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The public subscription to the issue of the New Central Omnibus Co., Ltd., was slightly in excess r f 258,000. These cash subscriptions, with the shares to be allotted to the vendors and others, make a total issued capital of some 292,000.
L.G.O.C. stock, which has risen steadily since the middle of December, last week went to a price slightly above 2240 per 2100 of stock. Profit-taking thee caused a slight reaction, and on Tuesday afternoon the stock closed at 2228. It will probably be news to a good many of our readers, when we inform them that the route mileage operated by the L.G.O.C. services, without reckoning any overlapping services, reaches a, total of 170 miles, compared with a total of 139 miles for the L.C.C. tramways. When one takes into reckoning the fact that the capital account of the L.C.C. tramways is probably in the vicinity of 218,000,000, and that the capital of the L.G.O.C. is only 22,248,000, the extraordinary superiority of the motorbus,
as an up-to date and unobstructive means of transport., must be appreciated from yet. another standpoint of critical examination.
Mr. Burford Leaves Humber's.
Mr. 11. G. Burford, M. I. Mech. E. , M. Inst. A. E. , last week resigned his position as general manager of Humber, Ltd. We understand that Mr. Burford has joined the Board of a provincial motorbus company which will make its appearance in a week or so. There is no question that Mr. Burford's wide experience in connection with the construction and running of motorbuses is of good augury for the success of the undertaking which he has joined.
A Registration.
Olympic Omnibus Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of 24,000 (3,000 preferred shares of 21 each and 10,000 deferred shares of 2s. each). To carry on the business of manufacturers of, and dealers in, motor omnibuses, etc. Interesting Registrations.
l3rompton Taxi-Drivers' Mutual Supply Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of 2100 in 21 shares, to carry on the business of cab and motor owners. Registered offices, 45, Quarrenden Street, Fulham, S.W. First directors : J. Dale, A. Game and J. Biggs.
Tramways (M.E.T.) Omnibus Co. Ltd., by S. Moret, 1, Kingsway, W.C., io carry on the business of omnibus, van, motorcab proprietors, etc., and to enter into contracts with the Metropolitan Electric Tramways Ltd. and others. Registered office, Electrical Federation Offices, 1, Kingsway,• W.C. First directors : J. J. Oibbons, H. Munro, J. McLeod, A. 0. lngrarn, P. A. Godfrey, E. Boys, T. Bower. -2200,000 capital in £1 shares.
B-Types for Australia.
The Perth (W. Australia) City Council has carried a resolution empowering the City Corporation to purchase 30 motorbus chassis from the London General Omnibus Co. at a price of £650 each, together with replacement parts sufficient to carry on the proposed motorbus service. The Mayor of Perth supplied the Council with all particulars requisite to the establishment of up-to-date motorbus transport, following his visit to London at the time of the Coronation. He estimated the chassis cost at £650, landing charge and duty, 2!80, and the bodies made locally, £220, making a total of £950 per bus. A further sum of £11,500 will be required for garage, plant, repairs, inpidental expenses and as a reserve fund. Power to trade has been granted, and the City of Perth is evidently in a fair way of acquiring an effi
cient and economical motorbus service, it has, at any rate, stolen a march on other municipalities, which would undoubtedly have been glad to have used •' B-types."
B.M.C. Co. Still Teaches.
Captain Lynch, the general manager of the British Motor Cab Co., Ltd., informs us, with regard to a paragraph which appeared in our last issue concerning the closing of certain "Knowledge of London" schools, that the organization of this kind, which has in the past been maintained by his company, is stilt in a very busy condition, something. like 230 men being on the roll at the present time, Our notice with regard to the closing of the schools referred particularly to those at which a fee was charged for the instruction. The schools run by the cab-owning companies, of course. are free to suitable applicants.