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" Th4 wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."--John Beattie Crozier,
The Sanitary Engineers' Conference.
The annual conference of the Royal Sanitary Institute commenced at the Hants Drill Hall, Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, yesterday (Monday), and will be in session throughout the week.. In connection with this conference there will be an exhibition of municipal motor vehicles; and amongst -those who are snaking a display of their products is the Lacre Motor Car Co., Ltd., who, besides other vehicles, are showing the Lance gravity type tipping wagon, a duplicate of the one supplied to the Corporation of Stockport—the vehicle which last year was awarded a medal and the highest honours by the Institute.
Electric Vehicle Committee Personnel..
At the meeting of the Electric Vehicle Committee of Great Britain, held at the Institution Of Electrical Engineers a few days ago, Mr. J. A. Priestly, cleansing superintendent of the Sheffield Corporation, was elected chairman of the corn: mittee, and Mr; W. H. L. Watson, of Electricars; Ltd., and Mr. W. Worby Beaumont were elected vice-chairmen. Mr. E. E. Hoadley was re-elected hon. secretary, and Mr. J. Christie lion. treasurer. A cordial vote of thanks was passed to Mr. F. Ayton, the retiring chairman; for his long services. .
Private versus 'Municipal -Enterprise. • After considerable hesitancy, on the ground that private proprietors with half-hourly services throughout the day sufficiently provided for road travellers between Penarth and Cardiff, the Pen. arth Urban Council has, at length. fallen in with the suggestion of the 'Cardiff Corporation. that the last-named authority should institute a daily motorbus service between the two places. At a meeting of the Penarth Council, it was reported that the Ministry of Transport had considered the application of the Cardiff Corporation for authority to institute a Penarth-Cardiff service, and that Sir Henry Maybury had heard the Penarth Council's ease for a special grant for the reconstruction of Windsor Road, the route proposed for the new service by the Cardiff Corporation. Sir Henry strongly advised the reconstruction of the road at a cost of £8,000.
The council appointed a committee with plenary powers to negotiate with the-Cardiff governing body in respect of the suggesied grant. Local feeling, however, is much against the innovation of the Cardiff Corporation and the Penarth Press voices the same opinion.
Local motor eeesejas proprietors protest againstthe. services. They point out that' where& 36 applications for licences were made in respect of Cardiff: Barry services, the Cardiff Corporation. granted only six after pressure was brought to bear by the Ministry of Transport on behalf of the proprietors. The restrictions imposed on the six vehicles licensed for the Barry route are such that some proprietors declined the offer of 'licences. The Penarth route, mainly out of the Cardiff Corporation's area, has been, they claim, developed successfully by private enterprise, and the Corporation institution of a service here is an illegitimate encroachment into the field of private trade in an area outside its sphere of local government.
The question of how far local authorities may legitimately enter into competition with private enterprise, other than to serve ratepayers within the boundaries of local government area, remains to be defined.
Linking-up Lynton.
A considerable improvement in the Great WesternRailway communication with -Lynton has been,:.effected by the new road motor. route -inaugurated betWeen Lynton and Dulverton. By this means it is now possible to leave London at mid-day and arrive at Lynton by 6.30. The two hours' motor coach run between the two places is through some delightful country, and the new route is certain to prove a popular run amongst holiday-makers and others, apart from being a great asset to Lynton itself .
The Middlesex Voluntary Aid Organization has offered to lend the Health Committee of the Hayes Urban District Council a motor ambulance for use in the district.
Dodge Bros. (Britain), Ltd., announce the appointment of Mr. Henry Saunderson (late managing director of General Motors, Ltd)., as sales manager. In his new connection Mr. Sa.underson again becomes associated with Mr. J. H. Willson, managing director of Dodge Bros., 'London, and a former head of General Motors, Ltd.
Swansea Road Improvement Schemes.
