Men in the News
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MR. R. J. STOPEORD, C.M.G., has accepted the chairmanship of Anthony floists, Ltd.
MR. A. G. H. ParrettErr has been appointed general sales manager of Chamberlain Industries, Ltd., and MR. D. S. JORDAN becomes• his deputy.
MR. R. B. SAwnEv-CooKsoN, formerly public relations officer of the British Road Federation, has become head of the Press and B.B.C. section of the public relations depaitment of the Esso Petroleum Co., Ltd.
MR. R. THORNBURROW has been appointed manager of the traffic department of the Workington -Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., in succession, to M. -T. WILLIAMS. MR. J. REID has been
appointedassistant' traffiC manager. . .
MR. G; MACKENZIE JUNNER has, for • the sixth' -time, -beenunanimously_ re-elected president of the Instittite 'of Road Transport Engineers. MR J. H. VINCENT and MR. A: H. DACK have been re-elected honoi-ary secretary and honorary treasurer respectively.
MR. F. GRAUCOB, managing director of Nu-Swift, Ltd., has replaced_ MR. A. HARLAND as chairman of the company, following • the -resignation Of_ Mr. Harland, who has accepted the position of president. MR. E. E. C. CAWOOD, M.B.E., has become technical director.
MR. E. L. TAYLOR, managing director of Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., and deputy chairman of the British Travel and Holidays Association, has joined the board of London Coastal Coaches, Ltd., and of its subsidiary, Samuelson New Transport Co.-, Ltd.
MR. G. E. BEHARRELL, retiring president of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, is replacing SIR WILLIAM Rooms as chairman of the British manufacturers' section of the Society, a position held by Sir William for six years.
MR. H. G. R. LAMBERT, general manager of the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., is to retire at the end of August after nearly 40 years' service in the industry. Before joining North Western more than six years ago, Mr. Lambert was general manager of East Midland Motor Services, Ltd. His first appointment in the industry was with the Scottish General Transport Co., Ltd., in 1914. He has also held posts with' United Automobile Services, Ltd., as traffic manager, and the old 'National Steam Car Co.; which later became the National Omnibus and Transport Co., Ltd., and then, when the Great Western Railway road services were absorbed, the Southern and Western National Omnibus Co., Ltd.
MR. W. F. CRANE, M.I.Mcch.E., chairman and managing director of Cranes (Dereham), Ltd., has just celebrated his 70th birthday and his 50th
year in business. He is familiarly known as " Pop " by his many friends in the industry.
MR. C. M. A. KUSTNER, managing director of Arnold Kustner (Pty), Ltd., of South Africa, is shortly returning home after a visit to this country, during which he met MR. J. HINDLE, of Helm Vehicles, Ltd., to discuss the possibilities of increasing sales of Helecs vehicles in the Union.
MR. H. W. DAVIES, West Midlands Divisional transport officer, National Coal Board, has been appointed to the Transport Users' Consultative Commit tee for the West Midland area. He succeeds MR. A. G. C. To.-.OLLOPE, who has resigned. MR. C. F. BERRIDGE has replaced MR. J. MENIIENOTT on the Transport Users' Consultative Cornmittee for the East Midlands area. Mr. Berridge is East Midlands divisional transport officer of the National Coal Board.
WE regret to record the death of M. B. F. BOVILL, F.I.M.1., and MR. C. E. HOLMES.
Mr. Bovill, who died on July 13 at the age of .70, was chairman of Langney Motors, Ltd., Eastbourne. After 10 years of engineering in the Midlands he started a small garage and repair business in Eastbourne in 1908. In 1919 he opened another similar business in Langney Road, in 1936 showrooms in Cornfield Road, and later a branch at Hastings. Starting with one employee, the staff grew to nearly 100. He took a prominent part in local affairs.
Mr. Holmes was a director of London Coastal Coaches, Ltd., and of Samuelson New Transport Co., Ltd. He had been a director of the London Coastal organization since its inception in 1925.
"Exports Cannot be Maintained"
SPEAKING at the golden jubilee council luncheon of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, in London, last week, Mr. H. Spurrier, president, declared: "I cannot see exports being maintained at their present high level indefinitely..
"Any falling-off in exports should be compensated by a corresponding increase in deliveries to the home market, otherwise we are faced with the unpleasant alternative of an allround curtailment of production."
