BOC Tankers Used in Run-off
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TNIHAT are classified as 105,000 co. ft. WY tankers were placed in the hands of the finalists for the run off at the Leeds Lorry Driver of the Year round on Sunday. The figure mentioned is the equivalent quantity of gas which is, of course, carried in liquefied form. These Albion Chieftains incorporated specialist equipment weighing about 2 tons and had a non-visible overhang of about 6 in. They were new units belonging to the British Oxygen Co. Ltd., and were finished in the company's latest maroonand-white livery.
The overall winner was J. Hudson (Express Dairy Co. Ltd.) who drove an articulated AEC in Class H. With It 1 points lost in the run off, he led A. Townend (Yorkshire Hennebique Ltd.) by only 61; earlier the latter had driven a Foden in Class F(2). Third place was filled by H. Hodgson (Leeds Chemical Cleaning Works Ltd.), who drove a Ford in Class C; his score in the run-off was 179+.
Father and Son Success
Father and son were among the placed drivers in this round, the winner in Class A being 18-year-old C. Jones (Castleford Corporation), Ford pick-up. He would have been too young to drive the runoff vehicle on the highway but neverthe
less was able to take part in this instance as operations are carried out on the private road system at the Montague Burton establishment. His father, G. Jones (Castleford Corporation), Ford tipper, came second in Class B. Jones junior. with 85 penalty points, had the lowest debit of the day.
An. additional award this year was a trophy given in memory of Cyril Jefferies, formerly Leeds area organizer of the commercial-transport section of the Transport and General Workers' Union and a regular supporter of the competition for many years before his death in 1963. The prize was allocated for the driver having the most consistent performance over the previous three years without having won a major prize, conditions that should not only encourage continued entry hut will also be a reward for the steady trier. It went to G. Jones (Castleford Corporation). already mentioned who was second in his class this year, third last year and third the year before.
There is an added incentive for care on the road route at Leeds as the Frank Cousins Trophy goes to the competitor having the best showing in this section. But as there was a multiple tie between 18 penalty free competitors, the only answer was not to make an award to an yone.
Large Class D Entry
Class D had 40 entries out of the day's total of 130. Here G. Holloway (Schweppes (Home) Ltd.), Bedford, won with. 120+ from PE Steel (SPD Ltd.), Albion, 1291. Under the large classes rule, Steel, as best driver of a boxvan in the category, qualified for the national final as well as being the class winner. The Services award at this centre went to SiSgt. P. Dalby, 521 Coy. RASC (MT), Commer, whose debit of 273 was particularly meritorious for the driver of a military vehicle.
The well-established Leeds organization moved with its customary smoothness and the results of the early classes were made public before noon.
Class A—up to Ili rt. and from 211,1 cot.: I. T. Jones (Borough of Castleford). Ford, 85 penalty nouns; 2. D. Statham (Yorkshire Cons. Newspaper Ltd.), Bedford, in61; 3, B. Glover (Joseph Lucas Ltd.). Morris, 1[6.1.
Class B-16.19 ft.: 1. A. Abbott (Ministry of Puhiie Building and Works). Kortier, 2604; 2. G. Jones (Castieford Corporation), Bedford, 2901; 3. 1. Palmer (Yorkshire Electricity Board), Morris. .799.
Class C-1942 ft.: I, H. Hodgson (Leeds Chemical Cleaning Works Ltd.). Ford, 108; 2, J. Clarkson (Wm. Moorhouse and Sons Ltd.), Bedford. 09: 3, I. Hart (Express Dairy Co. Ltd.), Commer, 1301.
Class D-22-25 ft.: 1. G. Holloway (Schweppes Ltd.). Bedford, 1201; 2. P. E. Steel (SPD Lid.). Albion, 129: 3, L. Sanderson (English Electric Co. Ltd.), Albion, 137.
Class E(I)—over 25 ft.. two axles: 1, C. Scott (Engltsh Electric Co.), Albion, 159; 2, D.. Gibbs (Brian Watt Transport), Dodge, t821.; 3, J. Midgley (Tetley Walker Ltd.), Morris, 217.
C!ass E42)—over .25 ft., more than two axles:
I, A. Lownend (Yorkshire Hennehique Ltd.). Friden, 1201; 2, S. Dobson (Yorkshire Hennebique Ltd.). Eaten. 1411; 3, G. Bishop (Petrofina (GB) ltd.). AEC, 2191.
Class F(11—.solic tractive units under 4 tons, flat or sided semi-trailer up to 38 ft.: I. J. E. Thompson (Arthur Hughes and Sons Ltd.), Bedford, 189; 2.. J. Reed (Yorkshire Imperial Metals), Seddon, 1261; 3, R. Stevenson (Yorkshire Electricity Board), Morris, 2521.
Class E(2)--artic tractive units under 4 tons, hoe or tanker semi-trailer UP to 3811.: I. A. Cooper (British Oxygen Co. Ltd.), BMC, 2264; 2, P. Grimshaw (Hanson Haulage Ltd.). Dodge, 2901; 3, E. Kemp (Tetley Walker Ltd.), Austin, 4941.
Class G—arde tractive units oser 4 tons, fiat or sided semi-trailer up to 38 It.: 1. A. Parker (English Electric Co.). Leyland, 199; 1. D. Smith, Henry Long Ltd.). AEC, 246; 3, A. Stork (Tetley Walker Ltd.), Leyland, 4101.
Cass 11—box or tanker serni-trailers with tractile units 4 tons or over I, 1. Hudson (Express Dairy Co. Ltd.). AEC, 1804; 2, B. Pickard (Petrofina (GB) I,td.). AEC, 3144; 3, P. Cartwright (Montague Burton Ltd.), Leyland. 3631.
Overall winner: J. Hudson (Express Dairy Co. Ltd.).
Team Award: Win. Moothouse and Sons Ltd. (H. Goddard, J. Clarkson. H. Walkinshaw).
Best Service DrIven SISst. Dolby (521 Coy. RASC (MT)).
Cyril kriteria Cup: G. Jones (Castleford Corporation).