Road improvements and construction at an estimated cost of £160,000 are to be undertaken by the Swansea Borough Council, and of this amount over £100,000 has been allocated to definite schemes.' The Highways Committee has decided to expend £36,000 bn the Crymlyn Borrows Road and completely to resurface the Mumbles Road from Brynmill to Blackpill at a cost" of £34,000. The Sketty road isto be widened and this is estimated to cost £10,000 to complete only from the tram terminus to the aid borough boundary. Several other highways leading from! the town to adjacent suburban resorts are also to be improved, and the roads approaching Swansea from all directions should be in a good state of repair for traffic when the scheme is completed.
A Year's Test of Shell Oil.
Two members of the staff of The Commercial Motor commenced to use Shell oil for engine lubrication early last summer when the temperature for some months was above normal. They used it all through the winter and during the mixed weather that has already earned a bad name for the year 1922. The results have been entirelysatisfactory, for there has been an entire absence of trouble in the lubricating systems of the engines, there has -been no smoking or undue sooting of valves, plugs, or piston heads, and it is significant that in neither case has there been the least inclination to change over to another brand of oil.
Road Improvements in Lancs.
Five new and important roads are being constructed in the ChorIey district. The corporation's scheme for a new road from Chorley to "Coppull is well advanced, and its advantages are obvious to all who compare the new artery with the dangerous old road which will shortly be obsolete for traffic of any importance, especially motorbuses. The rural council has decided formally VP apply to the Ministry of Transport and the Lancashire County Council for assistance in the making of a new road from Heskin to Welch Whittle, at an estimated coat of £12,500. It has been stated that this road would save 5s. per ton carriage on coal.
Rubber Road Experiments.
The Colombo Municipality is carrying out experiments with the use of rubber as a road surface dressing. The idea of using rubber for roads is not new, and stretches are under test in England, but previously rubber blocks have been used almost exclusively and the cost is very high.
In the case of Colombo it is proposed to apply the dressing in the form of a solution made from pure hark and scrap rubber, and the experiments so far show that this solution is easier to handle than tar, whilst the cost is 50 to 75 per cent. more than the latter, but tar dressings in Ceylon have to be renewed every three or four months, whilst the rubber dress. lug is expected to last at. least nina months, and it is anticipated that the labour cost will be reduced by at least 50 per cent.
The formula for the solution is a secret and the inventor is still working towards its perfection.
A Well-served Scottish Bus Centre.
The burgh of 13ridge of Allan (three miles from Stirling) Contains less than 3,000 inhabitants, but it has 0110 of the finest motorbus services in Central Scotland. At a recent licensing court, no fewer than 5.3 self-propelled vehicles of various descriptions were furnished with permits to ply for passengers in its main
street. Of these conveyances, 45 belonged to one company, the other eight being .divided among several local firms.
Curiously enough, over 50 per cents of the total number make the little burgh a terminus of their runs, the remainder passing on to Dunblane, over two miles farther north. Bridge of Allan is in hourly touch with Linlithgow, 21 miles distant, where there is a regular connection with Edinburgh and the east.
Buses run to and from Stirling, Bannackburn -arid Pleen at. intervals of ten minutes, and throughout the whole system thd fares are considerably lower than those of the railway companies.
New Pulley and Wheel Drawer.
The Rightaway pulley and wheel drawer is a comparatively new device which is being marketed by the Electric Machinery Co., of 28, New Union Street, Ancoats, Manchester. The pulley has been designed to eliminate the disadvantages common to the American and other types of drawer which are on the market, and its utility in the repair shop and garage in connection with motor vehicles, including the heaviest commercial lorries. is certainly comprehensive. • The pulley is made of clrop-forgings of 40-ton tensile steel, no cast metal parts being used in its construction. It is adjustable for solid pulleys and wheels up to 30-ins, diameter, and when not in use it can be neatly folded up. It can be used for the removal of road wheels, couplings, clutch codes, wheel. hubs. commutators, valve seatings, and the like. Its price complete is ,£.3 17s, 6d.
