Answers to Queries.
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Gas-producer Equipment for Road Vehicles.
[1332] " CONSULTING ENGINEER (Glasgow) writes :—" I shall he obliged if you can give me the name of the individual, or firm, that was carrying on experiments in France with a gas producer for automobile work. There was a block and drawing in " TIIE COMMERCIAL MOTOR" towards the end of last year, or beginning of this.
ANSWER.—The French maker about whom you enquire is the Usines de Puteaux (U.P.D.X.), 4, Rue de Paris, Puteaux (Seine). The vehicle was described in our issue of the 21st November last.
A Second-hand Foden Wanted.
[1333] " T.S.S." (York) writes :—" Can you advise me where I can get a second-hand, five-ton, steam wagon (Foden preferred) and trailer. I have taken your paper for a good while now, but have seen no suitable advertisements of second-hand wagons for sale."
ANSWER.—The fact that so few second-hand steam lorries are offering is good testimony to their appreciation by present owners. Although such lorries are occasionally offered for sale by owners, on the " Sundry advertisements" pages of this journal, not many purchasers have any desire or occasion to put them up for sale. They go on using them. An advertisement, under the head of " Wanted," might help.
Two Trailers and Bulky Loads.
[T334] " E.R.D." (Cheshire) writes :—" I have occasionally seen steam wagons hauling two trailers, and you once gave an illustration of such a ' train.' [This was in our issue of the 2nd January last, and we pointed out that the load was unusual.—En.]. A fortnight ago I went to — for a load of new cabbage hampers (1,000), which load only weighs 44tons, but, owing to the bulk of the load, they were very high, and we had to unload at bridges, etc., to get under them. I went from here to — in 5 hours, and it took us III hours to come back, owing to our having to unload, etc. So, if you could kindly inform me whether I could take the additional trailer, it would mean at least 5 hours less on the road; of course, I mean the steam wagon and two trailers."
AN5WER.—Y01.I are right in supposing that a lorry can by law only haul a single trailer. Any people who elect to do otherwise are clearly breaking the law. If you haul a second trailer, you have to run the gauntlet of all the police on the road, and we are afraid you risk trouble. In regard to the difficulty which you have experienced, we might point out that there is no legal limitation to the width of the load, which may overhang both sides of the lorry and trailer platforms. You might be able to gain something in that direction.