Our Campaign
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Comforts .Fund.
Some 40 Cases of Summer Comforts to be Despatched This Week. Special Instructions To Buy a Billiard Table and 100 Sponges.
The Official Fund for the Mechanical Transport Columns and Units of the Army Service Corps.
Patroness: H.R.H. Princess Arthur of Connaught.
Ladies Committee: Mrs. S. S. Long, Mrs. Shrapnell-Smith, Mrs. R. K. Dagnaff-Wild, Mrs. H. E. Slain. Mrs. W. E. Donohue, Mrs. H. N. Foster.
Hon. Sec. and Treasurer: E. S. Shrapnelt-Smith, 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C.
PRINCIPAL SUPPORTERS TO DATE FOR 1915-1916. .£10 Monthly: Associated Equipment ; Car and General; Commercars; Crossley; Crown and Shell Spirits; Daimler ; Dennis; Dunlop ; Foden ; Four Wheel Auto Drive; Gaston, Williams and Wigmore; Hallford ; Hoyt Metal ; Thos. B. Jeffery ; Leyland ; Locomobile; Packard ; Pierce-Arrow ; Pratt's and Taxibus Spirits; Thornycroft ; Wolseley, .£5 Monthly : Alley and MacLellan; Ferodo ; Halley ; Lucas ; Macintosh ; Maudslay ; Hans Renold; St. Helens Cable and Rubber ; Scottish Commercial Cars ; Shrewsbury-Challiner; Spencer Moulton; Wood-Mime; Wolf (Solex). Lump Sums: Peerless Co., £120; President, Peerless Co., £120; Treasurer, Peerless Co., £100; Staff, Peerless Co., £85; Albion, £75; Belsize, £50; Heath Harrison, Esq., £50; Karrier, £50; J. Keele, Ltd., £50; Napier, £50. A.S.C. Central (Corps) Fund.--£1000 (five grants) ; and Wolf (Solex), Napier car.
The Fund is maintaining a •balance against purchases on the financial side. The monthly rate of income has now fallen off, in. keeping with the experience of all national and semi-national funds after the conclusion of the winter, but there is a corresponding diminution in the urgency of demands for comforts from the various fronts.
We are finding a, steady flow of special instructions, born officers and men overseas, under our " Special Purchases" scheme. Recent letters have included. instructions to us to purchase the following amongst other articles: 100 sponges ; a three-quarter size billiard table, complete with cues, balls, etc. ; tomato catsup ; Gruyere cheese ; a tent ; a freezing 'machine ; a slide rule ; a clarinet ; A.S.C. buttons and laa,dges ; a sausage machine ;. a feeler ; a matting wicket; a golf set.
The " popularity " analysis of the last 100 requisition forms from 0. C. s of columns and units shows that handkerchiefs and towels remain as high in the list as ever they did, whilst toothbrushes and tooth soap, playing cards, cricket sets and tins of sweets follow pretty closely.
• The next packing party will meet to-morrow (Friday), the 26th inst., when some 40 cases will be completed and—as to the great majority—passed to the Military Forwarding Officer at Southampton. We are not at liberty to disclose the names of the ports through which the balance of the cases will be despatched overseas.
A Few Extracts from Letters of Appreciation.
"The unceasing regularity with which your comforts arrive is the subject of much comment on the part of both officers and men."—O.C., • Advance M.T. Depot.
"I acknowledge receipt of one case of comforts. The contents appear to be extremely well chosen, and to be the very things which the men require most. Accept myawarrneat thanks on behalf of the Unit." 0.C. • Amm. Sub Park.
"I beg to thank you most sincerely, on behalf of the officers and every man of this column for the very many useful comforts you have sent us since we came out here in February, 1915, and to let you know how -much we appreciate your remembrance of us I can assure you that your good and kind work will never be forgotten by any of us."—O.C., • Canadian Div. Sup. Col. "I have very great pleasure in acknowledging receipt of another case of comforts. Through your kind offices I have now received a sufficient quantity of gloves to enable each man of this company to have
one pair." 0.C.Auxiliary M.T. Co.
" Most hearty thanks for a further case of comforts. The various articles were most keenly appreciated, and such useful and tasting gifts will be a constant reminder to us out here of the kindness of your many subscribers.Lce.-Cpl. 11111. Tel. Con. Party.
"II desire to thank you most heartily for the case of gifts. As I have stated before, the articles which you send out are very highly appreciated by all ranks. We always make it a custom to distribute the gifts on pay-day, and I am sure you will be glad to know that everyone receives something or other."0.0., • Army Troops Sup. Col.
"Thank you for your much valued present of cigarettes and tobacco. I have always found that the officers and men of this column are highly pleased by an announcement to the effect that a case of gifts from your Fund has arrived. The articles which we have received are of a most useful nature, and display the thought which is given at home for the comfort of the A.S.C., M.T.' —Q.M.S., UU Siege Battery,R. G. A.