Agricultural Transport in Devonshire.
Support is being obtained for an idea which will provide a scheme for the quicker collection and delivery of agricultural produce in .Fast Devon and West Somerset. The promoters of the scheme intend to have a -number of motor lorries to collect produce from depots at Ax.
minetese Honiton, Tiverton and other centres in the area, and to take it to Watch at, where a steamer will be chartered to deliver the produce to South Wales. The steamer is guaranteed to sail in all weather, and there will be no delay. It has been calculated that Devon and Somerset foodstuffs could be landed in Cardiff by the combined service—motor terries arid steamers—in from 7 to 11 hours, thus ensuring delivery in prime condition.
An agreement has been reached to raise the capital for the purpose. The only thing that remains to be done now is to obtain the co-operation of the producers. With regard to the collection of the produce, the promoters of the undertaking will do anything reasonable in collection. Of course, it could not be expected that a 4 or 5-ton lorry could go miles out of its way to pick up 1 cwt.
of stuff, but where it is a question of a ton, a. call en route could be made.
It might be found possible also, when this scheme develops, to use the lorries and the steamers for bringing supplies such as coal, oil and cake to the farmers.
A Ford Butcher's Shop.
In the villages around Swindon a Ford motor van fitted as e. shop for the sale of butcher's meat by the Swindon Cooperative Society is evidently attracting custom. When the vehicle is brought to e standstill the sides are dropped down as counters from which sales are made to the assembled villagers. Chopping blocks are fixed at each end.
Bus Services at Wakefield.
Various matters having arisen in connection with the working of the motorbus service inaugurated by the Yorkshire (West Riding) Electric Tramways Co., the Wakefield Watch Committee has decided to arrange for regulating bus traffic by forming passenger queues and to give facilities for the erection of posts.
E. H. W. Railings, Ltd., Allsep's Wharf, Point Pleasant, London, S.W,18, have recently issued a leaflet giving details of the class of repairing work . which they undertake. The company are equipped to.hareile as many as 20 'chicle s atone thne –endapart from ordinary mechanic:al repairs can .under-'_ take painting; trimming, upholstering
• and body renovations.
A New Warning Signal.
A neat signalling device, Which is intended particularly for use when driving by night, has been patented by Mr. E. T. John, " Bryrillys," Manor Road, Swan sea, and is illustrated on page 718.
The chief merit of this device is its simplicity. It consists of a metal casing containing a small •electric lamp bulb. The two feces are connected together and can be rotated by asmall handle, or arrangemeets can be made, if necessary, for manipulation by Bowden wire.. The centre of each face is cut in the form of an arrow, the cutting being backed by red or white glass, according to the direction. The rotating portion is held in any desired position by a spring clip, the arrow being turned by the driver In the direction inwhich. heeis about to turn.
Mr. John is desirous of getting into touch with manufacturers of accessories who would consider dealing with the device, which is so simple that the cost of production would be a matter of a few shillings only
A New Model Standard.
The Standard Motor Truck Co., of Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A., has produced e new light delivery vehicle to take 20-25-cwt. loads. As in the ease of the heavier models nradriced by the some company, it will be merle from standardized units, those being 4 Continental engine, Timken axles, BroWn-Lipe transmission, Spicer propeller shaft and universal joints, Ross steering, Eisernann magneto and Stromberg carburetter.
The engine has a bore and stroke of
3,1 ad 5 ins, respectively, and it has pump cooling-water circulation. The gearbox is built-up as a unit with the engine, the unit also embodying a multiple disc clutch, whilst the power is conveyed through a two-piece propeller shaft to the overhead-worm-driven rear axle. The tyre equipment is 33 ins, by 5 ins, cord pneumatics all reinid. The price. is $1,350 f.o.b. Detroit, which is equivalent to -approximately £295.
