes the arrangement clear, and its ease of variation is evident. Each pad is nine inches long by four inches wide, and the cost is about 26'40 per pair of wheels.
Shrewsbury and Challiner's productions predominate, and one hears good reports of the results obtained. A comparatively newcomer is the " Dooks-Hercules," moulded, band type tire, and more may be heard of it. The Shrewsbury and Challiner stand (illustrated herewith) further has on it specimens of the company's " Bull," " Cup," " Road," and other tires ; its patent detachable rim for solid tires (illustrated on page 513) is also shown.
The Invincible non-skid wheel, for heavier work, calls for notice, especially as it is the outcome of long experiment ; for example, the Bootle Corporation has got over fi,000 miles of running out of a pair on the driving wheels of a three-ton lorry. We shall refer to it further hereafter. Turning to lighter sections of the Show, the numerous cycle and pneumatic tires, as they are of less import ance to commercial users, are not mentioned by name in this report, although many good examples are shown.
Other Exhibitors.
It is with regret that we have to iefrain from any detailed references to the contents of the exhibits from Bradbury and Co., Ltd. (tools), Fastnut, Ltd. (patented nut-locks and washers, and the Schroeder ratchet spanner), the I.ynton Wheel and Tyre Syndicate, Ltd. (patented disc and "spoked" wheels), and Worsnop and Co., Ltd. (lamps), These products are so well known to our readers, that it were fulsome repetition.
Drummond Brothers, Limited, of Guildford, has on show a full range of its very practical machine tools, such as are most generally needed in motorrepair shops, motor depots, and for the use of motor manufacturers.
Of the fuel exhibits, that by the "Shell" Company is very fine, and there is no question that its reputation for motor spirit will be widened by the trouble that has been taken on this occasion. Packages only, of course, are on view.
Our main conclusion is that this Manchester Show will continue, and will be worthy the support of the industry as a whole. Nobody has worked harder to keep it going than Mr. E. Bullock, the late President of the Association, who is now vice-president. It seems a great pity that local traders should be "at loggerheads," especially when the facilities for a good show are ready to hand. Why cannot a tripartite agreement be made, under which the Manchester and District Motor Trades Association, Limited, the local section of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, and Messrs. Jennison and Company, should each contribute their share of support, arid each receive their share of the proceeds? Our services to that end are at their disposal.