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-A-DESIGN, for a -compressionrtignition engine, possessing considerable -novelty, is •shown in patent No. 611,354. by C. Chapman, Briar Cottage, Barstow, .Honey, -Surrey.• The most notable.. feature is that no injection pump is needed; the engine performs this function .itself.
Several schemes aredescribed, the one
illustrated. being .appl:cable to a fourstroke engine. The compresSion space is divided into tWo sections, one (1) at the side; forming the actual combustion region, and another (2) at the top end' of the cylinder. The piston is Provided with a nose-piece whichfills the latter space as fares mechanically practicable.
he. Iwo chambers arc connected by a narrbw passage (3) in which is located . the fuel-feeding nozzle.. The latter is operated mechanically, and. when the needle is lifted, fuel is. admitted under lOw pressure . into the conneeting , passage. .
On the corapression stroke. the air in the trpper. chamber .k trapped ewept For the narrow connect
passage. At top-deadcentre, therefore, a highvelocity blast passes through the passage and carries the fuel charge with it, 'emerging in the combustion space n,.the form o i highly atomized spray.
The fuel valve is operated directly by the inlet valve (4),
and the needle (5) opens and closes in unison with it. A quantitative control is obtained by mounting the cOupling member on an eccentri:e pin, the position of which can be varied by a ICYZT (6). The filel valve may he opened automatically by the pressure differcnee between the cylinder and fuel system.
AMOST motor repair shops now have available a supply of compressed air, and patent No. 612,763 shows a means for using it to obtain a quick. lift -when it is desired to jack up a vehicle. The patentee is H. Brooke, Coventry Motor Spares, Gulson Road, Coventry.
The lifting portion of the jack is hydraulically operated, the compressed air providing only the motive .power to move the liquid. Referring to the drawing, 1 is a three-stage telescopic ram moving in a cyL:nder, and 2 a reservoir holding sufficient liquid to extend it fully. An air-pipe (3), which also forms a convenient handle, leads to the upper region of the ,fluid reservoir via tube 4. When valve 5 is .opened, the air blows the liquid Oast a one-way valve (6) and so raises the ram. A small push-pull wire (7) controls ihe. one-way valve and enables the load to he lowered when desired. • REFUSE-COLLECTION BODY .1)DATENT No. 612,970 comes from 1 the Eagle Engineering .Co., Ltd., and R. Palmer, both of .Eagle. Works, Warwick. .It covers.nn ipprtivement in this concern's' well-known eefitse-col
lection body. . • The drawing shows the rear-end of the 'body, which is provided with two
hydraulic rams (1) one on each side. These are used to move,forward a partition (2) for shifting. the load to the front and compressing it.: The rams are housed in tunnel-shaped Casings and are connected to the connprcssion plate by piston rods (3) and yrikes (4), the latter being tronnioned to the plate at a point slightly below its centre line.
PATENT No. 612,895, 'which deals with tractor-trailer brakes operated by conipressed air, comes from the Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd.. and N. Cadman, both of 82, York Way, London, N.1. With such an arrangement, the driver's pedal usually applies the brakes of both. tractor and trailer, but when the trailer is empty, it is desirable to use only the tractor brakes, which are then sufficient to arrest. the whole outfit. The scheme disclosed permits the trailer brakes to be disconnected in these circumstances, yet their autotnatic action is retaimd in. the event of a break-away.
In the drawing, 1 is the tractor reser
voir which ispiped, via the normally open pedal valve (2), to the trailer reservoir (3). When the pedal is depressed, air is allowed lo escape from the pipeline, and a control valve (4) then applies stored pressure to the trailer brakes (5). The present invention utilizes a control cock t6) by-passed by a one-way valve (7). 'Normally, the .cock is open, that the pedal Valve can vent the pipeline and so apply all brakes, .but if the cock be closed, the trailer pipe is mit vented:and only the tractor brakes
operate. •
A SPARK4GNITION FUEL.. INJECTION ENGINE QOME interesting results a researches P...linto combustion schemes formv the basis Of patent No. 611,620, Which .comes froth the Texaco Develbpment Cbrporation, Wilmington, . Delaware, , USA. The patent describes a system employing airless fuel injection plus ignition by spark, the aim being to . &Vise an engine that will run with a 10 to I compression ratio without ,.detonation.
The'draw:ng shows a view of the top of the cylinder head, which holtses an exhaust valve of the usual type, and an inlet i;alve ( l) fitted with a shroud. The • ._
latterimparts a considerable. anticlockwise swirl to the air as it enters the cylinder. A sparking-plug,shown end-on ,at 2, has its electrodes projecting well into the combustion space, .. A screwed bore (3) receives an adaptor (4: into. which. a conventional injector fitted. The adaptor carries a flared bore (5) which' directs the fuel jet .slightly upwards and in a direction. upstream tc the air swirl.
In operation. the first part of the :injected fuel is ignited by the plug, anc thereafter,. it is stated, the flame froo: ye.mains in substantially the same• position as -the moving. air advances to race the incoming fuel.