The Autocar Co., of Arcuriore, Pa., who make a petrol commercial vehicle which _
is 'popular' inthe States, are entering the 'electric Commercialvehicle market. Ex. perimentsare 'nose. being conducted.' with
the first electric model.
Cardiff Bus Services.
The Cardiff Corporation Finance Committee has decided to authorize an expenditure by the Tramways Committee of up to £13,000 on eight new motorbuses. The Lord Mayor, who presided, was against the application of the Tramways Committee, and suggested a re-distribution of vehicles from the losing
routes to routes that pay. The loss on motorbuses in the past 16 months, he said, amounted to £4,817. The traffic manager pointed out that two years of trade depression was partly
responsible for the loss. Costs were coming down and earnings going up on 'the services at, present. The council was bound, according to a promise given to the Parliamentary Committee, to give a bus service to outside areas, such as Llandaff and Whitchurch. One route, undertaken against his advice, had resulted in a loss of £1,500 in 18 weeks. He was optimistic regarding the 'future, and did not agree that it would be well to disturb the existing services, except to close down the unprofitable Gabalja route when the Whitchurch service was started with some of the new buses.
It is proposed to place six of the new buses on the Whitchurch service and the other two on the Penylan route
Tyre Press Prices.
Hollings and Guest, Ltd., Thimble Mill Lane, Birmingham, have decided to anticipate the forthcoming reduction in engineers' wages by reducing their prices of tyre presses immediately, and they are removing the 20 per cent. advance to which the list prices had been subject.. The company will not, derive full benefit fromthese wage reductions for some months, but their revision of prices will -undoubtedly assist to stimulate trade at once. As an instance of the reductions, the smallest hydraulic tyre press made by the company will' now be obtainable at £100 instead of £120.
Buying an Ambulance.
The Public Health Committee of the Merton and Morden Urban District, Council recently considered the advisability of purchasing a motor ambulance for the district., with a. view to a report being made to the council concerning the
relative expenditure which would be incurred in such purchase by means of a loan or out of revenue, and in respect of maintenance costs. The comparative estimates showed that if the ambulance were purchased by a loan spread over seven years at 5 per cent, per annum, the net cost for the first year would be £128, and for the following years £68. If purchased out of revenue, the cost for the first year would be £418, and for the following years £8. The committee accordingly recommended that a Ford ambulance with spare parts be purchased for £350, the cost to be borne out of revenue.
The annual Outing of London Lorries, Ltd., of Kentish Town, London, N.W., had Ryde, Isle of Wight, as its venue this year.
Harvey Frost and Co., Ltd., inform us that they are -about to introduce something which is entirely new in respect of tyre repairing, both for tubes and covers.
Mr. H. Shankland, of the Shrewsbury and Challiner Tyre Co., Ltd., who has for some years occupied the position of chairman of the Solid Tyre Committee of the S.M.M.T., has been appointed a director of this company.
Road Repair Methods.
During the last four years the West Riding County Council has devoted its energies to re-laying the road surfaces all over the county. Over £600,000 was spent on repair work last year, and it is estimated that, close on £1,000,000 will be expended during the present year as compared with £234,000 in 1915. The council realize that although macadam is a method of construction involvnig the lowest initial outlay, it is not satisfactory, for use on main roads carrying a great amount of traffic. Paving remains the most effective method of construction to meet the needs of heavy traffic on country roads' but the initial cost, which works out at. per square yard, or about £30,000 a mile for a road eight yards wide, is so high that it is ' proposed to resort to bitumen paving, which costs 13s. 4d. per square yard, or £10,000 a mile for a road of similar width.. This method will be used for reconstructing the road bebetween Leeds and Pontefract in the Met14ey district.
Coach Ban Withdrawn
As a result of opposition, the Wigton Rural Council has withdrawn its application to have motor coach traffic banned from the picturesque Solway coast road by Bowness. Local tradesmen who reap the benefit from motor coach travellers successfully protested against the council's proposal. .
The Latest Leyland Box Van.