He went on to say that it was not too early to take every measure possible to prevent such a setback, and one remedy at least rested with the Government. '
"The roads of Britain, as they stand, are physically incapable of handling a much larger volume of traffic, particularly at peak' orholiday periods. To divert even 50 per cent of our present export volume of cars and commercial vehicles to the home market might well choke our roadway system seriously Within a very short time," Mr. Spurrier declared.
Paying tribute to the founders of the S.M.M.T., the president said that even the leading spirit, Mr: F. R. Simms, could not have visualized the extent to which the Society and the motor industry would grow.
A direct link with the early pioneers was provided by the presence at the luncheon of Sir John Thornycroft, Sir William Letts and Mr. Frank Lanchester. A presentation was made to the retiring president, Mr. G. E. Beharrell, during the luncheon.
NO MINISTRY LNQUIRY AT BRIGHTON BRIGHTON Corporation's request to the Minister of Transport to hold a public inquiry into the passenger transport arrangements in the borough has been rejected. The Minister declared that the complaints made concerned principally the increases in fares and adjustments of fare stages, and dissatisfaction with the agreement between the corporation and the Brighton, Hove and District Omnibus Co., Ltd.
For the first time since the agreement made in 1938 came into force, Brighton, Hove and District has paid the corporation under the 721-27-1 per cent. revenue and mileage scheme. The company paid the corporation £1,331, whereas at the corresponding time last year, the corporation paid the company £3,379.
The first 11 weeks of the new financial year—from April 1 to June 14— also reveal that the corporation's revenue has been increasing. If the present trend continues, it is estimated that in the current year it will be possible to wipe out last year's deficit of £17,000 and make a profit of £4,000£5,000.
" Luxury ". Tractors for B.O.A.C.
DOWERED by a Perkins P.6 oil
engine developing '71 b.h.p. at 2,000 r.p.m., a new Mercury tractor for aircraft towing purposes has been developed for British Overseas Airways Corporation. ..After six months' experience with a prototype, BOAC. has ordered a fleet of 12, the first of which is to be delivered 'early next year.
Developed to the specification of the Corporation, the new tug has the unusual feature, for a tractor, of 0, Daimler fluid coupling and a preselective gearbox. This is particularly valuable in a tractor used for towing aircraft, because the machine can be moved away from rest without snatch, and enables the driver to change gear while the tractor and load are moving. Towing time -can. be much reduced, because the tractor -is able to start in bottom gear and changes can be made until top gear is engaged.
The tractor has an all-up weight of 14,000 lb.and 12 ft. 10 ins, long, 7 ft. 1 in. wide and 5 ft. 6 ins. high. On test it has shown an ability to pull an airliner weighing 107,000 lb. up a 1-in-12 gradient.
The tractor is equipped with V.H.F. radio equipment for communication with airport control. A vertical standardis fitted, so that the powerful swivelling lamp for illuminating the wing-tips of the aircraft being towed is within easy reach of the driver. An illuminated "Aircraft on Tow" sign is built into the front bumper shroud.
The unit is .being produced by Mercury Truck and Tractor Co., Ltd., Gloucester.
GOOD examples set by drivers of commercial vehicles during Road Safety Week at Hull, from August 2-9, will be reported by police patrols to the Chief Constable, Mr. S. Lawrence. A letter of commendation will then be sent to the driver's employer.
The Chief Constable has said that he has seen some highly , commendable driving by heavy-goods-vehicle drivers.
Drivers with good manners and consideration for road safety will be stopped and congratulatedby police patrols during the week, and there will be rewards for the most courteous motorist, _cyclist and Pedestrian. The Hull Accident Prevention Committee hopttl by this means to encourage efficient driving and if the experiment of stopping good drivers to congratulate them is a success, it will be continued.
• U.S. Technical Co-operation Administration has :allocated -$1.1th. for the development of roads in East Pakistan.
Vehicle .Passed : Mudguard Charge SUMMONSES. 'which, if • proved, , would, a solicitor.. claimed; make , many other road users guilty, were dismissed at Wolverhampton last week,. alt-bough the bench agreed that theyhad been properly brought.
Ii nest Worsley; of Turf Cottages, Penn Common,' WOlve'rhampton, pleaded not guilty to driving ,a lorry without -adequate Mudguards,' and BenjaminLegg, of Sidney Street, Wolverhampton, pleaded not guilty CO permitting the' offence. • Legg said in court that the lorry had been in use for five to six years, and had, been granted a certificate of roadworthiness after an overhaul 12 weeks ago.