Buses Successful at 'West Hartlepool.
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The gratifying results which have followed the use of pneumatic-tyred motorbuses at West Hartlepool have encouraged the local corporation to prepare schemes for the extension of its bus activities. The municipality has decided to purchase four new 30-seater Bristol saloon buses—a make which the corporation already has in service—at a cost of £1,282 10s. each. Sanction is to be sought for the institution of a new service from Greatham Creek to the Transporter Bridge at Port Clarence. Statistics compiled by the transport manager for the eight and a half months ended December 10th last show that, whilst the trams and trolley-buses both. showed a decrease in revenue ne compared with the corresponding period of the previous year, the revenue from motorbuses increased by 45 per cent.
"The Motor Ship" Reference Book.
"The Motor Ship Reference Book for 1927" has just been brought out, this being its third year of publication. Many new features are included, and particulars are embodied of all new marine Diesel motors produced in 1926, so that every well-known type of motorship-propelling engine is described and illustrated.
A feature that should prove of great value to owners, shipbuilders and engineers is the inclusion of tabulated details of all motor thins completed in 1926, as well as of those on order at the present time. These lists, combined with those giving particulars of all motor ships built up to the end of 1925, thus provide the reader with inforaia
tion concerning every ocean-going motor ship afloat or under construction.
Much has been added to the statistical sections of the book and a chapter is devoted to motor ship development in 1926, whilst particulars are published of 200 bunkering stations where fuel is available. The book is published by Temple Press Ltd., 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, 13.C.1, price 5s. 6(.1., including postage.
Inst. P.E. Meeting.
A general meeting of the Institution• of Production Engineers will be held in the council room of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 83, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1, on January 26th. At this meeting it is proposed to discuss the question of the professional registration of engineers, and the debate will be opened by Mr. Richard Hazleton, secretary of the Society of Technical Engineers, which has drafted a Bill on this matter for presentation to Parliament.
Newcastle Bus Proposals.
At a meeting of the Blyth Corporation, Mr. J. Leigh Turner, the town clerk, reported that the Newcastle Corporation was seeking powers with the consent of the local authority of the district to run omnibuses in certain areas of Northumberland, including Blyth, and other powers in connection
therewith. The chairman, vice-chairman and town clerk were authorized to take such steps as they deem advisable to protect the interests of the corporation in the matter. Getting Ready for the Royal Show.
The Newport (Mon.) Town Council is already concerning itself with, the question of special bus services on the occasion of the Royal Agricultural Show, to be held in the town in July next. Local bus proprietors are to be asked to run temporary special services between the G.W.R. town station and Tredegar Park, for the ready conveyance of the larg3 number of people expected to visit Newport for the show. In addition, the possibility of running additional municipal services is to be considered.
Buses to Relieve Rates.
At a specially convened meeting of the Pembroke Town Council, held on January 17th, it was decided to institute a municipal bus service between Pembroke and Pembroke Dock. It was resolved to establish such a service immediately and if possible, to have it in full working order, from March 31st next. Members of the council are optimistic as to the results to be secured from such a service, and Alderman Lloyd, the mover of the resolution, estimated £18 a week as the probable net profit. This result, if achieved, would reduce Pembroke Dock rates by 5d. in the £ and Pembroke rates by 8d. in the Specialloid Piston Design Modified.
A slight modification has recently been made in the design of Speelalloid pistons, marketed by Specialloid, Ltd., 128-134, Priem Park, London, N.12. In the new design the entire piston surface comes into contact with the cylinder wall, careful investigation having shown that, by this means, wear is decreased appreciably whilst frictional resistance is affected only•very The original alloys that permit of working clearances only slightly in excess of those usual with cast-iron pistons are retained.
More Guy Six-wheeled Buses on Order.
Reading Corporation has recently sent its third repeat order to Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, for Guy passenger vehicles, that which has just been received being for four six-wheeled petrol vehicles similar to those supplied to the authorities at Birmingham, Leeds, Morecambe, Sheffield, Oldham, Salford and Wolverhampton. The Great Yarmouth Corporation is buying Guy 30-seater buses.
Electric Buses 11i France.
Some trials with electric (accumulator) motorbuses are being made in Toulouse by the Societe des Transports Economiques Departmentaux de In Haute Garonne. The vehicles are of the single-deck type with accommodation for 32 seated and 10 standing Passengers.
Inspection First.
At a meeting of the Leeds Watch Committee an application was submitted from the West Riding. Automobile Co., Ltd., for, licences for 11 motor omnibuses to run within the city in connection with services from outside areas. Consideration of the application was adjourned until the omnibuses have been submitted for inspection.