A vehicle that was regarded as one of the most attractive and best equipped of recent Leyland deliveries was despatched from the works of Leyland Motors, Ltd., a, few days ago. The machine, which is illustrated below, was built to the order of 'Messrs. Ridge's, confectioners of Leeds. The 30 A-type Michelin-tyred chassis was fitted with a capacious box van, having a central rear entrance. Inside the body there are racks on each side of a central gangway, the racks being specially constructed to ensure the safe conveyance of 35 Cwt. of glass bottles of toffee, etc. The racks can be adjusted to suit various sizes of bottles. The vehicle is painted red with black mouldings, and the lettering gold with black bevel.
Yarmouth Licences.
In connection with an application to ply for hire in the borough, Blue Carsi Ltd., asked the Yarmouth Watch Corn.' mictee if they might he permitted to take up and set down passengers at Gorleston Station in connection with their proposed service from Lowestoft to Gorleston in conjunction with the train service.
The committee decided to grant the company a temporary licence for , two vehicles until the end of September, on the understanding that they come to a working arrangement with the tramways committee.
The committee granted char-a-banes licences to Mr. C. 3. Clarke and Mr. R. 3Michells for one vehicle each, but refused an application from Messrs. Rawkins and Yates for licences for two motor vehicles.
Bumpers for Road Vehicles.
In America practically every road. vehicle is fitted with what is called a bumper, although in this country very little use is made of such protecting devices, the general practice being to safeguard the radiator only rather than the complete width of the vehicle.
Lyon bumpers which are being sold in this country -6 Morris, Russell and Co, Ltd., 68, Great Eastern Street, London, E.C. 2, from whom full particulars of the various models produced can be obtained, are made in one of the biggest American factories devoted to the manufacture of this class of equipment. They are made in several models, and can be fitted in a variety of ways.
. A Portable Tyre Inflator.
Brown Bros., Ltd., of Great Eastern Street, London, E.G. 2, are marketing a new portable electric pump which should interest garage proprietors and certain classes of commercial vehicle users. The Deco pump, as it is called, ie a very compact machine, and is of the open type, the motor and chain drive being exposed with the exception of a guard for the latter. The pump measures 6 ins. by 4 ins.; and is of the single-piston type compressing at each end of the cylinder. At 400 tees, the pump delivers something like 2,200 cubic ins, of air per minute. A. micrometer release valve is fitted to the delivery tube, and this valve will cut, out when the peesure to which it is set is reached. The pump may, therefore, be left when engaged in inflating a tyre without fear of damage through over-pressure.
The whole pump " is exceedingly handy, and is fitted with a long lead and plug for electric circuit. Its retail price is £30 for the direct-current model, the price of the alternate-current, model being slightly higher.
Selective Case-hardening.
One of the most frequent operations in the building of a motor vehicle is case-hardening, and one of the difficul • ties is that it would be better on certain parts to localize the hardening so
• that their strength is not reduced. This particularly applies to. such 'parts as screwed threads, which, if hardened, are
liable to strip away very easily. . Various methods have been adopted to effect this localization, but they are mostly either unsatisfactory or.expensive. Messrs. Fowler, Norman and Muir,. 181, Wardour Street, London, W. 1, are now marketing a very useful material known as Loco-Sclerine. This is all anti-carbonizing compound, for which a provisional patent has been obtained. It is particularly applicable to mass-production methods, as it can be used rapidly and without expensive preparation. The material is packed in containers, and only requires drying off on a tray to the consistency of putty before being used
The .. following method has been adopted by one of the largest•engineering concerns in the Kingdom. The coinpound is well stirred and inised in the drum; the required amount is then turned out on to a tray to dry overnight, and is ready to handle in the niornuig. The operator kneads it until it is of the consistency of putty, and then it is applied like fire clay to I thickness of at least a quarter of an inch round those
parts of articles to be case-hardened which it is required to keep soft. A clay wash is applied to screw threads and recesses before the anti-carbonizer is put on, and this facilitates removal after quenching.
