Men in the News
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• SIR GEORGE BEHARRELL, chairman of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., returned to England last Friday from a visit to the Dunlop organization in South Africa.
MR. E. V. RALPH, national chairrnan of the Passenger Vehicle Operators' • Association, received a presentation • from members of the South Wales area, of which he is chairman, at the area's annual dinner in Cardiff, last week.
Ma. D. DEBHAM, retiring chairman of the East Midland Area of the Road Haulage Association, recently received a presentation. The new chairman is MR. F. E. GREASLEY, and the vicechairmen are MR. J. E. BERNEY, M's. G. E. CHETTLE and MR. A. W. DARav.
MR. STEPHEN PEERS has been re-elected chairman of the North Western (Western) Area Livestock Functional Group of the Road Haulage Association. MR. lvtaa A. ROBERTS continues as vice-chairman and MR. HAYDYN ROBERTS HS secretary.
MR T. H. PARKINSON, rolling-stock engineer on the motorbus side of Leeds Passenger Transport Department, has been elected chairman of the North Eastern Centre of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Automobile Division), in succession to MR. C. L. EDWARDS. The vice-chalirman is MR. L. H. CHALLIS, Ministry of Transport, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
MR. DANIEL CADE has been elected chairman of Bradford sub-area of theRoad Haulage Association, with MR.
AURICE, SMITH, vice-chairman, and MR. N. C. M ANSLEY, honorary secretary. MR. J. E. MANN has become chairman, and MR. E. HOWE, honorary secretary, of Dewsbury sub-area. CouN. B. KENDALL has been elected chairman, and MR. A. H. TAYLOR, honorary secretary, of Halifax subarea. Ma.' K. CLARK is now chairman of Keighley sub-area, and MR. GEORGE BioNNETT, honorary secretary. Ma. F. J. T. WRIGH r has been elected chairman, and Ma. J. A. M. BRIGHT, honorary secretary, of Selby sub-area.
Ma A. H. PENDREE has been appointed assistant sales manager of the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., and will be directly responsible to the sales director, MR. A. S. Bisrion. Mr. Pendree joined the company in 1929, became divisional manager for Ireland in 1934 and was appointed manager, western division, in 1937. In 1945 he became manager of the northern -division. From April 1 the existing northern sales division will be divided into north-western and north-eastern divisions. MR. F. BATTERSBY, operating' from Salford, will be manager of the north-western division, and Ma. W. E. BOWEN, from Leeds, of the north eastern.
A30 MR. HUGE] C. TETT has been appointed general sales manager of Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd. He was formerly managing director of Esso Development Co., Ltd. '
Miss A. M. WALKER, formerly managing director, of Kinders Transport (B.T.C.), Ltd., has been appointed group manager of the Midland Division (Freight) of the Road Transport Executive.
MR. W. I. IRONS, who has been appointed district manager for the South-West District, South-Eastern Division (Freight) of the Road Transport Executive, was referred to in last week's issue as Mr. W. 1. Jones.
MR. J. R. F. BRADFORD (Bradford's Sand. and Haulage (Plympton) Ltd.) has been appointed chairman of the Devon and Cornwall Area of the Road Haulage Association for the coming year, and MR. P. NOBES (Heavy Transport Co., •Ltd., St. Austell) vice-chairman.
MR. F. B. MARSH, director and Commercial manager. of ' David Brown Tractors, Ltd., who recently returned from the U.S.A.'and South America, is now visiting South Africa arid. the Middle East. The company's production for export is planned to be trebled in the next three years.
MR. A.. A. BaowN is touring Australia and' New Zealand on bejialf of Nuffield Exports, Ltd., to gain firsthand information on goods-vehicle requirements. MR. S. CANNELL is in South Africa, MR. E. GRAY in West Africa. and Ma_ W. RAsTALL is covering India, Pakistan and Ceylon. , MR. W. C. LESLIE-CARTER, M.INsr.T., has been appointed chief surveyor and architect at the headquarters of the Road Transport Executive. He has been acting surveyor and architect since July last. Formerly, he was with Carter Paterson and Co., Ltd., and became chief surveyor, architect and estate manager of the Hay's Wharf Cartage Co., Ltd., in 1946.
MR. REGINALD CLARK, K.C., formerly a judge of the High Court of Madras, has been appointed chairman of the Appeal Tribunal. His name appears on a cause list circulated by the Tribunal at the end of last week, and there is no reason to suppose that it is only a temporary appointment. On Monday, the Ministry of Transport informed "The Commercial Motor" that, so far as it was concerned, no appointment had yet been made. It is difficult to understand why, there should be such secrecy about a public appointment, particularly as Mr. Clark will preside at his first hearing on April 7.