A camshaft for a. 30 h.p. engine would require about 1 lb. of material to localize the carbon.
Loco-Selerine is sold at £3 10s. per
cwt., or in smaller quantities. Free samples and -further particulars can be obtained from the makers.
No "Mutual" Licensing.
Brighton Watch Committee has de. linedto consider a suggestion bY the Hove Watch Committee for the mutual licensing of taxicabs in the boroughs of Brighton and Hove.
A Limit on Bus Services.
Ilfracombe Urban District Council has refused an application by the 'Hardy Garage Co., of Minehead, for licencei for motorbuses to run between Ilfracombe and Mineheacl, considering, in view of the narrowness of the roads, that there are already enough motor vehicles in Ilfracombe.
A Ministry Offer.
An advantageous proposal has been put forward by the Ministry of Transport to the Cardiff Corporation with respect to the main western route from the city—the Cowbridge Road. The Ministry wishes to know if the Cardiff Council is prepared to widen this road from Highmead to Culverhoose Cross, providing the Ministry advances half the cost. The estimated expenditure necessary is £29,260, and there is no doubt that the Cardiff. authority will gladly close with the offer.
The stretch of road in question is about one mile in length, and is of importance as a traffic route. At present it is not within the city boundary, but under the Cardiff enlargement scheme will be under the control of the Cardiff Corporation from November next. In the mean time, the work will be proceeded with by arrangement with the Glamorgan County Council,
Six-speed Gears for Fords.
Owing to an increasing demand for the Warford six-speed auxiliary trans. mission for Ford vehicles, which has permitted a 300 per cent, increase in factory production, the price of the
model transmission set has been reduced from £29 10s. to £28, and the ton truck transmoseion from £31 10s. to £28. Where the gear is liequired -for use on commercial vehicles no duty has to be paid. The oancessionnaires for the gear arc Bramco (1920), Ltd., St. Nicholas Street, Coventry.
The Doom of Dobbin.
An instructive demonstration of the value of motor trucks for haulage of road-making material was recently held near Brisbane. It was demonstrated that each lorry could deliver eight loads of sand or metal per day, equal to 24 tons, while horse lorries could only make two trips of 1* tons each, or 2' tons per day.
Herefordshire Roads.
All users of the Herefordshire roads know that these highways are in a bad state of repair. It had been proposed to carry out an improvement scheme, but this has now been abandoned. The Roads and 'Bridges Committee of the Herefordshire County Council has, at the request of the Finance Committee, offered to reduce its estimate ofthe cur, rent year's expenditure by £30,785, which will relieve the rates to., the extent of £18,785, the balance of £12,000 representing the grant which would have accrued from the Ministry of Transport.
This action, which is taken in accordance with the council's resolution at the last meeting, that a reduction of £18,000 in this year's estimate should be made, is viewed with misgiving by -members of the committee. It is contended that such a reduction will only postpone necessary work and must result in a large increase of expenditure in the future. There is no doubt that one of the best methods of economy in the making of modern highways is to ''set the work well done at the start, Patching up entails heavy maintenance costs without giving good highways.
Tyres on Parade.
An interesting analysis of the tyre equipment of the vehicles which took part in the recent C.M.U.A. parade held at Birmingham was made on the occasion of that event by the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. Out of the 367 solid tyres fitted to all vehicles, no fewer than 186 were Dunlops, giving a percentage of 50.6 per cent. Fifteen different makes of solids were represented, and the Dunlop total is claimed to be more than four times tha•t.of the nearest competitor.
New ;COnunercial Mirrors.
Although at 'the present moment it is not compulsory to fit rear-view mirrors, there is little question that for all classes of passenger and goods vehicles, and particularly the former, such fittings are eminently desirable. Two new commercial mirrors have recently been added to the " Imspecs" range, which is made_ by G. Davenport and Co., Ltd., 09-105, Clerkenwell Road, London, E.C. 1. These mirrors are of handsome appearance, although there is nothing fanciful in their design,. and they have been built expressly for commercial vehicle work.
Type 5A, which retails at 21s., has a steel rod and large plate fitting and is adjustable to any angle. This fitting consists of a steel draw-bolt on which are two half collars, one of which is serrated at its lower end. The draw bolt is carried in a large plate having serrations corresponding to those in the _bottom collar. The nurrer rod is passed through the collars and through an elongated eye in the draw bolt. The whole fitting is rigidly locked by means of a nut. This mirror is also adjustable on the rod. Type 135, which retails at, 16s., has a steel rod and plate fitting made in one piece, which provides a simple and strong method of attaching the mirror rigidly to the vehicle. Whilst the rod is fixed in this case, the mirror may he adjusted on it as in the other model. Each mirror is fitted with a east. brass frame 6 ins, in diameter and With 51 ins. convex glasses. The frames are completely waterproof and the glasses in both types can be readily replaced. The mirrors are ideal for heavyvehicle service, and users who have been reluctant to purchase such accessories on the score of expense will welcome their appearance on the market.
The directors of the Scottish Automobile and General Insurance Co., Ltd., 136-138, Hope Street, Glasgow, have declared an interim dividend in respect of the first half of the current. year at the rate of 71 per cent. per annum, less income tax, payable on August 1st.
Local Proceedings
Amersham Rural District Council has decided to purchase a motor lorry.
Merton and Alorden Urban District Council has decided to purchase a Ford motor ambulance.
Rotherham Corporation has authorized the purchase of four more one-man buses from Guy Motors, Ltd.
Cardiff Corporation Tramways Cone mittee has decided to invite tenders for the supply of motor omnibuses.
Wandsworth. Borough Council proposes to parchase a motor mowing and rolling machine at a cost of £346.
East Ham Corporation proposes the purchase of a vehicle at a cost not exceeding £850, to replace an old Austin car. • In his annual report. the Buckie •saiiitary inspector again suggests the adoption of motor traction for refuse collection.
Bexley Urban District Council is inviting quotations for a motor vehicle to carry 12 firemen and equipped with a pump.
Lichfield City Council has now "arranged terms with the Lichfield Rural Council for the joint purchase of a motor fire-engine.
The borough surveyor of North Berwick reports that motor-wa-gons will be necessary for a successful scheme to transport refuse to farmers.
Barnet Isolation Hospital Committee has decided to purchase a Ford chassis and ambulance -body at a cost of • £360 from Messrs. Perry, of Finch/es-.
Bradford Watch Committee has promised favourable consideration to a proposal from Mr. J. C. B. 'meson to establish motorbus services from tram termini to Yeadon and Wilsden.
Wandsworth Borough Council Health Committee recommended the purchase of a one-ton Ford van from Messrs. Allan, Taylor and Co. at a cost of 2295.
Hertfordshire County Council haa adopted arecommendation of its Highrays Committee for the purchase of six Loden steam wagons at a cost of £6,200.
Ossett Town Council has arranged to offer no opposition to a proposal of the . Yorkshire (WestRiding) Electric-Tramways Co., Ltd., to operate a motor omnibus service.
Rotherham Corporation Tramways Committee proposes to seek sanction from the Ministry of Transport to the establishment of bus services to Silverwood Colliery.
Yarmouth Corporation has empowered the chairman of the tramways committee and -the general manager to deal with the question of running the motorbuses in the town during the season.
Sheffield Watch Committee has granted a licence to Mr. Thomas Caggan in respect of a motorbus to .be used between Intake, Ford and Ridgeway, but refused a licence to Mr. G. E. Barlow for a vehicle desired to ply on the same route.
After discussion the Newport Corporation has referred back to a committee the recommendation in respect of bus charges for people coming into the borough by that means; the prevailing opinion was that the 'fares should be lowered.